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Forest Ecology and Management 474 (2020) 118389

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Restoration plantings of non-pioneer tree species in open fields, young T

secondary forests, and rubber plantations in Bahia, Brazil

Daniel Piottoa, , Kevin Flesherb, Andrei Caíque Pires Nunesa, Samir Rolima, Mark Ashtonc,
Florencia Montagninic
Centro de Formação em Ciências Agroflorestais, Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia, BR 415, km 39, Ferradas, Itabuna, BA 45613-204, Brazil
Reserva Ecológica Michelin, Km 05 Estrada Ituberá/Camamu, Igrapiúna, Bahia 45443-000, Brazil
Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, 360 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511, USA


Keywords: The Atlantic forest of Brazil is a biodiversity hotspot that retains less than 12% of its original area. In this biome,
Forest restoration non-pioneer tree species with limited dispersal are the most impacted by recent habitat loss and fragmentation.
Enrichment planting As attempts to establish non-pioneer tree species in pastures and agricultural fields in the Atlantic forest have
Growth failed, restoration strategies that consider planting these species in other habitats, such as the understory of
secondary forests and tree plantations may be more successful. To test this, five native non-pioneer tree species
Tropical moist forest
(Sloanea obtusifolia, Garcinia macrophylla, Copaifera lucens, Symphonia globulifera, and Pouteria reticulata) were
planted in complete randomized blocks in April 2009, with four site replications and four treatments (open
fields, open fields with pioneers, young secondary forests, and rubber plantations). Survival, height, and dbh
(diameter at the breast height) were measured every year for six years. We also measured canopy cover and soil
physical and chemical parameters. Six years after planting, we found similar survival of non-pioneer tree species
in open fields, young secondary forests and within rubber plantations. However, height and dbh growth were, in
general, significantly higher in open fields. Planting pioneer species in mixture with non-pioneers did not im-
prove the growth of non-pioneers. We also found differences among species, with Copaifera lucens showing
higher survival and growth than the other species. Even though enriched young secondary forests and rubber
plantations could be important contributors to biodiversity conservation, higher growth rates of non-pioneer
species in open fields have the benefit of accelerating the recovery of wildlife activity in restoration plantings.

1. Introduction growth forests. However, these relict forests may not be sufficient to
sustain viable populations of non-pioneer tree species, because the old-
Land clearance by humans has reduced forest cover in the Brazilian growth remnants in the Atlantic forest are too small and frequently lack
Atlantic forest to 12% of its original extent (Ribeiro et al. 2009). Recent the full complement of mammals and birds that act as specialized dis-
estimations predict that a third of tree species in the biome may go persers (Galetti et al. 2013, Silva and Tabarelli 2000).
extinct because of fragmentation and degradation (Canale et al. 2012, In Brazil, an increase in the exigencies of environmental laws has
Silva and Tabarelli 2000). Non-pioneer tree species include a wide led to a growth in the demand for restoration projects, some of which
array of long-lived canopy tree species that attain dominance of a forest are based on mixed plantations of native tree species. These plantations
later in successional development (Swaine and Whitmore, 1988). Non- are usually established in open and isolated areas where secondary
pioneer tree species have limited dispersal and as a large group of forest succession is unlikely to happen and have included a high di-
species, they are generally, compared to pioneers, the most affected by versity of non-pioneer and pioneer native tree species (Rodrigues et al.
the current habitat loss and fragmentation (Tabarelli and Peres 2002, 2009). The use of mixed tree plantations of native species has been
Metzger 2000, Tilman et al. 1994) and, consequently, conservation employed as a restoration strategy in the Atlantic forest since the
programs have focused their efforts on these species, e.g. the IUCN Red 1970′s. Several plantation designs were developed over the past
List. The main strategy to conserve non-pioneer tree species has been 50 years, including the random distribution of native species plantings
the creation of protected areas that retain the last remnants of old- in open fields (Nogueira 1977), the distribution of native species

