(Year 1) Morphology Practical - Anterior Teeth

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Anterior Teeth

For teeth description, we will view each one

from five views called aspects.
The name for these aspects is determined by the
related surface.
In anterior teeth, the five aspects are:
1- labial aspect.
2- lingual aspect.
3- mesial aspect.
4- distal aspect.
5- Incisal aspect.
Scheme for tooth description:
❖ Crown :
1. Geometric outline.
2. Surface.
3. Four Outlines.
❖ Root:
1. General outline.
2. Surface.
3. Apex.
1) Permanent upper Incisors
Labial Aspect
Upper central incisor Upper lateral incisor
Eruption: 7-8 yrs 8-9 yrs
10-11 yrs 11-12 yrs
Root completion:

Crown: trapezoidal in shape with the shortest uneven side cervically.

Geometric outline
surface Lateral incisor surface is more convex compared to that of central incisor

Proximal outline The distal outline is more convex than the mesial one in both incisors and
the distal outline of lateral incisor is more rounded than that of central
Contact areas Mesially: near MI angle Mesially: at the junction ( ) incisal &
Distally: more cervically located than middle thirds
the mesial one near junction ( ) Distally: at the middle of middle third
middle and incisal thirds
Incisal outline Straight & regular after attrition for The mesial half is relatively straight and
the 3 mamelons the distal half is more rounded

Proximo-incisal angles MI angle is sharp. MI angle is rounded

DI angle is rounded. DI angle is more rounded.

Root Conical in shape with blunt and Conical in shape with pointed and
centralized apex distally tilted apex, somewhat
longer than that of central incisor
Lingual aspect
Lingual aspect is the
reverse of labial aspect
with the following

Dimension Narrower than that labially -----> lingual convergence

Surface • Convex over cingulum in cervical • cingulum , marginal ridges

third. and incisal ridge are more
• M & D marginal ridges extend prominent
from cingulum to incisal ridge • V-shaped fossa is deeper
• Incisal ridge on the lingual surface
at incisal margin
• Concave M- shaped fossa
between Cingulum., MMR, IR &
Mesial Aspect
❖ Crown: Triangular Triangular
Geometric outline

Labial outline Convex with the crest of curvature at the junction between cervical and
middle thirds representing the cervical ridge

lingual outline Cervical >> convex >> cingulum ( crest of curvature at the middle of cervical
third )
Middle >> concave >> outlines the mesial marginal ridge
Incisal >> convex >> outlines the incisal ridge

Labiolingual dimension is smaller

than that of central incisor
Incisal ridge Incisal ridge is with the line Incisal ridge is with the line
bisecting the tooth bisecting the tooth

Cervical line Concave root wise Concave root wise

Less curved than that of
central incisor
Root Conical Conical
Blunt apex Blunt or pointed apex
Distal aspect
The distal aspect is the reverse of mesial aspect with the following

Cervical line Concave root wise and less curved than that from mesial aspect.

Contact area More cervically located than the More cervically located than
mesial one, near the junction between the mesial one at the middle of
middle and incisal thirds the middle third

Root surface smooth Developmental groove may

be found on the root surface
for part or all of its length
Incisal aspect
Geometric outline Triangular Triangular or oval

Dimension MD > LL MD nearly equal to LL

Labial outline Broad and flat convex

cingulum Shifted distally centralized

MMR is longer than DMR MMR is equal to DMR in length

Incisal ridge Centralized labiolingually

Differences between upper permanent
1- Upper central incisor:
✓ the largest incisor.
✓ with sharp MI angle & rounded DI angle.
✓ M-shaped fossa.
✓ smooth conical straight root.
2- Upper lateral incisor :
✓ smaller than upper central incisor.
✓ more rounded proximal outlines and proximo-
incisal angles.
✓ convex surfaces.
✓ V-shaped fossa.
✓ conical distally tilted root with distal developmental
What are these teeth?
1) Permanent lower Incisors
Labial Aspect
Lower central incisor Lower lateral incisor

