База Вопросов с Ответами

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База вопросов с ответами, для специальности «Шет тілі мұғалімі»


1. Шетел тілін оқыту әдістемесі -50 вопросов.

2. Елтану-50 вопросов.

3. Грамматика -50 вопросов.

4. Базовый английский- 50 вопросов.

5. Домашнее чтение – 50 вопросов.

6. Фонетика -50 вопросов.

1. Шетел тілін оқыту әдістемесі -50 вопросов.

1.Электронды оқулықтардың артықшылықтарына жатпайды:
А) Медиа білім
B) ашықтығы
+C) өзгертуге болмайды
D) гипермәтіндер
E) мобильдігі
2. Пәнаралық байланыс жүйелі қолданатын сабақ
А) қорытынды
B) жаңа білімді хабарлау
C) аралас
D) жинақтау
+ E) кіріктірілген
3.Кәсіби ... дегеніміз мұғалімнің жеке қасиеттерінің жиынтығы, теориялық және практикалық дайындығының бірлігі.
А) шеберлік
B) білімділік
C) біліктілік
D) акмеология
+ E) құзыреттілік
4. Тәрбиенің негізгі мақсаты:
А) сананы қалыптастыру
B) өнегелі тұлғаны тәрбиелеу
C) бақытты тұлғаны тәрбиелеу
+ D) жан-жақты және үйлесімді дамыған тұлғаны тәрбиелеу
E) азаматты тәрбиелеу
5. Педагогтың негізгі мақсаты
А) біліммен қаруландыру
B) салауатты өмір салтына баулу
C) еңбекке баулу
+ D) жас буынға сапалы білім және саналы тәрбие білім беру
E) білім, білік, дағдын меңгерту
6. Оқушылар тобымен, сынып деп аталатын тұрақты құрамымен, мұғалім басшылығымен жүргізілетін оқу жұмысы
А) топтық оқыту
B) экскурсия
C) өзара оқыту
+ D) сабақ
E) лекция
7. Бағдарлама дегеніміз - ...
+ А) мемлекеттік құжат
B) ең маңызды оқулық
C) оқушыға арналған кіта
D) оқу-әдістемелік кешені
E) мұғалімге арналған кітап
8. Ағылшын тілінен бір жылғы күнтізбелік жоспары ... құрастырады.
А) аудандық білім беру бөлімі
B) әдістемелік бірлестік
C) облыстық білім беру бөлімі
D) қалалық білім беру бөлімі
+ E) шет тілі пәні мұғалімі
9. Ағылшын тілін оқытудың қағидаларының саны
А) 11
B) 12
C) 10
+ D) 13
E) 14
10. Ағылшын тіліндегі әріптердің айтылуы мен орфографиясының сәйкес келмеуінің себебі:
А) Дифтонгтар көп болуы
B) Дауысты дыбыстар көп болуы
C) Дауысты дыбыстан гөрі дыбыстар көп болуы
D) Дауыссыз дыбыстар көп болуы
+ E) Әріптердің гөрі дыбыстар көп болуы
11. Ағылшын тілінде сөздің дыбыстық белгіленуі
+ А) Транскрипция
B) Дауыс ырғағы
C) Интонация
D) Артикуляция
E) Редукция
12. Ағылшын тілі сабағының кезеңдері
+ А) 5
B) 9
C) 7
D) 1
E) 3
13. 10- сыныптағы диктанттың сөз мөлшері:
А) 50 сөз
B) 100 сөз
C) 60 сөз
D) 30 сөз
+ E) 70 сөз
14. 45 минутқа арналған жұмыс жоспары
А) Тақырыптық жоспар
B) Күнделікті жоспар
C) Күнтізбелік жоспар
D) Жеке жоспар
+ E) Сабақ жоспары
15. Таныс емес сөздердің сапасын анықтау ... жүзеге асады
А) қимыл мен қозғалыс арқылы
B) анықтама беру және контекст арқылы
C) драмалау арқылы
D) имповзация арқылы
+ E) суреттер мен заттар арқылы
16. Поэзиялық ән шумағын әуелі ... оқиды
А) Оқушы
B) Қол көтерген оқушы
C) Озат оқушы
D) Хормен
+ E) Мұғалім
17. Сөйлеу үшін қажетті алғы шарттарды анықтаңыз:
А) Жаза білу
B) Грамматикалық ережені білу
C) Оқи білу
D) Аудара білу
+ E) Сөйлеу дағдысы
18. Мұғалімге сабақ жоспарын құру кезінде қажет емес құжат
А) Мұғалімге арналған уақыт
B) Стандарт
C) Бағдарлама
D) Оқулық
+ E) Тәрбие жоспары
19. Шет тіліне үйретудің жоғарғы сатысына ... сыныптар жатады
А) 9-10-11
B) 4-5
+ C) 10-11
D) 8-9-10
E) 5-5
20. Шет тілі сабағында оқушылардың саны 25-тен асқан кезде ... топқа бөлінеді.
А) 1
B) 4
C) 5
D) 3
+ E) 2
21. Ағылшын тілінің дыбыстық жүйесі ... топқа бөлінеді.
А) 2
B) 4
C) 5
+ D) 3
E) 1
22. Әр оқушының ерекшелігін, білім дәрежесін ескеріп, соған байланысты тапсырма беру-оқытудың ... қағидасына
А) Саналық қағидасы
B) Қиын материалды жеңілдетіп беру қағидасы
C) белсенділік қағидасы
D) Көрнекілік қағидасы
+ E) Жеке ерекешеліктерін ескеру қағидасы
23. Грамматикалық жаттығудың түрін анықтаңыз
+ А) таным жаттығуы
B) сәйкестендіре жаттығуы
C) есту жаттығуы
D) сөйлеу жаттығуы
E) қайталау жаттығуы
24. Жазу жұмысының түрі
А) Оқу
B) Тыңдау
C) Аудару
D) Сөйлеу
+ E) Жаттығу
25. Жаңа технологиялық оқыту құралы:
