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submitted by - Kritika Malik

submitted to - Mr. Rashid CA
Batch- B.A. LL.B.(regular) I semester
Serial No. -273
I would like to express my gratitude to my teacher MR RASHEED C A , who gave me this
wonderful opportunity to do this project of the subject sociology on the topic of KARL
MARX. I acknowledge the sincere support and efforts of my esteemed and learned teacher
and guide. This project helped to do proper research work and I learned many new things
while doing this project.
Lastly, i would like to thank all the staffs of the library, academic secction and all the
members of JMI family for their full support and assistance.

KARL MARX was born on 5 May 1818 to Heinrich Marx (1777-1838) and Henriette
Pressburg (1788-1863). He was at Brukengasse 664 in Trier, a town then part of the prussia's
province of the Lower Rhine. The third of nine children , he became the eldest son when his
brother died in 1819.

EDUCATION-Young Marx was privately educted by his father until 1830, when he entered
Trier High School. In October 1835 at the age of 17, Marx travelled to the university of Bonn
wishing to study philosohy and literature,but his father insisted on law as more practical
field.When in turned 18, while at the university at bonn, Marx joined the poets's club, a group
containing political radicals that were monitored by the police. IN October 1836 Marx arrived
in Berlin ,matriculating in the university's faculty of law and renting a room in the
mitteltrasse.Although studying law he was fascinated by philosophy and looked for a to
combine two, believing that “without philsophy nothing can be accomplished. By 1837, Marx
was writing both fiction and non-fiction having completed a short novel.

RISING-As marxx atheists, in march 1841 began plans for a journal entitled ARCHIV DES A
THEISMUS, but it never came into fruition.Marx moved to cologne in 1842, where he
becmonee a jounalist,writing for the radical newspaper RHEINISCHE ZEITUNG (rhineland
news), expressing his views on socialism and his develping interests in economics. In 1843,
Marx become co-editor of a new ,radical leftist parisian newspaper, the deutsh-franzosische
jahbrucher and thus Marx and his wife moved to Paris in October 1843. On, 28 August 1844,
Marx met the german socialist FRIEDRICH ENGELS beginning a lifelong friendship. Soon,
Marx and Engels were collaborating on a criticsm of the philosophical ideas of Marx's former
friend, BRUNO BAUER.
During the time that he lived at 38 Rue Vanneau in Paris,Marx engaged in an intensive study
of political economy(Adam Smith,David Ricardo, James Mill, etc). The study of political
economy is study that Marx pursued for the rest of this life and resulted in his major
economic work-the volume series called Capial.The outline of marxism had definately formed
in the mind of KARL Marx by late 1844.In 1845, after recieving a request from the prussian ,
the french government shut down Vorwarts! With the interior minister, expelling marx from
France. At his point , marx moved from Paris to brussels, where Marx hoped to once again
continue his study of capitalism and political economy. Unable eithe to saty in France or to
move to germany, Marx decided to emigrate to Brussels in belgium in february 1845. howver
to stay in belgium he had to pledge to not to publish on the subject of contemporary politics.

In Brussels , marx associated with other exiled socialists from across Europe in april 1845,
Engels from barmen in Germany from Brussels to join marx and the growing cadre of
members of the league of the just now seeking home in brussels.After completing GERMAN
IDEOLOGY,Marx turned to a work that was intended to clarify his own position regarding
“the theory and tactics” of a truly “revolutionary proletarian movement” operating from the
standpoint of a truly “scientific materialist” philosophy. The books like THE POVERTY OF
PHILOSOPHY laid down the foundation for marx and engels most famous work, a poltical
pamphlet that has since come to be commonly known as the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO.


Marx says , in order to survive “man must produce”.
According to Marx , production of material life is the first historical act, in the history of
human civilization. It is also the starting point of the history or the society.
Production is essential for the survival of human beings . It is the fundamental conditon of
history, as this act is never ending and follows an evolutionary path.Underlying this necessity
of production , Marx also hold assumption of individual. For him man generates needs. Man
is perpetually a dissatisfied animal. When the basic needs are met, he creates new needs. This
initiates the beginning of constant struggle between man and nature.
Furthur in order to produce man must enter into relation with others. Man must organise for
undertaking production . According to Marx , the organisationn of production varies from era
to era and from society to society . Of course nature imposes limitation on the organisation of
production , but it does not completely determine it. Man has the capablity to control nature.
Thus thee relation are essential for production to take place. Furthur man also requires tools,
techniques, equipments etc. For production to take place.
The production involves 2 components:
a) the relation of production { RoP} which involves relation between man and man (living)
and relation between man and things (living and non-living). According to marx , production
has to be managed, and the differnt relation of production , symbolised different formsof
managment . The relationship between people in the existing societies is conceptualized as one
b) forces of production {FoP} which involves man (living part, labour force) and things ( non
living part, means of production). Man includes human beings whose efforts results in
production. This includes labour as well as the entroreneur. Things include means of
production like tools, techniques , equipments etc.

