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Temperature Measurements from Salmon Sharks, Lamna ditropis, in Alaskan


Article  in  Copeia · August 2001

DOI: 10.1643/0045-8511(2001)001[0794:TMFSSL]2.0.CO;2


29 138

2 authors, including:

Kenneth J. Goldman
Captain's Toy Chest


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Copeia, 2001(3), pp. 794–796

Temperature Measurements from Salmon Sharks, Lamna ditropis,

in Alaskan Waters

Salmon sharks, Lamna ditropis, occur only in the North Pacific Ocean. These large
sharks can grow to 250 cm total length and weigh 220 kg. They are endothermic,
and previous investigators reported red muscle temperatures of 8–11 C above am-
bient water temperature. We recorded red muscle temperatures up to 15.6 C above
ambient, along with additional muscle and organ temperatures.

S ALMON sharks, Lamna ditropis, occur in the

boreal and cool temperate coastal and oce-
anic waters of the North Pacific Ocean (Stras-
1996, August and September 1997, and May
2000. Water depths fished were generally under
120 m. Sharks were brought along side of the
burg, 1958; Compagno, 1984). Adults of this vessel and quickly gaffed, euthanized by direct
species represent a large apex fish predator in brain destruction, and pulled on board.
the upper pelagic zone, yet recent summaries Temperature measurements (total n 5 92)
indicate little is known about their biology and were obtained in the following order: muscle,
life history (Nagasawa, 1998; Goldman and Hu- liver, cloaca, stomach, spiral valve, heart, eye,
man, 2001). Salmon sharks are grouped in the and brain (all within 35 min of capture). The
family Lamnidae and, like all other family mem- spinal cord and kidney rete temperatures were
bers, possess vascular countercurrent heat ex- measured last. Temperatures were measured
changers known as retia mirabilia (Eschricht and with a Fluke K/J 51 thermometer equipped with
Müller, 1835a,b; Burne, 1923). The retia allow a 20 cm thermistor tipped needle. To obtain
the retention of metabolically produced heat, measurements from the deep red muscle, we
resulting in tissue temperatures that are signif- inserted the probe 12 cm deep at a 308 angle to
icantly above ambient (Carey and Teal, 1969; the origin of the dorsal fin. Once inserted, the
Carey and Gibson, 1983; Carey et al., 1985). tip of the probe was moved around slightly to
Salmon sharks have retia located in the cranium find the highest temperature. White (epaxial)
(orbital retia), musculature (lateral cutaneous re- muscle temperature measurements were ob-
tia), and viscera (suprahepatic and kidney retia). tained by pulling the probe out to a depth 6 cm
Although retia are responsible for greatly reduc- below the body surface. To measure liver tem-
ing heat loss via the gills (Carey et al., 1971; peratures, we inserted the probe 3–5 cm into
Neill et al., 1976; Carey et al., 1981), the body the organ through a small incision made ven-
shape and size of these fishes also reduce heat trally between the pectoral fins. To measure clo-
loss across the body surface (Graham, 1983; acal temperatures, we inserted the probe 20 cm
Block and Finnerty, 1994). and recorded temperatures when stable. Stom-
The only previous measurements of salmon ach, spiral valve, and heart temperatures were
shark body temperature, obtained via thermom- measured by inserting the probe tip several cen-
eter probe from three relatively small (90–150 timeters into the organ. Eye temperatures were
cm fork length, FL) specimens (Smith and measured at a depth of 5.5 cm, and brain tem-
Rhodes, 1983), showed that deep muscle tem- peratures were taken 24 cm from the tip of the
peratures were 8–11 C above sea surface tem- snout at a depth of 7–8 cm. Spinal cord tem-
perature (SST). We recorded 31 deep red mus- perature was obtained by inserting the probe 5
cle, seven white (epaxial) muscle, 19 liver, 23 cm into the neural canal anterior to the first
cloacal, and two stomach, spiral valve, heart, dorsal fin, and the kidney rete temperature was
eye, and brain temperature measurements from taken by inserting the probe into the center of
31 salmon sharks caught in the Gulf of Alaska. the rete. Sea surface temperatures were obtained
One spinal cord temperature and one kidney after each shark was processed. Statistical anal-
rete temperature were also measured. ysis consisted of comparing temperature mea-
surements to SST using paired t-tests.
Salmon sharks (n 5 31) were caught by hook
and line in the Gulf of Alaska (from 598599N, All temperatures, except heart temperature,
1478479W to 598529N, 1498419W) during August were significantly elevated over SST (all tests ex-
q 2001 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists

SUREMENTS FROM SALMON SHARKS IN GULF OF ALASKA WATERS. Information on sea surface temperature and the
difference (Xd) between red muscle temperature and SST is also given.