Eruption: 6-7 yrs. 7-8 yrs.
Root completed: 9 yrs. 10 yrs

dimension Lateral is larger and wider mesiodistally

Bilaterally symmetrical Not bilaterally symmetrical

Crown is tilted distally on the root
❖ Crown: Trapezoidal in shape with the shortest uneven side cervically
Geometric outline Has fan shaped appearance

surface: Smooth and flat at the incisal third and slightly convex at the cervical third.
Mesial Outline: Straight and tapers from contact Straight and tapers from contact
area to the narrow cervix area to the narrow cervix and
longer than distal one

Distal outline: Straight and tapers from contact area to the narrow cervix

shorter than mesial outline

Contact areas: Both M. &D. contact areas are at Both M. &D. contact areas are in the
the same level near MI &DI incisal third but the D. is more
angles cervical.

Proximo-incisal angles MI & DI angles are sharp. MI angle is sharp but DI angle is
more rounded
Incisal outline: Straight and makes right angle It slopes cervically at its distal
with the long axis of the tooth portion

General outline The M & D outlines are straight Straight M & D outlines
with the M & D outlines of the
slender Longer, thicker and wider

Root apex Pointed, in most cases curved distally, but some times straight
Lingual aspect
Lingual aspect is the
reverse of labial aspect
with the following

Dimension : Narrower than that labially -----> lingual conversion

Surface: As progression from incisal to cervical, The Marginal ridges ,& fossa
shallow concave at incisal third are more prominent than that
between less prominent marginal in lower incisor.
ridges, then flat and then convex
over cingulum cervically.
Proximal Aspect (mesial & distal)
❖ Crown: Triangular or wedge shape Triangular or wedge shape
Geometric outline

Labial outline: Almost straight except convexity cervically.

lingual outline: Convex (cingulum) then slightly concave (middle and incisal thirds)

Incisal : Incisal ridge center is slightly lingual to the midline

From the mesial aspect, the

distolingual twist of the incisal
ridge places the distal portion
at the ridge somewhat more
lingual than on the mesial
Distal surface Distal surface is equal in length Distal surface is shorter than
to the mesial one the mesial one

Cervical line Concave root wise Concave root wise

The cervical line curvature in
both mesial and distal aspects
is slightly less than that of
central incisor
Contact area Both M & D contact areas are The distal contact area is more
at the same level cervically located than on the
mesial one

❖ Root: Labial &lingual outlines are straight from cervix to the middle
General outline third then taper to the apex
Apex: Rounded or pointed , With the midline

Surface: Flat and there is usually a broad and deep developmental

depression on the mesial surface
Distally, there is a deeper and more well-defined developmental
Incisal Aspect
❖ Crown: Diamond in shape. Diamond in shape.
Geometric outline

Dimension: LL > MD LL > MD

Not bilaterally symmetrical

cingulum Centered, smooth and convex Shifted distally

Incisal ridge Straight and at right angle to a Not straight and it curves toward
line bisecting the tooth the lingual in its distal portion
Differences between lower permanent
1- lower central incisor :
✓ the smallest tooth in the oral cavity.
✓ Fan- shaped appearance for the crown.
✓ flattened proximal outlines.
✓ sharp proximo-incisal angles.
✓ straight incisal edge that make right angle
with the midline.
2- lower lateral incisor :
✓ Larger than lower central incisor.
✓ Fan- shaped appearance for the crown.
✓ Incisal edge has a distal sloping.
✓ The cingulum has a shift toward distal.
✓ Twisting appearance of the crown over the
Which one is the lower lateral incisor ?

Lower Lower
central lateral
incisor incisor
2) Permanent Canines
Labial Aspect
Upper Canine Lower Canine
Eruption 11-12 yrs. 9-10 yrs.
Root formation 13-15 yrs. 12-14 yrs.

