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Name: Marguaxe Hinacay

Course & Section: ABBD-BD1A

The word "literacy" usually describes the ability to read and write. Reading literacy and
media literacy have a lot in common. Reading starts with recognizing letters. Pretty soon, readers
can identify words and, most importantly, understand what those words mean. Readers then
become writers. With more experience, readers and writers develop strong literacy skills. During
Preliminary I learned how to think critically. As children assess media, they conclude whether
the messages check out, why certain data was incorporated, what was excluded, and what the key
thoughts are. They figure out how to utilize guides to help their perspectives. Then, at that point,
they can make up their own personalities about the data dependent on information they as of now
have. Moreover, it helps me in a lot of factors such as spotting fake news, to be a media literate
includes being able to spot a fake news. Also I understand the real reason of why does we have
to study media because Media can be used to influence the audience, persuade and can be used
in many aspects of everyday life and this is why it is important to study the media as a
whole. Media as a subject helps us understand the world in many different ways which is critical
to understanding how society and the way the world works.
The highlight of the midterms for me is all about the Propaganda techniques of
advertising. I understand the importance of it by each one of the techniques used. Propaganda
has been a viable apparatus to shape popular assessment and activity for a really long time. Since
promulgation and advertising both offer the objective of utilizing mass correspondence to impact
public discernment, it tends to be not difficult to conflate the two. Propaganda, notwithstanding,
deals with lies, falsehood, incendiary language, and other negative correspondence to accomplish
a goal identified with a reason, objective or political plan. However, promulgation procedures
can be utilized by agitators on the world stage, these equivalent ideas can be used by people in
their relational connections. Despite how propaganda is utilized, these normal procedures are
utilized to control others to act or react in the manner that the disseminator wants.
Lastly, our finals which tackled feminism that stayed in my heart. I love how it discussed
both gender equality just because it has the word “feminine” means it’s all about women alone
because feminism is a social and political development that promoters for the privileges of ladies
on the grounds of balance of genders. It doesn't deny the natural contrasts between the genders
yet requests balance in promising circumstances. It covers everything from social and political to
monetary fields. Indeed, women's activist missions have been a significant piece of history in
ladies strengthening

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