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My name’s Fraser, I’m a 22 year old second-year psychology student at Curtin, who grew up in Geraldton, and I’m
very against pornography. This isn’t a common view, owing to it’s hyper-normalisation, but we’re slowly beginning to
understand the impacts of a constantly and instantly available supernormal stimulus, though the science has been sound
for a while. Like most, I jumped on the bandwagon in my early teens, but quit when I was around 19. After many ’streaks’
I quit solely due to a poorly written adaptation of Allen Carr’s EasyWay to Stop Smoking, and life has been wonderful
ever since. This letter’s intent is simply to beg you to take action on this rarely spoken about problem.

Pornography likely affects the overwhelming majority of your pupils (and wider society). Perhaps you’re already seeing
the effects now, I spoke with a school nurse, who said that she had girls crying in her office because their eleven year old
boyfriends were pressuring them for anal sex.

This unfortunate reality is because internet pornography is extremely chemically addictive due to continual dopamine
spiking. The overwhelming scientific consensus is that it desensitises dopamine receptors not only making users require
more and more porn, but causing escalations into more extreme porn. In many cases, this is the primary cause of anxiety,
depression, low motivation and stress. I must emphasise that this is true for any level of pornography consumption.1

”So how much is too much?” This question presumes that porn’s effects are binary – you either have no problem, or
are a porn addict. But this goes against neuroplasticity: our brains are always learning, changing and adapting to our
environment, and desensitisation occurs even with small amounts of exposure. Even still, it’s unlikely someone consuming
a small amount will stay at that level; porn is an escalating addictive behaviour, and the tendency of any addiction is
wanting more and more, not less and less.

This doesn’t even take into account the abuse, rape and controversies (including continuing to host revenge, rape and
child porn) rampant within the porn industry. Porn’s global normalisation is genuinely sickening to watch.

In my view, the only way out of this mess is educating against pornography with a similar urgency to nicotine. We have
a rapidly closing window on which to act, and we’re lethargic; we’re unaware of the current situation, nor prepared for
the hundreds of millions of dollars of virtual reality investments by the porn industry.2 .

Perhaps you’re already educating against it, but pornography is hyper-normalised and warnings are typically shrugged
off or unknown. Teenage use is near ubiquitious, and they’re smart enough to know that one look at a porn site won’t
kill them. But they’re unaware that porn will start a chain reaction, and they’ll continue using – and desensitising their
brain – for life, or until they realise they have a problem and attempt to ineffectively quit using willpower. Most remain
unaware, with most porn users living and dying without realising they’re hooked.

Porn’s dopamine withdrawal is subtle, at least to begin with, but you don’t have to understand it any more than a cat
needs to understand where the hot water pipes are. The cat just knows that if it sits in a certain spot it feels warm.
When someone attempts to quit using willpower they’re left squarely aware of this withdrawal – though it’s not an awful
feeling, if you had the same feeling because of a cold, you’d laugh it off – which causes feelings of deprivation and increases
the fear they’re dependent, or they falsely believe that they enjoy the ritual of ending the withdrawal. Fearful they’re
dependent, or fearful that life won’t be the same without it. But the honest truth is that life is infinitely better when
you’re free of this awful disease. After all, they’re more stressed, less relaxed, have lower energy and can’t concentrate as
well as a non-user. After experiencing a mental tug of war, they eventually give in, feel awful and wonder why they have
to do it. Then, the cycle repeats.

Imagine you’re wearing really tight shoes. You’ve got a minor, persistent aggravation in your life at all times, following
you into every interaction and decision you make. You’re always a little on edge. But every once in a while, you climb
into bed and take the shoes off. Marvellous feelings of peace and relaxation wash over you – but this feeling isn’t peace,
just the ending of the aggravation. Then, as your dopamine starts to fall, you have to put the shoes back on. But the
situation is even more preposterous than putting on tight shoes for the ’pleasure’ of taking them off, because as you go
through life the shoes get progressively tighter.

