The Mystery of The Black Bear Mountain

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"Help! Help! I can't survive on the Black Bear Mountain!" yelled Dave and suddenly disappeared.

It all
started when...

Dave, the Botanist (often called Boastanist) was again telling tall tales to his friends. All those things
which happened with Dave (of course, imaginary) were not extraordinary. How could you believe that a
skinny man like Dave (who is hardly even 40 kgs), defeated a so called "demon wrestler" within
minutes? Okay, that's still okay, kind of 20% believable, but when you're gonna hear this, you're gonna
change your opinion. Dave has a car, he is rich, still travels by bus. How humble and down to earth you
think! But wait for the next part. He still can't drive a car. He can't tell the name of a single part of a
flower, (how did he become a botanist? Or did he want to become a "Boastanist"?) and yet boasts
himself to be the best Botanist in the town. Even a school kid could beat him in naming the parts of a
flower, or any other thing. Anyways, i guess there's more than a book of things which can be written
only in negative about him, but anyways, he still is a good guy.

The thing that stinks about him is that he show-offs. One day, (or yesterday to be precise) he told us
about the "extraordinary adventures" he had. One of them was a trip to the Black Bear Mountain. It's
just a mountain that is quite unusual. It is believed it has an ancient cursed emerald that controls the
mountain. Half of the mountain is covered with snow, whereas the other half is just rocky and blazing
hot. What's funny is that the snowy area is freezing cold and the moment you come to the rocky part,
the temperature goes up like a rocket. Dave told us that he actually went to that mountain for skiing and
came across an avalanche and after a billow, he told that he landed right next to the ancient emerald
and saw its beauty. Tall talks. After a few innocent newcomers and followers came to hear Dave's
imaginary adventures and applauded, Ryan (a friend of mine) challenged Dave to go back to the black
bear mountain and stream himself live on video so that we could know where he was and stay there for
1.5 hours. Well, he freaked out. He agreed to show that he is brave. Wearing a shirt and a sweater that
made his neck look bulging, he set off the next day, scared of course. Well, believe it or not, the moment
he went out, it starting cascading (Was that a warning?). He took an umbrella after our insistence and
went reluctantly. Well he encountered nothing till we reached there. Smooth and clear path on the
mountain. It looked gorgeous. He literally stayed under a tree the whole time. A tree. But not a normal
one. It had the ancient emerald! It was stuck on the trunk but Dave was too scared to check and notice
it. How brave! We told him about it. He touched it and suddenly a chimpanzee, a bear, an army of ants,
and a hive of bees arrived at the spot. He was captured. "Help! Help! I can't survive on the Black Bear
Mountain!" yelled Dave and suddenly disappeared in thin air, just like that. Since then, we haven't heard
from him. Well, it's scary. And the funny thing is that other than Ryan and me, nobody even knows that
Dave existed. Not funny. It's like with him, the memories of him also disappeared in the town, any
memory in which Dave was involved.

Since then, no one has been to the Black Bear Mountain, and it's better that way.

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