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Exam Questions Exam Answers

1 Attack problem (Atk) element is a Part of generating ideas through brainstorming

About adopting values and a mission that supports

2 Cultural readiness is
an innovation culture

The success of business only has value If you can get away from it for a little while and
if it can run without

set parameters, set standards, set

4 To define respectful boundaries
benchmarks are used

symbols (sym) are one of the most

dynamic tools an entrepreneuer can
5 all of these
use to help build their culture.
Symbols can come in ----

6 Soft landing accelerators are newly evolving type of accelerators

7 The term mission implies Direction and Purpose

Customer Acquisition
The dimension to customer
8 Branding reinforcement
behavioural targeting are
Customer retention
When faced with uncertain or
unknown situations of members of Feel uncomfortable and cope with it through
cultures with highest uncertainty planning or elaborate technology
The economic shift between Britain
and America has parallels with events
10 America and China
happening today. A great example is
the current standoff between

The best kind of new customer is one

11 refered by an existing customer
who is

When it comes to innovation in Create valuable intellectual property with financial

business , the goal is to returns
After determining the advertising
objectives,the company next step in
13 budget
developing an advertising program is
to ----(budget)

14 Stories is startup Both a) and b)

15 MDP is Minimum Delightful Product

16 Great entreprenuers with Deo game Create resilient organizations that value expertise

If you are looking to start business

17 Finding a problem you want to solve is critical

Under sales campaign A/B testing Take two versions of a product, service, entity or
allows a company promotion and test them.

Programs are usually set around

19 ___________________ in a pay-per- All the above (Key words, Budgets,Benchmarks)
click (PPC) program

Explainer video Landing page , raise

20 MVP
fund from customer qualify as

21 SWOT analysis is Market Research Method

At the heart of attracting a strategic

22 Business Plan
investment in your company sits the

"Staying casual" and Building a Are two ways of building relationship with
partnership in the digitization era customers

A pivot while managing a startup

24 Reconfiguring business model
refers to

Advertisements and activities that help you achieve

25 Programs are a set of customer based
your marketing goals
When it comes to innovation in to create valuable intellectual property with
business , the goal is to financial returns

A prime example of transformative

entrepreneurship, game changer or
27 Steamboats
disruptive innovation in early 18th
century in US was

A marketing strategy gets broken into

28 Programs and channels
2 core pieces

Cultural balance can be created in a the effort get the hire right the first
startup by time(Complementary Skills,Willing to Disagree)

Give to Three People Each Day, make

30 Building network
a List of Your Needs, Stop Selling are
ways of

31 Customer insight is Customer is studied in depth about habits

32 Qualifier of great entrepreneur are

Sense of ----emotionally affects

33 humans upto 75% more than any other Sense of Smell

A personality,A soul, belief systems,Aspirations,

34 Like people brands have
and ambitions

A tagline usually comes from ---- of a

35 your positioning statement

When building a team MVT stands for

36 Minimum Viable team

37 MDP refferred as Minimum Delightful Product

Allows one to play around with elements till you

38 A fluid and flexible situation
can build an equation that fits you best
While crafting an equation functions
39 for startups, an entrepreneuer All the above (Employers, Employees, Customers)
Are a direct, easy-to-understand form of
40 Stories (Sto) in startups are communication
B) Are to craft a culture

41 A leader is accountable to Stakeholder

Companies across America saw huge

42 Expansion of mass-produced goods
profits through

43 Global startup economy there are Hundreds all over the world

Grants can come in two flavours. They

44 Government and Private

At the most basic level, scaling Marketing your product at scale and Designing
involves your product for scale

46 startups are especially vulnerable To less enthusiastic team mates

Local economic development

47 Non-profit in structure
incubators are

Logo offers the most impactful way to

48 visualize

Giving home hobbyists or makers the ability to

49 Digitilaization era sees create solutions to real-world problems and Create
a whole new sector of entrepreneurial opportunities

A lot of time people don't know what

50 Steve Jobs
they want until you show

Values (Val), Symbols (Sym), Balance

51 Additive culture elements
(Bal) are all
The results of Adobe’s 2012 regarding
52 Most employees are creative at workplace
creativity at the workplace show

when you sell your product or service through

53 Merchandising is
retail outlets andBoth online and offline shopping

54 Liquid Workforce is Individuals hired on a project basis

55 Resource diversification Both b and c

Mip as a innovation method element

56 Both b and c
provides for

A test trial allows for a prospective Try your company's product or service for a set
customer to duration of time

---- focus on seed-funded startups on

58 Incubators
the cusp of rapid growth

Which of the below is untrue when we

59 Instant expert
speak of a Romantic leader

The sharing economy, the era of

60 Part of the forces of change
maker, the anywhere liquid force is

Much like a family dynamic, business

61 Need a set of values
will eventually

A loyalty program of marketing Structured to encourage brand loyalty through

program element is encouraging buying behaviour

The funding clusters are group of

individuals that help fund a business at
63 various stages of its lifecycle. Funds Seed Capital
raised through friends and family

When making your team for a start up,

64 Both a and b
A perfect team will comprise of
Value you deliver to the customer by solving a
Value proposition (Vap) from the
65 specific problem they have with certain product or
solution (So) Model element is

Strategic foresight is the practice of

66 Both a and b

67 A perfectionist leader Only a and c

Growth Hacking is the program with

68 Growth
one absolute focus. That is

We now share knowledge and create

69 In a variety of environments
content collaboratively

There are many components to -----

including card sorting, tree testing, eye
70 tracking focus groups, A/B testing, Usability testing
Surveys, interviews, contextual
enquiry and heuristic evaluations
The ------ can visualize the
possibilities and translate the vision
71 Creative, designer
into wireframes for the technical

A single page on the website dedicated to a specific

72 A landing page is
promotion or deal that the company is offering

73 Sensory branding includes All of above

Before mechanization, in late 18th

74 century Britain, textiles wer made At home
Programs like Growth hacking,
partners, loyalty programs, events, PR,
75 market
word of mouth, sponsorship and PPC
are the vehicles used to

In the ecosystem for leadership

76 Human capital
mentors and universities are

a company's own products/services, other

77 Bundling can occur with company's products/services or a combination of
Expansions can be partenered with
78 diversification since a company is a all of above
scaling model will expand to

79 pop space is a mobile space

Feld covers another framework that he

80 boulder thesis
created called the

collect, measures and manages customer insights

81 customer experience insights
and feedback

Frenchises as part of solution (So)

82 Both a and b
approach elements is

83 Brand identity elements are all of the above

A loyalty program of marketing structured to encourage brand loyalty through

program elements is encouraging buying behaviour

85 Sensory branding includes All of above

Which of the below is untrue when we

86 Instant expert
speak of a Romantic leader

87 Individuals in the talent cloud are specialists with varied experience

88 Boulder thesis is defined as follows all of above

89 Brand identity elements are all of the above

90 elements of a great idea are all of the above

before building a business the
foundation has to be laid, this can be
91 both a and b
best done through an equation function
that following primary functions

92 The performer leader loves the spotlight

Way of thinking that "assumes firms can and

The term open innovation was
93 shoud use external ideas, and internal and external
promoted as
to markets

Some are forced to become

94 necessity
entrepreneurs, reason being

95 customer experience personas are ideal customers

The phase-I original industrial

96 1750-1870
revolution was between

97 Opportunity is the transition from an idea to a viable business

the funding clusters are groups of

individuals that help fund the business
98 at various stages of its lifecycle. Funds seed capital
raised through friends and family
------- are the high networth
individuals who invest their own
99 Angels
money at early stages of a start-ups

Much like a family dynamic, business

100 Need a set of values
will eventually

Before mechanization, in late 18th

101 century Britain, textiles wer made At home

helps increase the productivity and growth of an

102 Healthy core culture

--------- speaks to the totality of the

103 brand identity
---- focus on seed-funded startups on
104 Incubators
the cusp of rapid growth

which of the characteristic holds true

105 both a and b
for entrepreneur

In the ecosystem for leadership

106 Human capital
mentors and universities are

107 Which of the statements below is true As you grow and change, so will your business

Idea and how you connect the need, the

108 What makes and idea unique opportunity and eventually the execution will make
your version unique
The ------ can visualize the
possibilities and translate the vision
109 Creative, designer
into wireframes for the technical

Feld covers another framework that he

110 boulder thesis
created called the

Expansions can be partenered with

111 diversification since a company is a all of above
scaling model will expand to

solution channels from the solution

112 most cost efficient ways to reach out to customers
(so) model elements is

The solution (So) function of the

113 foundation equation have the Business model and the core element
following elements
Chapter MCOS
Chapter 1

1. Which of the following are likely to become entrepreneurs in recent future?

(a) Women
(b) Millennials
(c) Retired people
(d) All of the above

2. Which of the following reasons is not a reason why one becomes an entrepreneur?
(a) Necessity
(b) Circumstances
(c) Passion
(d) Investment sake

3. Which of the following economies rose as the biggest colonial power during the industrial era?
(a) Germany
(b) France
(c) Britain
(d) USA

4. Which of the following industries shifted to factories during the industrial revolution?
(a) Food processing
(b) Housing materials
(c) Textiles
(d) None of the above

5. Which of the following inventions made it easy for the mass-production system to become cross
(a) Steam engine
(b) Steamboat
(c) Rubber tyres
(d) Diesel engine

6. Which of the following was USA’s average GDP growth for over a century that propelled it to beat
Britain and become the greatest economic superpower?
(a) 4.1%
(b) 7.7%
(c) 3.9%
(d) 2.5%