Trapezoidal Trapezoidal

Mesial outline Convex Straight

Distal outline Concave Convex

Upper Canine Lower Canine

Contact Areas

The cusp tip is on a line with the center of the root.

The cusp Same as upper canine.
Upper Canine Lower Canine

The cusp The mesial cusp slope is shorter than the distal cusp slope.

Cervical line Convex root wise

• The Labial ridge: The middle labial lobe shows much greater
development than the other lobes.

Surface description
• Shallow depressions
mesially and distally
• Less prominent depressions.
dividing the three labial
Upper Canine Lower Canine

• Slender
• Conical
• Pointed apex
• Shorter by 1 or 2 mm
The Root • Mostly, the apex is
• More pointed apex
curved distally
• Root surface is
smooth & convex
Labial Aspect
• Mandibular canine has less mesio-distal
dimension than maxillary canine.
• The crown of mandibular canine appears
to be longer than that of maxillary
canine due to:
a) The narrowness of the crown MD.
b) More incisally located contact areas of
mandibular canine.
Lingual Aspect
Upper Canine Lower Canine

crown & root are narrower lingually than labially
Large and pointed like a small
Cingulum Smooth and poorly developed

Marginal ridges Well developed Less developed

Lingual ridge Well developed Less developed

Mesial & distal

Deep and well circumscribed Shallow
lingual fossae
Lingual Aspect

Maxillary Canine Mandibular Canine

Mesial Aspect
Upper Canine Lower Canine

Wedge shaped Wedge shaped

• Convex • Less curved labial outline

• Crest of curvature: at • Crest of curvature at the
Labial outline
junction between middle & same level of that in
cervical third. upper canine.
Upper Canine Lower Canine

• Convex at cervical third • Less developed cingulum.

representing the cingulum. • Incisal third is thinner
• Straight at the middle third. labiolingually.
Lingual • Convex at incisal third. • Crest of curvature is at the same
outline • Crest of curvature: at middle of level as that of upper canine.
cervical third.

Cusp tip is labial to a line bisecting Cusp tip is lingual to a line bisecting
The cusp
the root the root
Upper Canine Lower Canine

Cervical line Concave root wise

• Conical • Conical
• Pointed apex • More pointed root tip
• Shallow developmental • More pronounced
depression developmental depression
The Root
Distal Aspect
The same form as the mesial aspect, with the following variations:

Upper Canine Lower Canine

Cervical Less curved than Less curved than that

line mesial of upper canine

marginal Thicker and more irregular
Developme Maxillary Mandibular
Deeper than that on mesial surface of the
ntal Canine Canine
Incisal Aspect
Upper Canine Lower Canine

Diamond in shape Diamond in shape

Dimensions Labiolingual dimension is greater than mesiodistal dimension

Labial to a line bisecting Lingual to a line bisecting the

Cusp tip
the tooth mesiodistally tooth mesiodistally
Upper & lower canine:
✓ Lower canine has less mesio-distal dimension
than upper canine.
✓ Contact areas of lower canine are more incisally
located than those of upper canine.
✓ The Crown of Lower canine appears to be longer
than that of upper canine.
✓ All surface structures of upper canine are more
developed than those of lower canine.
✓ Cusp tip of lower canine is located lingual to a
line bisecting the root.
✓ Cusp tip of upper canine is located labial to a
line bisecting the root.
Now, Can you differentiate between
upper and lower canines?
Do you know which of them is the mandibular
canine? And why ?

Upper canine
Lower canine
Also you should know how to differentiate
between right & left teeth
• 1- which one is the mesial surface?
• By the mesial contact area is more incisally
located than the distal one, or by cervical line.
• 2- Is this tooth upper or lower?
Which are the right teeth & which are the left?

Right Right Left Right

Which tooth is this, & which of them is the
left one?

Can you tell which is the upper right canine?


(1) (2)

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