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D. Piotto).
Received 3 April 2020; Received in revised form 28 June 2020; Accepted 1 July 2020
0378-1127/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Piotto, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 474 (2020) 118389

plantings in open fields based on the composition of adjacent forests and 39°10′ west. The reserve encompasses an area of 3400 ha of which
(Joly et al. 2000), and the most commonly adopted strategy of com- 1500 ha are a mix of disturbed mature and secondary forests with the
bining native pioneer and non-pioneer species together in open field remainder consisting of abandoned rubber plantations and secondary
plantings (Kageyama and Castro 1989). This last design assumes that forests on hilltops and along riparian corridors. In order to increase the
the shade of pioneer species provides adequate conditions for non- value of the reserve for native species, the reserve management strategy
pioneer species to grow. However, studies have reported extremely low is to enrich the abandoned rubber plantations with native non-pioneer
survival rates of non-pioneer species in these plantations. Souza and species, eventually replacing the rubber plantations with natural forest.
Batista (2004) reported that out of 42 tree species planted only four The reserve occupies several hills reaching 95–380 m above sea level
pioneer species shared overstory dominance (Cecropia pachystachya, with slopes of more than 30%. The soils are low fertility typic hap-
Croton floribundus, Genipa americana, and Peltophorum dubium) in a lorthox soils (Santana et al. 2002). The REM has an average monthly
10 year-old plantation. In another area reforested with 39 species, the temperature of 25 °C, receives 1300–2600 mm of precipitation/year
same authors found that only two pioneer species (C. floribundus and C. with rainfall throughout the year. The natural vegetation is classified as
pachystachya) comprised more than 50% of the total tree density after tropical moist forest, a four strata vegetation with emergent trees taller
9.4 years. Moreover, Brancalion et al. (2018) reported that in addition than 35 m (Veloso et al. 1991). Despite having similar forest structure
to the low survival of non-pioneer species, species with large-sized and sharing some of its flora and fauna with Amazonian forests, the
seeds (diameter > 12 mm) have been rarely used in Atlantic forest re- Bahian coastal forests are considered to be a distinct forest type because
storation projects due to problems associated with their collection, of its high levels of endemism (Mori et al. 1981). An estimated of at
storage and germination. However, if conservation and restoration ef- least 547 tree species are thought to be endemic to the Bahian coastal
forts are to advance, finding ways to incorporate non-pioneer species forests (Ostroski et al. 2018). On a local level, research on the flora of
that would be considered relatively rare and dependent upon large two reserves in southern Bahia showed that 28.1 and 26.5 percent of
mammals or birds for dispersal needs to be considered. the tree species, respectively, are endemic to the region (Thomas et al.
The poor performance of non-pioneer species when mixed with 1998).
pioneers in open areas reinforces the idea that restoration techniques
must be based on a thorough understanding of the species ability to 2.2. Experimental design
establish and grow under different environmental conditions (Sayer
et al. 2004). As some attempts to establish non-pioneer tree species in Five native non-pioneer tree species were planted in full sun and
open full sun areas in the Atlantic forest have failed (Brancalion et al. partial shade treatments. Species choice was based on rarity, dispersal
2018, Souza and Batista 2004), restoration projects need to consider constraints, and availability of seedlings in the region. The species
other strategies in order to increase the probability of successfully re- were: Sloanea obtusifolia (Moric). K. Shum.,‘gindiba’ (SO),
storing populations of these species. There have been several successful Elaeocarpaceae; Garcinia macrophylla Mart.,‘bacupari’ (GM),
experiences of enrichment planting of non-pioneer species in the un- Clusiaceae; Copaifera lucens Dwyer, ‘óleo-copaíba’ (CL), Fabaceae;
