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what do customers look for in terms of


1) Consideration in the context of COVID-19

In the context of COVID-19, the safety of in-store dining is relatively low. In
order to ensure the safety of dining and avoid gathering dining activities, food
on the Go can satisfy consumers' guarantee of dining and their own health.

2) It can meet the fast pace of urban residents' life

People living in big cities live at a fast pace. Many city dwellers are
reluctant to spend more time on meals because they have more work and
other things to deal with. These people can greatly save their mealtime by
buying sandwiches, bread and other easily portable foods and goods to eat
on the go.

3) Balance convenience and sustainability needs

Although people always cook and eat at home, now they eat more and more
food. Moreover, as people's demand for convenient mobile packaging
increases dramatically, in-store sandwiches, which are both portable and
healthy, can well balance people's demand for convenient food. Mr. O 'Driscoll
<1>believes that balancing the need for convenience with the need for
sustainability is a real conundrum for brand owners and predicts that
sustainable packaging will become increasingly necessary as an alternative to
traditional packaging.

<1> ( Janssen M, Chang BPI, Hristov H, Pravst I, Profeta A and Millard J (2021)
Changes in Food Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Consumer
Survey Data From the First Lockdown Period in Denmark, Germany, and Slovenia. Front.
Nutr. 8:635859. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.635859)

4) Substitutability of commodity price value and dining value

Another factor to consider is price, with 50 per cent <2>of consumers saying it
is important when deciding where to buy food and drink. Value is essentially
the satisfaction of customer experience relative to cost. Value does not refer to
price, but to the offsetting of perceived benefits against price. In addition,
when consumers do not experience a good dining environment, they will be
more inclined to consider whether the price of goods is reasonable. Therefore,
when deciding to buy food that can be eaten on the road, they will also
consider whether the price of goods is reasonable.

<2>Byrd K., Her E., Fan A., Almanza B., Liu Y., Leitch S. Restaurants and COVID-19: What
are consumers' risk perceptions about restaurant food and its packaging during the
pandemic? International Journal of Hospitality Management. 2021;94:102821.
doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102821.

To sum up, in order to meet customers' demands for food on the Go, it is
important to consider the above four factors and combine them together.
However, there are other factors that affect a customer's purchase of food and
drink, such as freshness, health, ability to meet dietary requirements, and so

2.What are the main consumer habits regarding


1) Buy healthier foods

People's consumption concept has changed during the epidemic, from taste
oriented to health oriented. It used to be more about the mouth, but now it's
more about health
While affordability will remain a priority for many, 32 per cent said it would
be more important to get food at low prices, but this should not come at the
expense of health and good nutrition. On the contrary, nearly half (<3>49%)
of consumers believe the coronavirus pandemic is more important to them,
making them more likely to opt for sandwiches, Beef Patty these results are
consistent with increasing homemade preparation and prioritization of fresh
and local foods (<3>49.68% of respondents indicated giving full or partial
priority to purchasing new products, with 68.27% and 67.95% of consumers
revealing little or no priority to purchasing frozen and processed products
respectively) and other relatively healthy foods to take out of the house.

<3>Rodrigues J, Cunha Dos Santos Filho MT, Aparecida de Oliveira LE, et al. Effect of the
COVID-19 pandemic on food habits and perceptions: A study with Brazilians. Trends Food
Sci Technol. 2021;116:992-1001. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2021.09.005

2) They prefer to buy simple packaged food

Even in areas where the disease risk is relatively low, people face widespread
communication about the risks of COVID-19, which may be stressful for some.
These people may cope with stress through stress-related eating and drinking
to make themselves feel better under stress. For example, people will choose
to buy chocolate, crisps and snacks to eat on the road.

3) Increased frequency of coffee purchases

Lumina Intelligence reports that coffee "dominates" food and beverage
consumption, accounting for 50% <4>of total beverage consumption
between January and April 2021. Young consumers have changed their
behavior in this area in response to the pandemic, with nearly a quarter of
consumers making a habit of buying hot drinks while walking with friends
since March 2020.

<4> Janssen M, Chang BPI, Hristov H, Pravst I, Profeta A and Millard J (2021) Changes
in Food Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Consumer Survey
Data From the First Lockdown Period in Denmark, Germany, and Slovenia. Front.
Nutr. 8:635859. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.635859)

4) Choose low value-added foods

As people do not expect much premium for food on the Go, the purchase of
high value-added food products is the least significant among respondents.
Seventy-five percent said they gave these products little or no priority.

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