Length (cm) Mean SD Range n

Precaudal 182.2 12.6 159.0–213.4 31

Fork 204.3 13.4 175.0–231.0 31
Total 226.0 14.9 201.0–261.7 31
Temperature (8C)
Red muscle 24.1 2.0 18.9–27.5 31
White muscle 18.6 2.1 15.7–21.0 7
Liver 23.0 2.7 15.2–26.9 19
Cloaca 23.0 1.4 18.7–25.9 23
Stomach 22.5 3.7 19.8–25.1 2
Spiral valve 26.7 0.7 26.2–27.2 2
Heart 9.3 0.2 9.1–9.4 2
Eye 21.1 2.4 19.4–22.8 2
Brain 18.4 1.3 17.4–19.3 2
Kidney rete 21.3 — — 1
Spinal cord 22.3 — — 1
Sea surface 13.3 1.5 8.6–15.4 31
Xd 10.8 2.4 6.3–15.6 31

cept heart, P , 0.001; heart, P . 0.5; Table 1). hauling aboard these large sharks enabled us to
Of the 17 sharks where temperatures were mea- obtain temperature measurements after rela-
sured from deep red muscle, liver and cloaca, tively short fight times and soon after death. For
58.8% of the highest temperatures were record- this reason, we suspect the core temperatures of
ed in deep red muscle, 23.6% from the liver, free-swimming salmon sharks (when measured
and the remaining 17.6% from the cloaca. via telemetry) will be comparable to the highest
temperatures reported here. However, absence
DISCUSSION of knowledge of the temperature at swimming
depth and the level of activity prior to capture
Smith and Rhodes (1983) recorded deep red prevents accurate comparisons and statements
muscle temperatures in salmon sharks as high regarding thermoregulatory ability.
as 19.0 C (mean 18.0 C, SD 5 1.73, n 5 3), and Elevated temperatures from multiple body
up to 11.0 C above SST, which was 8.0 C. We locations show that the different retia (orbital,
found deep red muscle temperatures as high as subcutaneous lateral, suprahepatic, and kid-
27.5 C (mean 24.1 C), and up to 15.6 C degrees ney) are extremely effective at keeping the
above SST. It is highly unlikely that this differ- body uniformly warm. Although there is strong
ence is a result of SST differences, because the evidence that lamnid sharks thermoregulate
lowest SST during our study was similar to that through physiological means (Carey et al.,
of Smith and Rhodes (1983). Our red muscle 1981; Emery, 1985, 1986), the question of ho-
temperature data average 6.1 C higher than that meothermy versus degree of thermoregulatory
of Smith and Rhodes (1983) and are closer to ability (degree of independence of body tem-
body core temperatures reported for free-swim- perature from ambient temperature) or even
ming white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias gigantothermy cannot be definitively answered
(McCosker, 1987; Goldman, 1997; Lowe and for any of these species. The relationship be-
Goldman, 2001). It is not surprising that heart tween body size, heat production, and heat loss
temperature was not significantly elevated over in these sharks may prove to be very important
SST because the heart receives blood after heat when examining these questions. The use of
has been removed in the suprahepatic rete. telemetry to obtain temperatures from (small
Previous body temperature measurements for and large) free-swimming salmon sharks will
this species were taken within one minute after greatly aid in addressing that question and also
being landed, but fight times were not reported in determining their in vivo body core temper-
(Smith and Rhodes, 1983). The efficiency of ature and its degree of elevation over ambient
our fishing vessel crew in catching and quickly temperatures.
796 COPEIA, 2001, NO. 3

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und einen merkwürdigen Bau dieses Organes beim

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