7. Which of the following is not a feature of the post-industrial society?

(a) Transition from production of goods to provision of services
(b) Knowledge becomes a form of capital
(c) Producing ideas is the main way to grow the economy
(d) The rise of blue collar workers
8. Which of the following is the most important characteristic feature of the new industrial
(a) Change of focus from industrial to digital
(b) New factories are being opened all over the world
(c) Economic superpowers are engaging in creates neo-colonies
(d) None of the above

9. Which of the following is an example of distributed capitalism?

(a) Walmart purchasing Flipkart and foraying into online sales and countering the monopoly of Amazon
in India
(b) Lots of small companies working on new and innovative sources of renewable energies and
countering the use and growth of corporations dealing in fossil fuel
(c) Bharat Matrimony launching hundreds of microsites to focus exclusively on users’ search criteria
and helping them find partners for marriage more easily
(d) All of the above

10. Which of the following economies is not among the most rapidly growing nations?
(a) Brazil
(b) India
(c) New Zealand
(d) Russia

Edu Genie 1
1. Which of the characteristics below holds true for an entrepreneur
A) Ability to take calculated risks
B) Take a path where others will not tread
C) Prefer to follow a template
D) Both a) and b)

2. Some are forced to become entrepreneurs. Reason being

A) Necessity
B) Passion
C) Both a) and b)
D) Because everyone else is doing

3. GEM found that over a three-and-a-half-year period, 126 million women started or ran businesses and
98 million operated established businesses. GEM is
A) Global Enterprise Meter
B) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
C) Global economic Monitor
D) Gleneagles Entrepreneurship Monitor

4. The phase 1 - original industrial revolution was between

A) 1750-1870
B) 1700-1750
C) 1800-1850
D) 1000-1500
5. Before mechanization, in late-eighteenth century Britain, textiles were made primarily
A) At common market place
B) At home
C) At common community place in villages
D) None of the above

6. “A lot of times people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” These words were
famously said by
A) Bill gates
B) Elon Musk
C) Steve jobs
D) Indira Nooyi

7. A prime example of transformative entrepreneurship, game changer or disruptive innovation in early

18th century in US was
A) Steamboats
B) Carts
C) Wagons
D) Barges

8. Companies across America saw huge profits through

A) Expansion of mass-produced goods
B) Agriculture
C) Lower wage levels
D) Inappropriate working conditions

9. The economic shift between Britain and America has parallels with events happening today. A great
example is the current standoff between
A) US and Russia
B) China and America
C) China and India
D) America and japan

10. The emergence of the post-industrial society during the second half of the twentieth century
accelerated the move to an interconnected economic landscape, including ________________
A) Industrialisation
B) Liberalization
C) Globalization and increased automation
D) None of the above

Chapter 2

1. Which of the following emerging startup economies is also known as the Silicon Lagoon?
(a) Montreal
(b) Lagos
(c) Cairo
(d) Auckland
2. Which of the following is not a major component of a startup ecosystem?
(a) Universities
(b) Mentors
(c) Cheap labour
(d) Service providers

3. Which of the following is not among the salient tenets of the Boulder thesis?
(a) Entrepreneurs must lead the startup community
(b) Leaders must have short-term commitment
(c) The startup community can be inclusive of anyone who wants to be a part of it
(d) None of the above

4. Which of the following is an outcome of growing a startup community?

(a) Investors buy startups and make them part of large corporations
(b) There are more jobs and more scope for service providers in the area
(c) Government sets up special economic zones in such areas
(d) None of the above
5. Which of the following startups would not focus on local resources?
(a) ITeS
(b) Grocery Packaging
(c) Food Delivery
(d) All of the above

6. Which of the following is not a component of the startup ecosystem?

(a) Universities
(b) Large companies
(c) Funding
(d) Intellect

7. Which of the following is a component of the startup ecosystem?

(a) Founders
(b) First movers
(c) Events
(d) None of the above

8. Which of the following is a sub-component of policy?

(a) Research institutes
(b) Financial support
(c) Venture-friendly legislation
(d) All of the above

9. Which of the following is a sub-component of the human capital?

(a) Serial entrepreneurs
(b) Degree holders
(c) Illiterates
(d) None of the above
10. Which of the following is among the most wired smart cities in the world?
(a) London
(b) Barcelona
(c) Paris
(d) San Francisco

Edu Genie 2
1 Feld covers another framework that he created called the
A) Boulder thesis
B) Feld thesis
C) Start-up study
D) New Economy thesis

2 The Boulder Thesis is defined as follows:

A) Entrepreneurs must lead the start-up community.
B) The leaders must have a long-term commitment.
C) The start-up community must be inclusive of anyone who wants to participate in it.
D) All of the above

3 Major categories to support the eco-system of an entrepreneur are

A) Policy
B) Intersections
C) Human capital
D) All of the above

4 In an ecosystem for leadership mentors and universities are

A) Markets
B) Finance
C) Human capital
D) Policy

5 Local and state governments facilitate in _______________ for entrepreneurs

A) Finance
B) Mentors
C) Policy making
D) Market

6 An entrepreneur has to be supported by at least seven components such as finance, market, policy,
mentors, markets, intersections and support for it to be a success
A) True
B) False
C) Not relevant
D) Maybe
7 Start-ups show larger companies, who might have thought of leaving or relocating somewhere else,
A) A new era of prosperity
B) potential acquisitions
C) Partnerships and pools of talent to draw from that never would have existed without a
start-up ecosystem
D) All of the above
8 There are many people in the community who are ______________to help your start-up be successful
because it is in their interest and motivation to see that community thrive.
A) Connectors
B) Catalysts
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above

9 With many great places to start a business, it depends

A) On you and what you need in a start-up community
B) Completely on the market
C) On technology only
D) None of the above

10 The Global Start-up Economy, there are

A) Few all over the world
B) Hundreds all over the world
C) Only in certain geographic areas of the world
D) None of the above

Chapter 3

1. Which of the following is not an opportunity that an entrepreneur can take advantage of by using the
concept of gamification?
(a) Utilizing mobile apps to gauge user behavior
(b) Utilizing basic concepts to enhance customer loyalty
(c) Utilizing the 1000 fans concept to usher in new customers
(d) None of the above

2. Which of the following businesses have seen democratization due to digitization?

(a) Music
(b) Publishing
(c) Communications
(d) All of the above

3. Which of the following is not an advantage of coworking?

(a) It becomes a creatively restless community
(b) All resources are shared thereby reducing costs
(c) It gives a unique work environment that fosters the concept of startups
(d) It helps to poach eligible candidates from similar firms

4. The independent workforce does not exhibit which of the following attributes?
(a) They prefer to work with the same organization for years
(b) They are ready to transform themselves as and when required
(c) They are more open to collaborating
(d) None of the above
5. Which of the following has been fallout of the era of digital manufacturing?
(a) CNC machines
(b) 3D printers
(c) CTP printing presses
(d) All of the above

6. Which of the following is not an advantage of the small batch business in startups?
(a) Using 3D technologies to create prototypes quickly
(b) Leveraging digital manufacturing supply chains to scale rapidly
(c) Create economies of scale in small number of products
(d) None of the above

7. According to Owyang, which of the following captures the essence of the new industrial revolution?
(a) Fund, build, share
(b) Ideate, build, share
(c) Fund, ideate, share
(d) Ideate, conceptualise, share

8. Which of the following is not among the drivers of the maker map?
(a) Citizen R&D
(b) Network economies
(c) Personal design & fabrication
(d) Lightweight manufacturing

9. Which of the following is among the primary business models mentioned by Owyang for startups?
(a) Responding to the trend
(b) Marketplace model
(c) Providing a platform
(d) All of the above

10. Which of the following is a consideration before an entrepreneur embraces the six forces?
(a) Is there a need to position differently in the market?
(b) Which of the six forces has the most potential for your startup?
(c) How can you innovate to take full advantage of the driving forces of technological and social change?
(d) All of the above

Edu Genie 3
1 The sharing economy, the era of maker, the anywhere liquid force is _________________
A) Inter mitten economy
B) Part of the Forces of change
C) Characteristics of a developing economy
D) None of the above

2 ___________________________ all contribute to ever more rapid change

A) Globalization, technology, and economic influences
B) Globalization, industrialisation
C) Agriculture and in-ward looking economic influences
D) Socialist economic influences
3 Liquid workforce is
A) Freelance workers
B) Individuals hired on a project basis
C) An employee but working remotely
D) Both a) and b)

4 Individuals in the talent cloud are

A) Can be hired as per the need and requirement
B) Specialist
C) Specialists with varied experience
D) All of the above

5 In a new work order today, workforce is moving from

A) Plough to assembly line
B) Cubicle to coffeeshop
C) Cubicle to coworking space
D) Only b) and c)

6 One phenomenon that is posing a threat or causing disruption to ongoing business models that have existed
for decades is
A) Digitalisation
B) Labour intensive industry
C) Small workforce
D) Specialization

7 The digitization era sees

A) Giving home hobbyists or makers the ability to create solutions to real-world problems
B) Create a whole new sector of entrepreneurial opportunities
C) Both a) and b)
D) Lack of professionalism and creative solution

8 Which of the statements below is true

A) In the future, we see connected networks of Maker Nets that accelerate local production
on a global, connected scale to power the new industrial revolution.
B) Future is stated to belong to the age of digitalization and artificial intelligence
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above

9 Coinciding with the physical nature of Maker Nets and digital manufacturing, people are more focused on
Small batch that signifies
A) Big Volumes
B) Small volume, valuable production and high quality
C) High quality, large volumes
D) Low quality, low volumes

10 The idea of “collaborative consumption” Is

A) Shared economy
B) Small batch business
C) Large business
D) Shift towards consumptions group only
Chapter 4
1. Which of the following is not an element of growing equation functions?
(a) Funding
(b) Marketing
(c) X-factors
(d) Idea

