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Results and Findings


1.) Changes ● Protocol

2.) Safety Protocols ● Sanitizing

● Social Distancing
● Wearing Facemask
● Temperature monitoring

3.) Recruiting ● Online Interview

● Traditional Interview

4.) Advancement
● Effective

5.) Adjustment ● Operation

● Requirements
● Safety
● Problems

6.) Resilience ● Gratitude

● Motivation

7.) Remote working ● Inefficient

8.) Communication ● Employee Engagement


According to Cambridge Dictionary (2021), Change is to replace something for something

else. Because of the exponential growth of remote work in response to the Covid epidemic,
the overall role of Human Resource and the everyday tasks performed by Human Resource
experts have shifted significantly. Human Resources jobs have evolved, and it has had to
rebuild and reimagine how it operates in the workplace. (Gomes & Fournier, 2020).
According to a survey, 43% of HR professionals believe their role has altered as a result of
the epidemic, with the majority believing it has gotten more difficult. Much of the issue
derives from the fact that human resources is taking on a greater strategic role at
organizations as they strive to deal with the pandemic's human capital challenges and
sustainability concerns. (Fournier, 2021).


As stated by Cambridge Dictionary (2021),Protocol is a set of rules and guidelines for

appropriate behavior during official ceremonies and events. During the COVID-19 epidemic,
Human Resource Management played a critical role, particularly in terms of ensuring
workers' health and safety when they returned to work by instituting tight protocols and
offering guidance and help.

“ There were a lot of changes when the Pandemic happened, especially in the Human
Resource Department. Because we imposed a lot of health protocols for the safety of our
employees, we thought of different ways to still have effective and safe working for the
employees. Especially in a manufacturing company, it was hard but we still had to continue
our operations. As one of the essential workers, we were really challenged. “

The participant stated that during Pandemic, the roles in the Human Resource Department of
Universal Canning Inc. have changed. They had to enforce a number of health standards for
the protection of their employees, and they brainstormed new ways for them to continue to
work effectively and safely. For them it was difficult, especially since they are in the
manufacturing sector, but they had to keep going. Human resource managers face the issue
of adhering to government norms and regulations. During the COVID-19 epidemic, human
resource managers are also under pressure from quick policy changes. COVID-19 had a
substantial negative impact on the manufacturing industry. (Kumar et.,al, 2020a). Human
resource managers must therefore implement additional methods to protect the health of
employees who are risk takers for the company (Ahmad, 2020). In order to respond to the
present issues, it is also necessary to be more innovative.Employee education on the
importance of maintaining social distance, medical screening to identify employees who may
have been exposed to the virus, and attempts to assure overall business operations success
despite the challenges are examples of such practices.

Safety Protocols

The OSHA Laboratory Standard mandates the creation of a written safety plan, commonly
known as a "Standard Operating Procedure." It's a document containing the risk assessment's
safety requirements. It's used to make sure everyone in the lab is aware of the procedure's
hazards, risks, and protection. (Stony Brook University, 2021)

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an extremely difficult environment for HRM human
resource management, as managers must quickly venture into the "unknown" in order to
assist their employees in adapting to and coping with the radical changes that are occurring in
their workplaces and social environments. (Bierema, 2020). When employees desire to return
to work, HR should think about putting in place the standard precautions to protect their
safety and well-being. This encompasses physical, emotional, and mental components of
health. Aside from social distancing techniques, the best strategy to minimize physical
contact and lower the danger of viral spread is to install sensor-based technology across the
workplace.(E. Nurzaman Am, 2020.)

Bacterial reduction to safe levels as determined by public health regulations to reduce the risk
of infection; may not eradicate all viruses. (Octaclean,2019)

Workers spend about a third of their lives at work. Customers and other visitors spend a lot of
time at offices.Hand sanitizers and sanitizing products, as well as low-cost specialized
manikins that may be cleaned before and after each student's use, should be given for the
cleansing and disinfection of surfaces. Sanitation is also required for AED (Automated
External Defibrillator) training devices. These issues can be solved with careful resource
management, but putting in place adequate safety procedures to reduce the biological risk to
the victim and the rescuer is more difficult. (Nicola Magnavita, 2020).

