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Guys, ini coba kamu kerjakan LATIHAN MENGERJAKAN SOAL PAS GANJIL BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS VII yaaa, nanti PAS hanya ada 40 nomor, ini kamu latihan 50 yaaaak . .

NO KISI - KISI CONTOH PERTANYAAN ANSWERS / Silahkan dijawab yaa guys. . .

Menanyakan kabar dan Edo: “Hi, Beni! How are you?”

menjawabnya Beni: “I am good.And you?” I am fine.
Edo: “ .............., thank you.”
Menyapa dengan ucapan Teacher : Good morning everybody. Is
selamat pagi/siang/sore anybody absent today Good morning
Students : …. Miss. Nobody is absent, Miss.
Menyatakan rasa senang Annisa : “Hello, I am Siti. How are you?”
bertemu seseorang Siti: “Hello, I am Annisa.”
Nice to meet you
Annisa : “Nice to meet you”
Siti : “ . . . . .”
Menyatakan selamat jalan / Lina : “Sorry, I must go now. See you
perpisahan tomorrow.”
See you too
Dayu : “............. be careful.”

Menanyakan sekolah di mana Hanna : …. Rani?

Where did you go to school
Rani : I go to MTsN 7 Model Jkt
Menyatakan terima kasih Nela : Salma, this is a present for you. I
hope you like it. Oh, this is so wonderful, Thank you very much
Salma : . . . . , this is so wonderful.
Menyatakan meminta maaf Agus :................. I have lost your eraser.
Laras : It’s ok. No problem. i am sorry

Menyatakan meminta maaf Annisa : Why did not you do your homework
last night? I am so sorry
Dayu : . . . I forget it.
Menyatakan menjawab ucapan Udin : Can I borrow your pencil?
terima kasih Beni : Sure here it is.
your welcome atau don't mention it
Udin : Thank you
Beni :....
Menanyakan nama seseorang Doni : What is . . . . ?
she doing
Rama : She is Zeni
Menyatakan ucapan perpisahan Galang : Hi, Dennis. Are you coming to the
football game?
Dennis : Hi, Galang. Yes, I’m coming to the
see you
football game.
Galang : Ok, then. See you there. Goodbye.
Dennis : . . . .
To be : am, is, are Do you want to order some foods?
I . . . not hungry, I do not want to eat.
Menanyakan nama seseorang Linda : “Hello, My name is Linda.
.... What is your name?
Rania : I’m Rania.
Memperkenalkan orang lain Sopo : Adit, this is my friend, Jarwo.
Adit : Hi, Jarwo. I am Adit, Nice to see
you. sopo and I were riding bike together
Jarwo : Hello, Adit . . . .
Sopo : Let’s play bike together
Memperkenalkan diri sendiri Good morning, guys, I’d like to introduce . . .
, I am Nadine. I am a student of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah 7 Jakarta. It is nice to see you all
Menanyakan asal seseorang / Haira : Hello, are you a new student?
darimana Hasnida : Yes, I am. My name is Hasnida.
where are you from
Haira : I’m Haira. Hasnida . . . .?
Hasnida : I ‘m from Bengkulu.
Menanyakan anggota keluarga  A woman who gives birth of you is your . . .  mom
Menanyakan status seseorang / Deni : Hi, My name is Deni . What is your
siswa baru name?
Omi : Hi, I’m Omi. Are you … ?
new student
Deni : Yes. I just moved from Bandar
Lampung. I’m in I B, and you?
Omi : Me too.
Menanyakan anggota keluarga The husband of your mother is called ..... Father
Menanyakan dimana seseorang Hello! There are five people in my family:
beraktifitas My father , my mother, my elder brother,
my liltle sister, and me. My father is Mr.
Sopo. He’s a comedian. My mother is Mrs,
Kurnia. She is a housewife. My big brother is
Hasan. He is a student of Madrasah Aliyah.
My little sister is Rosa. She’s still in
Question : Where does my mother work ?

Menanyakan anggota keluarga Hello! There are five people in my family:

My father , my mother, my elder brother,
my liltle sister, and me. My father is Mr.
Sopo. He’s a comedian. My mother is Mrs,
Kurnia. She is a housewife. My big brother is Hasan
Hasan. He is a student of Madrasah Aliyah.
My little sister is Rosa. She’s still in
Question : Who goes to school ?
Menanyakan anggota keluarga I have a new friend, her name is Elsa. We Elgi
are at the same school. Elsa’s mommy has
five children. Please remember their names.
The name of the first daughter is Alda, the
second daughter is Elda, the third is a son,
his name is Alga, the fourth is a son, he is
Question : Who is her fifth child’s name ? . . .
Menanyakan lokasi / dimana MTsN 7 Jkt is quite big. It has many rooms. It
tempat sesuatu also has a big yard with a flagpole in the
middle. The school is very green . The
teachers and students plant many trees In the middle

Where is the flag pole?

Menanyakan anggota keluarga Look. He is an old man. He is your uncle;s
father but he is not your aunty’s father
because your dad does not have any sister.
He is the father of your father but he is not grandfather
the father of your mommy, because your
mommy is not his daughter. So who is he ?
He is your . . .
Menanyakan waktu Edo : What time do you have breakfast?
Beni :I have breakfast at . . . 06.00 a.m

Menanyakan hari What day comes after Monday? Tuesday

Menanyakan hari What day comes before Friday ? Thursday
Menanyakan bulan What month comes after July ? August
Menanyakan bulan What month has 31 days ? march
Menanyakan waktu What time is it ?
It is . . .

Menanyakan waktu What time is it ?

It is . . . 11:40

Menanyakan waktu What time is it ?

It is . . .

Menanyakan waktu

It is 10 o'clock

Menanyakan waktu Greece: “Hi dude, what time can we meet

up tomorrow?”
Darkmode: “What if we meet up at one
at 1 o'clock
Greece: “One sharp? Alright, at Volvo Café
one sharp. Deal”
Darkmode : “Deal”

Menanyakan waktu Dad : “ Hallo, where are you kid?” 10:00 P.M
Maxim : “ Hallo dad, I am at Uncle Kla’s
home now”
Dad : “What time will you be at home
Maxim : “ I guess I will be at home around
ten tonight, dad”
Dad : “Okay, keep yourself save, please”
Menanyakan tahun When were you born ?
I was born in twenty oh eight
Menanyakan tahun

two thousand and nineteen

Menanyakan bulan We ( Indonesian students ) started learning

from home because of the pandemic of Indonesia
corona virus on . . ..
Menanyakan hari bulan tahun 23 / 4 / 2017 it is . . . . fourteen the four of two Tousand and seventeen / hari senin
Menanyakan hari bulan tahun 17 / 8 / 1945 it is . . . It is on the seventeenth August nineteen forty-five. / hari jumat
Menanyakan hari bulan tahun My mommy was born on the tenth of May,
10 May 1981
nineteen eighty one.
Menanyakan hari bulan tahun I will be at senior high school by the
19 july 2023
nineteenth of July twenty twenty three.
Menanyakan bulan This month has two “ O ” inside this name .
October / 10
this is the month of number . . . of the year.
Menanyakan hobi My name is Andrian, I am a student of
Madrasah, I sit in grade 7, . . . . is playing my hobby
online games.
Menayakan jumlah banyak This is my school, MTsN 7 Model Jkt. It is on 21
Penganten Ali street. It is far from my
house. It has twenty one classrooms. Every
classroom consist of thirty two students.
There are a library, a laboratory, a computer
room, a masjid, four toilets, and a meeting
hall. My favorite place is a library. I like
reading fairy stories, encyclopedia books,
and computer books.

How many classrooms are there?

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