derstory of natural forests in the tropics (Atondo-Bueno et al. 2018, Symphonia globulifera L., ‘landirana’ (SG), Clusiaceae; Pouteria reticulata
Keefe et al. 2009, Piotto 2007, Montagnini et al. 2006, 1997, Schulze (Engl.) Eyma, ‘bapeba’ (PR), Sapotaceae. All are slow-growing canopy
et al. 1994, Ramos and del Amo 1992). However, few studies have used species (maximum tree height ranging from 25 to 35 m), with relatively
the understory of tree plantations to grow non-pioneer tree species dense wood (0.6–0.8 g/cm3), medium- to large-sized seeds (dia-
(Rappaport and Montagnini 2014, Ashton et al. 1997). Ashton et al. meter > 6 mm), and dependent upon large mammals or birds for dis-
(1997) demonstrated that pine plantations can facilitate the establish- persal (Piotto et al. 2009, Jesus and Rolim 2005, Tabarelli and Peres
ment of non-pioneer tree species in the mixed dipterocarp forests of 2002). Their reintroduction into young secondary forest, old planta-
south-east Asia, while Rappaport and Montagnini (2014) showed that tions, or as a component of a reforestation planting on open fields can
rubber plantations were suitable for enrichment planting of non-pio- be an important component of encouraging some of the larger mam-
neer trees. Therefore, similar to natural forests, tree plantations may mals and birds back into the landscape from nearby forests once they
ameliorate soil and microclimatic conditions, which can favor the es- are reproductive, and in restoring a compliment of species of important
tablishment of non-pioneer tree species (Kaewkrom et al. 2005, Cusack conservation value that otherwise would not be present in young forests
and Montagnini 2004, Keenan et al. 1997, Parrotta 1992). or reforestation efforts.
In this study, we compare the performance of non-pioneer tree In April 2009, these five native non-pioneer tree species were
species growing in open areas and within the understory of young planted in two full sun treatments and two partial shade treatments.
secondary forests and rubber plantations for six years. We also examine Plantings for each treatment were arranged in plots that comprised
whether mixing pioneer tree species with non-pioneer tree species in complete randomized blocks, with four replications each (Fig. S1).
open areas improves the survival and growth of the latter. We hy- Treatments were designed to test four different strategies to grow non-
pothesized that after six years: (i) non-pioneer tree species growth and pioneer tree species:
survival are better beneath partial shade (young secondary forests and
rubber plantations) than in open areas, because microclimatic condi- • T1 (full sun, only non-pioneers): Seedlings of the five non-pioneer
tions of the understory will promote the establishment of the more tree species were planted in open fields using a spacing of 7 × 3 m.
shade-tolerant non-pioneer tree species; and (ii) in open areas, non- • T2 (full sun, pioneers and non-pioneers): Seedlings of two native
pioneer tree species growth and survival are better in mixed stands of fast-growing pioneer tree species (Tapirira guianensis Engl., ‘pau-
pioneer and non-pioneer tree species than in stands of only non-pioneer pombo’, Anacardiaceae and Tachigali densiflora Benth.,‘passuaré’,
tree species, because pioneer tree species can potentially provide partial Fabaceae) which are commonly found in early successional forests
shade to non-pioneer species while simultaneously shading out sun- of the region (Piotto et al. 2009), with initial spacing of 7 × 3 m
loving grasses, thereby diminishing competition for soil resources. were planted in open fields. Simultaneously, seedlings of the five
non-pioneer tree species were planted in between using a spacing of
2. Materials and methods 7 × 3 m.
• T3 (partial shade, secondary forest): One-meter wide lines were
2.1. Site description cleared in young secondary forests (10–25 yr old) and seedlings of
the five non-pioneer tree species were planted using a spacing of
The Reserva Ecológica Michelin (REM) is located in southern Bahia, 7 × 3 m (see Piotto et al. 2009 for details about secondary forest
Brazil, in the municipalities of Ituberá and Igrapiúna at 13°50′ south structure and composition in the region).