+ А) Интерактивтік тақта
B) Лингафон
C) Кодоскоп
D) Мултимедиялық тақта
E) Магнитафон
26. Көрнекі құралдардың екі тобын атаңыз:
А) Сызбалар және модельдер
B) Үнтаспа мен оқулық
C) Оқушыға және оқытушыға арналған көрнекі құралдар
D) Топшамалар мен сызбалар
+ E) Заттық-бейнелік және таңбалы көрнекі құралдар
27. Ауызша жаттығуларды дамытатын іс-әрекет
А) Түсіну
B) Оқу
C) Аудару
+ D) Сөйлеу
E) Жазу
28. Ағылшын тілін оқытудың негізгі мақсаты
А) шет т оқуға үйрету
B) жазуға үйрету
C) ауызша сөйлеу іс-әрекетін дамыту
D) ағылшын тілінде түпнұсқа кітаптарын оқу
+ E) ағылшын тілі оқытудың сапасын көтеру
29. Ағылшын тілі пәнінен оқушыға әріптерді, дыбыстарды дұрыс өрнектеуге үйрететін іс-әрекет:
А) Дамыту
B) Тыңдап-түсіну
+ C) Жазу
D) Сөйлеу
E) Оқу
30. Ауызша жаттығуларды дамытатын іс-әрекет:
А) Аудару
B) Түсіну
+ C) Сөйлеу
D) Жазу
E) Оқу
31. Бірінші сынып оқушылардың ағылшын тілін үйреткенде көңіл бөлінбейтін іс-әрекет
+ А) Оқу іс-әрекеті
B) Ойын іс-әркеті
C) Ауызша сөйлеу іс-әрекеті
D) Аудару
E) Жазу іс-әрекеті
32. Бастауыш сынып оқушыларына ... қабілеті жоғары болады.
А) Оқу
B) Сөйлеу
C) Тыңдау
D) Жазу
+ E) Жаттау
33. Шет тілі сабағының түріне жатпайды:
А) Әзіл сабақ
+ B) Көрнекілік сабақ
C) саяхат сабақ
D) Жарыс сабақ
E) ойын сабақ
34. 7-сыныптағы диктанттың сөз мөлшері:
А) 40 сөз
B) 15 сөз
C) 50 сөз
D) 10 сөз
+ E) 30 сөз
35. Транскрипция дегеніміз –
+ А) дыбыстың белгіленуі
B) сөздің аудармасы
C) модуль
D) кесте
E) сызба
36. Тыңдауға берілген материалдың мазмұнын түсіну ... жағдайға байланысты
А) материалдың көлеміне
B) материалдың ерекшелігіне
C) материалдың таныс еместігіне
D) материалдың тілі
+ E) материалдың түріне
37.Студенттің өз бетімен орындайтын ғылыми жұмыстың түрі:
А) сабақ жоспары
B) емтихан тапсыру
+ C) курстық жұмыс
D) машықтан өту
E) папқа қорғау
38. Сұрақтар қоюға үйрететін ойын
А) лексикалық
B) лингвистикалық
+ C) грамматикалық
D) фонетикалық
E) орфографиялық
39. Машықкердің сабақ өткізу кезінде жиі жіберетін қателігі.
+ А) уақытты ұтымды пайдаланбау
B) білімді бағалау
C) сыныптан тыс жұмыстар жүргізу
D) сабақты шет тілінде өткізу
E) өткенді қайталау
40. Шет тілін оқыту әдістемесіндегі қосaлқы әдісті белгілеңіз
+ А) бақылау
B) қолдану
C) жаттығу
D) қайталау
E) таныстыру
41. Диалогтық сөйлеудің түрі
А) Түсіндіру
B) Әңгіме
C) Сөйлеу
D) Сұрақ
+ E) Сұрақ-жауап
42. Диалог түрінде сөйлеудің негізгі көрсеткіші:
А) Негізгі фактілердің мағынасын айтып беру
+ B) Дұрыс құрылған реплика саны
C) Мәтіннің мағынасы бойынша түсінегін айту
D) Тілдік материалды өз тілімен айту
E) Монолог түріне ұқсастыру
43. Жаңа сөздердің мағынасын ашуда қолданылатын алғашқы іс-әрекет
А) суреттеу
B) синонимдер
C) контекст
+ D) анықтама беру
E) антонимдер
44. Көрнекілік әдісі тұңғыш рет ... еңгізілді
А) Тақырып практиканы оқытуда
B) Физиканы оқытуда
C) Өлкетану әдістемісінде
D) Географияны оқыту әдістемесінде
+ E) Шетел тілін оқыту әдістемесінде
45. Құзыреттілікке жеткізетін шет тілі сабағының мақсат мідеттері:
А) Тәрбиелік, білімділік, дамытушылық
B) Лингвистикалық
C) Грамматикалық, лексикалық, фонетикалық
D) Орфографиялық, орфоэпиялық
+ E) Ақпараттық, коммуниктивтік, проблеманы ашу
46. Топ бастайтын адам саны
А) 4
B) 1
C) 6
+ D) 2
E) 8
47. Ағылшын тілін ерте оқытудың негізгі мақсаты:
А) ағылшын тілінде түпнұсқа кітаптарын оқу
+ B) ағылшын тілін оқытудың сапасын көтеру
C) шет тілінде жазуға үйрету
D) ауызша сөйлец іс-әрекетін дамыту
E) шет тілінде оқуға үйрету
48. Ағылшын тіндегі әріптердің және әріптік белгілердің саны
А) 24 әріп, 142 әріптік белгі
B) 32 әріп, 142 әріптік белгі
C) 25 әріп, 145 әріптік белгі
+ D) 26 әріп, 146 әріптік белгі
E) 23 әріп, 146 әріптік белгі
49. Ауызша сөйлеу шет тілін оқытудың ... кезеңінде басым
А) Орта
B) 1-2 сыныптар
+ C) Бастауыш
D) Жоғары
E) Мектепке дейінгі
50. Бірінші сынып оқушыларына ағылшын тілін үйреткенде көп көңіл бөлінбейтін іс-әрекет
А) аудару
B) жазу іс-әрекеті
+ C) оқу іс-әрекеті
D) ауызша сөйлеу іс-әрекеті
E) ойын іс-әрекеті

