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I. Urinalysis
● pH- generally acidic (_4.5-8__)
● color – pale yellow
o red-orange: __Rifampicin___
o deep-yellow: Vitamin B2
o brown: statins
● specific gravity – 1.002-1.030
● proteinuria - _renal disease, pre-eclampsia , eclampsia__
● glucose - DM
● RBCs – renal Calcium stones, bleeding d/o
● WBCs - ___infection____

II. Fecalysis
● Melena – black tarry stool, ___upper__ GI bleeding
● Hematochezia- red bloody stool, ___lower___ GI bleeding
● Fecal occult blood- ulcer, cancer
● Steatorrhea – fatty stool/gray stool
● Hard stool - ____dehydration_____
● Soft stool - ____overhydration_____

III. Hematology
1. RBC/Erythrocytes:

Female: _____3.5-5 M/m3______

Male: _____4.3-5.9M/m3_______

2. Hematocrit - # of RBCs in 100 mL of blood

Female: ____37%-47%_____
Male: _____42-52%______
- Increases in: polycythemia vera and dehydration
- Decreases in IDA and overhydration

3. Hemoglobin

Female: ___12-16%_______
Male: _____13-18%_______

4. RBC indices
● MCH (Mean Corpuscular HgB): ______26-34_____
o Hypochromic, normochromic, hyperchromic
● MCHC (Mean Corpuscular HgB Concentration): _____31-37_____
● MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume): ____80-100____
o Macrocytic, Normocytic, Microcytic
● *In Iron Deficiency Anemia - _____hypochromic, microcytic RBCs_______
5. Reticulocytes- immature RBC/baby RBCs; _____macrocytic,normochromic RBCs_______
6. WBCs/ Leukocytes: _____4,000-11,000 WBC/m3______
a. Neutrophils (__50-70%__) – increase in bacterial and fungal infection.
b. Basophils (___0-1%___) – mast cells; increase in hypersensitivity states
c. Eosinophils (__0-5%__) – increase in paracitic infections and acute allergic reactions
d. Lymphocytes (___20-40%___) – increase in viral infection
e. Monocytes (Macrophage) – increase in TB, endocarditis
7. Platelets/Thrombocytes
8. ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) – measures the rate of RBC settling of whole,
uncoagulated blood over time.
9. aPTT (activated Partial Thromboplastin Time)
Normal: _____24-37s_____
Under heparin: ____1.5-2.5x______
10. PT (Prothrombin Time) – time it takes for clot to form
Normal: 8.8- 11.6
11. INR (International Normalized Ratio)

IV. Blood Chemistry

1. BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen)
- 8-18 mg/mL_
- End product of ___protein____ metabolism
- Produced in the ___liver_____

2. Creatinine
- Major constituent of muscles
- Renally Excreted
- Creatinine Clearance
140−𝐴𝑔𝑒 𝑥 𝑤𝑡(𝑘𝑔)
CrCl= 𝑆𝑟𝐶𝑟 𝑥72

Female: x 0.85

3. Creatinine Kinase
CK-BB: ____brain, bladder, stomach__
CK-MB: ___heart muscles___
CK-MM: ___skeletal muscles___
*rhabdomyolysis – high CK-__MM___ in the blood
*MI – high CK-__MB__ in the blood
*Stroke: high CK-__BB__ in the blood

4. Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)

LDH 1&2: ___heart____
LDH 5: ____liver and skeletal muscle_____

5. Troponin I
- Gold standard in ____Myocardial Infarction (MI)_______
6. AST (Aspartate transferase)
- Old: SGOT (_____Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transferase_______)
- Liver and ___heart____

7. ALT (Alanine transferase)

- Old: SGPT (______Serum glutamic pyruvic transferase________)
- More ___liver___ specific

8. Bilirubin
- End product of ____hemoglobin____ metabolism

9. Alkaline Phosphatase
- High in _____placenta, bile duct and bones______

10. Acid phosphatase

- Increase in _____BPH and prostate_____ CA

11. Pancreatic Enzymes: ___amylase and lipase_____

12. Albumin
- Produced in the ___liver___

13. Uric Acid

- End product of __purine___ metabolism
- Increase in __gout__

14. FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar)

FBS: _____FBS: > or equal to 126 mg/dL_______

15. HBA1c (glycosylated Hgb)

- Assess BS Levels during 1-3 months

16. CRP (Creactive protein)

- Non-specific indicator of inflammation

17. Lipid Profiles

- Total: ____<200 mg/dL____
- TG: _____<150 mg/dL_____
- LDL: _____<130 mg/dL_____
- HDL: ___>40 mg/dL_(Male); ____>50 mg/dL_(Female)

18. Electrolytes

- Acid base balance

Metabolic acidosis: loss of HCO3

Metabolic alkalosis: retention of HCO3

Respiratory acidosis: retention of CO2

Respiratory alkalosis: loss of CO2

VI. Diagnostic Tests

● Ultrasound: non-invasive, sound waves
● CT Scan (Computerized Tomography) – structural image
● MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) – detailed image
● ____Endoscopy_____ : use of a tube with a camera at the tip used to view hollow

Activity #1:

A 35-year old male patient weighing 180 lbs and standing 5 ft 8 in. tall has been diagnosed
with AIDS. His physician prescribes Lamivudine (Epivir) as a component of his treatment
program and knows that the dose of the drug must be adjusted based on the patient’s renal
function. Laboratory tests indicate that the patient’s serum creatinine is 2.6 mg/dL and has
held at the same level for 5 days.

Calculate the patient’s CrCl by the Cockroft-Gault equation. (Good for 10 points) Show your

140−𝐴𝑔𝑒 𝑥 𝑤𝑡(𝑘𝑔)
CrCl= 𝑆𝑟𝐶𝑟 𝑥72

Ideal Body Weight = 50 kg + (2.3 kg x 8 in)

= 68.4 kg
Actual weight = 180 lb. / 2.2
= 81.8 kg

age = 35
weight = 68.4 kg
SrCr = 2.6 mg/dL

CrCl = [(140 - 35) x 68.4 kg]

2.6 mg/dL x 72
= 7182
= 38.37 mL/min

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