Social Distancing

In order to limit the chances of disease transmission, social distance is a public health
technique that seeks to keep sick people from coming into intimate contact with healthy
people. It can range from large-scale steps like canceling group gatherings or restricting
public venues to smaller-scale decisions like avoiding crowds. (John Hopkins University,

Because the risk of transmission is directly proportional to the rate of contact, social
distancing within the laboratory should be implemented. This can be accomplished through
physical measures (where laboratory staff maintain a safe distance of at least 1 meter, but
preferably 2 meters) or by policy (e.g. limiting social interaction such as dis allowing lunch
gathering, minimizing face-to-face meetings, coffee breaks, and so forth). (Chun yee lim,

Wearing facemask

Face masks are advised as part of personal protective equipment and as a public health
intervention to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease pandemic of 2019 (COVID-19).
(Lucia Martenelli, 2021)

On the 30th of January 2020, the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was declared a
Public Health Emergency of International Concern, prompting a slew of prohibitions and
limitations around the world to improve epidemiological security. When worn by
symptomatic patients and healthcare personnel, the rationale for wearing masks has been
heavily debated in terms of accessibility, use, and prevention of human-to-human
transmission. (Dorota Szczesniak, 2020)
Temperature Monitoring

Temperature monitoring systems use a sensor like a thermocouple probe to collect data on
temperature. Temperature sensors made of thermocouples are the most common. They have
the broadest measuring range and are usually the cheapest, but their precision is restricted —
often 1-2 degrees Fahrenheit (1 degree Celsius). (Tech Briefs, 2021)

This can be accomplished by using temperature monitoring or by requesting employees to

self-report symptoms of illnesses recommended in the IFCC bio safety recommendations,
particularly those most commonly linked with COVID-19's early stages (cough, myalgia,
headache, loss of smell and taste, gastrointestinal disturbances). Temperature and symptom
monitoring can be done by employees themselves or at the workplace (for example, at the
entrance to the laboratory or building), and it is already done in some laboratories. (Chun yee
lim, 2021)

“The HROD assured all of the employees by giving out free face masks, putting hand
sanitizers in different corners of the office, we also have our utility man who always
disinfects and sanitizes all the offices before working hours and during working hours. We
also gave them free vitamins every week.”

The respondents stated that they ensure the safety of each employee in order for them to feel
safe. According to Diego Delgado et al., (2020) The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has
altered the world's environment and, as a result, healthcare workers' realities. Governments,
the global economy, and healthcare systems are all changing as a result of this pandemic.
Using adequate personal protective equipment is one of the precautions that healthcare
workers who care for COVID-19 patients should take (PPE). Safety protocols for healthcare
workers are recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other national and
international public health organizations.


The process of locating, screening, employing, and eventually onboarding qualified job
prospects is known as recruitment. Although the recruiting process might be quite simple,
developments in technology, a tight labor market, and a worker pool that spans five
generations can make the first stage, locating potential candidates, exceedingly difficult. The
hiring manager and those participating in the hiring process promote recruitment as an
important aspect of human resource (HR) management. Skilled recruitment efforts will help a
company stand out and appeal to potential employees, a tactic that can have a direct influence
on the bottom line. (Eric St-Jean,2021)

As stated by Martin Luenendonk (2021), the process of identifying and selecting the best and
most qualified candidate for a job opportunity in a timely and cost-effective manner is
referred to as "recruitment" in human resource management. It's also known as the "process
of locating potential employees and motivating and pushing them to apply for positions
within a firm.