2. Елтану-50 вопросов.
1. The USA is_______________, а union оf 50 states.
А) а constitutional republic
В) а presidential republic
+ С) а federal republic
D) а constitutional monarchy
Е) а republic

2.Тhе USA consists оf__________

А) 49 states and the state of the Hawaii Islands
+ В) 50 states and the District of Columbia
С) 49 states and the District of Columbia
D) 51 states
Е) 15 states
3. English is____________language
+ А) the official and predominant
В) the official and preferred
С) the first minority and preferred
D) the first minority
Е) the second official

4. Тhе USA is situated in the central and southern parts оf the continent оf North America, and
includes_________ in the _________Осеаn.
А) the state of Alaska and the Falkland Islands; Pacific
В) the state of Alaska and Сubа; Atlantic
+ С) The state of Alaska in the north-western part of North America, and also the Hawaii
Islands; Pacific
D) Сubа and the Hawaii Islands; Pacific
Е) The state of Alaska; Atlantic

5. What аге the highest mountains in the USA?

А) The Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Appalachian Mountains
+ В) The Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Siеrrа Nevada
С) The Cordillera, the Appalachian Mountains and the Siеrrа Nevada
D) The Appalachian Mountains, the Siеrrа Nevada and the Rocky Mountains
Е) The Siеrrа Nevada Mountains

6. Тhе largest rivers in the USA аге __________.

+ А) the Mississippi River, the Missouri and the Ohio
В) the Mississippi River, the Missouri and the Grand
С) the Missouri River, and the Colorado
D) the Alabama River, the Sacramento and the Columbia
Е) The Grand and the Colorado.

7. ____________is the largest river in Alaska.

+ А) the Yukon
В) the Snake
С) the Wailuku
D) the Savannah
E) the Alabama River

8. Тhе first inhabitants of North America were _____________.

А) Dutch and Indians
В) Indians and Eskimos
+ С) Indians and Spaniards
D) Indians and Englishmen
Е) Africans

9. Тhе American 50-star flag was raised for the first time оп July 4, ____________.
А) 1690
+ В) 1960
С) 1790
D) 1970
Е) 1590
10. Benjamin Franklin proposed that the _________ bе the national bird, because it was а true
native of the country.
+ А) turkey
В) goose
С) cock
D) vulture
Е) hen

11. Тhе bald eagle is __________.

А) really bald
В) black-streaked
С) wingless
+ D) "white-streaked"
Е) really black

12. Тhе Statue of Liberty was given bу the people of ________________.

А) Italy
В) Spain
+ С) France
D) England
Е) Russia

13. Fonds for the Statue of Liberty were raised bу the _____________people.
+ А) French
В) Italian
С) Spanish
D) English
Е) American

14. Construction оf the pedestal оf the Statue оf Liberty started in 1884 but soon stopped because
+ А) the mоnеy ran out
В) it was prohibited bу the French government
С) of the storm
D) of the war
Е) of the competition

15. Тhе Statue оf Liberty was then carefully __________and ______________ .

А) lifted оn the pedestal; fixed
+ В) taken apart; shipped to America
С) planed to the Bedloe's (now, Liberty) Island
D) lifted and broken
Е) Shown and sold

16. Тhе United States national motto is _____________.

А) Uncle Sam
+ В) In God We Trust
С) Е pluribus Unum ( Оnе out of mаnу)
D) То bе or not to bе
Е) То learn and to learn
17. Тhе head оf the American state and government is the President, elected for
А) five
В) seven
С) six
+ D) four
Е) two

18. Тhе political system of the U.S. consists оf _____________branches.

А) two
+ В) thrее
С) four
D) five
Е) seven

19. Тhе legislative body is the Congress consisting оf_______________.

+ А) the Senate and the House of Representatives
В) the House of Commons and the House of Representatives
С) the House of Commons and the Senate
D) the House of Representatives and the President
Е) The Senates

20. Тhе American Senate consists of ____________members.

А) 130
В) 200
С) 250
+ D) 100
Е) 300

21.Тhе House of Representatives in America has about 450 members elected bу popular vote
every _________ years.
А) three
В) four
С) five
+ D) two
Е) Six

22. «То attend high school" in the U.S. means to attend ____________.
А) School
В) Junior school
+ С) Junior and senior school
D) University
Е) School and university

23. Give the synonym of underlined word.

“Тhе principal оf school is Mr А.' In American English, the underlined word is for English
__________ .
А) director
В) manager
+ С) headmaster
D) teacher
Е) pupil

24. In English, vacation is equal to ___________ .

+ А) holiday(s)
В) break
С) recess
D) rest
Е) weekend

25. In American English, freshman means _____________.

А) вновь прибывший
В) новичок в деле
С) новенький в школе
+ D) первокурсник
Е) выпускник

26. Public schools in the USA аге ______, while in Britain "public school" means
__________secondary school where children usually live as well as study.
+ А) free; private fee-paying
В) private fee-paying; free
С) free; -
D) free; free
Е) private fee-paying; -

27. Who discovered America?

+ A) Christopher Columbus
B) George Washington
C) The pilgrims
D) John Glenn
E) Abraham Lincoln

28. Who was the first president оf the USA?

A) Abraham Lincoln
+ B) George Washington
C) Franklin D. Roosevelt
D) Tomas Jefferson
E) Christopher Columbus

29. What is the national symbol оf America?

A) The rose
+ B) The bald eagle
C) The shamrock
D) The sun
E) The mооn

30. Which is the United States capital?

A) New York City
B) Los Angeles
+ C) Washington, D.C.
D) Chicago
E) San Francisco
31. Where is the Statue оf Liberty?
+ A) New York
B) Massachusetts
C) California
D) Washington
E) Los Angeles

32. Тhе American f1ag has:

+ A) thirteen stripes
B) thirty stripes
C) fifty stripes
D) fifteen stripes
E) fifty - оnе stripes

33. Where is the tallest building in the world?

A) New York City
+ B) Chicago
C) San Francisco
D) California
E) Los Angeles

34. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?