2. Which of the following amplifies the other elements in growing equation functions?
(a) X-factors
(b) Funding
(c) Marketing
(d) Sales

3. Which of the following are foundation equation functions?

(a) Entrepreneur, Idea, Solution
(b) Entrepreneur, Marketing, Solution
(c) Idea, Solution, Sales
(d) None of the above

4. Which of the following are elements for crafting an amazing experience?

(a) Customer experience, culture, marketing
(b) Customer experience, Team, Brand
(c) Team, brand, sales
(d) Brand, culture, idea

5. Which of the following is not a part of the startup equation?

(a) Building the foundation
(b) Crafting the experience
(c) Growing the dream
(d) Making it big

6. Which of the following is an element of growing equation functions?

(a) Funding
(b) Marketing
(c) X-factors
(d) All of the above

7. Which of the following is a growing equation functions?

(a) X-factors
(b) Culture
(c) Idea
(d) None of the above

8. Which of the following is a foundational equation function?

(a) Team
(b) Brand
(c) Solution
(d) All of the above
9. Which of the following is a component of growing the dream?
(a) Brand
(b) Scaling
(c) Customer experience
(d) Idea
10. Which of the following functions is team categorized in?
(a) Building the foundation
(b) Crafting the equation
(c) Growing the dream
(d) None of the above
Edu Genie 4
1 There are specific _____________ that every business will have in them.
A) Modules
B) Elements
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above
2 Which of the statements below is true
A) As you grow and change, so will your business
B) The business remains static at all times
C) The business changes only at regular well-defined intervals
D) There are no equations with adaptable structure that will fit your business
through the ups and down
3 Before building a business, the foundation has to be laid, this can be done best through an equation
function that has the following primary functions
A) Entrepreneur
B) Idea, solution
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above
4 The Solution (So) function of the foundation equation have the following elements
A) Business model and the approach element
B) Business model and the core element
C) Generation and core element
D) Business model and generation
5 Which of the statements stated below is true
A) Crafting the equation has no equation at all
B) Crafting the equation has four primary equations
C) There are only a couple of elements to the crafting equation
D) Only one element in various degrees make an interesting equation
6 Crafting the equation function applies to
A) Employers
B) Employees
C) Customers
D) All of the above
7 The factor that power the entire equation in the dream phase is
A) The “X” factors
B) The scaling
C) Market
D) Sales

8 Which of the following factors do not contribute to the growing equations functions
A) Scaling
B) Innovation
C) Customer experiences, employee experiences
D) Marketing

9 The success of a business only has value if it can

A) Run on its own for a while without you as a founder at the helm
B) Innovate once in a while
C) Ensure employee satisfaction
D) Work place harmony

10 A fluid and flexible equation

A) Allows one to play around with elements till you can build an equation that
fits you best
B) Does not help a successful business model
C) Helps only a certain aspect of running a business
D) None of the above

Chapter 5
1. Which of the following is not personality type element of entrepreneurs?
(a) Performer
(b) Mediator
(c) Paratrooper
(d) Boss

2. Which of the following is a personality type element of entrepreneurs?

(a) Epicure
(b) Industrious
(c) Go-getter
(d) None of the above

3. Which of the following is not an approach element of entrepreneurs?

(a) Essentialist
(b) Expert
(c) Builder
(d) Mediator

4. Which of the following is an approach element of entrepreneurs?

(a) Arbitrator
(b) Artist
(c) Omniscient
(d) None of the above
5. Which of the following is not among the characteristic traits exhibited by entrepreneurs?
(a) They were supersmart in school
(b) They have industry experience under their belt
(c) They are not married
(d) They are motivated to build a company

6. Which of the following is a trait of finding the leader within?

(a) Having a clear vision
(b) Making the commitment and seeing it through
(c) Enabling to get tasks done
(d) Freeing employees from accountability to ensure speedy work

7. Why is accountability a key factor for good leadership?

(a) Where there is no accountability, people do whatever is right in their own eyes
(b) Where there is no accountability, entrepreneurs work only to generate more wealth
(c) Where there is no accountability, leaders are more susceptible to indulge in immoral
practices to generate more revenue
(d) None of the above

8. Why is it necessary for entrepreneurs to have a clear and shared vision?

(a) Where there is no vision, people do not know where they are heading
(b) Where there is no vision, people go off in different directions
(c) Where there is no vision, people cannot achieve great goals
(d) None of the above

9. Which of the following is an entrepreneur personality type element?

(a) The mediator
(b) The builder
(c) The artist
(d) The expert

10. Which of the following is an entrepreneur approach element?

(a) The performer
(b) The essentialist
(c) The mediator
(d) The romantic

Edu Genie 5
1 A perfectionist leader
A) Hates time lines and schedules
B) Feels pride in being needed
C) Leads by example
D) Only a) and c)

2 The performer leader

A) Great critical power
B) Leads by example
C) Loves the spotlight
D) Craves freedom
3 Which of the below is untrue when we speak of a Romantic leader
A) Craves freedom
B) Competitive
C) Wants creativity
D) The instant expert

4 The essentialist entrepreneurs are essentially

A) Need based entrepreneurs where the key is necessity
B) May need extra income for household
C) Looks at the larger interest of the society
D) Both a) and b)

5 The programmers, lawyers, architects and other experts in their field who decide to become entrepreneurs
can be classified as
A) The expert
B) The artist
C) The essentialist
D) The franchisee

6 The born entrepreneurs are

A) The artists
B) The builders
C) The franchisee
D) The essentialist

7 As per the Duke university study the demographic and psychographic factors great entrepreneurs share
A) Not smart at all in high school
B) Do not have any experience
C) Not a family person with no children
D) Motivated to build a company and create wealth

8 Great entrepreneurs exude

A) Having a clear, Shared Vision
B) Making the commitment to See it through
C) Enabling to Get the task done
D) All of the above

9 The leader is accountable to

A) No-one
B) Only to herself or himself
C) Stakeholders
D) Market

10 Entrepreneur type that is all about social good with a desire to make a positive change for those around
them are
A) Romantic personality type + The lifestyler
B) The Epicure (Epi) (Personality Type) + The Do Gooder (Dgd) (Approach)
C) The Observer (Obs) (Personality Type) + The Builder (Bld) (Approach)
D) The Romantic (Rom) (Personality Type) + The Romantic (Rom) (Personality Type)
Chapter 6
1. In order for an idea to have longevity, which of the following qualities should an idea have?
(a) Complexity
(b) Ease of execution
(c) Rarity
(d) Opportunity

2. Which of the following is a core element of any idea?

(a) Mission
(b) Direction
(c) Focus
(d) None of the above

3. Which of the following is not a core element of idea generation?

(a) Intersections
(b) Attribution
(c) Collaboration
(d) Research

4. Which of the following is one of the basic elements of idea generation?

(a) Brainstorming
(b) Paintings
(c) Problem statement
(d) None of the above

5. Which of the following is not a reason why ideas are often not executed?
(a) Others do it
(b) Fear of the unknown
(c) Inability to execute
(d) Procrastination

6. Which of the following is not a question an entrepreneur should ask oneself to know where
to start?
(a) One’s personal frustrations as a customer
(b) What should companies be making or selling that they have not done yet
(c) What has one experienced as a consumer in this industry
(d) One’s personal beliefs

7. One may brainstorm as:

(a) An individual
(b) A group
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

8. Which of the following behaviours is not known to be collaboration productive?

(a) Respect
(b) Excitement
(c) Appreciation
(d) Attachment
9. Which of the following is a core idea element?
(a) Focus
(b) Collaboration
(c) Brainstorming
(d) None of the above

10. Which of the following is an idea generation element?

(a) Vision
(b) Need
(c) Research
(d) Opportunity

Edu Genie 6
1 how can a simple idea be described
A) An idea that solves a problem
B) An idea that can easily be explained by a child
C) An idea with lots of variables
D) An idea in use

2 Elements of a great idea are

A) Need and opportunity
B) Uniqueness
C) Simplicity and vision
D) All of the above

3 Opportunity is
A) The transition from an idea to a viable business
B) The idea itself
C) The target audience
D) None of the above

4 What makes an idea unique

A) Just one of a kind idea
B) Idea and how you connect the need, the opportunity and eventually the execution will
make your version unique
C) The simplicity of an idea
D) The usage of the idea

5 Vision is
A) One part foresight and one part showmanship
B) A grand plan to inspire those who wish to embark on this journey with you
C) keeps everyone grounded but focused on the bigger goal of building a business
D) All of the above

6 No great idea is without vision but it must have ______________ in order for people to take action and
carry out your vision.
A) Focus
B) Essence
C) Calibre
D) None of the above
7 If you are looking to start a business, then
A) An idea will suffice
B) A target audience will suffice
C) Finding a problem you want to solve is critical
D) A market will suffice

8 Attack Problem (Atk) element is a

A) Part of generating ideas through brainstorming
B) Solving day to day problems
C) Solving the mundane problems
D) All of the above

9 Sketching serves as an excellent tool for

A) Exploring business models, developing financial reports
B) Refining product design
C) Redefining teams
D) All of the above

10 Collaboration needs to be fed with large doses of

A) Focus
B) Excitement
C) Appreciation
D) Tolerance

Chapter 7
1. Which of the following is not among the solution model elements?
(a) Value proposition
(b) Customer segmentation
(c) Competitive advantage
(d) Bargaining power

2. Which of the following is not a solution approach element?

(a) Fixed space
(b) Physical product
(c) Newspaper advertisement
(d) Online presence

3. Which of the following is not a lean startup key principle?

(a) Founders summarise their solution in a framework called a business model canvas
(b) Founders use the customer development approach to test their solution
(c) Founders practice agile development to build their solution and use it in conjunction
with the customer development approach to test the MVP
(d) Founders make use of sketching to figure out a viable solution to a business problem

4. Which of the following is not one of the four connected groups in a BASE board?
(a) Envisioning
(b) Sales
(c) Assessing opportunity
(d) Evolving strategy
5. Which of the following represents the elements of SWOT analysis?
(a) Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
(b) Strengths, weaknesses, options, threats
(c) Strengths, weakness, opportunities, tallies
(d) None of the above

6. Which of the following is not an element of evolving strategy?

(a) Company goals
(b) Value proposition
(c) Competitive advantage
(d) Marketing, sales, and go-to-market strategy

7. Which of the following is a BASE model scenario?

(a) Freemium/Subscription
(b) Annual payments
(c) Individual consumption
(d) None of the above

8. Which of the following is not a component of a simple financial model?

(a) Cash
(b) Expenses
(c) Revenue
(d) Profits

9. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of a minimum viable product?

