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Economic Focus Pastoralixm and Development in Ethiopia

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Solomon Desta**

I. Introduction II. Pastoralism and its East, North-east, West, and South of
Economic Significance the country. Ethiopian pastoralists
It has been a pleasure and a represent many different ethnic
profound privilege to me to be groups. The most important ones in
Pastoralism occupies a quarter of the
invited to present a paper at the terms of number of people, livestock
world land area which is
prestigious Ethiopian Economic and size of area occupied are the
predominantly arid and semi-arid
Association gathering. Let me take Somali in the east and southeast,
and supports tens of millions of
this opportunity to extend my utmost Afar in the northeast, the Borana in
pastoral households in which 60%
thanks to Dr. Assefa Admassie the south. In addition, there are
are found in Africa. Pastoralism is
who contacted my colleague Getachew smaller groups such as the Hamer
an economic activity and land use
Gebru to think of presenting a paper and Gelebe, Arbore, and Dassenetch,
system with its own distinct
on "Pastoralism and Development etc. who live in the extreme
characteristics and it is a way of life
in Ethiopia: Vision 2020". It was southwest of the country.
for people who derive most of their
Getachew who later encouraged me Pastoralists are also found in areas
income or sustenance from keeping
to give it a shot and prepare the of Tigray, Benishangul and
domestic livestock reared in
paper despite my hesitation to do so Gambella. The Somali pastoralists
conditions where most of the feed is
as I thought it may difficult to talk constitute 53% of the pastoral
natural rather than cultivated or
about the future under a dynamic population followed by the Afar
closely managed (Sandford 1983).
world which is changing at an 29%, the Borana 10% and the
In pastoral systems livestock
alarming rate and at times in remaining 8% are found in
production is the mainstay of
unexpected direction ending in Gambella, Benishangul and Tigray
people’s livelihood.
unexpected outcomes. I would like regions. Of the total livestock in the
to thank Dr. Getachew for giving me country it is estimated that the
Pastoralism makes a very significant
the courage to take the initiative and pastoral sector raises 40% of the
contribution to the national income,
prepare the paper. He made an cattle, 75% of the goats, 25% of the
employment, agricultural production,
invaluable input in the content and sheep, 20% of the equines, and
and food demand of people in the
quality of the paper. 100% of the camels (Coppock
world. They produce 10% of the
global meat used for human
Going back to the main agenda of consumption (Roger Blench, 2001).
today’s gathering, I start by talking Pastoral groups in Ethiopia subsist
Pastoral areas in Ethiopia cover two
about what pastoralism is and its extent off their animals both directly
thirds of the land mass of the
and contribution to the national through drinking milk and eating
country and support 12-15% (or 10-
economy and will give you an meat, and indirectly by exchanging
overview on past and ongoing pastoral 12 million people) of the country’s
livestock or their products for grains
development efforts and policies that human population and a large
and other goods and services. The
affected their outcomes before going number of livestock. These areas
lowland breeds of cattle and sheep
into where the pastoralist in Ethiopia which are commonly called as
and goats which are originating from
stand now and where they may find rangelands are located in the arid
themselves in 2020 which is the core the pastoral areas have typically
and semi-arid lowland areas in the
agenda of my talk. made up >90% of the annual legal
* The Vision 2020 Forum conducted on 07 July 2006.
Dr. Solomon Desta obtained his BSC in 1981 fro Alemaya University, MSc in 1987 from Wye College- University of London and PhD in 1999 in
Range Land Resources Economics and Management – in Borona from Utah State University, USA. He worked as a senior Government Official in
Ethiopia in implementing various pastoral development projects which were fancied by World Bank and African Development Bank. He is now a
research associate in Utah State University. He has a number of articles as author and co-author on pastoral production system.