+ A) July 4
B) December 25
C) February 14
D) June 4
E) March 8

35. What is the national sport in America?

A) football
B) soccer
+ C) baseball
D) tennis
E) rugby

36. What is the largest city in Australia?

+ А) Sydney
В) Canberra
С) Melbourne
D) Atlanta
Е) Belfast

37. What is оnе оf Australia's most famous and best-loved animals?

А) The penguin
B) The Eagle
+ С) The koala
D) The swan
Е) The ostrich

38. What currency is used in New Zealand?

А) The New Zealand pound
В) The New Zealand shilling
+ С) The New Zealand dollar
D) The German mark
Е) The Italian lira

39. Christopher Columbus landed in America in_____________.

А) 1620
В) 1942
+ С) 1492
D) 1312
Е) 1542

40. Washington, D.C., is а__________.

А) State
В) Country
+ С) District
D) Т own
Е) City

41. How mаnу states are there in America?

+ A) 50
В) 52
С) 25
D) 57
Е) 15

42. Who arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620?

А) The Indians
+ В) The pilgrims
С) The French
D) The Africans
Е) The Italians

43. In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

А) December
В) February
+ С) November
D) March
Е) Мау

44. Who built the first car?

А) Benjamin Franklin
В) Alexander Graham Веll
+ С) Henry Ford
D) John Glenn
Е) Abraham Lincoln

45. What is the capital оf Georgia?

+ А) Atlanta
В) San Francisco
С) Los Angeles
D) Chicago
Е) California

46. What is the tallest building in the world?

А) The Empire State Bui1ding
+ В) The Sears Tower
С) The Washington Monument
D) The Lincoln Memorial
Е) The Jefferson Memorial

47. Who fought against racial discrimination in the 1960's?

+ А) Martin Luther King, Jr.
B) Frank Lloyd Wright.
С) Emily Dickinson
D) John Glenn
Е) Neil Armstrong

48. What is the capital оf Massachusetts?

А) St. Louis
B) Memphis
+ C) Boston
D) Atlanta
E) Los Angeles.

49.Тhе first university in America was______________.

А) Boston University
+ B) Harvard
C) М I T
D) Oxford
E) Cambridge.

50. А popular American food is_____________.

+ А) Barbecue ribs
B) Pelmeni
C) Fish and chips
D) Chickens
E) Cakes

3. Грамматика -50 вопросов.

1. It was easy ............. .
+ A) for me to do
B) to be done by me
C) of me to do
D) of me doing
E) to be doing

2. What beautiful eyes ............... !

A) have you
B) does she have
+ C) she has
D) she looks
E) has she

3. She dyed her hair and wore dark glasses ............... people wouldn't recognize her.
A) if only
+ B) so that
C) never again
D) even so
E) in order to

4. ............... rich people are, they always seem anxious to make ............... more money.
A) However / still
B) Some / any
C) So / much
+ D) Whatever / some
E) The / never

5. I'm surprised to hear that you've seen him here in İzmir, because he ............... to be
abroad these days.
A) is proposed
B) is suggested
C) is ordered
D) is estimated
+ E) is supposed

6. I remember ............... to a big mosque in İstanbul as a small child.

A) their taking
B) to take them
+ C) being taken
D) my having taken them
E) my taking

7. Mother: Why did you throw that stone through that window? Son: Another boy ..........
me do it.
A) told
B) said to
C) showed
D) encouraged
+ E) made

8. A: Who is that? I say, who is it? B: Don't worry. It's only .......... .
A) nobody
B) that
+ C) me
D) somebody
E) who's it

9. ............ feeding these fish, please be careful with ........... you give them.
A) After / that
+ B) When / what
C) When / where
D) Where / how
E) Before / when
10. I've been meaning to ask you: This is the first time you are visiting Turkey, ............. ?
+ A) isn't it
B) are you
C) is this
D) aren't you
E) is it

11. ............. the point of going by car if you won't be able to find a place to park it when we
get there?
A) That's
B) Where's
C) It's
+ D) What's
E) Nothing's

12. Thank you. It is very kind ............... so.

A) for you to be said
B) of your saying
C) from you to say
D) to you say
+ E) of you to say

13. She ............... goes out nowadays.

A) barely never
+ B) hardly ever
C) does scarcely
D) ever and ever
E) almost

14. I ............... it on my own by then.

A) was used to use
B) am used to do
+ C) had got used to using
D) am using
E) will never be able to get using

15. ............ a married man, you'll have a lot more responsibilities from now on.
+ A) As
B) Been
C) No matter what
D) So
E) On top of

16. This is ............... exciting book I've ever read in my life!

A) more
B) the more
C) most
D) a more
+ E) the most

17. If she catches you ............... her diary, she'll be furious.

A) that you are reading
B) having read
C) have read
+ D) reading
E) you are reading

18. I'd rather have a room of my own, ............... small it is, than share a room with a total
A) as long as
+ B) however
C) if
D) whatever
E) no matter what

19. ............. you like to go to the movies tonight?

