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4, __ interview escaping heal ae 3. Listen and repeat. splash cheer up calm down canvas 4. Listen to the recording and then practice the interview with your friend. ‘A senior high school student, Rodrasa, was impressed by Songklod’s activities. Vt) Rodradsa interviewed Songklod in a TV studio. This is the interview. A Rodradsa_: Good morning, Songklod. Songklod : Good morning. Rodradsa_: Thank you for coming to our studio. We would like to ask you a few questions. I hope you'll enjoy our interview. Songklod : I'll try my best to answer your questions. Rodradsa : Okay. Songklod, this is the first question. Why do you do batik painting? Songklod : Hmm.... You know, after escaping death in the tsunami, I took solace in batik painting. It helps me heal and blot out the bad memories. I feel relaxed every time I splash bright colors on the cloth canvases. Rodradsa : Oh...that’s great. Viewers, Songklod is one of the lucky survivors of the tsunami in 2004. He was seven years old when the giant tsunami hit his region. Songklod, would you tell us about your condition before batik painting? Songklod : Losing our house and seeing my parents lose their jobs really depressed me. But, batik painting helps me calm myself down. It slowly increases my concentration and now I feel much better because of it. Rodradsa : Wow... that’s a very helpful activity. So viewers, i! you sant to improve our concentration, why don’t you study batik painting? Songklod : And if you want to cheer up your friends, encourage them to join 4 challenging program. You know, there is a collaborative program between UNICEF and the Ministry of Education's Non-Formal Education Department. At the beginning, it was an activity to facilitate psycho- social recovery of children and young people living at the Nong Kok temporary shelter, a home to over 70 households from Phi Phi Island. Rodradsa_: Unless we experience batik painting, we won't believe that a new lit can be restored through art, Thank you very much, Songklod, for your presence. I hope you'll achieve further success in the future. Good luck. Songklod : You're welcome. 5. Work in pairs to discuss the following questions. @. What is the topic of the interview? b. Who is Songklod? ©. What makes Songklod interested in batik painting? Chapter S Nari to @ KN b. 7. d. Listen and repeat. a. ‘i 4 i? How was Songklod’s condition after the tsunami? According, to the interview, what does Songklod suggest to us? Underline the sentence that supports your answer. : i . ife? If we study batik painting, what will happen to our life? What can we learn from Songklod’s character? If you want to improve your concentration, why don’t you study batik painting? If you want to cheer up your friends, encourage them to join a challenging program. Unless we experience batik painting, we won't believe that a new life can be restored through art. Remember! “If/ Unless’ clauses can be used to suggest, advise, state general truths, and announce something. A clause is a group of words consisting of a subject and a verb Examples: If you want to improve your concentration, why don’t you study batik painting? If you want to cheer up your friends, encourage them to join a challenging program. If you ask me what I have learned about life, I will say ‘a lot and not much’ since it is what I have learned about people in my life that counts, Unless you study seriously, you won't be able to improve your skills. Unless you get 76, you have to take a remedial program. Discuss the following questions with your friends and your teacher. Part A a. b. © d. What do your parents always say before you go to school? What does your English teacher say before you do a test? In your daily activities, what do you do to assure your friends that they ca" count on you? Why do you think you should advise or give suggestions to your brother, sistet or friends? How do you advise or give suggestions in your native language? What can you learn from the habit of giving advice or suggestions to others? Pathway to English 3 be iin rarer . Part B aos Pp If you want to know the best restaurant in your city, what will you do? If someone asks you about the popular food in your city, what will you do? Why is it important to ask for information? Why is it important to describe something clearly? Summarize the results of your discussion by completing the table. 1. The problem that can’t be solved 2. The people you trust to solve the problem 3. The solution/the answers you get to solve the problem 4, The expression used to ask for advice, or a suggestion using an (if) clause 5. The expression used to give advice, or suggestion using an (if) clause 6. The expression used to describe or give information 7. The expression used to accept advice, or a suggestion using an (if) clause 8 The expression used to refuse advice, or a suggestion using an (if) clause 9. The difference of patterns If clause + imperative If clause + ($ + can + verb 1) If clause + ($ + should + verb 1) If clause + why don’t you ... If/unless clause + (5 + will + verb 1) Read the texts. What is probably the problem? Think about a solution and give some advice, suggestions, or information. Text 1 People think that I'm still a mystery. My name is Batik, meaning ‘to dot.’ Some people know me as ‘wax writing.’ They consider me a traditional process of applying wax and dying fabric to achieve intricate and colorful patterns. I have always existed on Java Island. Years ago, making batik was a very notable Javanese women’s occupation. They learned it from their parents. If you want to know more about me, you should lear the hand-drawn technique known as batik tulis and the stamped technique, called batik cap. 1 have various levels of quality. My highest quality cloth is ‘primisima’ quality, followed by ‘prima’ quality, blue quality, and red quality. 1am very glad that some people are still learning how to make batik. Though the number of communities is smaller than it used to be, some of them choose batik painting as their occupation. Nowadays, I have become less popular because of the lengthy process of making batik. 1© Matick (Florek, 2011) Problem Solution a If, why don’t we b. If , create = ~ ~ —————— c. Unless we will eS Text 2 traffic. We know for a fact that there are many motorbikes that overtake you on both sides. The motorcyclists seem proud if they can do it on really narrow roads suited for just 1 car. The toads can actually fit two cars but they look narrower because of the number of motorbikes. Going anywhere, at least for me, as I come from a small village, is really a big challenge. Thankfully, big cities now have online transportation. I found out about this service from my nephew, and I thought, why not give it a go? And that’s exactly what I did. 2 Pathway to English 3 Problem Solution . fe _. why don't we "2 + Create __ < Unless ——. we can ______ we should Information ‘+. iwin if b. Ifyou install CULTURAL AWARENESS ‘ Advising Someone We feel greatly honored when our friends ask for our advice, but we should think that it is also a big responsibility. Good advice can help people make sound decisions, while bad advice can have disastrous consequences in their lives. Here are some tips on how to give advice to our friends. Before giving advice, ensure that he or she is asking for advice. Some people talk about their problems not to get some pieces of advice, but to have someone listen to them. As a friend. you should listen to him/her attentively. You also need to listen to him/her finishing the story. Later, if he/she asks you for your advice, you should give it. (How to Give People Advice.” ad) Complete the following sentences with some tips on giving advice to our friends. a. If your friend asks for advice, b. If giving advice is a big responsibi © If we understand our friend’s problem, 4. If your friend wants you to be a good friend, _ = Remember! should /{0d/ is used to say or ask if it is appropriate, right, or proper to do something. eg. If he/she asks you for some advice, you should give it. need /ni:d/ is used to say that something is necessary to do. eg. You also need to listen to him/her finish the story. 10. Complete the following advice with sui n. W table words. See the example. Don’t worry, be happy. Be a good friend, Don’t think too much, ____——" Be confident, Lighten up, Be kind to everyone, Think positive, Stay calm, ramp eaose There are many ways to get people to do things, or not to do things to save our environment. Put the following commands or requests into the correct table. See the examples. Don’t smoke. oP Please don’t throw your rubbish here. Keep your class clean and tidy. Put all your rubbish into plastic bags. Don't leave rubbish lying around, rp ao Don’t boil water for less than five minutes before drinking it. Don't let rain water collect in any containers. re Wear ‘batik’ at an international event. Be on time. j. Study hard. Suggestions/advice | _Negative suggestions/advice 1 You should keep your class clean | and tidy, You should not smoke. | | | @ Pathway to English3 | 4

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