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Name:____________ Subject: Englsih

Date:___________. Grade: Three


Read the story carefully, then follow the instructions:

A Muddy Day

One day morning in a rainy day the mud was

everywhere. After school at soccer practice in the school
garden, Liza slipped in the mud. She hurt her leg and
couldn’t get up. Coach Ahmad put an ice pack on Liza’s
leg because ice pack let her to feel less pain. Liza’s dad
was there. He drove her to the hospital. “I hope you
didn’t break your leg, honey,” Liza’s dad said. The
doctor said Liza’s leg was not broken. He told Liza to
stay off the soccer games for a few weeks until her leg
become well. In the first game Liza played after she
came back, Liza scored the winning goal for her team. “I
feel as good as new. No, better than new!” she told her
A-Fill in the story map .
Time: ……………………………………….

Place: ……………………………………….
……………… , ……………… , …….....................

B-Circle the best answer:

1. There was a ……………:
a. big storm
b. rainy day
c. sunny day
2. Liza slipped and hurt her …………:
a. Ankle
b. Head
c. Leg
3. The doctor said Liza’s leg was …………:
a. Broken
b. Was not broken
c. Wounded
4. Liza is a strong girl because she:
a. Stopped playing all the time.
b. Scored the winning goal.
c. Slipped and hurt her leg.

C. Answer the following questions with complete sentences:

a. What did Coach Ahmad put on Liza’s leg? Why?


b. Did Liza feel better after she stayed off playing soccer?


c. How did she feel at the end of the story?


D. Tell whether each sentence is true or false, then correct the false one:

a. In a rainy day Liza slipped on the mud._________

b. Liza’s father drove his car to the school.__________

c. Liza stayed off the soccer games for few weeks._______

d. Liza didn’t score any goal.__________

E. Match each word with its opposite meaning.

1. day * *loser
2. rainy * * last
3. winner * *sunny
4. first * *night

F. Circle words from the box refer to the word soccer.

Cheer - paper - ball - goal- car - team - computer - leaves – goalie
G. Writing :

What kinds of sport do you practice ? Name some Activities that you enjoy doing

• Answer the above questions in a short paragraph.


Happy New Year

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