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Economic Focus HIV/AIDS: Vulnerability to Coffee Production in Ethiopia
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exports of live and processed Pastoralists are the most matters where they would find
animals. In addition, about hundreds marginalized group of people in themselves in the next 15-20 years
of million dollars worth of pastoral Ethiopia. Even by the standard of time. External factors such as
livestock is traded on the cross Ethiopia, pastoral areas have the government policies, governance,
border international market each lowest access for basic public security and natural disasters would
year and official statistics never services such as education and also have their own contributions to
reflected this volume (Coppock human health services. Infra- impact outcomes of the development
1994). Moreover cattle from the structures such as roads, telephone, dynamics.
pastoral areas provide around 20% markets, etc are poorly developed.
of the draft animals for the Ethiopian Poverty and food insecurity is wide Most if not all past and present
highlands (Coppock 1994). spread. They have a very low major pastoral development
representation in the national investments in Ethiopia were
Pastoral areas in Ethiopia are political processes. It is crucial for initiated and funded by either
characterized by frequent drought the good of the country to have multilateral organizations such as
with high livestock mortality which pastoralism in the national the World Bank or bilateral
often results in threatening viability development agenda to bring in organizations such as the USAID. In
of pastoral livelihood, famine and livelihood improvement to these most case the funding share of these
deaths in human population. For people who eke livings out of the organizations happened to be 80%
example, the 1973/74 drought that arid and semi-arid environment in or above which gave the lenders
affected the pastoral areas in general which case the natural ecological and/or a strong say in the design of
and the Afar pastoralist in particular settings of such areas favors these projects and their
decimated 72% of the cattle herd, pastoralism. It is unthinkable to have implementation approaches. They
45% of sheep, 34% of goats and a sustainable and comprehensive also had influence in deciding the
37% of camels. In both the 1983-5 development in Ethiopia without direction on which the projects
and 1990-2 droughts the Borana having pastoralists and pastoral should move and the kind of goods
pastoralists in southern Ethiopia lost areas which constitute a substantial and services they ought to produce.
50 to 60% of their livestock number of the human population and
inventory (Desta et al. 2002, cover a larger portion of the In spite of the economic significance
Coppock 1994). The 1984-85 countries land mass on board. of pastoralism in Ethiopia, very little
Borana drought wiped out 90% the development consideration was
calves (Cossins and Upton, III. Overview of Pastoral given to pastoral areas and pastoralist
1988).The recent 2005/6 drought Development in until the mid-1960s. In late 50th and
that hit Afar, Borana and Somali has early 60th the United States Agency for
claimed a huge loss in livestock
Ethiopia International Development (USAID),
wealth. Among all other factors such in collaboration with the imperial
To give a lucid view on pastoralism
as human and livestock disease government financed development of
and development in Ethiopia in the
outbreaks, conflict and insecurity, water resources and livestock market
next several decades, it is very
which are very prevalent in pastoral centers in the Borana area (Zere 1987).
important to review the success and
areas drought, compounded with However, it was after the formation of
failures of the recent past and
other internal factors such as growth the Livestock and Meat Board (LMB)
ongoing pastoral development
in human population and loss of in 1964 that the government of
efforts and associated policies. The
grazing lands to non pastoral Ethiopia began large scale efforts to
future development of pastoralism in
investments, remained to be the develop the pastoral areas.
Ethiopia is partly a function of its
most devastating and least
accumulated strength from the past
manageable problem that threatens Livestock and Meat Board
and the present and partly on current
the stability and viability of
and future policies that define the
pastoralism and pastoral livelihoods The LMB was created to enhance
components and direction of the
in Ethiopia. The pastoral areas in the development strategy of the
development path to follow on to
Ethiopia are regarded as drought Imperial government of Ethiopia to
bring change in the system. Hence,
vulnerable with chronic food commercialize the livestock sector.