D. Piotto, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 474 (2020) 118389

• T4 (partial shade, rubber plantation): Seedlings of the five non- to compare the effect of treatments and species on height, dbh, and
pioneer tree species were planted using a spacing of 7 × 3 m in survival in the last year of measurement, an analysis of variance, con-
between rubber tree rows in rubber plantations ranging from 15 to sidering the effects of site (block), species, treatments and interaction
25 year-old. These rubber plantations were established using a between treatments and species was conducted followed by a Scott-
spacing of 7 × 3 m and had an average basal area of 17.6 m2/ha and Knott test. For height and dbh, a Box–Cox transformation was used to
average canopy height of 14.2 m when the experiment was estab- correct for non-normality (Box and Cox 1964). For survival, we used
lished. species survival at the plot level for the analysis. All analyses were
performed in the software R, version 3.6.0 (R Core Team 2019).
To establish these treatments in the field, four sites (blocks) were
selected within the REM and for each site all four combinations 3. Results
(treatments) of open field, open field with pioneers, second growth and
old rubber plantation were represented. For each site (block) a treat- Soil analysis showed no significant differences among sites and
ment was represented by single plot with dimensions of 35 × 45 m. In treatments for soil physical properties and for most soil chemical
each plot, 75 seedlings of the five non-pioneer tree species (15 seedlings properties. Only exchangeable Aluminum (Al) was significantly lower
of each species) were planted. Guard rows of 7 m were used around the in T1 (full sun non-pioneer planting) and significantly higher in one
plots to account for edge effects. Hence, the experimental design replication (Varjão). Mean soil pH was significantly higher in the “Vila
comprised four sites (blocks), each site comprising four treatments, 9” block (Table S1). For the first four years after planting percent ca-
with each treatment represented by a single plot within which 15 nopy cover did not change within each treatment for T1 (full sun, non-
seedlings each of five non-pioneer species were planted. In each plot, a pioneer planting), T3 (partial shade, secondary forest) and T4 (partial
systematic design was used to maximize species interactions, where shade, rubber plantation). However, by the fourth year T2 (full sun,
individuals from the five species were alternated by row and each row pioneers with non-pioneers) had an increase in canopy cover from 0 to
had all five species (Fig. S1). 42.3% (Table 1).
Six years after planting, there were statistically significant differ-
2.3. Soil sampling ences for height, dbh and survival among sites (replications), treat-
ments and species (Fig. 1, Table 2). In general, treatments of full sun
Soils were sampled to gain a better understanding of the different showed mean height and mean dbh significantly higher than partial
environmental characteristics of the site where the experiments were shade treatments (Fig. 1, Table S2). From four to six years after
conducted, to serve for reference for interpreting results, and to enable planting, T2 (full sun, pioneers with non-pioneers) showed a significant
comparisons with other experiences in different settings. However, we decrease of mean dbh when compared to T1 (full sun non-pioneer
did not intend to examine changes in soil properties as they could be planting) (Fig. S2). Survival of trees in full sun treatments was similar to
influenced by the experimental settings, for this reason soil sampling that of in secondary forests (T3) and rubber plantations (T4) (Fig. 1,
was performed only once, at the beginning of the research. Before Table S2). After six years, Copaifera lucens had the highest mean height
planting, composite soil samples of 3 sub-samples were taken for each and dbh (Fig. S3); whereas Symphonia globulifera showed the lowest
plot at 14-meter intervals, including the edges and center of the plots. survival (Fig. 1, Table S2). The interaction between treatments and
Soil sub-samples were collected from 0 to 20 cm depth using a hammer species was significant for height, dbh, and survival (Table 2). While
and a 20 cm stainless steel tube and pooled together in labeled plastic full sun treatments (T1 and T2) showed no difference in survival or
bags. The soil samples were analyzed for physical (CS = Coarse sand; height among species, dbh was higher for non-pioneers planted without
FS = Fine sand; SI = Silt; CL = Total clay) and chemical properties, the competition for space with the pioneers for four out of five species
including pH (water), Mehlich-1 extractable phosphorous (P) and po- (CL, GM, SG, and SO). For partial shade treatments (T3 and T4), all tree
tassium (K), exchangeable Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) using an species exhibited similar survival and mean height (except SG) in sec-
extracting solution and analyzed by atomic absorption, exchangeable ondary forests and rubber plantations, but three out of five species (CL,
Aluminum (Al) extracted with KCl, total nitrogen (N) by the Kjeldahl SG, and SO) exhibited higher mean dbh in rubber plantations. (Fig. 1,
method, and total carbon (C) and organic matter (OM) by the Tiurin Table S2).
method. All soil analyses were performed at the Centro de Pesquisas do
Cacao (CEPEC/CEPLAC) soil laboratory. One-way analyses of variance 4. Discussion
were used to compare soils chemical and physical parameters among
four replications and four treatments, followed by a Scott-Knott test In our study, we found similar survival of non-pioneer tree species
with significance level set at p < 0.05 (Scott and Knott 1974). in open fields, young secondary forests and within rubber plantations,
despite our assumption that the partial shade environment of rubber
2.4. Light environments plantations and secondary forests is more suitable for non-pioneer
species survival. In contrast with our hypothesis, height growth of non-
In 2009 (right after planting), 2011, and 2013, percent canopy pioneer species was significantly higher in open fields (T1 and T2) for
cover was measured in each treatment plot using a spherical densi- three species (CL, PR, and SO) and dbh growth was significantly higher
ometer consisting of a cross-shaped grid scratched on the convex sur-
face of a mirror (Lemmon 1956). The densiometer was held leveled at Table 1
waist height and estimates of percent canopy cover were taken at the Means of canopy cover (%) and standard deviation for every treatment in 2009
center of each plot facing each cardinal direction (N, S, E and W). Es- (right after planting), 2011 (2 years after planting), and 2013 (4 years after
timates were then averaged for each sample point. The averages of planting), in experimental plantings in southern Bahia, Brazil. T1 = full sun,
canopy cover (%) were calculated for each treatment and year. only non-pioneers, T2 = full sun, pioneers and non-pioneers, T3 = partial
shade, secondary forest, T4 = partial shade, rubber plantation.
2.5. Plantation measurements and statistical analysis Treatment 2009 2011 2013

