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Aurin, Ikel Villar Amparo, Sheila Verdan


Identify the history of Anglo-Saxon/Old English Literature

Know the influence of Old English Literature
Give the example of literature written during Old English Literature
The Old English language, or Anglo-Saxon, is the
foundation of Modern English, although if untrained
Modern English speakers could hear someone speaking
Old English, they would not be able to understand it.

Introduction to Anglo-Saxon/Old English Literature

The Anglo-Saxons formed the basis of English culture,

religion, and language and ruled England for 600 years. The
term Anglo-Saxon refers to a group of settlers from the
German regions of Angeln and Saxony who took over England
after the fall of the Roman Empire. The Anglo-Saxons first
introduced Old English literature in the fifth century. We
refer to the years between 450 and 1066 as the the Old
English or Anglo-Saxon period.

History of Anglo-Saxon/Old English

The Anglo-Saxons were a pagan society, but information about their lives and
culture has been told by Christian writers. Some wonder if Christian writers
haven't added their own Christian twist to the stories written by Anglo-Saxons.
The Anglo-Saxons maintained order in their society through social means.
Society was led by powerful leaders (a ring-giver, lord or lady) who rewarded
their servants for various activities. Anglo-Saxons enjoyed serving their lords
and found it hard to survive if they were not supported by their lords.
Women had just as much power as men did during the Anglo-Saxon period. In
fact, understanding the lifestyle of the Anglo-Saxons depended on one's
ability to understand the connection between men and women in society.
Songs and poetry were very important components of Anglo-Saxon society.
Poems were conveyed orally but started appearing in written form in 733.
One of the first examples of literature written during the Old English period was a poem written
by a man named Caedmon, who was a cattle herder around 680 A.D. Caedmon's poem survived
because it was written down by a monk named Bede in 733 A.D. Many writings from Anglo-Saxon
literature were preserved after being written down by clerics or others with knowledge of a story
through the years.
The Exeter Book is the most popular book in Old English Literature. It contains a total of 131
stories. It is the only surviving source for many popular pieces of literature written in Old English
times, including 'The Wanderer,' 'The Seafarer,' and 'The Wife's Lament.’
Beowulf Old English, whose best known surviving example is the poem Beowulf, lasted until
about 1100, just after the most important event in the development and history of the English
language— the Norman Conquest in 1066.
Four major dialects of Old English emerged, Northumbrian in the north of England, Mercian in
the Midlands, West Saxon in the south and west, and Kentish in the Southeast.
Influence of Old English The majority of words in modern English come from foreign, not Old
English roots. Only about one sixth of the known Old English words have descendants surviving
Anglo-Saxon period ranges from 449-1066. It ends with the Battle of Hastings where the French,
under the leadership of William the Conqueror invaded England.

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