where the pastoralists start from and
deficiencies. The Board has played a major part
the development path followed on
in the history of pastoral

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development in Ethiopia. The implementation approaches from the Second Livestock Development
studies, development projects and LMB. Attempts have been made to Project
implementation approaches crafted involve the pastoral beneficiaries
and initiated by the LMB in the 60th and their institutions in the design The Second Livestock Development
and 70th have influenced much of the and implementation of these Project (SLDP) was initiated in 1973
pastoral development efforts and projects. See below brief description and run until 1981. The project
outcomes up until late years of the of the development projects. began implementation during the
80th. The development model used imperial time but went into full
by the LMB was livestock and Arero Range Pilot Project fledged implementation during the
natural resource focused in its Dergue period. This project was
objectives and technology driven in The ARPP was initiated and aimed at developing an integrated
its development approaches. It was implemented during the Imperial market and stock route system in the
the LMB that crafted and facilitated regime at a time when unsettled or country was expected to improve
implementation of the first USAID- uncultivated land in Ethiopia was livestock off take by opening up
funded pastoral area development conceived by the state authorities as better market opportunities for
project called the Arero Range Pilot no-man land and claimed as state producers (Zere 1987). Stock route
Project (ARPP) in Borana. The property. The ARPP lasted from facilities and market places were
Second Livestock Development 1965-75 (Zere 1987). It was constructed, but unfortunately most
Project (SLDP) which was a market supposed to be implemented near were destroyed in the Ethio-Somali
oriented project was also initiated by the towns of Yabello among Borana war of 1977-8 (Coppock 1994,
the LMB. The LMB has also funded communities and Abernossa among Desta 1996) and subsequent
studies of several pastoral areas in the Arsi people. Although the instability in the eastern and
which some of the reports from the project was meant to improve the southern rangelands constrained
studies were used to develop a standard of living of the pastoral project implementation. When the
pastoral development proposal for community and increase animal off project ended in 1981 only a few
funding consideration by take for commercial markets, it was markets were operational. Stock
international financers. The Third received with lots of suspicion by routes were never utilized. The
Livestock Development Project the pastoralists. Pastoralists were major defect of the project was its
(TLDP) which lasted until late 80th afraid of losing their land to the failure to consult pastoralists and
was a product of these studies. Most government as the law allows. The traders and its focus on livestock
of the senior professionals who were project created paddocks and commercialization than on
involved in the development of the watering facilities in a 2000 km2 area pastoralists’ livelihoods. SLDP was
pastoral areas over the last 2-3 near Yabello to improve livestock funded by the World Bank.
decades were trained by either the productivity through controlled
LMB or its projects and molded in rotational grazing which was not Third Livestock Development
such a way to enhance the LMB compatible, however, with the Project
development model. traditional common property rights
of the Borana and it was impossible Third Livestock Development
The Southern rangelands to enforce it (Zere 1987). However, Project (TLDP) or some call it
development pilot project which was in some cases, the project attracted Rangeland Development Project
implemented in Borana and the settlement around the newly (RDP) was crafted based on
Southeast Rangelands Development constructed huge water points, and experiences gained from the
Project which was implemented this resulted in severe overgrazing previous projects and various socio-
among the Somalis in region 5 in the that turned what was once open economic studies carried out in
late 80th and early 90th respectively savanna grassland into woodland major pastoral areas of Ethiopia. The
and the ongoing World Bank funded (Coppock 1994, Desta 1996). The TLDP (1975-84) was the first large-
Pastoral Community Development Abernossa sub-project was not scale, pastoral development
Project (PCDP) which is being implemented at all as disagreements intervention envisioned as a step in
implemented under the coordination between the subproject leaders and the long-term development of the
of the Ministry of Federal Affairs local producers forced project Ethiopian pastoral areas. This
have made a major departure in their withdrawal. project was studied during the
objective settings, design and imperial times but, implemented

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during the Dergue regime and its stocker/feeder program was aimed to of semi-arid and arid pastoral
implementation efficiency and facilitate off take to prevent build-up systems, and an underestimation of
commercialization objective of the of herds and subsequent die-off of the power of traditional institutions
livestock industry had been animals. In general, the long-term and utility of indigenous knowledge.
compromised by the Marxist policy objective of TLDP was to establish a The focuses of these projects were
of the Dergue regime. comprehensive system of range use on the livestock or the natural
under which herders could adjust resource base rather than improving
The objective of the project was to their overall stock numbers in the livelihood of the people they
develop and rehabilitate 3 vast areas relation to carrying capacity so that support. The projects were
through 3 subprojects: the Southern production and productivity of the overtaken and driven by the western
Rangelands Development Unit rangeland and the livestock could ranching model to produce cheap
(SORDU) in the Borana and Guji increase. meats which were meant to supply
zone to the south and Liben zone of urban consumers and the export
region 5, the Northeast Rangelands The implementation of TLDP was markets.