In each plot, height, dbh (diameter at the breast height – 130 cm T1 0 0 0.8 ± 1.5
T2 0 17.8 ± 16 42.3 ± 27.9
from soil surface), and survival were measured for each planted tree
T3 68.8 ± 22.4 68.8 ± 19.6 72.5 ± 12.4
every year for a total of six years. The averages of total height, dbh and T4 77.5 ± 25.8 76.8 ± 23.9 79.3 ± 11.6
survival were calculated for each plot, species and treatment. In order

D. Piotto, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 474 (2020) 118389

Fig. 1. Box and whisker plots showing the difference across treatments for each species for height (m), diameter at breast height (dbh, cm), and survival in 6-year old
experimental plantings in southern Bahia, Brazil. T1 = full sun, only non-pioneers, T2 = full sun, pioneers and non-pioneers, T3 = partial shade, secondary forest,
T4 = partial shade, rubber plantation. CL = Copaifera lucens, GM = Garcinia macrophylla, PR = Pouteria reticulata, SG = Symphonia globulifera, SO = Sloanea
obtusifolia. Boxes with different colors indicate significant difference (alpha = 0.05) for treatment means.

in T1 (full sun, only non-pioneers) for four out of five species (CL, GM, survival in general among all five species poses an important question
SG, and SO). We also found statistically significant differences in soil about the most feasible strategy to increase populations of non-pioneer
properties for only two parameters (pH and Al), but these differences tree species in deforested landscapes, whether it be by enrichment
were found in only one treatment and one block. This suggests that soil plantings beneath shaded canopies or full sun plantings.
properties did not contribute to explain differences in tree species Forest restoration projects in open areas aim to restore both fast
performance. Instead, results suggest the soil properties were not het- growing pioneer species and those of more late-successional stages.
erogeneous enough to explain any of the observed trends. Pioneer species are commonly used to restore ecosystem properties,
We also found significant differences among species, with Copaifera since most pioneer species grow quickly and aid in recovering soil
lucens having, in general, higher growth and survival than the other properties, accelerating succession of formerly degraded lands
species tested. Differences in growth and survival among the non-pio- (Guariguata and Ostertag, 2001). However, in contrast with our hy-
neers may be related to differences in their functional traits. To try and pothesis, our results show that the non-pioneer tree species used in this
tease out these differences clearly demands more refined studies that study were not positively affected by mixing with pioneer species. In
can identify traits that predict vital rates under specific environmental our study, this was observed for all non-pioneer species when com-
conditions among non-pioneers that can then be associated with their paring open treatments with and without pioneers. Although pioneer
unique growth parameters (Paine et al. 2015). However, for our study, species may facilitate the establishment of non-pioneer species by al-
for the species we selected, the lack of a trade-off between growth and tering some microclimatic conditions as predicted in successional