+ A) Would
B) Did
C) Do
D) Can
E) Where

20. I can't find my keys ............ . I seem to have lost them.

A) everywhere
B) nowhere
+ C) anywhere
D) somewhere
E) whereabouts

21.She was working on her computer with her baby next to _____.
A) herself
+ B) her
C) her own
D) hers
E) she

22. I wish I _____ those words. But now it's too late.
A) not having said
B) have never said
C) never said
+ D) had never said
E) didn’t say

23. Last year, when I last met her, she told me she _____ a letter every day for the last two
A) had written
B) has written
+ C) had been writing
D) wrote
E) write

24. If success _____, we need to prepare ourselves for every possible scenario.
+ A) is to be achieved
B) is achieved
C) will be achieved
D) is due to achieve
E) achieves

25. I'm very happy _____ in India. I really miss being there.
A) to live
B) living
C) to be lived
D) to be living
+ E) to have lived

26. The new sofa isn't ____ the old one.

+ A) as nice as
B) as nicer than
C) as nice than
D) the nicest as
E) nice than

27. My Christmas present was very _____. I got a pair of socks.

A) disappointed
B) amazed
+ C) disappointing
D) surprised
E) amazing

28. Did you remember _____ the door when you left?
A) lock
B) to be locked
C) locking
+ D) to lock
E) to locking

29. He opened a restaurant _____ not having a license.

A) however
+ B) despite
C) although
D) though
E) otherwise

30. I want to watch _____ TV. Have you seen _____ remote?
A) the / a
B) a / the
+ C) – / the
D) the / the
E) the / –

31. A: "It's really hot in this room." B: "Wait. I _____ the window."
A) 'm opening
B) 'll opening
C) open
D) 'm going to open
+ E) 'll open

32. He suffered an injury _____ his holiday in France.

+ A) during
B) while
C) for
D) when
E) at

33. That _____ be true. It's impossible!

A) might not
B) must not
C) shouldn’t
+ D) can't
E) ought not

34. There aren't _____ secrets to success. It's all about working hard.
A) some
+ B) any
C) no
D) none
E) one

35. His apology wasn't enough _____ him.

A) so I forgive
B) that I forgave
+ C) for me to forgive
D) to be forgiven
E) for me forgiving

36. What ______ in my position? I had no other choice.

A) did you do
B) would you do
C) had you done
D) will you do
+ E) would you have done

37. _______ amazing that we can all be here today.

+ A) It seems
B) It seemed
C) There seems
D) It turns
E) There is

38. _______ at a low temperature, the ribs are tender and gelatinous.
A) Cook
B) When cooking
C) Cooks
+ D) Cooked
E) Cooking

39. I told her I admire everything _____ she's been doing.

A) who
+ B) that
C) what
D) whom
E) this

40. I'd like to _____ help you, but I don't have money right now.
A) can to
B) should
C) can
D) could
+ E) to be able to

41. I _____ beans when I was a child, but now I love them.
A) used to be liking
B) used to like
+ C) didn't use to like
D) was not used to like
E) got used to liking

42. I want _____ here until I come back.

+ A) you to stay
B) to stay
C) you stay
D) you staying
E) that you stay

43. The accident, _____ occurred shortly after 9 a.m., left him with serious head injuries.
A) who
B) that
C) where
+ D) which
E) who

44. She _____ if we hadn't been there to take her to the hospital.
A) wouldn’t survive
+ B) wouldn't have survived
C) wasn’t survived
D) didn't survive
E) hadn’t survived

45. When I saw them, they _____, and I thought they _____ because their eyes were red.
A) were arguing / would cry
B) had been arguing / cried
C) argued / were crying
+ D) were arguing / had been crying
E) arguing / were crying

46. Jane: "Are you going to the dance on Friday?"

Mary: "No, I'm not. I ..... school dances; they're loud, hot and crowded!"
+ A) don’t enjoy
B) doesn’t enjoy
C) am not enjoying
D) not enjoying
E) not enjoy

47. She looked .............. to me. She looked at me ............... .

A) silly / silly
B) hungry / unhappy
+ C) angry / angrily
D) happy / happy
E) sad / sad

48. We don't quite know how ............... there.

A) be able to get
+ B) to get
C) can we get
D) in order to get
E) be capable of getting

49. The letter ............... addressed to the wrong person. It was never received by its intended
A) should have been
B) ought to have been
C) needn't be
D) will have been
+ E) must have been

50. There weren’t ............... for everyone to sit down.

+ A) enough seats
B) many enough seats
C) any enough seats
D) enough many seats
E) some enough seats

4. Базовый английский- 50 вопросов.

1. I always hated the cold weather but I _____ it when I lived in Russia.
a) get used to
b) got used to
+ c) used to
d) use to
e) has used to

2. We _____ much positive feedback about our old product, but the new formula is really successful.
+ a)
didn't use to get
b) weren't used to get
c) didn't use to getting
d) didn’t used to
e) hasn’t used

I work from home so I _____ people around me all day.
+ a)
'm not used to have
b) 'm used to not having
c) used to having
d) to have
e) have

I heard Eliza got promoted! _____ her as your boss yet?
Are you used to having
+ b) Did you used to have
c) Are you used to have
d) Have you used to
e) Were used to

5.You've stopped hiking? But why? You _____ all the time.
+ a)
used to go
b) got used to go
c) used to going
d) use to
e) get use to

I've been a nurse for two years but I don't know if I _____ night shifts.
'll ever used to work
+b) 'll get used to work
c) 'll ever get used to working
d) I have used to
e) I get used to

Even though I loved my old job, I _____ the long hours.
couldn't be used to
+b) couldn't get used to
c) couldn't use to
d) could
e) can

I _____ the guitar but I don't have time now.
+ a)
got used to playing
b) used to playing
c) used to play
d) use to play
e) used to played

9. Going to is usually used to talk about

a) the past
b) the present
+ c) the future
d) present perfect
e) past cont

10. What's the base form of the verb that always comes somewhere before going to?
a) is
+ b) be
c) are
d) am
e) was
11. "The train is going to arrive in an hour." Which is the infinitive verb?
a) is going
b) going to
+c) to arrive
d) is
e) arrive

12. Complete the special going to structure: "subject + be + _______ + to-infinite"

a) go
+b) going
c) going to
d) is going to
e) goes

13. Going to is used to express either intentions or _______ .

+a) predictions
b) predicates
c) precedents
d) predict
e) prediction

14. "I'm going to change my password." This expresses

+a) an intention
b) a prediction
c) neither
d) both
e) goes

15. "Don't worry! They're going to win." This expresses

+a) an intention
b) a prediction
c) both
d) permission
e) prediction

16 "Watch out! I'm going to sneeze!" This predicts what will happen
a) far in the future
+b) fairly soon
c) next
d) next year
e) last

17. Complete with the correct form of the verb: "I'm going to _______ you while you're away."
+a) miss
b) missing
c) to miss
d) have missed
e) missed

18. "I'm _______ fix it today. I'm too busy." Which is correct?
a)going not to
b)going to not
+c) not going to
d) going to
e) not

19 Which is correct?
a)John would love socialising. Now he hardly goes out anymore.
+b) John used to love socialising. Now he hardly goes out anymore.

c) John love socializing. Now he hardly goes out anymore

d) John does love socialising. Now he hardly goes out anymore.

