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Unit 4

1 Progress test

Working with words Business communication

Choose the correct words in italics in 1–7. Choose the correct option a–c to complete sentences
1 Scientists at Glasgow University have announced a
major concept / breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. 16 First, I’ll you a brief overview of the product.
2 Don’t bother me with theory! I need some key / practical a do b give c tell
solutions to this problem. 17 After that I’d like to you some results.
3 We use cutting-edge / key technology in all our phones. a show b say c look
No one else uses anything quite as modern.
18 There are two main benefits using this system.
4 One potential benefit / concept is that it could help
a by b about c of
refugees around the world.
19 This that you won’t need an identity card.
5 Success will depend on students’ ability to take an
innovative advantage / approach to finding solutions. a results b means c causes
6 One of the potential / key concepts is that participants 20 Additionally, the biggest benefit of using the new
should work in teams, not individually. software is increased staff engagement.
7 I’m not convinced this is a commercially-viable a simple b potential c advantage
proposition / potential and so I can’t invest in it. 21 Now I’d like to on to the next point.
a look b turn c move
Complete sentences 8–15 with the words from the list. 22 Finally, I’ll answer questions. Does that OK?
off round out down up (x 2) with about a hear b listen c sound
8 How did you come up such a good idea? 23 We believe that, in comparison your current
9 Can we get the problem of high start-up system, you’ll find this more efficient.
costs? a to b by c from
10 The company was set in 1996. 24 Good. OK? Then now let’s at exactly how this will
11 My staff have taken the challenge and are work with your system.
working on ways to reduce delays. a find b see c look
12 I think my idea will bring real improvements
for people in underdeveloped countries.
13 We’re carrying research on the new systems. Language at work
14 Our hard work has paid . The results are Complete sentences 25–30 with the verbs/phrases from
the list.
15 We’re over budget. Can we bring travel costs?
will be able to can’t won’t be able to were able to
couldn’t haven’t been able to
25 I let you know until next
26 We find a solution for a long
time, but then someone in R&D came up with a great
27 Do you know what the problem is? I
access anything on this
computer today!
28 They reduce their prices for
over a year but they promise to on this order.
29 We were lucky because we
see a gap in the market before anyone else.
30 The new changes next year mean that our customers
check their details online.

Result / 30 marks

Business Result Second Edition Upper-intermediate © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

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