Previously, changing long-standing HR standards and processes would have seemed too
difficult, but in the Covid-19 world and economy, many organizations have quickly adjusted
and adapted to a remote workforce and are already seeing the benefits.
So, how does the online hiring procedure work? Hiring managers and candidates can still
engage on a human level during virtual interviews, but they also have the added benefit of
being able to record the dialogue so that people who are unable to attend can provide
comments. Data acquired and evaluated via online applications and background checks can
also help organizations further boost their recruitment capabilities with the use of AI and
machine learning. (Marilyn Tifting 2020.)

Online Interview

Online interviews are a modern method of gathering information. Finding an adequate and
acceptable sample is a challenge when conducting traditional face-to-face (FtF) interviews
since the physical distance between researchers and study participants typically limits
sampling. Interviewing from afar has become possible thanks to increased Internet
connectivity. Although early examples of internet interviews were primarily text-based, it is
now possible to conduct online interviews that include both audio and video elements. The
use of online interviews as a data collection tool is described in this article. Online
interviews, while comparable to face-to-face interviews in nature, have unique benefits and
drawbacks. (Mike Allen,2017)

According to Sitora Khamrakulova (2021) the interviews are the most important aspect of the
recruitment process that has been moved to an online format. Depending on the internal
organization of each company, the candidate will go through the interview process (often 2-4
interviews prior to getting hired). Interviews are commonly held through various applications
and video-meeting platforms in the context of a worldwide pandemic. The most common
video platform for interview sessions, according to statistics, is Zoom (Picture is also among
the top of the most popular platforms).

Traditional Interview

This is an interview in which the prospective employee is asked to describe how they acted in
specific work-related scenarios. The premise is that past performance predicts future results.
(Kaye Bassman,2021)

In GME, the conventional FTF interview day fulfills a variety of functions. The interview day
allows a program to promote its strengths while also evaluating applicants' communication
skills, professionalism, maturity, and interest in their program. The interview day allows
candidates to meet with program leadership and residents, allowing them to assess the general
culture, program fit, and camaraderie. (Margarette wolff MD et al., 2020)
“Back in 2020, we usually did phone interviews only and online exams. But in the later part
of 2021, we went back to inviting applicants to come over to our office for the interview and
exam while still following the health protocols strictly. But if the applicants are from outside
of Manila we still do phone interviews and online exams for them.”

Concluding the participants statement, Way back when the pandemic was approaching the
respondents conducted the interview through online platforms only but as the year went by
they went back into traditional interview while practicing safety protocols. Aside from that,
the applicants residing outside of Manila will take phone interviews and online exams.
Employee recruitment and selection has always involved employers or recruiters meeting
with potential workers to appraise them. This could lead to the disease spreading from person
to person. Employees are also more likely to interact with customers within firms, and
meetings among employees are sometimes inevitable. All of these things can spread COVID-
19, making workplaces more vulnerable. (Kevin Mwitta, 2020)


According to Oxford (2021), Advancement is the act of promoting a cause or a strategy.

(Dragusha et al., 2019), believe that looking deeper into traditional recruiting and transferring
it to modern recruitment would be beneficial, because conventional recruitment approaches,
such as placement groups, are still effective and crucial in this time of normal, especially in
manufacturing companies.


It is the degree to which objectives are met and specified issues are addressed, and it is
measured without taking into account expenditures. Effectiveness entails "doing the right
thing" when it comes to environmental issues. (IGI GLOBAL 2021.)

Firms that have been seriously impacted as a result of the pandemic must work hard and
swiftly to develop new ways to enhance their business. To maximize the effectiveness of an
organization's people resources, Human resource management is essential. (Szelui Willy et
al., 2021.)

“The advancement of recruitment would be very efficient and effective in the time of a
Pandemic. Because they wouldn’t go outside their house but this is only efficient and
effective to the work from home jobs, unlike us, a manufacturing company, we are not able to
shift to a work from home set up so we had to adjust and think of ways on how to hire
effectively in a time of Pandemic.”