(a) It has enough value that people are willing to use it or buy it initially
(b) It demonstrates enough future benefit to retain early adopters
(c) It provides a feedback loop to guide future development
(d) All of the above

10. Which of the following is not a step in the customer development model?
(a) Customer discovery
(b) Customer classification
(c) Customer creation
(d) Company building

Edu Genie 7
1 Value Proposition (Vap) from the Solution (So) Model Elements is
A) Value of the product
B) Value you deliver to the customer by solving a specific problem they have with a certain
product or service.
C) Value of the technology
D) Value of the employees

2 Solution channels from the Solution (So) Model Elements is

A) Most cost- efficient ways to reach out to customers
B) Solutions to problems being faced by customers
C) Research for target audience
D) Research to identify a market
3 Pop-up space is a
A) Mobile space
B) Permanent space provided in a store
C) Permanent store
D) None of the above

4 Franchises as part of the Solution (So) Approach Elements is

A) Part of your strategy to expand business
B) An existing business privilege that you purchase
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above

5 Founders summarize their solution in a framework called a Business Model Canvas are characteristics of a
A) Established business
B) Lean start up
D) None of the above

6 Lean start up prefers

A) Experimentation over fancy planning
B) Actual customer feedback over internal opinion
C) Intuition and iterative design over the traditional
D) All of the above

7 The term mission implies

A) Direction
B) Purpose
C) Goal
D) Both a) and b)

8 Explainer Video, landing page, raise fund from customers qualify as

B) Finance model
C) Marketing model
D) Customer service model

9 A pivot is
A) A revenue model
B) A business model
C) Reconfiguring business model
D) An idea

10 Product pivot, Customer pivot, technology pivot are

A) Certain pivot points
B) Are points where reconfiguring of business model can be done
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above
Chapter 8
1. Which of the following is not among the core culture elements?
(a) Values
(b) Balance
(c) Symbols
(d) Core Competence

2. Which of the following is an additive culture element?

(a) Creativity
(b) Stories
(c) Perks
(d) None of the above

3. Which of the following has been suggested as qualities to look for while hiring in order to create the right
cultural balance?
(a) Complementary skills
(b) Willing to disagree
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

4. Which of the following is not a way to identify potential candidates by using gut feeling?
(a) Taking psychometric tests
(b) Inviting others to the hiring process
(c) Testing the candidates
(d) Measuring on passion and potential

5. Which of the following is not a way to set respectful boundaries?

(a) Setting parameters
(b) Setting goals
(c) Setting standards
(d) Setting benchmarks

6. Which of the following is the reason why companies use spaces?

(a) To inspire collaborative and social work
(b) To add to the rigour required for startups to make it big
(c) To induce better working conditions and therefore better productivity
(d) None of the above

7. Which of the following is a factor in the coworking checklist?

(a) Hours of business
(b) Facilities
(c) Comfortable seating
(d) All of the above

8. Which of the following is not a factor in the makerspace checklist?

(a) Privacy
(b) Competitive advantage
(c) Surroundings
(d) Culture perks
9. Which of the following is a core culture element?
(a) Stories
(b) Perks
(c) Spaces
(d) None of the above

10. Which of the following is an additive culture element?

(a) Symbols
(b) Technology
(c) Balance
(d) Values

Edu Genie 8
1 Much like a family dynamic, business will eventually
A) Need a set of values
B) Disintegrate
C) Face problems between employees
D) None of the above

2 We now share knowledge and create content collaboratively

A) Only in a strict formal surrounding
B) Only in an office environment
C) In a variety of environments
D) Only with colleagues we trust

3 Healthy core culture

A) Helps increase the productivity and growth of an organization
B) Is of no help
C) Helps only the employers
D) Helps only the employees

4 Values (Val), Symbols (Sym), Balance (Bal) are all

A) Additive culture elements
B) Core culture elements
C) Peripheral culture elements
D) Personal culture elements

5 Perks are
A) Personal creative benefits to motivate employees
B) Benefits to spark creativity in the workplace and help the organization move forward
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above

6 Symbols (Sym) are one of the most dynamic tools an entrepreneur can use to help build their culture.
Symbols can come in
A) Many shapes and forms
B) Logos
C) Phrases
D) All of the above
7 Stories (Sto) in star ups
A) Are a direct, easy-to-understand form of communication
B) Are to craft a culture
C) Are only for leisurely read
D) Both a) and b)

8 Cultural balance can be created in a start -up by

A) Hiring individuals with complimentary skills
B) Hiring individuals willing to disagree
C) Both a) and b)
D) Only following a specific rule set always

9 Set Parameters, Set Standards, Set Benchmarks are used

A) To define respectful boundaries
B) To Scare the employees
C) For customers
D) Other third- party business partners

10 The results of Adobe’s 2012 regarding creativity at the workplace show

A) Most employees are creative at workplace
B) Only one in four employees believe they live up to their own creative potential
C) The remaining 75 percent said they face growing pressure to be productive, but not
creative, at work
D) Only b) and c)

Chapter 9
1. Which of the following is not among the core team elements?
(a) The marketer
(b) The entrepreneur
(c) The domain expert
(d) The designer

2. Which of the following is not among the extended team elements?

(a) The mentor
(b) The advisory board
(c) The board of directors
(d) The corporate council

3. Which of the following is a component of the core team element?

(a) The hacker
(b) The mentor
(c) The advisory board
(d) Board of directors

4. Which of the following is a component of the extended team element?

(a) The marketer
(b) The hustler
(c) The mentor
(d) The business developer
5. Which of the following is not a question that would help you set the right expectations of
your co-founder?
(a) Who are you?
(b) What are you best at?
(c) Founder’s FAQ
(d) What is your business model?

6. Which of the following is not among the founder’s frequently asked questions?
(a) Can you live without a paycheck for upto a year?
(b) How much of your own money are you willing to invest as a co-founder?
(c) If you had a great idea and co-founder, how soon could you quit your job?
(d) What is the guarantee that you will stick to this startup and not move on to a more
lucrative one?

7. Which of the following is a consideration while designing your minimum viable team?
(a) The initial size of the team
(b) The type of team members
(c) Decision on solo or co-founder structure
(d) All of the above

8. Which of the following is not an essential quality of a great startup team?

(a) They live upto their founder’s expectations
(b) They have a noble cause
(c) They drive engagement
(d) Their performance is driven by team

9. Which of the following is not among the five dysfunctions?

(a) Absence of trust
(b) Fear of coalition
(c) Lack of commitment
(d) Avoidance of accountability

10. Which of the following is not a category of directors in startups?

(a) Insider director
(b) Independent director
(c) Dependent director
(d) Angel director

Edu Genie 9
1 When making your team for a start-up. A perfect team will comprise of
A) Marketer, technical engineer, domain expert
B) Developer, Designer, domain expert
C) Developer, Designer, business developer
D) Both a) and c)

2 The _________________ can visualize the possibilities and translate the vision into wireframes for the
Technical Engineer
A) Creative, designer
B) Domain expert
C) Developer
D) Business developer
3 The ________________ brings to the table experience and knowledge of your industry that another
founders lack
A) Business developer
B) Designer
C) Developer
D) Domain expert

4 ____________________ are the powerful allies that are there for you and provide advice, perspective and
guidance that transform you.
A) Advisors
B) Lawyers
C) Mentors
D) Friends

5 CEO reports to ____________________ who provide fiduciary oversight and guidance to protect the
shareholders’ assets and ensure that they receive a decent return on their investment.
A) Only Chairman
B) Board of directors
C) Mentors
D) Advisors

6 Which of the statement below is true

A) A start-up can have only 1 founder
B) A start-up can have multiple co-founders
C) Not more than 2 founders for a start-up is possible
D) None of the above

7 When building a team, MVT stands for

A) Minimum Viable Team
B) Minimum Volume
C) Maximum Viable Team
D) None of the above

8 Give to Three People Each Day, make a List of Your Needs, Stop Selling are ways of
A) Building network
B) Staying away from people
C) Recruiting
D) Co-ordinating

9 Great teams always have a noble cause, Effective teams drive engagement, Great teams simplify
A) Are qualities of a great start-up team
B) Are qualities of a team working for NGO
C) Dream of an established corporate
D) None of the above

10 What kind of advisors fit the bill for a start-up

A) Lawyer
B) Accountant
C) Technical experts
D) All of the above
Chapter 10
1. Which of the following is not a customer experience program element?
(a) Customer experience persona
(b) Customer journey map
(c) Minimum viable product
(d) Customer experience management

2. Which of the following is not a customer experience testing element?

(a) Benchmarking
(b) Usability testing
(c) Behavioral targeting
(d) Customer experience insights