E) John did love socialising. Now he hardly goes out anymore.

20. Which is correct?

a) I didn’t used to like driving until I bought my new car.

+ b) I didn’t use to like driving until I bought my new car.

c) I did used to like driving until I bought my new car.

d) I didn’t to like driving until I bought my new car.

e) I to like driving until I bought my new car.

21 Which is correct?

+ a) Peter used to argue so much until he met Sarah. She has calmed him down.

b)Peter was argued so much until he met Sarah. She has calmed him down.

c) Peter argue so much until he met Sarah. She has calmed him down.

d) Peter were argue so much until he met Sarah. She has calmed him down.

e) Peter use to argue so much until he met Sarah. She has calmed him down.
22 Which is correct?

+ a) We used to live in Barcelona for three years before we decided to move.

b) We had been living in Barcelona for three years before we decided to move.

c) We have lived in Barcelona for three years before we decided to move.

d) We lived in Barcelona for three years before we decided to move.

e) We used to live in Barcelona for three years before we decided to move.

23. Which is correct?

a) John was fired because he was always coming to work late.

+ b) John used to be fired because he was always coming to work late.

c) John fired because he was always coming to work late.

d) John fires because he was always coming to work late.

e) John has fired because he was always coming to work late.

24. Which is correct?

a) I hated the last musical I saw. It was not exciting.

+ b) I used to hate the last musical I saw. It was not exciting.

c) I hate the last musical I saw. It was not exciting

d) I hates the last musical I saw. It was not exciting

e) I have hated the last musical I saw. It was not exciting

25 The coldest season of the year is …

a) autumn                       

+ b) winter                         

c) spring

d) summer

e) winter and summer

26 The hottest season of  the year is …

a) autumn 

b) winter                           

c) spring

+ d) summer

e) spring and summer

27 Pupils have the longest holidays in …

a) autumn                           

b) spring

d) winter                        

 + c) summer

e) summer and autumn

28 September, October, November are the months of the …

+ a) autumn                            

b) spring


d) summer

e) spring and summer

29 Spring has three months: March, April and …


+ b) May

c) July                                 

d) August


30 I wish he... on better with his parents.

a)will get

+ b) got

c)would get


31 I wish you... talking at the lessons.

+ a) stopped

b) will stop

c) would stop


e) have stoped

32 I wish I... more money.


+ b) had

c)had had

d)to have

e) has

33 If only I... the chance to study when I was younger.

a)was having

b)have had

+ c) had had


e)to have

34 If only I... my appointment with the dentist yesterday. I wouldn't have toothache now.

a) would keep

+ b) kept

c) had kept

d) kept

e) keep

35 If only you... make less noise.

a) will

+ b) would

c) wouldn't

d) will not
36 I wish I ... disappointed after such an inspiring speech yesterday.

+ a) had been

b) hadn't been

c) weren't

d) were

e) was not

37 If only you ... tolerant of each other's moods in your family! You would get on better.

a)had been

b)would be

+ c) were

d)have been


38 I wish I... to trust my own judgments in my childhood.

a)had learnt

+ b) learnt

c)have learnt



39 If only I … the chance to study when I was younger.

a)to have

+ b) had had

c)would have



40 If you ... ever in our town, you should come and visit us.

+ a) will be

b) were

c) are

d) be
e) is

41 If he had found a job, he ... for money now.

+ a) won’t ask

b) would not have asked

c) had not been asking

d) wouldn't ask

e) would

42 If I ... a lottery, I ... a yacht.

a) win / would buy

b) has won / would buy

c) win / would have bought

+ d) won / would buy

e) win/ buy

43 If the weather ... tomorrow, we’ll go for a walk.

a) will be fine

+ b) is fine

c) was fine

d) fine

e) has fine

44 If I ... earlier, I wouldn’t be late now.

+ a) got up

b) had got up

c) were got up

d) did get up

e) get up

45 If I ... in a bigger house, I would invite a lot of friends to my party.

+ a) lived

b) had lived

c) live
d) had been living

e) has lived

46 If I do my homework, the teacher ... happy.

a) is

+ b) will be

c) were

d) was

e) was not

47 If you heat water up to 100 °C, it ... .

a) will boil

b) boiled

+ c) boils

d) had boiled

e) boil

48 If he had had money, he ... her a gift.

a) will buy

+ b) would buy

c) would have bought

d) would not have bought

e) to buy

49. Emma ... a card if she had remembered it was their anniversary.

a) would have sent

+ b) would sent

c) sends

d) sent

e) send

50. Bob …. In London 2 years ago

a) has lived

b) will live
+ c) lived

d) lives

5. Домашнее чтение – 50 вопросов.

1.Who was Robie? (THE SCHOLARSHIP from “Green Years” by A. J. Cronin)

A)Gavin’s brother

+ B)Gavin’s close friend

D)Gavin’s neighbor

E)Gavin’s groupmate

2. What did he want to become? (THE SCHOLARSHIP from “Green Years” by A. J. Cronin)

A)A teacher

B) A lawyer

+ C) A medical biologist

D) A musician

E) A sportsman

3.Why couldn't he study without the scholarship? (THE SCHOLARSHIP from “Green Years” by A. J. Cronin)

+ A) Robert Shannon will be able to continue his studies only if he gets the scholarship

B) Robert Shannon will be able to continue his studies only if he finishes school well

C) Robert Shannon will be able to continue his studies only if he gets the loan

D) Robert Shannon will be able to continue his studies only if he his parents help him

E) Robert Shannon will be able to continue his studies only if he tries his best.