Development Unit (NERDU) in the caught up in civil conflicts and a war
Afar region and bordering woredas with Somalia. Other factors that Southern Rangelands Pilot Project
of Tigray to the northeast, and the constrained project execution
Jijiga Rangeland Development Unit included change in the economy In 1988 the fourth World Bank
(JIRDU) in the Somali region to the policy of Ethiopia from a capitalistic funded livestock development
east and southeast. The aim was to type to a communistic type project (FLDP) implemented with a
develop an area of 203,000 km2 command economy (World Bank focus on the highland livestock
using the three sub-projects. . 1991). Lack of knowledge of resources. Southern Rangelands
pastoral behavior and attempts made Pilot Project was a component of
TLDP was a comprehensive venture by the project to change traditional FLDP implemented in the south
aimed at increasing livestock practices was a major problem of among the Borana communities
productivity, increasing off take, and TLDP. The TLDP was ultimately (FLDP 1987). It was planned to be
raising the standard of living of unsuccessful in achieving its implemented in 5-year period.
pastoral people by restructuring the restructuring and improvement Similar to the previous projects the
traditional system of extensive goals. Land use planning and main objective of the pilot project
livestock production. This was to be proposals for improved range was to improve food security of the
achieved through the provision of management were not applied. But pastoralists. However, this project
veterinary and livestock extension there was, however, considerable was different in its approach and
services, water and infrastructure improvement in delivery of philosophy of pastoral development
development, training of the rural veterinary services and provision of from the previous three projects. The
population, capacity building of infrastructure (i.e., water develop- 3 guiding key elements of the pilot
governmental institutions responsible ment, roads, etc.; World Bank project were sustainability,
for the livestock sector, and 1991). TLDP was funded by the participation, and cost-sharing by
conducting appropriate research World Bank and African beneficiaries. Utilization of
(RDP 1975). There were other Development Bank. traditional organizations and
components including a water- indigenous knowledge were
spreading program, ranch Overall the three projects discussed considered as key factors to promote
development program, a above were over-ambitious and development in pastoral areas. The
stocker/feeder program and biased towards stimulating Pilot Project was aimed at
marketing programs that were production at the expense of the introducing changes in the
intended to mitigate stress on socio-cultural systems (World Bank conventional development strategy
pastoral systems that occur from 1991, Desta 1996). Similar to other in pastoral areas. The project was an
drought situations (Zere 1987, World Bank rangeland projects experiment to test the feasibility and
World Bank 1991). The intent of the launched in Africa in the 1970s and sustainability of using cooperative-
ranch scheme and the stocker feeder 1980s, the impact of these projects based, participatory approaches for
programs was to remove stock from on human livelihood was minimal pastoral development. If successful,
the rangeland before they were because of top-down approach, lack the intention was to use the pilot
decimated by drought. The of understanding of the functioning project to justify a larger scale

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project in the southern rangelands has also registered some success in PCDP. There are regional
that embodied these new initiating participatory, bottom up coordination offices at each region
perspectives. Implementation of the approach in pastoral development. It which provide technical back
pilot project was severely hampered was a learning process for the stopping, financial, procurement,
and aborted because of the insecurity project at large to use a people and other coordination support to the
prevailed in the area during the centered approach to implement the woredas where resources and project
political transition following the fall projects infrastructure, animal health implementations are managed.
of Dergue. The project however and forage development programs.
brought some attitudinal changes Credible attempts were made to PCDP is yet to be seen if it could be
among development practitioners involve all relevant stakeholders in implemented as it has been designed
involved in its implementation. The project design and implementation. and deliver what is expected as
principal beneficiary of many of the The overall impact of SERP is indicated in the project document.
ideas from the Pilot Project was the something yet to be evaluated. Otherwise PCDP has all the
Southeast Rangelands Project necessary ingredients in its design to
(SERP). Pastoral Community Development form an ideal project. It is made a
Project major shift in its objective; project
Southeast Rangelands design from the previous known
Development Project The Pastoral Community livestock centered top-down
Development Project (PCDP) is development approach to a people,
The SERP started in 1990 with funded by the World Bank and livelihood centered and bottom up
funding from the African IFAD for a five year period participatory approach. It is long
Development Bank (ADB), and it beginning 2003 that is expected to term and flexible in resource use.
