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Teaching is a learning. It does not stop after graduation in college.

One single degree is not

enough to completely comprehend the factual essence of being a teacher.

This is just a draft of what I reflect I will be doing for the next pass years to come. After finally
finishing this career plan, I grasped that I have so numerous goals that I want to reach.
Teaching with passion, I shall carry discipline, determination, persistence, happiness and trust in

Passion has an inspiring factor; therefore, it is a important need for high quality learning and
teaching. Passion is looking for the new, and facing new ideas. Passion is on the basis of effective
teaching. Passion which is essential for learning and teaching enables learning thorough desire and
enthusiasm it generates. Passionate teachers via creating operative learning surroundings endeavor
to rise learning abilities of their students. This study emphases on alterations passionate teachers
make, and points out the effects of passion on effective learning and teaching.

Stating your passion for teaching or the subject you teach, can take your students' attention
and drive involvement. “Love what you impart, and they will love it too.” Investigation
links passionate teaching straight to a student's readiness to learn and involved in new ideas.
Research found educators motivate and motivate their students daily. Eagerness is
transmittable. Use your knowledge and love of the subject to come up with examples
your students can relate to and comprehend. Present the subject gradually through an exciting
activity or group project. One motivational technique that will never fail is generous rewards and
praise for a job well done.

What are the 3 personal actions or changes that you need to take in order to achieve your
vision of "the future you"?

Your response should be at least an 800-word narrative encoded in MS Word and covering the
following specific items:

1. Discuss your own enablers of passion (refer to the mind map you previously created). Explain
each enabler you identified and how this relates to your passion as a teacher.

2. Expound on your "future you" vision. How would you want your students to remember you as
an exceptional teacher?

3. Identify your 3 action plans, steps or changes and discuss each one.

4. At the end of your paper, place 2 photos:

a. a close up photo of your face holding your PRC ID or other government ID (if you do not have
a PRC ID); and

b. a separate close up shot of your PRC ID or other government ID (the ID that you are holding
in picture a)

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