Social Media Recruitment

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Executive summary

Current challenges and the changes in the technology and therefore the role of web
open up new opportunities for companies to communicate and work. The fact that
Social Media Sites entered the business landspace and especially the recruitment
landspace results in a requirement for knowledge about recruitment trends
regarding Social Media Sites .Knowledge was acquired by survey, conducted by
circulating questionnaire in different companies . The following research question
is answered within the thesis to what extend the use of Social Media Sites leads to
effective recruitment?

Social Media Sites result in effective recruitment a search model was established
so as to seek out relationship between the quality of Social Media Sites and
effective recruitment. The chosen qualities of web sites were information quality
popularity, networking scope, simple navigation and security / privacy. Effective
recruitment is characterized by the range of applicants the standard of applicants/
applications, the cost, the time and therefore the target group orientation

Keywords: Social Media Sites, Recruitment


We have already entered in the new world this new world with fast
changing technologies and these changes open up new opportunities for
companies to communicate and work

As a result of changing technology and due to growing importance of

internet the phenomenon of social media recruitment has occurred.

What is this social media recruitment?

Social recruiting refers to the method of recruiting candidates through

social media platforms like LinkedIn and other website, including online
forums, job boards and blogs. Social recruiting is also referred to as
social media recruiting, social hiring, and social enlisting. While
organizations have so far usually used social recruiting as the way to
reinforce additional traditional recruiting methods that changed as social
media recruiting. When done in proper way social media recruiting
allows organization to succeed in passive candidates, gather additional
referrals, target desired candidates, showcase your structure culture, and
economize. Ultimately, social media recruiting works as a result of it
inserts your organization into the orbit of wherever staff pay a substantial
quantity of their time on social media.

How does social media recruitment works?

For companies who use social media recruiting the method offers a more
– efficient and cost efficient alternative to conventional online recruiting.

The tools required to navigate the immense social media universe range
vary from rudimentary to advance. Some sites do little more than help
users discover a candidate’s contact data, email and contact number. On
the opposite side there are some platforms that have incorporated
machine and artificial intelligence to slim searches, targets messages and
generate leads.
Algorithmic-based technologies will use job descriptions to seek out
candidates on social media who meets the need, then rank them. It’s then
up to the recruiter to reach to the passive candidates.

Benefits of using social media over traditional recruiting

The technology that powers social media most notably advanced search
capabilities, filters and automatic suggestions that generate connections between
people also drives several of the key advantages of benefits of using social media
versus older achievement techniques.

First, social media allows recruiters not solely to succeed in immensely additional
people however at a similar time pinpoint professionals who have the credentials
they are seeking. The huge reach of the internet means that a strategic social media
recruitment effort will reach millions and in theory do so nearly in a flash. At a
similar time, social media tools modify recruiters to spot candidates with desired
skill explicit degrees or skills. Social media permits recruiters to unfold data
concerning job openings and also the organization so passive and active candidates
receive such messages. Traditional recruiting ways, like on-line job boards or
advertisements, most frequently have interaction solely active candidates who are
looking for that information

Second, social media permits recruiters to use others peoples namely fellow staff,
skilled connections and associations to amplify their messages through online
networking. Contrast those capabilities with traditional recruitment ways, like
cold-calling potential candidates or worker referrals, they rely on the time
consuming process of making one on one connections.

Third, social media allows these broad however targeted capabilities at a lower
value than such typical ways as job fairs and generic advertising campaigns. And
social media typically delivers these advantages additional effectively than typical
achievement ways.
Literature Review

1) Breaugh ( 2008) Recruitment is vital to organizational success. Recruitment

has become an extremely discussed topic in recent years (Breaugh, 2008).
Previous analysis has shown that recruitment selection have a significant
impact on various factors of the recruitment outcomes like diversity of
candidates. Recruitments could be a set of activites that organization
accomplishes in order to search out the correct individuals for their
vacancies, the primary mechanism to attract potential employees and could
be a process that is characterized by different steps. Starting with identifying
the recruitment objectives, developing a strategy and recruitment activites
like job advertisement , job by interviews and so forth . This process could
be a challenge for any HR department because they need to ascertain
recruitment objectives initial .
2) Pin et al (2001), has discerned the important characteristics of good e-
recruitment method .These characteristics can be adapted to recruitment by
social networking sites as a result of there is a scarcity of literature about
criteria for a good recruitment process
by social networking sites. Social networking sites area unit a comparatively
new topic
and thus the findings of the literature on e-recruitment are the basis for the
assumptions in this study.
3) Shiji Lyndon (2010) the purpose of this study to know the current trend in
SMR and target the management graduate , among working professionals
and online recruiter , to understand the various aspirations of job seekers in
social media recruitment, current trends in recruitment

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