covered a vast area of 245,000 km2 be the first of three phases of a 15
occupied by the Somali. The year project. The project is aimed at Other Recent Governmental
development objective of the SERP improving the livelihoods of Pastoral Research Development
was to raise the living standards of pastoraslists in Afar, Somali, Initiatives
the pastoral populations by Oromia and SNNP regions. The
improving productivity of livestock project is designed in such a way to Pastoral development has never been
and ensuring sustainability of natural empower pastoralists as well as part of the national development
resources (SERP 1989). district and regional governments to plan in Ethiopia until recently. There
Furthermore, and similar to the better mange developments in was no a permanent government
SORDU Pilot Project, it was pastoral areas. The PCDP body with a mandate to plan and
anticipated that the formation of implementation approach is implement developments to improve
pastoralist associations or designed to be participatory, the livelihood of pastoralists. Recent
cooperatives would facilitate community driven and livelihood effort to have a pastoral
provision of social services and focused which is different from the development department in the
increase capability of communities hierarchical, top down, approach ministry of federal affairs, the
to sustain themselves, particularly that has been used by the Ethiopian pastoral extension unit in the federal
during drought. The SERP had government for decades. The project ministry of Agriculture, pastoral
learned much from previous projects is expected to help the government development office in the regions
and was trying to avoid past develop appropriate policy and such as in Oromia, Somali, Afar and
mistakes. The project was phased institutional environments that will SNNP where pastoralism is an
out after two extensions. The timely be able to effectively promote pro essential production system, is a
implementation of SERP has been pastoral development. PCDP will positive move in the right direction.
also affected by insecurity and the also work to strengthen policies on These offices are now actively
time taken to set up the new important matters including engaged in planning and
administrative structure following to pastoralists land use rights, implementing pastoral development
the down fall of Dergue which have settlement, livestock trade and activities regularly.
taken quite long time. SERP has marketing and public service
recorded some success in delivery (PCDP Project document). There is also a growing interest
infrastructure development and The Ministry of Federal Affairs among research and academic
animal health deliveries. The project coordinates implementation of institutions to incorporate

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pastoralism in their research and Government Policies and Pastoral Imperial and Dergue Periods and
teaching programs. Alemaya Development Pastoral Development Policies
University has plans to establish
Institute of Pastoral Studies; EARO Pastoralists in Ethiopia have During the imperial time unsettled
has a dry land and pastoral research traditional institutions and land in Ethiopia was conceived as
directorate, construction of a huge organizations on which the pastoral no-man land. Most of the state farms
World Bank funded research centers mode of production and way of and the national parks which we see
with a focus on pastoral research and livelihood has sustained itself for today were established in pastoral
development have been undertaken centuries. These social, economic, lands by forcefully evacuating the
in Oromia, Afar, Somali, and other territorial, and political institutions pastoral communities of Afar,
pastoral regions. Gewane vocational have facilitated ownership and Kereyu, Hammer, Geleb, etc. It was
center has been established to management of resources, resolution part of the policy of the imperial
produce development facilitators of conflicts, sharing and government to take away the so
who can work in pastoral areas. redistribution of wealth, and called no-man land from the
Although not yet so much effective provision of governances. The Herra pastoralisis holdings to reassign to
there is a Pastoral Education Task of Somali, the Gadda of Borana and individuals called “developers” to
Force in the federal ministry of Guji and the Medaa and Adaa of cultivate cash crops. The effect of
education responsible to develop and Afar were pastoral institutions on such forced evacuation and use of
implement pastoralists’ friendly which the social, economic and the pastoral lands for non pastoral
education model. These are all political lives of these communities investments has devastated pastoral
positive measures that would built upon over centuries. However, livelihoods. All of this was done
facilitate developments in pastoral endogenous factors such as increase under a guise of developing pastoral
areas. in human population and loss of areas and pastoralists from a
grazing lands and growing backward nomadic life style to
Non Governmental Organization competition for dwindling scarce seemingly superior lifestyle of
and Pastoral Development resources, and exogenous factors sedentary cultivators. The measure
such as expansion of the state and was devoid of human face. The
Several international and local non- “modernization” that encroached the development policy was solely
governmental organizations (NGOs) traditional institutions, inappropriate focusing on the natural resources
have been operating in the pastoral government policies that undermine and the livestock not on improving
areas for several decades. Most if the pastoral production systems have the pastoral livelihood. Those
not all NGOs initially came to the challenged and compromised the pastoral development projects which
pastoral areas to provide emergency existence and effectiveness of these were initiated during the imperial
relief assistance in response to traditional institutions and have time (see above) have clearly
drought. These organizations have weakened their authorities overtime. reflected the regime’s policy by
been successful in saving lives Policies of the Ethiopian focusing on livestock and natural
during the droughts that occurred in governments have been antagonistic resources rather than the pastoralists
the 1980th, 1990th and in the recent to pastoralism, pastoralists and their who depend on these resources to
droughts. Over time, however, they traditional institutions. In some support their livelihood.