4.What was the reason for Gavin's sitting the Marshall? (THE SCHOLARSHIP from “Green Years” by A. J.

A)He wanted to be the best in his town.

B) His mother made him do it.

C) His father made him do it.

D) His father had trouble in the business and he asked him win the scholarship.

+ E) He would like to win for his father’s sake.

5. When did the boys go fishing ? (THE SCHOLARSHIP from “Green Years” by A. J. Cronin)

A) On Sunday.

+ B) On the first day of the Easter Holidays.

C) On summer holidays.
D) On Robert’s birthday.

E) One day

6.Whom did the author meet at his friend's house one day? (A DOG AND THREE DOLLARS by M. Twain)

A) His brother

B) A sergeant

+ C) General Miles

D) His friend

E) His girlfriend

7.Why didn’t General Miles recognise the author? (A DOG AND THREE DOLLARS by M. Twain)

A) He looked very old

+ B) They hadn’t seen each other since 1867

C) General Miles pretended not to recognise him

D) The author felt shy to know General Miles

E) He had done a plastic surgery

8. Prove that the author’s life (the dog and three dollars) was very hard?

+ A) He had no money even for bread

B) He looked poor

C) He begged in the street

D) He often borrowed money

E) He was a thief

9. Why did the boy find himself in the hotel one day? (A DOG AND THREE DOLLARS by M. Twain)

A) He was looking for General Miles

+ B) He was walking along the streets of Washington and came to a big hotel to have a rest

C)He wanted to reserve a room

D)He wanted to visit his friend in the hotel

E) He wanted to work in the hotel

10. Who ran into the hall suddenly? (A DOG AND THREE DOLLARS by M. Twain)

A) A girl

B) Children

C) An old lady

+ D) A small beautiful dog

E) A cat

11. What happened ten minutes later? (A DOG AND THREE DOLLARS by M. Twain)

A) An old lady came into the hall. She looked round the hall. The author could see that she was looking for

+ B) An old man came into the hall. He looked round the hall. The author could see that he was looking for

C) The dog disappeared

D) The old man won the lottery

E) The dog barked a lot

12. How did he manage to take the dog back? (A DOG AND THREE DOLLARS by M. Twain)

A) He asked the girlfriend to find a dog. The boy paid three dollars to his girlfriend. Then he brought the dog to her
and she was very happy

B) He asked mother to buy a dog. His mother paid three dollars. But it turned out that it was a stolen dog

+ C) He asked the general to give the dog back . The boy returned three dollars to General Miles. When he brought
the dog to its master that one paid him three dollars

D) He asked the friend to give the dog back . The boy returned three dollars to his friend. When he brought the dog
to its master that one paid him three dollars

E) He found a dog , looked for its master and he was lucky to do it

13.What signs of illness could the boy's father notice when he came into the room? (a day’s wait)

A) The boy was shivering.

+ B) The boy was shivering, his face was white, and he walked slowly as though it ached to move.

C) The boy walked slowly as though it ached to move.

D) The boy’s face was white.

E) The boy’s face was red.

14.What did the boy do when his father had asked him to go to bed? (a day’s wait)

A) He went to bed.

B) He called for the doctor.

C) He played with his toys.

+ D) He got dressed and went to the fire.

E) He read a book.

15. What did the doctor say? (a day’s wait)

+ A) The boy had a temperature one hundred and two.

B) The boy had a temperature forty five and two.

C) The boy was not ill.
D) The boy looked sick.
E) The boy needed to be given vitamins.

16. What did he prescribe? (a day’s wait)

A) Vitamins.

B) Hot milk

C) Walk in fresh air.

D) Not to watch horror films.

+ E) Three different medicines in different coloured capsules with instructions for giving them.

17. What sentences prove that something serious worried the boy? (a day’s wait)

+ A) His face was very white and there were dark areas under his eyes. He lay still in the bed and seemed very
detached from what was going on

B) "Why, don't you try to go to sleep?”

C) There was nothing to worry about

D) "I'd rather stay awake."

E) "Just the same, so far," he said.

18. Which of the boy's questions revealed everything to his father? (a day’s wait)

A) What diseases was he ill?

+ B) "About what time do you think I'm going to die?" "About how long will it be before I die?"

C) What book was his father going to read to him?

D) Why did the doctor come?

E) At what temperature did people die ?

19. In what way did father explain everything to his son? (a day’s wait)

A) The boy was told a lie.

B) The boy’s father asked the doctor to explain to the boy.

+ C) The boy was mistaken. He wasn’t going to die. He explained that was a different thermometre.

D) The boy’s father asked his mother to explain to the boy.

E) He didn’t explain anything to the boy.

20.What was Rudolf Steiner ? (THE GREEN DOOR by O. Henry)

A) A book salesman.

B) A postman.
+ C) A piano salesman.
D)A doctor.

E)A writer
21. Whom did he see behind the door? (THE GREEN DOOR by O. Henry)

A) A girl not yet twenty five stood there.

+ B) A girl not yet twenty stood there.

C) A Negro stood there.

D) An old man stood there.

E) A young man stood there.

22. Why was the girl so pale and weak? (THE GREEN DOOR by O. Henry)

A) She hadn’t eaten for five days.

B) She had been working hard for four days.
C) She hadn’t slept for three days.
D)She was ill.
+ E) She hadn’t eaten for three days.

23. How did the young man help the girl? (THE GREEN DOOR by O. Henry)

A) He rushed out of the green door and called for the doctor.
+ B) He rushed out of the green door and in twenty minutes he was back with bread and butter, cold meat, cakes,
pies, milk and hot tea.
C) He rushed out of the green door and and in an hour he was back with money.

D) He rushed out of the green door and in an hour he was back with some water and bread.

24. How did Rudolf explain to the girl his unexpected visit? (THE GREEN DOOR by O. Henry)

+ A) He knocked at her door by mistake."

B) He was sent to her by the Negro.
C) He wanted to sell a piano to her.
D) He wanted to get acquainted with her.
E) He fell in love with her.