3. Which of the following is not among the six disciplines of great customer experiences?
(a) Administration
(b) Governance
(c) Measurement
(d) Culture

4. Which of the following questions would let you find out who your ideal customer is?
(a) What do they want?
(b) What are the steps they take to engage with my product?
(c) What happens after they buy?
(d) All of the above

5. Which of the following is a persona investigative technique?

(a) Projective technique
(b) Contextual Inquiry
(c) Focus Group
(d) None of the above

6. Which of the following should be included while working on the minimum delightful
(a) Whole product approach
(b) Elegant design
(c) Great quality
(d) All of the above

7. Which of the following is an advantage of prototyping?

(a) Reduced time and costs
(b) Improved and increased user involvement
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

8. While building a partnership with your customers, which of the following would turn out
to be a building block?
(a) Ideate new products
(b) Solve real problems
(c) Be transparent
(d) Run Beta tests
9. Which of the following is not useful while designing the testing of customer experience?
(a) Know what matters to your customers
(b) Keep the promises you make
(c) Spot potential problems and fix them
(d) Communicate only when things go wrong

10. Which of the following is a customer usability testing method?

(a) A/C testing
(b) Multivariate testing
(c) Interviews
(d) All of the above

Edu Genie 10
1 Customer Experience Personas are
A) First time customers
B) Unhappy customers
C) Ideal customers
D) Potential customers

2 Customer experience Insights

A) Collects, measures and manages customers insights and feed back
B) Are forms that a customer is required to fill
C) Are not important for start-ups
D) Are a part of the business process which is neglected

3 There are many components to _______________including card sorting, tree testing, eye tracking, focus
groups, A/B testing, surveys, interviews, contextual inquiry and heuristic evaluations.
A) Usability testing
B) Benchmarking
C) Behavioural targeting
D) All of the above

4 Customer experience strategy, Customer understanding, Design, Governance, measurement and culture are
A) Is a part of research design
B) Six discipline of customer service
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above

5 Stakeholder Interviews should include

A) Customer support,
B) Development,
C) Marketing, and sales
D) All of the above

6 Mdp is referred to as
A) Minimum Delightful Product
B) Maximum Delightful Product
C) Minimum Data processed
D) Maximum Data processed
7 The areas that must come together to build mdp are
A) Whole Product Approach
B) Elegant design, focused quality
C) Both a) and b)
D) Focussed quality and latest technology

8 Proof-of-Concept Prototype tests

A) Some aspect of the intended design without attempting to simulate the visual appearance
exactly, the choice of materials, or the intended manufacturing process
B) The product is completely made with exact details
C) The product is only discussed with diagrams
D) None of the above

9 Staying Casual and Building a Partnership

A) Are two ways of building relationship with customers
B) Are two ways of managing a start-up
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above

10 The dimensions to Customer Behavioural Targeting are

A) Customer Acquisition
B) Branding reinforcement
C) Customer retention
D) All of the above

Chapter 11
1. Which of the following is not a branding identity element?
(a) Name
(b) Logo
(c) Tagline
(d) Frills

2. Which of the following is not a brand senses testing element?

(a) Voice
(b) Sounds
(c) Feel
(d) Touch

3. Which of the following is included in creating brand identity?

(a) Name
(b) Logo
(c) Tagline
(d) All of the above

4. Which of the following defines brand architecture?

(a) It refers to the relationship between brands the company owns and uses
(b) It refers to the relationship between the brand and the company
(c) It refers to the relationship between the brand and its customers
(d) None of the above
5. Which of the following should be followed to create a holistic brand strategy?
(a) Understand the core equity of your brand
(b) Identify your brand’s true sense
(c) Align this with customers’ desired emotions and feelings
(d) All of the above

6. Which of the following questions would not help you assess your brand affinity?
(a) Why is it your favourite?
(b) Why would they want to have your loyalty?
(c) As prices go up, how much would the price have to go up before you switched to another brand?
(d) What other causes would force you to change brands?

7. Which of the following is not included in created in brand identity?

(a) Colours
(b) Font
(c) Advantage
(d) Logo

8. Which of the following is not a component of connect between great brands and great
(a) Brand concepts and value pillars
(b) Brand attributes
(c) Products and services
(d) Customer experience

9. Which of the following is not an approach to naming a business?

(a) Blank slate
(b) Out of the air
(c) Direct approach
(d) Coining a name

10. Which of the following is not a part of the process in creating a logo?
(a) Design brief
(b) Research
(c) Reflection
(d) Looking up for similarities in competition

Edu Genie 11
1 Brand identity elements are
A) Logo, Name
B) Colour, Tagline
C) Positioning, tagline
D) All of the above

2 Positioning of a brand
A) The kind of store it will be placed in
B) The specific position in the store
C) Is the unique value of the product to the customer
D) None of the above
3 Sensory branding includes
A) Voice
B) Sound
C) Touch, Taste/smell
D) All of the above

4 _________________ speaks to the totality of the brand

A) Brand identity
B) Logo
C) Tagline
D) Advertisement

5 ___________________refers to the relationship between brands the company owns and uses.
A) Brand architecture
B) Brand management
C) Branding
D) Brand awareness

6 A tagline usually comes from your _______________

B) Positioning statement
C) Purpose of the product and business
D) All of the above

7 Like people, brands have

A) A personality
B) A soul, belief systems
C) Aspirations, and ambitions
D) All of the above

8 Sensory branding leverages _________________to connect your customers and potential customers on a
much deeper level.
A) Touching sense
B) All five senses
C) The seeing sense
D) None of the above

9 A logo offers the most impactful way to ______________ a brand

A) Remember
B) Recall
C) Visualize
D) Recollect

10 The _____________ emotionally affects humans up to 75% more than any other sense
A) Sense of smell
B) touch
C) Sound
D) Voice
Chapter 12
1 Which of the following is not a funding cluster element?
(a) Friends
(b) Crowdfunding
(c) Fairies
(d) Venture Capital

2. Which of the following is not a funding program element?

(a) Grants
(b) Loans
(c) Angels
(d) Incubators

3. Which of the following is a funding cluster element?

(a) Angels
(b) Accelerators
(c) Cash flow
(d) None of the above

4. Which of the following is a funding program element?

(a) Angels
(b) Microloans
(c) Venture capital
(d) All of the above

5. Which of the following is not a funding strategy?

(a) Bootstrapped
(b) True Angel
(c) Bumper Angel
(d) Venture Capital

6. Which of the following is not a stage in the evolution of crowdfunding?

(a) Microfinance
(b) Microlending
(c) Friends and family lending
(d) Crowdfunding

7. Which of the following is not a stage in which crowdfunding works?

(a) Raise money for your project
(b) Set deadlines
(c) Showcase your project
(d) Update your investors

8. Which of the following is a stage in the venture capitalist valuation process?

(a) Set deadlines
(b) Traction
(c) Market Testing
(d) None of the above
9. Which of the following is not a stage in floating IPO for the startup?
(a) Gestation
(b) Commercialisation
(c) Growth
(d) Maturity

10. Which of the following is a specialised accelerator program?

(a) Vertically focused
(b) Not-for-profit accelerator
(c) Soft-landing accelerator
(d) All of the above

Edu Genie 12
1 Funding that relies on financing from a large pool of backers usually made online through a web platform
A) Boot strapping
B) Crowdfunding
C) Venture capitalist
D) Family and friends

2 The funding clusters are groups of individuals that help fund a business at various stages of its lifecycle.
Funds raised through friends and family provide
A) For the established start-ups
B) Seed capital
C) Funds for marketing
D) None of the above

3 ___________________ are high net worth individuals who invest their own money at early stages of a
start-up’s life.
A) Angels
B) Family and friends
C) Venture capitalists
D) Banks

4 ____________________ focus on seed-funded start-ups on the cusp of rapid growth.

A) Accelerators
B) Grants
C) Incubators
D) Banks

5 Funds generated by the business that can be used as collateral to expand through loans and other debt
instruments are
A) Cash Flow
B) Transactional cash
C) Grants
D) Micro loans
6 Funding that involves institutional investments by limited partners who place their money in a fund to
create a larger pool.
A) Angels
B) Venture capitalists
C) Grants
D) Macro loans

7 At the heart of attracting a strategic investment in your company sits the _____________
A) Business Plan
B) Presentation
C) Great Pitch
D) Great Team

8 Grants can come in two flavours. They are

A) Government and private
B) Bank and government
C) VC and Government
D) None of the above

9 Soft-Landing Accelerators are

A) Non-profit in nature
B) Focussed only vertically
C) Focussed horizontally
D) Newly evolving type of accelerator

10 Local Economic Development Incubators are

A) Non-profit in structure
B) Profitable structure
C) Academic
D) None of the above

Chapter 13
1. Which of the following is not a marketing program element?
(a) Partners
(b) Growth hacking
(c) Print
(d) Loyalty programs

2. Which of the following is not a marketing channel element?

(a) SEO
(b) Email
(c) Direct Mail
(d) PPC

3. Which of the following is not a key question in trying to understand your customers?
(a) Who are you trying to reach?
(b) How do they spend their time online and offline?
(c) Where are they online?
(d) What are their aspirations?
4. Which of the following is a component of the shortest marketing plan?
(a) Which?
(b) What?
(c) Why?
(d) When?