tried to integrate development cases the aggressive move by
activities with relief. The NGOs governments to replace the The imperial and the Dergue regime
have been increasingly focused on traditional institutions and have communality in excluding the
small-scale projects of provision of organizations ended up in the loss of human element in the pastoral
water facilities, veterinary drugs etc. indigenous knowledge appropriate development equation and their
However, since their primary focus to manage the fragile arid and semi- focus on livestock production and
was on emergency relief their arid eco-system. Policies related to productivity. In some cases Dergue
general impact on the livelihood of pastoralism and pastoral was worst. The 1975 proclamation
pasrtoralists has not been so development during the last two which led to the nationalization of
significant. regimes and the current one are rural lands limited pastoralists to
briefly described below. usufruct rights and gave the socialist
state the authority to further
encroach upon pastoralists’ lands

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and water resources for investments local conditions. Thus it formed a conditions of life. These are some of
not related to pastoral livelihoods or department in the ministry of federal the articles in the constitution which
wellbeing. New large scale farms affairs which coordinates and specifically reflect position of the
established and some of the old ones facilitates development in pastoral government regarding pastoralist
expanded at the expense of the areas and set up Pastoralist Affairs interest. In its short-medium
pastoral herders. Best rangelands Standing Committee in the development policy the government
were demarked and enclosed for parliament which oversees pastoral admits the importance of investing
national parks, state forests, state development activities in the in pastoralism to improve the food
controlled ranches, outlawing the country. Regional offices in charge security situation of pastoralists. It
pastoralists from using them for of pastoral development have been also acknowledges the usefulness of
grazing. Large resettlement schemes established in regions where the traditional pastoral knowledge to
were carried out at the expense of pastoralism is an important manage pastoral resources. However
nomadic pastoralists. The socialist production system. Different from in its long term policy it advocates
state went further to control the previous two regimes the current for sedenterization of pastoralists
pastoralists’ involvement in the government has attempted to based on development of irrigation
market by institutionalizing a quota incorporate pastoral development in which became so much controversial
system in which each pastoral its national development plans and contradicts the constitution in a
associations has to supply a given (2000-2004 and 2005-2009 five year certain way. There is a need for
number of animals at a given period plans). more and open dialogue among the
at state fixed prices to the state run policy makers, development
livestock enterprises to feed the Despite its lack of clarity the facilitators, researchers, pastoral
urban consumers and for export to government set a national policy and advocacy groups and the pastoral
earn hard currency. TLDP was used strategies to direct development community to bring to the surface
to a certain extent to enhance the efforts in the pastoral areas of implications and appropriateness of
government policy of ranching, Ethiopia. It has made a stride in the government long term policy of
settlements, quotas to supply the considering the need to develop the pastoral sedenterization. The
markets fully controlled by the state, pastoral area and to give some government has to move and admit
etc. development direction that triggers unambiguously that pastoralism as a
improvement of the livelihood of viable way of life for the
All the pastoral development pastoralists. It also has made certain environment it is being practiced as
projects during the imperial and shift in the thinking of pastoral crop cultivation is in the high
Dergue regime were implemented in development from its predecessors. moisture area.
a policy environment of taking It looks like it has made a departure
livestock development synonyms from its predecessors in a sense that IV. Where does Pastoralism
with pastoral development. The it is focusing more on the poor in Ethiopia stand now?
projects reflected to a certain extent livestock holders (i.e., pastoralists)
the regimes perception of and poverty reduction than the
It is close to half a century since
pastoralism as backward production livestock themselves. However there
large scale development efforts were
system that needs to be modernized is still a need to do more by the
initiated in the pastoral areas of
and restructured. However these government to bring pastoralists
Ethiopia. However, there is one big
projects attempts to restructure the themselves to participate in the
question remained to be answered,
traditional pastoral production policy making process that affect
i.e., have these development efforts
system have failed completely. their livelihoods.
registered any sustainable positive
impact on the pastoral people?
The Federal Democratic Republic The 1994 Ethiopian Constitution
Nowadays, even organizations that
of Ethiopia provided for pastoralists the right to
have been operating in pastoral areas
free land grazing and not to be
have begun to question the impact of
The Federal Democratic Republic of displaced from their own lands
their development interventions.
