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Coefficient of Viscosity ,ϰ

Apparatus: 1. Long Measuring Cylinder 5. 3 Rubber bands

2. Ball bearings of different diameters 6. Meter Rule
3. 2 Stop watches 7. Micrometer screw gauge
4. Electronic balance 8. Glycerin


Measuring Cylinder


Rubber bands Glycerin


The method is suitable for liquids of high viscosity such as glycerin and treacle.

1. The liquid whose coefficient of viscosity is being determined is contained in a large measuring
cylinder. A small ball-bearing of radius, r is dropped gently into the liquid.

2. The time taken for the ball-bearing to fall from mark A to mark B is determined. Providing A is
sufficiently far below the surface, the bearing will have reached its terminal velocity, v, before
reaching A.

3. Repeat the experiment for different radius of ball-bearings and measure the time taken for the
distance AB, where the bearing moves at the terminal speed,v.
Observations & Calculations:

Volume of one ball-bearing = 4/3 π r3 (use the diameter of one ball-bearing)

= ……………………………………………

= …………………………………………… m3

Mass of the same ball bearing = …1.05g……

Density of the ball bearing = mass / Volume

= ………………………………………

= ……………………………………… kgm-3

Density of glycerin = 1260 kg/m3

Distance AB = ……12.3 cm…….

Diameter of Time taken for the distance AB/s Average Time Terminal
ball-bearing t/s Velocity r2/m2
d/mm t1 t2 t3 V/ms—1(AB/t)
3.18 2.59 2.41 2.58
4.00 1.47 1.50 1.52
4.26 0.88 1.16 1.12
6.36 0.44 0.49 0.46

4. Plot a graph of Terminal velocity, V against Radius 2 ,r2.

V = 2 (Pb – Ps)g r2

Y = m x

Therefore, Gradient, m = 2 (Pb – Ps)g

5. Find Coefficient of viscosity, ϰ

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