Table 2
Summary of variance analysis including the effect sizes (η2) for height (m), diameter at breast height (dbh, cm) and survival in 6-year old experimental plantings in
southern Bahia, Brazil.
Height dbh Survival

Factors Df η2 P-value Df η2 P-value Df η2 P-value

Block 3 0.09 2.00E−16 3 0.11 2.00E−16 3 0.10 2.98E−03

Treatment 3 0.12 2.00E−16 3 0.17 2.00E−16 3 0.03 0.23292
Species 4 0.09 2.00E−16 4 0.08 2.00E−16 4 0.45 8.15E−10
TxS 12 0.03 0.00238 12 0.03 1.32E−03 12 0.08 0.44134
Residuals 751 0.67 – 705 0.62 – 57 0.35 –

*Df: degrees of freedom.

D. Piotto, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 474 (2020) 118389

theory and can quickly attract fauna that facilitates the colonization by 2016, Ashton et al. 1998, 1997). Liberation release can be used to favor
other species (Viani et al. 2015), in our study this did not improve the the understory plantings by removing considerably older trees of either
performance of non-pioneers, similar to other results reported by plantation or natural forest origin in the canopy (Ashton et al. 1998,
Campoe et al. (2010) and Delagrange et al. (2008). In fact, because 1997). However, cleaning release can be used to remove competition,
growth rates, as measured using dbh increment, were higher for four often pioneers of the same cohort, immediately above the plantings or
out of the five non-pioneer species when planted without pioneers, natural regeneration (Swinfield et al. 2016).
these species may reach maturity and become functionally active for Finally, there is a trade-off between landscape configuration, cost,
wildlife earlier when planted in the full open than the other treatments. and habitat type for the most feasible strategy to increasing populations
Pioneers are usually abundant in open and/or degraded landscapes, of non-pioneer tree species in degraded landscapes. Restoration plant-
with seeds generally dispersed by wind and generalist small bats and ings are generally expensive (Kimball et al. 2015, Preece et al. 2012,
birds (Jacomassa and Pizo 2010, Medellin and Gaona 1999) that then Rodrigues et al. 2009) and this high cost necessarily influences re-
can germinate and self-recruit naturally. On the other hand, non-pio- storation strategies. Young secondary forests have a potential for re-
neer trees, especially those that have large seeds and depend on animal storation through natural succession (Rozendaal et al. 2019). However,
dispersal for recruitment, generally must be planted to restore their when non-pioneer tree species are absent, forest succession becomes
populations in degraded landscapes. Pioneer species are short-lived, arrested due to the inability of their seeds to reach degraded sites (van
and thus restored areas that use a high proportion of pioneer species Breugel et al. 2013) or when secondary forests are the only sources of
can revert back to arrested or interrupted stages of succession (Souza seeds for the colonization of cleared sites. In this case, enrichment
and Batista 2004). This is common in highly fragmented landscapes plantings become a necessary option to increase the populations of non-
such as the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, where the distance between forest pioneer tree species (Atondo-Bueno et al. 2018, Schwartz et al., 2017),
remnants are frequently greater than 1500 m (Ribeiro et al. 2009), despite their limited growth rates in partial shade. However, conditions
which is greater than the threshold for non-pioneer species dispersal in shade and overstory structure may change after six years to become
and establishment suggested for this region (Suganuma et al. 2018, more favorable or unfavorable for growth of non-pioneer enrichment
Rodrigues et al. 2009, Bertoncini and Rodrigues 2008). plantings. This needs to be further monitored over time.
In addition, the timber of pioneer species is generally of low value,
and thus does not offer an incentive for farmers to grow them. 5. Conclusions
Therefore, the use of tree species that belong to more advanced stages
of succession is also desirable to counteract these challenges. Based on Knowledge about feasible ways of increasing populations of non-
the results of this study, we suggest that in mixed plantations used for pioneer tree species is still very scarce. In our study, we found similar
restoring degraded areas, the proportion of short-lived pioneer species, survival of non-pioneer tree species in young secondary forests and
which is usually 50%, can be diminished. Thus, restoration projects within rubber plantations as compared to open fields, at least for the
using mixed plantations could include higher proportions of non-pio- first six years after planting. However, in general, height and diameter