Ethiopia (FDRE) considered areas without their wish. The constitution
More studies are revealing that
under pastoral production system as also provides pastoralists to receive
pastoral systems in Ethiopia which
areas of special problems which fair prices for their products that
have been functioning well for
need special measures appropriate to would lead to improvement in their

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centuries and which have provided and non-governmental so far to optimum human and livestock
livelihood to people are becoming alleviate poverty and increase food carrying capacity they could provide
unstable and less reliable to sustain security is unclear. a viable livelihood to people.
pastoral livelihoods. The pastoral Awareness and capacity of pastoral
areas are currently being One thing is, however, encouraging communities to mange their own
characterized by increasing at the moment. The national and affair is growing. Pastoralists have
instability, food insecurity, international policy environment, the begun diversifying their asset and
decreasing income, increasing capacity of the pastoralists income bases to create more wealth.
poverty, a decline in adherence to themselves to manage their Pastoralists are building up their
social mores and environmental development needs, increasing own institutions such as the Oromia
degradation. For example Desta et involvement of government Pastoral Elder’s Council that
al., 2002 found out that among the institutions and NGOs to push complements the effectiveness of the
Borana pastoralist major production development in pastoral areas are so traditional institutions. Pastoral
indicators signaled a decline in favorable to enhance a take off in advocacy institutions national as
pastoral welfare. Most alarming of pastoral development in Ethiopia. well as international are emerging
all is the decline in the ratio of The evolution the development and becoming vocal to protect the
livestock to people. The human practitioners both governmental and interest of pastoralists. The policy of
population is increasing while the non governmental made over time in the current government towards
livestock population fluctuates as it terms of their thinking and approach pastoralists is positive in general. It
is periodically affected by drought in promoting developments in has made some move in crafting
and feed shortages. There is also a pastoral areas from top down policies and setting up institutions to
trend of wealth-class polarization in livestock focused to bottom up address the needs of pastoralists.
which wealth is being concentrated participatory and livelihood focused Growing global demand for meat in
in the hands of few rich households has been an encouraging positive 2020 (Delgado 1999) and increasing
(but not as rich as they used to be) trend that could contribute a lot demand for organic meat that would
while the number of poor towards achieving a sustainable benefit the small livestock
households is growing (and they are development in pastoral areas. producers. However, insecurity in
poorer than they used to be). the pastoral areas and governance
Traditional wealth redistribution V. Pastoralism and that hamper development efforts and
mechanisms and sense of Development in 2020 spread of HIV Aids and its impact
cooperation and mutual assistance in Ethiopia on the labour force are factors that
among Borana pastoralists is could play negatively in the
deteriorating. There is a real threat It is not so easy to give insights direction and magnitude of the
of ending the era of elder-based about the future state of a production development changes.
traditional socio-politico-economic system and the people who depend
order in Borana. Situations are very on it. I did not want to play with the Vision
similar in other pastoral areas of the “if” to consider different scenarios to
country (Desta et al, 2004). tell about the future. I opt to look Let me try to be courageous enough
However, it is not to say that into the development processes to be more precise and give my
investments made in pastoral pastoralists were subjected to for insights in pastoral development in
development in the past have been several decades and become what Ethiopia in 2020.
totally wasted. Government projects they are now, and the available
and NGOs have been successful in forces such as government policies I believe, there will be a solid move
providing physical infrastructures that could bring change in by the government to admit
and controlling contagious animal pastoralists’ livelihood in the future. pastoralism as one way of life as it is
diseases. They have also made a There is a wealth of experience and true with crop cultivation and its
noticeable contribution in raising the knowledge in pastoral development policy decisions would become
awareness of pastoralists and accumulated over time that one can more accommodative of the kind of
building their capacity to mange tap from. The natural resource base support needed to make the system
their own development affairs. in the arid and semi-arid lowlands more productive and viable.