5. Which of the following is a step to building a marketing strategy?

(a) Unique selling proposition
(b) Delist your problems
(c) Decide product positioning
(d) Decide on marketing budget

6. Which of the following is not a marketing method deployed in marketing strategy?

(a) Ask
(b) Research
(c) Evaluate
(d) Create segment tests

7. Which of the following is a method of creating experiences?

(a) Loyalty programs
(b) Ambience of the service area
(c) Marketing collaterals
(d) None of the above

8. Which of the following tools focus more on the communication of the brand?
(a) Direct mailers
(b) Word-of-mouth
(c) Telemarketing
(d) None of the above

9. Which of the following is not a way that marketing channels would use to distribute
information about a brand?
(a) SEO
(b) Merchandising
(c) PR
(d) Website

10. Which of the following will make sure that the content delivered is valuable to the
(a) Telling a story
(b) Making it heartfelt
(c) Making it relevant
(d) All of the above

Edu Genie 13
1 Programs like Growth Hacking, Partners, Loyalty Programs, Events, PR, Word of Mouth, Sponsorship,
and PPC are the vehicles used to
A) Market
B) Build the product
C) Make a business plan
D) All of the above
2 SEO, Email, Direct Marketing, Telemarketing, Social Media are
A) Marketing tool
B) Places to find your audience
C) Business plan tool
D) Both a) and b)

3 A marketing program allows you to

A) Only plan your market research
B) Integrate your marketing mix to reach prospective customers
C) Maintain your current customer relationships
D) Both b) and c)

4 Growth Hacking is a program with one absolute focus. That is

A) Hacking
B) Growth
C) Planning
D) Recruiting

5 A Loyalty program of marketing program elements is

A) Structured for internal employee loyalty
B) Structured for another partners loyalty
C) Structured to encourage brand loyalty through encouraging buying behaviour
D) Structured for loyalty towards certain product channel

6 Programs are usually set around ___________________ in a pay-per-click (PPC) program

A) Key words
B) Budget
C) Benchmarks
D) All of the above

7 Merchandising is
A) when you sell your product or service through retail outlets
B) Only online shopping
C) Both online and offline shopping
D) Both a) and c)

8 SWOT analysis is
A) Market research method
B) Product distribution plan
C) Employee retention plan
D) None of the above

9 A marketing strategy gets broken into two core pieces. They are
A) Selling and planning
B) Programs and Channels
C) Online sales and marketing
D) Channels and Offline sales
10 Programs are a set of customer-based
A) Advertisements
B) activities that help you achieve your marketing goals
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above

Chapter 14
1. Which of the following is not a sales channel element?
(a) Direct mails
(b) Landing pages
(c) E-commerce
(d) Retail

2. Which of the following is a sales campaign element?

(a) Bundling
(b) Test trial
(c) Upselling
(d) All of the above

3. Which of the following is not an advantage to knowing your customer?

(a) Confirms your customer’s biggest challenges
(b) Know where to focus your efforts
(c) Tailor your offerings and messages to solve these exact challenges
(d) Create more prospective customers

4. Which of the following will not help in getting customers?

(a) Pipeline building
(b) Finding prospects
(c) Trust selling
(d) Targeted selling

5. Which of the following will help in growing customers?

(a) Cross selling
(b) PR
(c) Pamphlets
(d) None of the above

6. Which of the following steps would not help to figure out the apt sales funnel?
(a) What do you want as the end result?
(b) How would they find you?
(c) How are you approaching them?
(d) How can you simplify the funnel?

7. Which of the following is not part of Steve Blank’s sales process?

(a) Know your CANT (Customer, Authority, Needs, and Timeframe)
(b) Handle customer objections
(c) Get to the top quickly
(d) Prioritize without mercy
8. Which of the following is an element of sales campaign?
(a) Down selling
(b) Inside sales
(c) Test Marketing
(d) All of the above

9. Which of the following is not something that a salesperson in a startup needs to have?
(a) Willingness to learn something new everyday
(b) Embrace and be comfortable with change
(c) Take a didactic approach
(d) Tell great stories

10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of best VoC programs?

(a) Connect simple types of feedback across data channels
(b) Provide automatic collaboration across functional departments
(c) Incorporate the voice of competitors
(d) Deliver clear ROI and business results

Edu Genie 14
1 Direct selling commonly occurs through
A) Home parties
B) One on one consultation
C) Mobile location
D) All of the above

2 A landing page is
A) The entire website
B) The home page
C) a single page on a website dedicated to a specific promotion or deal that the company is
D) none of the above

3 Bundling can occur with

A) a company’s own products/services, other companies’ products/services, or a
combination of both.
B) Only a company’s own products
C) the same product only
D) Complimentary products only

4 A test trial allows for a prospective customer to

A) Try your company’s product or service for a set duration of time
B) Try the product in the developmental stages
C) Try the product when not out in the market yet
D) Both a) and c)

5 In upselling, as the customer is about to finalize their transaction, the seller

A) Induces either additional items, upgrades of current purchases or addons that would
complement the original item being purchased.
B) Simply sells
C) Increases the price
D) None of the above
6 Inside sales is when
A) The customer buys from a trader
B) The customer buys from factory outlets
C) The customer comes to you at a fixed location of business or the transaction is done
D) Products are first tested for a specific time frame

7 A/B testing allows for a company to

A) Take two version of a certain product only
B) Take two version of an advertisement only
C) Listening to two perspective of a marketer
D) Take two versions of a product, service, entity or promotion and test them.

8 In get-keep-grow approach, using your passion and product knowledge as a launch pad, you can craft a
sales strategy that includes key component such as
A) Pipeline Building
B) Trust Selling
C) Targeted
D) All of the above
9 Which of the following statements is true
A) People buy from people they trust
B) People buy from people they like
C) Word of mouth selling depends on trust selling
D) Both a) and c)

10. The best kind of new customer is one who is

A) Referred by an existing customer
B) One who comes through promotions
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above

Chapter 15
1. Which of the following is not a scale program element?
(a) Risk assessment
(b) Reinvestment
(c) Divestment
(d) Streamline

2. Which of the following is a scale measure element?

(a) Dashboards
(b) KPIs
(c) Analytics
(d) All of the above

3. At the basic level, which of the following does scaling not involve?
(a) Making sure your product can operate on scale
(b) Marketing your product at scale
(c) Designing your resources for scale
(d) Building your team for scale
4. Which of the following is not a risk assessment scoring system criterion?
(a) Business risk criteria
(b) Market testing criteria
(c) Competitive criteria
(d) Demand analysis criteria

5. Which of the following is an option available for startups after risk assessment?
(a) Divestment
(b) Diversification
(c) Streamlining
(d) Recruiting

6. Which of the following is a scale program element?

(a) Diversification
(b) Analytics
(c) Traction
(d) None of the above

7. Which of the following is a scale measure element?

(a) Expansion
(b) KPIs
(c) Recruit
(d) Streamline

8. Which of the following is a scale program element?

(a) Dashboards
(b) Streamline
(c) KPIs
(d) None of the above

9. Which of the following is a scale measurement element?

(a) Analytics
(b) Recruit
(c) Reinvestment
(d) Expansion

10. Which of the following is a dimension of the engine of growth?

(a) Business model
(b) Customer
(c) Product
(d) All of the above

Edu Genie 15
1 Scale program elements include
A) Risk assessment
B) Reinvestment
C) Diversification
D) All of the above
2 Resource diversification
A) Creates confusion in the market
B) Extends your reach
C) May offer another potential scaling strategy
D) Both b) and c)

3 Expansion can be partnered with diversification since a company in a scaling model will expand to
A) New markets
B) Geographies
C) Verticals
D) All of the above

4 Dashboards provide
A) The visualization of this information in ways that are easy to use and support taking
B) Gives figures only
C) Great for prediction of growth
D) None of the above

5 KPI is
A) Key Port indications
B) Key Presentations on import
C) Key Performance Indicators
D) Key positioning indicators

6 Knowing your KPIs will allows to

A) Use various systems to collect specific data and analyse it for relevancy
B) Establish potential relationships and connections
C) inform new insights in your company’s activities
D) All of the above

7 At the most basic level, scaling involves

A) Marketing your product at scale
B) Designing your product for scale
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above

8 Reinvestment, Diversification, Streamlining, Recruiting, and Expansion are options that can be looked at
A) Launching the product
B) Risk assessment
C) A product is not performing well in a certain market
D) None of the above

9 Which of the statements below is true

A) Scaling ensures your company can survive and thrive to compete and beat the big c
B) Scaling ensures nothing
C) Scaling not a great idea for a business
D) Scaling does not need capital
10 Start-ups are especially vulnerable
A) To other start -ups
B) To mindset mistakes
C) To less enthusiastic team mates
D) To competition

Chapter 16
1. Which of the following is not an innovation method element?
(a) Open innovation
(b) Design thinking
(c) Managed innovation process
(d) Strategic insight

2. Which of the following is not an innovation engine element?

(a) Scenarios
(b) Corporate assets
(c) Customer foresight
(d) Organizational readiness

3. Which of the following is not an innovation engine element?

(a) Disciplined implementation
(b) Strategic alignment
(c) Strategic foresight
(d) Customer insight

4. Which of the following is among the top five drivers of employee engagement?
(a) Feel of confidence in the company’s leadership
(b) Understanding that employees are important to the success of the organization
(c) Feeling that employees can contribute to their field
(d) All of the above

5. Which of the following should a company do to bring in innovation culture?

(a) Inventing new and disruptive products and business models
(b) Inventing new ways to financing startups
(c) Disrupting the market with price wars
(d) All of the above

6. Which of the following is not among the five rules for startup innovation?
(a) The leadership rule
(b) The ownership rule
(c) The resources rule
(d) The vision rule

7. Which of the following is not among the five rules of great startup innovators?
(a) The patience habit
(b) The leadership habit
(c) The process habit
(d) The humbleness habit
8. Which of the following is not among the five modes within the design thinking process?
(a) Apathy
(b) Define
(c) Ideate
(d) Prototype