The respondents revealed that having an advancement in recruitment through virtual

conference is way more effective and efficient in this now normal. According to Mallory G.
DavisMD et al., (2020) Applicants who engage in virtual interviews may benefit in terms of
time, money, and flexibility.

a shift in an individual's attitude, conduct, or both as a result of a recognized need or desire to

change, especially in response to changing, abnormal, or unexpected circumstances.
(American Psychology Association, 2020)

COVID-19 has offered a unique issue to the global workforce, since it has an impact on a
critical part of human existence: individuals and organizations' survival. Human resource
management (HRM) is acknowledged as having been tasked with carrying out the measures
outlined by political forces in order to preserve social distance (Koirala and Acharya 2020),
hence assisting in the virus's containment. Adjusting wages and workforce (e.g.,severances,
early retirement, and recourse to part-time and temporary workers); reorganizing work
schedules (e.g., reducing overtime and flexible working hours); stabilizing the workforce
(e.g., encouraging sabbatical leave and taking recourse to layoffs); and, at the level of
involvement, making more intensive usability improvements are all common HRM practices
designed to help companies adapt to crisis situations such as the economic recession. (Sonia
P. Goncalves, 2021)


a description of something in terms of the operations (procedures, activities, or processes)

that could be used to monitor and quantify it. (American Psychology Association, 2021)

Human resource managers must embrace advanced methods of operation to cope with the
additional problems posed by the pandemic in order to maintain commercial operations. To
control the effects of Covid-19 on human resources procedures on employees and the
organization as a whole, measured and swift responses in the form of policies, paired with
strong multidimensional leadership abilities, are required. (Manish Omprakash et al., 2021)


Requirements Both an art and a science, defining something is a difficult task. Analysts must
work closely with customers and use their communication and technical abilities to uncover
underlying business demands that a system solution could address. (The University of
California, 2021)

The ability of an organization to respond to evolving HR concerns is measured by the

performance of HR practices. Organizations should employ effective and efficient HR
strategies to deal with COVID-19's impact and limit organizational risk during the
extraordinary circumstances of the pandemic. (Yi fan zhong et al., 2021)

Safety is a term that encompasses all actions and procedures used to protect people's lives,
health, and bodily integrity. (Safeopedia, 2021)

As a result, many firms are considering the safety, health, and well-being of their employees
in the current crisis. Human resource managers are seeking inventive, creative, and effective
solutions to solve employee problems, maintain their health, and support them by
implementing a solid management strategy. (Mohamad Reza Azizi et al., 2021)


a problem, person, or condition that requires attention and must be addressed or resolved.
(Cambridge, 2021)

Covid-19, a recent pandemic, has caused chaos around the globe. After claiming the lives of
many people all around the world, the current Pandemic has had a significant negative impact
on the economies, including job losses and salary reductions. This component has a different
impact in each country. It implies that it has a negative influence on some economies while
having a minor impact on others. Despite this, the majority of economies are struggling.
(Ashraf Saeed et al., 2020)

“There were a lot of adjustments. Not just in the operations of the HROD and the whole
company but to the extent that we were a lot busier than without the pandemic. We have to
ensure our drivers/helpers have all the necessary requirements so they can travel without a
problem, we also have to ensure that our employees are safe and that none of us would
contact the virus. There are also a lot of changes including the events we usually held when
there was no Pandemic. Like, a general assembly, a zumba session after office hours,
Christmas parties and more.”

As stated by the respondents, they are currently facing different adjustments during the now
normal for the safety of the employees. According to Sonia P. Goncalves et al., (2021)
Human resource managers reported that the most evident changes in the future will be
associated with the use of technology, teleworking, and work organization.