I am only free because I had the luck of stumbling upon this poorly written rewrite of Allen Carr’s EasyWay and words
cannot express my gratitude to the unnamed adapting author and to the late Allen Carr. Unfortunately, it’s not very well
known, so I’ve rewritten and released it completely free and open source online. It’s located at
and those who use it (myself included) regard it as the only way to quit. It’s gets around 80k people visiting each month
(public and privacy-respecting analytics are available [ctrl+F: analytics]) and it brings me genuine joy that so many people
are freeing themselves from this awful addiction. Instead of scaring people with the health risks (which increases their
fear), it makes the argument that feelings of deprivation or sacrifice (caused by fear) are what makes it difficult to quit.
Allen Carr identified that removing the illusions stemming from addiction and starting with the correct frame of mind
makes the entire process surprisingly easy and enjoyable.
You don’t have to use it or anything; this letter is only to beg for action before it’s too late. Would also like to say that
it’s far from perfect and will be rewriting it in the summer holidays. Any feedback on how to make it better and more
applicable to a younger audience would be really appreciated.3

The harmful effects of internet porn are only beginning to be widely understood, and neither school, nor my parents,
taught me about the pornography catastrophe, a barely understood issue that hasn’t existed in previous generations. The
porn industry perpetuated myth that internet porn is simply another modern development that replaced the print version
is often packaged with the truth that masturbation isn’t harmful, so why shouldn’t we believe it?

I’d like to thank everyone who sponsored the sending of this letter with cryptocurrency (for stamps, envelopes, recycled
paper), the concession card holders who got cheap stamps, and my mates who helped me fold and send them all.4

The average age of porn exposure is now eleven. My only hope is that future generations are wise to this cruel ruse.

Thank you so much for hearing me out.

Wishing you well,

Fraser Patterson

p.s: would be cool if you changed your school search engine to, which plants trees with ad revenue
instead of passing it on to shareholders. they respect your privacy too. (could you also pass on to your
computer people and get them to check back in 5 years? xx)

1. All neuroscience based stuff is better explained by, just click ”Overview” up the top, then the ”Start Here”
link. looks like a useful educational tool too.
2. Not only that, but MindGeek (dystopic name) who owns most of the major porn sites is developing software (called ageID) for governments
to age-restrict. Please don’t let the porn industry dip their grubby fingers into restrictions too
3. The rewrite will be quite different from the current version (though have actually rewritten it twice). The goal is to combine lessons
from CBT, other addiction books and communality written resources into a clear, concise and engaging book written in simple language.
You should be able to give it to anyone to free them from the trap.
4. I was only able to do Western Australia, so if you could pass this along it would really appreciated. You can find a copy online at

Excerpt from

(note: from rewrite, so looks a little different from the one currently live)

This open source book will enable you to stop using pornography immediately, painlessly, and permanently without willpower or any sense of
deprivation or sacrifice. It won’t place any judgement, embarrassment, or pressure to undergo painful measures.

In fact, there’s absolutely no need to cut down or reduce your usage whilst reading; doing so is actually detrimental.

You might be apprehensive about the very thought, or one of the millions actively attempting to quit. If so, perhaps what you’ve already read
goes aginst everything you’ve ever been told, but ask yourself if what you’ve been told has worked. If it had, you wouldn’t be reading this book
at all.

Perhaps you identify with the following questions:

• Do you spend far more time viewing porn than you originally intended?
• Are you unsuccessful in efforts to stop or limit your consumption of pornography?
• Has time spent viewing pornography interfered with, or taken precedence over personal or professional commitments, hobbies, or rela-
tionships in your life?
• Do you go out of your way to keep your pornography consumption secret (e.g. deleting browser history, lying about viewing porn)?
• Has viewing pornography caused significant problems in intimate relationship(s)?
• Do you experience a cycle of arousal and enjoyment before and during pornography consumption, followed by feelings of shame, guilt,
and remorse after?
• Do you spend significant amounts of time thinking about pornography, even when not watching it?
• Has viewing pornography caused any other negative consequences in your personal or professional life (e.g. missed work, poor performance,
neglected relationships, financial problems)?

If you’re a porn user that depends on it for masturbation or sex at all and for any reason, all you need to do is read on.
If you’re here for a loved one, all you need to do is persuade them to read this book.
But if unable to persuade them, read the book yourself. Understanding the method assists getting the message across and preventing your
children from starting. Don’t be fooled by the fact that they don’t have access to it now – all do before getting hooked.

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