9. Which of the following does not imply how creative collaboration impacts innovation?
(a) Creative collaboration requires connection between sociology and technology
(b) Innovation is a team sport that requires collective hard work
(c) Creative collaboration these days is both physical and individual
(d) None of the above

10. Which of the following is a way to leverage SMART innovation method to support
creativity at work?
(a) Set clearly defined goals
(b) Create intersections
(c) Reward-failure strategically
(d) All of the above

Edu Genie 16
1 The term “Open Innovation” was promoted as
A) Innovation of similar products
B) Way of thinking that “assumes firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal
ideas, and internal and external paths to market
C) Innovation of different products under same roof
D) None of the above

2 Design thinking is
A) combining empathy for the context of a problem, creativity in the generation of insights
and solutions, and rationality in analysing and fitting various solutions to the problem
B) Combining the need and extra help that a certain product can render
C) Combining the utility with refines of the look and feel of the product
D) None of the above

3 Mip as a innovation method element provides for

A) Accelerated use of licensing
B) Creation of joint ventures or spin-offs
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above

4 Strategic foresight is the practice of creating

A) A functional view of the future, or future events and possibilities, in such a way as to take
full advantage of opportunities,
B) A functional view of the future, or future events and possibilities to prepare for any
possible adversity
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above
5 To ‘Rev up’ the engine of innovation, certain innovation engine elements are
A) Corporate assets
B) Customer insights
C) Both a) and b)
D) Market scenario

6 When it comes to innovation in business, the goal is to

A) Create new customers
B) Increase profitability without investments
C) Create valuable intellectual property with financial returns
D) Reach out to new geographical areas

7 Customer Insight is
A) Where the interests of the consumer and features of your brand, product or service meet
B) Simply attracting customers with better deals
C) Customer is studied in depth about habits
D) Customers encouraged to spread good word

8 Companies will need an “innovation culture”

A) To improve existing product or services
B) To improve business model
C) Inventing disruptive products
D) All of the above

9 Cultural readiness is
A) About adopting values and a mission that supports an innovation culture
B) Creating new culture for the market, target audience
C) Creating a parallel culture in the work place
D) All of the above

10 Great entrepreneurs with the “DEO gene”

A) Create resilient organizations that value expertise
B) Make room for failure for certain people only
C) Make no room for failure
D) Are very competitive

Chapter 17
1. Which of the following is not an X-factor constant element?
(a) Drive
(b) Passion
(c) Resilience
(d) State of mind

2. Which of the following is not an X-factor variable element?

(a) Curiosity
(b) Charisma
(c) Place
(d) Timing
3. Which of the following is an X-factor constant element?
(a) Imagination
(b) Timing
(c) Place
(d) All of the above

4. Which of the following would help you measure your drive to succeed?
(a) What are the reasons for selecting this industry?
(b) Do you have a sense of ownership over the final product your company puts out?
(c) How do you define your successes and failures?
(d) All of the above

5. Which of the following is not a psychological quality that would help manage complexity?
(a) Intellectual quotient
(b) Emotional Quotient
(c) Psychological Quotient
(d) Curiosity Quotient

6. Which of the following is an X-factor constant element?

(a) Zing
(b) Drive to excel
(c) Imagination
(d) Persistence

7. Which of the following is an X-factor variable element?

(a) Timing
(b) Imagination
(c) Persistence
(d) Insights

8. Which of the following would not help in the drive to succeed?

(a) How one defines metrics of achievements
(b) How a sense of leadership helps in attaining success
(c) What are the reasons for selecting a particular industry
(d) None of the above

9. Which of the following qualities are at the core of the power of bounce?
(a) Resilience and agility
(b) Timing and imagination
(c) Persistence and agility
(d) None of the above

10. Which of the following qualify as getting a startup state of mind?

(a) Creating a mission
(b) Empathizing
(c) Focus
(d) All of the above
Edu Genie 17
1 X-Factors fall into
A) No category
B) Constant
C) Variable
D) Both b) and c)

2 Constant elements of X-factor are

A) Drive, Passion
B) Resilience
C) Agility, Charishma
D) All of the above

3 Resilience is
A) Pivoting the company many times over next few years
B) What is used to overcome adversity
C) Special charisma
D) Passion for certain work or thing

4 X-factor variable elements are

A) Curiosity
B) Resilience
C) Timing
D) Only a) and b)

5 Drive is
A) A constant urge to attain a goal or to overcome an obstacle
B) To move away from a problem
C) Make team mates angry
D) None of the above

6 Having Drive helps you move forward, but you’ll find it takes things like ____________to be that
entrepreneurial leader that attracts people to your cause.
A) Charisma
B) Passion
C) Resilience
D) All of the above

7 Agility for an entrepreneur is pivoting few times over in many years to come because
A) The market may change
B) You may need changes because of the customer’s need
C) Both a) and b)
D) None of the above

8 At the core of the “Power of Bounce” is

A) Resilience
B) Agility
C) Power
D) Only a) and b)
9 Luck and serendipity are not things that you either have or you don’t. They’re the result of being prepared
for the right moment. Those moments won’t exist unless you do the following
A) Know what you want, Know that you can
B) Wait patiently for luck to come your way
C) Get out and work hard for it
D) Only a) and c)

10 As an entrepreneur
A) Networking skills are important
B) Networking skills not important
C) Meeting people, building connections and relationships with the right people
D) Both a) and c)


1. There are many people in the community who are ________ to help your start-up be successful
because in their interest and motivation to see that community thrive
a) Connectors
b) Catalysts
c) Both connectors and catalysts
d) None of these

2. A fluid and flexible equation

a) Allows one to play around with elements till you can build an equation that fits you best
b) Does not help a successful business model
c) Helps only a certain aspect of running a business
d) Helps only in distress situation of running a business

3. Local and state governments facilitate in _________ for entrepreneurs

a) Financial distress
b) Mentoring executives
c) Policy making
d) Market acquisition

4. Marketing strategy gets broken into two core pieces. They are
a) Selling and planning
b) Programs and channels
c) Online sales and marketing
d) Channels and offline sales

5. The success of a business only has value if it can

a) Run on its own for a while without you as a founder at the helm
b) Innovate once in a while
c) Ensure employ satisfaction
d) Workplace harmony

6. The sense of ______ emotionally affects humans up to 75% more than any other sense
a) Smell (Taste)
b) Touch
c) Sound
d) Voice
7. The economic shift between Britain and America has parallels with events happening today. A great
example is the current stand of between
a) US and Russia
b) China and America
c) China and India
d) America and Japan

8. Collaboration in a startup needs to be included with large doses of

a) Focus
b) Excitement
c) Appreciation
d) Tolerance

9. Which of the statement below is true

a) A start up can have only one fonder
b) A start up can have multiple co-founders
c) A start up can have not more than two founders
d) None of these

10. Great entrepreneurs with the “DEO gene”

a) Create resilient organizations that value expertise
b) Make room for failure for certain people only
c) Make no room for failure
d) Are very competitive

11. Which of the statements below is true?

a) Scaling ensures your company can survive and thrive to compete and beat the big
b) Scaling ensures nothing
c) Scaling is not a great idea for business
d) Scaling does not need capital

12. A cultures seem to subscribe prominently to one of the three implicit and/or explicit views of the self
a) The cognitive self, collective self, and public self
b) The private self, collective self, and philosophical self
c) The psychological self, collective self, and public self
d) The private self, collective self, and public self

13. Under sales campaign A/B testing allows a company to

a) Take two versions of a product for test
b) Take two versions of an advertisement for test
c) Listening to two perspectives of a marketer
d) Take two versions of a product, service , entity or promotion and test them

14. ‘Explainer video’, ‘landing page’ , ‘raise fund from customers’ qualify as
a) Minimum viable product (MVP)
b) Finance model
c) Marketing model
d) Customer service model
15. The idea of “collaborative consumptions” is
a) Shared economy
b) Small batch business
c) Large business
d) Shift towards consumptions groups only

16. The emergence of the post-industrial society during the second half of the twentieth century accelerated
the move to an interconnected economic landscape including ______
a) Industrialization
b) Liberalization
c) Globalization and increased automation
d) None of these

17. The Born entrepreneurs are

a) The artists
b) The builders
c) The franchisee
d) The essentialist

18. Lean start up prefers

a) Experimentation over fancy planning
b) Actual customer feedback over internal opinion
c) Intuition and iterative design over the traditional
d) All of these

19. When it comes to innovation in business, the goal is to

a) Create new customers
b) Increase profitability without investments
c) Create valuable intellectual property with financial returns
d) Reach out to new geographical areas

20. The areas that must come together to build Minimum Delightful Product are
a) Whole Product Approach
b) Elegant design and focused quality
c) Whole Product Approach coupled with elegant design and focused quality
d) Focused quality and latest technology

21. The global start up economy there are

a) Few all over the world
b) Hundreds all over the world
c) Only in certain geographical areas of the world
d) None of these

22. At the heart of attracting a strategic investment in your company sits the
a) Business plan
b) Presentation
c) Great pitch
d) Great team
23. ‘Attack problem’ (Atk) element is a
a) Part of generating ideas through brainstorming
b) Solving employee problems
c) Solving the consumer problems
d) Solving the burning issues

24. A company decides on its promotion budget by using four common methods to set the total budget for
advertising. What is not one of these methods?
a) The objective and task method
b) The competitive-parity method
c) The affordable method
d) The integrated method

25. Which of the following statements is true ?

a) People buy from people they trust
b) People buy from people they like
c) Word of mouth selling depends on forced selling
d) People buy from people they trust and word of mouth

26. ‘Sketching’ in a start up serves as an excellent tool for

a) Exploring business models, developing financial reports
b) Refining product design
c) Redefining teams
d) All of these