Positive adaptation in the face of adversity is the most popular definition of resilience.
(Fleming 2008). Concluding to Su (2021), the use of human resource strategies to build
organizational resilience capability during crises adds to the collection of knowledge on crisis
management by improving the understanding of organizational resilience. A well-informed
viewpoint that encourages investment in human resources (HR) policies that improve

Gratitude has been defined as a general inclination for people to recognize the positive
aspects of their lives, as well as a fleeting emotion generated by specific experiences or
thought. (Layous, 2017). McGuinness (2020) emphasized that Human Resource should
prioritize people. Human Resource must validate thankfulness for an employee's adversities
during a crisis. This aids in the development of organizational loyalty and commitment.


The driving force behind a person's activities and behaviors is motivation. It is what
motivates a character's objectives and desire to act in literature. (Guay et al., 2010).
According to Mwita (2020), when organizations stop rewarding their employees, employee
engagement is more likely to suffer. Organizations' management, particularly the HR
department, should consider a variety of methods for motivating their personnel.

“With the help of the management and the supportive employees, the HROD survived with
the hope and gratefulness of our employees. Giving us inspiration to continue doing what we
are doing.”

The Human Resource Department survived with the optimism and gratitude of their
employees, The help of management and helpful staff. Providing them with motivation to
keep doing what they’re doing. Increased mental well-being, satisfaction, productivity,
motivation, and health safety at work motivate human resource departments to give their all
every day, resulting in gratitude and motivation dedicated to the company's goals and values.

Remote work

Remote work, often known as work from home or telecommuting, is a sort of flexible work
arrangement that allows an employee to work from a location other than the company's
headquarters, central offices or production facilities, although the worker has no direct
communication with his or her coworkers, he or she is able to connect with them via
technology. Remote work can be done on a temporary or permanent basis, part-time or full-
time, infrequently or frequently. (Di Martino & Wirth, 1990, p. 530).

Work from Home is a word that has been around for a long time. It has been in existence for
more than a decade. The COVID19 pandemic has compelled the biggest number of
representatives to work from home. Telecommuting and remote working are two terms that
have been used to describe the concept. (Kaushik, 2020). Gueleri, (2020), stated that
employees who work from home have more flexibility in their working hours, and the work
for the firm is completed quickly. Work from home is beneficial in conveying work-life
balance to employees, as well as assisting the company in completing tasks. Working from
home allows employees more freedom in terms of working hours and atmosphere.

As defined by Davis and Newstrom (2006), communication is the transfer of information

from one person to another. It's a way to communicate with others by sending thoughts,
feelings, facts, and values.

In recent times, communication is critical for Human Resources, especially as employee

needs are a significant thing to consider in response to COVID-19. As a result, Human
Resource Department experts should play a key role in meeting the needs of employees
(Gilbreath & Montesino 2006). According to Gilbreath and Montesino (2006), Human
Resource Department experts must detect workplace stressors and make recommendations
to promote employee well-being. People will look to businesses for advice in a crisis, and
organizations will look to employees to push forward and meet the challenge.

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a workplace mindset that encourages all employees of a company to

provide their best every day, dedicated to the company's goals and values. (Chanana,

As stated by Ahmed, (2020) Employee engagement may have decreased as a result of
the current coronavirus pandemic, which could have an impact on organizational
productivity, but it's one of the most critical projects to keep in mind if you want to be
successful by effectively engaging employees at the workplace. Human resource managers
must demonstrate a new level of awareness to guarantee that employees remain healthy and
engaged. The most effective method to achieve this is to develop constant communication,
information sharing, and knowledge sharing processes.

“ Despite the pandemic, our social engagement didn’t drastically change. We still have little
chit chats with our co-workers. They could still have a small get together during lunch
breaks, but they have to follow protocols strictly. Like the social distancing and wearing of

In this statement, the respondents show that despite the now normal situation they’re
employees' engagement didn't change. Employees who are engaged have a lot of energy and
are enthusiastic about their jobs. Furthermore, they are frequently occupied with work, and
time is of the essence. According to Khan, (2020) Employee engagement is a vital
component of business success and competitiveness, and engaged employees can contribute
to organizational performance. Employees who are engaged in their work put in more effort
and are more inclined to go above and beyond their required and expected workload.

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