However, the contribution made by which are inhabited by pastoralists if
all organizations both governmental properly managed and subject to the

Vol. 9 No. 3 19 Ethiopian Economic Association

Economic Focus HIV/AIDS: Vulnerability to Coffee Production in Ethiopia
L±n a^×Ñì@KS

I believe, the traditional pastoral between the rural pastoral areas and References
leadership will open up more and the growing small towns.
engage itself with forces outside its Blench, R. 2001. ‘You can’t go home again’
Pastoralism in the new millennium. 2001.
traditional domain to secure an I believe pastoralist will benefit from Institutional Research Fellow, Overseas
increased political representation to the livestock revolution in 2020 and Development Institute, London, UK.
voice out the views of pastoralists from international market for organic Coppock, D.L. 1994. The Borana Plateau of
Southern Ethiopia: Synthesis of Pastoral
and advocate aggressively to protect products, thus facilitate and Research, Development, and Change, 1980-
their interest accelerate development in the area. 1991. System Study No. 5. International
Livestock Center for Africa, Addis Ababa,
I also believe there will be more I also believe cross border Cossins, N. J. and M. Upton. 1988a.
Options for improvement of the Borana
diversified pastoralist (level of movement of pastoralists will be pastoral system. Agric. Systems 27:251-278.
diversification could vary among the liberalized hence pastoralists will Delgado, C., M. Rossegrant, H. Steinfeld.,
different pastoral groups depending and S. Ehui. 1999. Livestock to 2020. The
have more access to grazing
Next Food Revolution. IFPRI 2020 Brief 61.
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development continuum, and opportunities for knowledge and development in Ethiopia. p. 26-28. In: S.
Edwards and T. Mesfin (eds). Proceedings of
availability of opportunities for skill transfer form one to the other the conference on pastoralism in Ethiopia, 4-6
diversification in their respective February 1993, Addis Ababa.
Desta, S., and Coppock, D.L. (2002) “Cattle
areas) with increasing number of I believe the pastoral system will Population Dynamics in the Southern
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investment portfolios to include non Range Management 55: 439-451.
successfully absorbs shocks and be Desta, S., and Coppock, D.L. (2004)
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pastoralists, particularly the wealthy livelihoods. Its contribution to the change in southern Ethiopia.” Human
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57. Institute of Development Studies at
greater net return in their portfolio. University of Sussex Brighton, UK.
However, livestock will remain the In summary there will a major FLDP (Fourth Livestock Development
main economic activity in the Project). 1987. Staff appraisal report
change in the livelihood components (implementation volume). Eastern and
pastoral areas. of pastoralists in Ethiopia in 2020. Southern Africa Projects Department,
Northern Agricultural Division, the
We will see a pastoral system
International Bank for Reconstruction and
I also believe there will be whereby natural capital are more Development.
substantial improvement in pubic conserved and protected, physical Kebebew, F. and D. Tsegaye. 2001.
Traditional Coping Strategies of Afar and
services such as education, health, capital more developed, financial Borana Pastoralists in Response to Drought.
roads and communication, etc. in and economic capital grown, human Report No. 17. Drylands Cooerdinations
pastoral areas. There will be more Group. Mekelle University, Gry Synnevag,
capital and human confidence to Noragric.
educated (BSc, MSc, PhD, etc) and solve new problems improved. We RDP (Rangeland Development Project).
entrepreneurial people from the 1975. Appraisal report Rangeland
will see a diversified pastoral system Development Projects, Ethiopia, credit 603-
pastoral origins who will lead that will provide pastoralist a better Et.
development in their area of origin livelihood. But, what matters most is Sandford, S. 1983. Management of pastoral
development in the third world. John Willey
and who could advocate for not only the technical input but the and Sons, New York, USA/Overseas
pastoralism as a way of life and maintenance of peace and stability, Development Institute, London.
these people will be very SERP (South East Rangelands Project).
good governance which are 1989. Appraisal report South East Rangelands
instrumental to enhance diversificat- necessary conditions for develop- Project, Ethiopia, Eth/PAAL/89/01. ADF,
ion of the pastoral economy to Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.
ment and the political will and World Bank. 1991. Ethiopians Rangelands
include viable and high return non decisions to help pastoralism and Development Project: Project Completion
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I also believe the towns in the livelihood. Range/Livestock development in East Africa
pastoral area would grow and with particular reference to Ethiopia. Post
become an important economic Doctoral paper, Department of Range
Science, College of Natural Resources, Utah
engine to facilitate development of
►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄ State University, Logan Utah, USA.
the whole pastoral areas. There will
be a strong economic linkage

Vol. 9 No. 3 20 Ethiopian Economic Association

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