neer trees in the species mix. Further study on the costs of seed col- growth were significantly higher in seedlings planted in open fields,
lection and the economics of nursery propagation for non-pioneer suggesting that restoration plantings for non-pioneer species may be
species should be done to identify species that are easy to collect and more successful when in open areas with a higher proportion of non-
cheap to propagate but that exhibit high growth and survival. pioneers in the species mix.
One of the most promising techniques for establishing non-pioneer Even though enriched young secondary forests and rubber planta-
tree species has been the enrichment planting in degraded/over- tions could be important contributors to biodiversity conservation,
exploited forests, as well as in existing plantations, as shown by ex- higher growth rates of some non-pioneer species in open fields have the
periences carried out in the Neotropics (Atondo-Bueno et al. 2018, benefit of accelerating the recovery of wildlife activity in restoration
Keefe et al. 2009, Piotto, 2007, Montagnini et al. 2006, 1997, Ramos plantings and potentially implies a much less costly investment in the
and del Amo, 1992) and in SE Asia (Ashton et al. 1997, Schulze et al. long term. Obviously, further monitoring will be necessary over the
1994). Non-pioneer-species have high photosynthetic plasticity, high next ten-to-fifteen years to assess these results in relation to the even-
acclimation capacity, and low compensation points (Souza et al. 2010), tual success of these plantings to grow and survive.
and they can grow in low-light conditions (Veneklaas and Poorter
1998). However, in some situations in very dense and tall forests, such
CRediT authorship contribution statement
as mature forests of Costa Rica, non-pioneer tree species presented little
capacity to grow under shade and exhibited high mortality rates (Piotto
Daniel Piotto: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Funding acqui-
2007). Even though our results show that growth rates were lower in sition, Investigation, Methodology, Writing - review & editing. Kevin
partial shade treatments, young secondary forests and rubber planta-
Flesher: Funding acquisition, Investigation, Writing - original draft,
tions can also serve as nurses for non-pioneer tree species in the long Writing - review & editing. Andrei Caíque Pires Nunes: Formal ana-
term because of their steady growth rates. The performance of non-
lysis, Writing - review & editing. Samir Rolim: Writing - review &
pioneer species was slightly better in rubber plantations than in sec- editing. Mark Ashton: Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision,
ondary forests, probably because of less competition for growing space
Writing - review & editing. Florencia Montagnini: Conceptualization,
and more seasonal light availability in rubber plantations. The decid- Methodology, Supervision, Writing - review & editing.
uousness of rubber trees, their regular spacing, and the fact that the
widespread infection of Neotropical rubber plantations with South
Declaration of Competing Interest
American lead blight (Microcyclus uleii) reduces canopy cover all allow
greater amounts of total and seasonal light penetration into the un-
derstory, favoring growth and survival of seedlings. Nevertheless, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
growth rates in enrichment plantings may be improved by canopy interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
clearing in secondary forests or by periodic thinnings of the canopy in ence the work reported in this paper.
forest plantations. Canopy thinnings and cleaning or liberation release
treatments (sensu Ashton and Kelty 2018) of advance regeneration and Acknowledgements
enrichment plantings can be used for biomass, pulpwood, and con-
struction timber depending upon markets and the dimension, wood We thank André Souza dos Santos and Manuel da Lapa Conceição de
quality and species composition of the trees removed (Swinfield et al. Assunção (Tipó) for their assistance during the field measurements.

D. Piotto, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 474 (2020) 118389

Financial support was provided by Reserva Ecológica Michelin. eastern Brazilian coastal forest tree species. Brittonia 33, 233–245.
Nogueira, J.O.B., 1977. Reflorestamento heterogêneo com essências indígenas. Boletim
técnico. Instituto Florestal, São Paulo 24, 1–14.
Appendix A. Supplementary material Ostroski, P., Saiter, F.Z., Amorim, A.M., Fiaschi, P., 2018. Endemic angiosperms in Bahia
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