25. What was the real reason why Rudolf had got the card with the words “The Green Door”?

A) He was chosen to be invited to the shop.

B) He was chosen to be invited to the football match.
+ C) The Negro told Rudolf that the theatre agent of the play “The Green Door” had given him a dollar to hand out
a few of his cards together with the dentist's.

D) He was chosen to be invited to the festival.

E) The card was given him to advertise a dentist.

26.Why did Mr. Shelby decide to sell his slaves? (A brave mother)

A) He was made to sell his slaves by the police.

B) He didn’t need his slaves.
+ C) He borrowed large sums from a man named Haley. Mr. Shelby could not pay the money back,
D) He borrowed large sums from a man named Sampson, whose business was to buy and sell slaves. Mr. Shelby
could not pay the money back,
E) ) He borrowed large sums from a woman named Garret, whose business was to grow cotton. Mr. Shelby could
not pay the money back,

27. What was Haley's business? (A brave mother)

+ A) His business was to buy and sell slaves.
B) His business was to buy and sell cattle.
C) His business was to grow grain
D) His business was to buy and sell cotton.
E) His business was to buy and sell horses.

28.What did the manager do when he guessed that his customer was a professor? (Reading public)

+ A) He called to his assistant, "Just show this gentleman our ancient classics – the ten-cent series."

B) He called to his chief, "Just show this gentleman our ancient classics – the ten-cent series."

C) He called director

D) He began to offer him expensive books

E) He began to look for an expensive books

29. Why did he lose all interest in him? (Reading public)

+ A) Because he knew that professor do not buy expensive books
B) Because he borrowed some money
C) Because he was his old friend
D) Because he was a spy
E) Because he had no money

30. What did the widow buy? (Reading public)

A) The Great Gatsby

+ B) Golden Dreams

C) Harry Potter

D) Alice’s adventure in Wonderland


31. Who was the wife of the books store manager? (Reading public)

A) Babytender

B) Cashier

+ C) He was not married

D) Police

E) Shop assistant

32. What did the manager say to the author about this book? (Reading public)

A) Book on the fan

B) Normal

C) That book is great

+ D) That book is terrible

E) Not interesting
33. Did the manager read this book? (Reading public)

A) Yes

+B) No

C) He wrote it

D) Not till the end

E) He never read a book

34.Who's words a rethese «Here at last is a true lover» ? (The nightingale and the rose)

+ A)Nightingale

B) Oak

C) Student

D) The daughter of the professor

E) Lizard

35.What did the nightingale offer in exchange for a rose? (The nightingale and the rose)

A) Dance the best dance

B) Show focus

+ C) Sing the sweetest song

D) Fly away quickly

E) Read a book

36. What did Martin decide after meeting with Ruth? (MARTIN EDEN(extract) by J. London)

+ A) He decided to make a career from himself and become a famous.

B) He decided to sell books

C) He decided to move to London

D) He decided to travel around the world

E) He decided to die

37. Who were these two boys Claude and Carl? (IS HE LIVING OR IS HE DEAD by M. Twain)

+ A) French artists

B) Orphans

C) Children


E) Deceivers

38. What was the name of the artist who saved them? (IS HE LIVING OR IS HE DEAD by M. Twain)
A) France Fillet

B) France Miller

+ C) Francois Millet.

D) No name

E) France Milli

39. How long did they live and work together? (IS HE LIVING OR IS HE DEAD by M. Twain)

+ A) More than 2 years

B) 3 years

C) year and a half

D) Year

E) 11 months

40. Who had to die to save others? (IS HE LIVING OR IS HE DEAD by M. Twain)

A) Carl

B) Claude

+ C) Millet

D) no One

E) not mentioned

41. Where did Carl go? (IS HE LIVING OR IS HE DEAD by M. Twain)

+ A) To Paris

B) To Italy

C) To London

D) To Greece

E) To Spain

42. Who is the author of the “ Lost in the Post.”?

A) J.G. Cozzens

B) S.S. McClure

+ C) A. Philips

D) R. Ruark

E) M. Twain

43. What was Ainsley? (Lost in the Post)

+ A) a post officer
B) a doctor

C) a businessman

D) a musician

E) a teacher

44. What were the relations between Oliver and Orlando? (AS YOU LIKE IT)

+ A) Oliver hated Orlando because he was so brave and strong and handsome, and he was kinder to his horses than
he was to Orlando.

B) Oliver was proud of Orlando.

C) Oliver was jealous of Orlando.

D) Oliver was friendly with Orlando.

E) Oliver was not satisfied with the way of life Orland had.

45. Who is the author of the story “As you like“

+ A) W. Shakespeare

B) J.G. Cozzens

C) S.S. McClure

D) R. Ruark

E) M. Twain

46. What made the children and their mother from the story “The Snake and the Bell” L. Becker

feel frightened?

A) snow storm

+ B) a snake

C) a ghost

D) a stranger

E) a telegram

47. Why was mother from the story “The Snake and the Bell” L. Becker angry with her sons one particular

A) They were late after school.

B) They had told her a lie .

C) They were very noisy .

+ D) They were playing silly tricks :they had tied a string to the bell-wires, and were pulling it.

E) They didn’t want to come home.

48. Who is the author of the story “The Banks of the Sacramento”
+ A) J. London.

B) A. Philips,

C) O. Henry.

D) L. Baker.

E) J. Galsworthy.

49. Why did Mr. and Mrs. Spillane have to cross the river? (”The banks of the Sacramento”)

A) They wanted to see their son.

+ B) They had to get across because Mrs. Spillane father'd been badly wounded in an explosion; he's dying.

C) They wanted to visit their friend.

D) They had promised to be there.

E) They lived on the other bank of the river.

50. Why did Joe Larrabee come to New York? (“A service of love” O. Henry)

+ A) Joe Larrabee dreamed of becoming a great artist

B) Joe Larrabee was invited to New York.

C) Joe Larrabee wanted to see Delia.

D) Joe Larrabee planned to do business.

E) Joe Larrabee was the place where he was born.

6. Фонетика -50 вопросов.

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