According to marx, there is close relation between forces of production and relation of
production. The relation of production changes with the forces of production and vice versa .
There is constant interplay between these two. According to marx as production acquires
complex forms, it is possible not only because of particular relations and forces, but it is a
result of a complex no. Of facors present in society.

MARX theory of historical materalism deals with his general ideas about society and change .
Marx never used the term historical materalism ; instead he frquently used ' materalistic
conception of history' . His ideas about the society are contained in allhis texts , but the purest
exposition of his theories is found in 'CONTRIBUTION TO THE CRITIQUE OF
POLITICAL ECONOMY, 1859'. His theory is called historical , because society is understood
in terms of a processs of evolution from one stage to another through history. It is called
materialistic , because marx understood society as well its changes in terms of changing
material conditions . The material condition relates to the productioin process . The marx
theory of historical materialsim aims at understanding society as well as evolutionary process
of change in terms of material condition or production process. Marx theory of historical
materalism contains 2 parts:
1) the conception of society ( explained in idea of society and individual above)
a) conception of production
b) idea of production
c) FOP
d) ROP
e) economic infrastructure
f) super structures
g) system view
2) evolutionary model
a) primitive communism a) socialist MOP
b) ancient mode of production b) communism
c) feudal MOP
d) capitalist MOP

IN EVOLUTIONARY MODEL, MARX starts from a very primitive society , where the
needs are confined to the basic needs of survival . Food is abundant in nature and the tools
required to harness food are very simple . There is no concept of ownership in the production
and thus marx terms this stage as “ primitive communism “ .
With time population increases and demand for more food results in its scarcity . To meet this
demand , new tools are devised which are owned by few. The owner of these tools also controls
the surplus food and others are dependent upon them . With this a new mode of production ,
“ancient mode of production “, based on master-slave relationship comes into exsistence.

Furthur as population increases, slaves are pressurised to produce more and more food . This
reults in ever increasing exploitation of slaves. Master becomes more powerful and slaves
become more powerless. Now within the society a new FOP relating to settled agriculture
emerged and slaves were compelled to work on land with any incentives. When mature
conditions exists , slaves revolt and take control leading to the models of futuristic societies.
Marx uses the concept of alienation in order to decontruct the exploitative production
process . It is understood by marx as a fundamental social process which contraints the
individual within a MOP. Along with class struggle th e concept of alienation completes the
dynamic explanation of society.
Alienation lieratlly means “separation from”. Marx defines as a situation in which a feeling of
estrangement and disenchantment is experienced from a group , situation, society and even
the indvidual himself. It is also referred to a situation of powerlessness, isolatiom,
meaninglessness experienced by people when they are confronted with social institutions
which they can not control and consider oppressive . Although various institutions like
education, religion etc. May be alienating , but for marx , alienation in workplace is of prime
importance and is the fundamental source.
As social institutions are part of super structure which in turn is shaped by infrastructure, the
alienation in the later becomes a source of alienation in the former. the clearest exposition of
his theory of alienation is found in the book “economic and political manuscript 1844”
and in the chapter titled 'fetishism of commodities” in the book “ das capital”.

According to marx , alienation is a dynamic concept which gets expressed in 2 ways in society:
within any society material forces develop in such a way , the expoitation of have- nots keeps
on increasing gradually more and more constraints are visible on individual's creativity. Then
he becomes alienated.
according to marx, degree of aliention is increased throughout history . In primitive
communism , man only feels constrained from nature in terms of production. Ancient means
of production, although slaves are the property of master , they are inidependent in their own
persnol spheres in a no. Of ways.
For eg. Slaves found expression of creativity in the process of thier daily living by making and
weaving clothes , eating foods etc. But gradually alienation increase for more food leaves them
for little time for creative expression .
In feudal modeof production , serfs find creative expression , in the production which is in
their control but alienation begins when the serfs have to give a part of produce to the feudal
lords. It gradually increase wiith increase in demand for more part of the produce .
Today it is frquently said that karl marx didn't succeed in creating a 'NEW SOCIETY', free
from alienation and quest for profit. In reality countries that claim to be marxisit leninst are
very few and the original ideology does not exist in practice . However it is also often said that
marx understood capitalism very well. It is said that marxian theory are always relevant up
till the time poverty and exploitation exist. The relevance of his theory echoes in the welfare
policies of the states now a days and continuous modification in the capitalist society
witnessing. The labor welfare legislations can be attributed to marxist theory . Apart from
these exisiting theortical perspectives frequently use marxian assumptions to develop more
practical understanding of society.
In a nutshell, the influence of marx is simply immense that can't be denied . Most people in
the world actively accept his theories with most fervour and mordern socialists and
communists movements owe their inspiration directly to him. Marx nowhere called him a
sociologist, still his sociological thoughts and ideas have a great relevance. In today's era
greater attention is being paid to marxian thought and towards his contibution to various
fields .
CN SHANKAR RAO- Principles of sociology with
an intoduction to social thought

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