Nativity Carol Coro

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Nativity Carol Parte Corale John Rutter Andante tranquillo . = 108 sone (= SSS mp1.Born in a sta-ble so Bo-m so long a- nf 3. Wisemenfrom di-stantfar land, Shepherds from star - ry 3 yntralti =| = =—= =—=S== Contatti CFS S555 a mp1,Bom in a sta-ble so ba=te, Bo-m so long a- af 3. Wise menfrom di-stantfar la~nd, Shepherdsfrom star - ry Tenori f= ——- mpl.Born in a sta-ble so. ba-re, Bo-m so lo-nga- af 3. Wise menfrom di-stantfar la - nd, She-phers from star - ry 3 _ 3. __ i as [DERE oe SSS mp1. Borm Bo-m so lo-nga- mf 3, Wise men, Shepherds from star - ry ae SS i > 3 d —— f s == - — = 20; bo-m ‘neath li-ghtof star, He who lo-ved us 50. hills Worship this babe so rare, hearts with His warmthHe fills. A ; = 7 aa f > cad bo=6rn ‘neath, He— who lowed us hi-ls Worship this hearts with His warmth He 1 Hr GES 5555 go bo - m ‘neall hi-lls Worship this He__ who lo-ved us hearts with His warmth He 80; bo-m star, He who lo-ved us so hills Worship this bube so rare, Heart with His warmth He fll. res a poco a poco ES ete Bes ff ho - mage pay, a-wa-y si-lent He scope = TS z Et Tisn to - da-y,your ho - mage pay; for sempre cresc. Ciees Ty si-tewtHe ay, Born to - da-y,your ho - mage pay, for _snmre crs ae 7 3 F = =| =F} i aS Np — 7s Far a-wa-y si - lent la - y, born to-day, your ho - mage pay; Surofa 2: avanti ___ Suofa 4: aD = Se iT = z = =H SS bo-m for aye, Bo-m on stmas Day. at = —J z = oe ST oF = . a bo-m for a-ye, Bo - mm on Chri - stmas_ Day. ff =o = == ==>! bo-m for aye, Bo-m on Chri - stmas Day. p= i == —H a € = = for aye, bo-rm on — Chri ~ stmas Day. === 5 f —- ?2.Cradledby motherso fair, Tender her 2. B.C. fino aD 2.B.C. fino aD B, =—— | ee — — ——_ An-gelhosts fi-llthe sky. Far a-wa-y sitentHe Ja - y, Born to - day, your =] St [P] cao baw. 31) % espress. e dolce pp pres. e dole : - 7 _ _ Ss. (pe E es a E = Ft = ee 4.Lovein that sta-ble was bom In-to our hea-rts to flow; sre. dole : - ae SS ee a == = 5 = pSSe Se 4.Lovein that sta-ble was born Tn-to our hea-rts to flow; express. e dolce _ - pies ‘4.Lovein that sta- ble was born In-to our hea-nts to espress. e dolce _ 4 tH=t=rapts ===S ?P4.Lovein that sta-ble was born In-to our hea-rts to flow, 3 a + + ‘eS= in - no-cent In - no-cent Stay ie In - no-cent Make me y yo-ur ho - mage pay; eS Far a-wa la - y, Bo-m to - day your ho - mage pay; ee = = T. Pet oa = f=* = Far a- wa la-y, your ho - mage pay; -_ . -»—f la - y, Bo-m to day your ho - mage pay; town 4h IT te Bo-m= on pars Bo-m on - stma Day.

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