27. Knowing your Key Performance indicators allows to

a) Use various systems to collect specific data and analyse it for relevancy
b) Establish potential relationships and connections
c) Inform new insights in your company’s activities
d) All of these

28. Coinciding with the physical nature of Maker Nets and digital manufacturing, people are more focused
on Small Batch that signifies
a) Big volumes
b) Small volume, valuable production and high quality
c) High quality, large volumes
d) Low quality, low volumes

29. Cultural balance can be created in a start up by

a) Hiring individuals with complementary skills
b) Hiring individuals willing to disagree
c) Hiring individuals with complementary skills and willing to disagree
d) Hiring individuals with complementary skills and willing to agree

30. One phenomenon that is posing a threat or causing disruption to ongoing business models that have
existed for decades
a) Digitalization
b) Labour intensive industry
c) Small workforce
d) Specialization
31. The digitalization era sees
a) Giving home hobbyists or makers the ability to create solutions to real world problems
b) Using indigenous solutions
c) Lack of professionalism and creative solution
d) None of these

32. Startups are especially vulnerable

a) To other startups
b) To mind set mistakes
c) To less enthusiastic team mates
d) To competition

33. Cultural readiness is

a) About adopting values and a mission that supports an innovative culture
b) Creating new culture for the market , target audience
c) Creating a parallel culture in the workplace
d) All of these

34. After determining an advertising objectives, the company’s next step in developing an advertising
program is to _________
a) Use coupons
b) Set its advertising budgets
c) Use cash refund offers
d) Develop its message decision

35. Entrepreneur type that is all about social good with a desire to make a personal change for those around
them are
a) Romantic personality type + the lifestyler
b) The epicure (Epi) (personality type) + The Do Gooder (Dgd) (Approach)
c) The observer (Obs) (personality type) + the Builder (Bld) (Approach)
d) The Romantic (Rom) (personality type) + the romantic (Rom) (personality type)

36. Customer insight is

a) Where the interests of the consumer and features of your brand, product or service meet.
b) Simply attracting customers with better deals
c) When in depth study of customer habits is done
d) To motivate customers to spread good word

37. Swot analysis is

a) Market research method
b) Product distribution plan
c) Employee retention plan
d) None of these

38. Programs as per 'Startup Marketing Alchemy’ are a set of customer based
a) Advertisements
b) Activities that help you achieve your marketing goals
c) Are both advertisements and activities that help in achieving marketing goals
d) Sales promotion
39. Factor(s) that power the entire equation in the dream phase of a startup is
a) “X” factors
b) Scaling
c) Market
d) Sales

40. Set parameters, set standards, set benchmarks are used

a) To define respectful boundaries
b) To scare the employees
c) For customers
d) Other third-party business partners

41. When Samsung (a leading maker of Android based phones) consolidated scores of brand names into
their _______ brand, they found that strength occurred because consumers were able to equate the
Samsung quality with more products
a) Store brand or private label
b) Domestic
c) Umbrella or banner brand
d) National

42. Proof of concept prototype tests

a) Some aspect of the intended design without attempting to simulate the visual appearance exactly, the
choice of materials , or the intended manufacturing process
b) Whether the product is completely made with exact details
c) The choice of material in manufacturing of the product
d) Whether the intended manufacturing process is followed in product development

43. A logo offers the most impactful way to _______ a brand

a) Remember
b) Recall
c) Visualize
d) Recollect

44. The best kind of new customer is one who is

a) Referred by an existing customer
b) One who comes through promotions
c) Both who is referred by existing customers and through promotions
d) None of these

45. Which of the statements is true

a) In the future , we see connected networks or Maker Nets that accelerate local production on a global,
connected scale to power the new industrial revolution
b) Future is stated to belong to the age of digitalization and artificial intelligence
c) Both in future , we see connected networks or Maker Nets that accelerate local production on a
global, connected scale to power the new industrial revolution and Future is stated to belong to the
age of digitalization
d) None of these
46. Startups show larger companies, who might have thought of leaving or relocating somewhere else
a) A new era of prosperity
b) Potential acquisitions
c) Partnerships and pools of talent to draw from that never would have existed without a startup
d) All of these

47. Inside sales is when

a) The customer buys from a trader
b) The customer buys from factory outlets
c) The customer comes to you at a fixed location of business of the transactions is done remotely
d) Products are first tested for a specific time frame and then sold through factory outlets

48. MDP is referred to as

a) Minimum delightful product
b) Maximum delightful product
c) More delightful product
d) Mutually delightful product

49. No great idea is without vision, but it must have _______ in order for people to take action and carry out
your vision
a) Many shapes and forms
b) Logos
c) Phrases
d) All of these


51. When it involves the translation of likely job vacancies and information about the nature of these jobs
into a set of objectives or targets that specify the number and type of applicants to be contacted it is
a) Recruitment procedure
b) Recruitment process
c) Recruitment estimation
d) Recruitment planning

52. Developing an effective message strategy begins with identifying _____ that can be used as advertising
a) Advertising specialties
b) Emotions
c) Sales promotions
d) Customer benefits

53. Grants can come in two flavours. They are

a) Government and private
b) Bank and government
c) VC and government
d) None of these
54. A pivot while managing a startup refers to
a) A revenue model
b) A business model
c) Reconfiguring business model
d) An idea

55. An entrepreneur has to be supported by at least seven components such as finance , market, policy, mentors,
markets, intersections and support for it to be a success
a) True
b) False
c) Not relevant
d) Maybe

56. What kind of advisors fit the bill for a start-up

a) Lawyer and Accountant
b) Accountant and Technical experts
c) Lawyer and Technical experts
d) Lawyer , Accountant and Technical experts

57. “Staying Casual” and ‘Building a partnership’

a) Are two ways of building relationships with customers
b) Are two ways of managing a start-up
c) Are both building relationship with customers and two ways to managing start-up
d) Are qualities of an introvert

58. If you are looking to start a business, then

a) An idea will suffice
b) A target audience will suffice
c) Finding a problem you want to solve is critical
d) A market will suffice

59. Product pivot, customer pivot, technology pivot are

a) Certain pivot points
b) Are points where reconfiguring of business model can be done
c) Are both certain pivot points where reconfiguring of business model can be done
d) Are points where reconfiguring of business model cannot be done

60. Get –keep- grow approach ,using your passion and product knowledge as a launch pad, you can craft a sales
strategy that includes key component such as
a) Pipeline building and trust selling
b) Trust selling and targeted
c) Pipeline building and targeted
d) Pipeline building , trust selling and targeted

61. Soft landing accelerators are

a) Non-profit in nature
b) Focused only vertically
c) Focused horizontally
d) Newly evolving type of accelerator
62. When faced with uncertain or unknown situations, members of cultures with high uncertainty avoidance
a) Feel uncomfortable and cope with it through planning or elaborate technology
b) Feel comfortable, and cope with it through planning or elaborate technology
c) Feel comfortable, and cope with it through lack of planning or elaborate technology
d) Feel comfortable, and cope with it through avoiding elaborate technology

63. (a)Great teams always have a noble cause,(b) effective teams drive engagement and (c)great teams
a) All three are qualities of a great start-up team
b) Only (a) and (b) are qualities of a great start up team
c) Only (a) and (c) are qualities of a great start up team
d) Only (b) and (c) are qualities of a great start up team

64. Reinvestment, diversification, streamlining, recruiting, and expansion are options that can be looked at
a) Launching the product
b) Risk assessment
c) A product is not performing well in a certain market
d) None of these

65. With many great places to start a business, it depends

a) On you and what you need in a startup community
b) Completely on the market
c) On technology only
d) None of these

66. A tagline usually comes from _______ of a startup

a) Unique selling proposition
b) Unique selling proposition and positioning statement
c) Unique selling and proposition and purpose of the product and business
d) Unique selling proposition , positioning and purpose of the product and business
Case Study
. Managing e-business
Tarik is a team leader for, an e-business that has employees in every global time zone,
except three in the Pacific area and one in the Atlantic area. Some of the factors that the team has to contend
with are deadlines, strong work ethic, creativity innovation chain, high speed turnaround, and
professionalism. As a team leader, Tarik is the focal point of complaints from the team members that he only
sees via videoconference a few times per year or compressed video via internet a few times more per year. A
frustration that he is encountering himself is that he works with all these people and does not have control
over their “actual” work and few organizational rules, regulations, and policies. Yet due to the position he is
in, he feels he gets all their complaint. The part he likes the most is that the team seems to prefer their
objective accomplished instead of wasting time trying to decide who should be doing what tasks. The team
does not deal well when a member offers an “off-the-wall” solution to a team problem. They tend to send
Tarik more e-mail when a member offers an “off-the-wall” solution during a team “chat” than any other team
conflict issue

67. When Tarik feels frustrated that he works with people and does not have control over their “actual” work
nor organizational rules, regulations, and policies. He is
a) Due to low control over the team members
b) By the diversity of opinions
c) Because team members are encouraged to experiment without fear of consequences
d) Because the goals are not clear

68. The part that Tarik likes the most is that the team seems to prefer getting their objective accomplished
instead of wasting time that the team is
a) Tolerant of conflict
b) An open system focus team
c) Able to deal with high risk
d) Focused on ends rather than means

69. Some of the factors that the team has to contend with are deadline, strong work ethics, creativity-
innovation chain, commitment to high-speed turnaround and professionalism which shows ________ of the
team members
a) Team dynamics
b) Internal collaboration
c) Organizational culture
d) Success of stress

70. When a member offers an “off the wall” solution to a team problem, it appears that Tarik has to contend
with _______ among the team members
a) A high tolerance of the impractical
b) A low tolerance of risk
c) A low tolerance of the impractical
d) A high tolerance of risk

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