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Regional Studies in Marine Science 48 (2021) 102046

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Assessment of the stock status of two penaeid shrimps in the

Northeastern Brazil Marine Ecoregion and implications for their

Matheus Souza Ferreira de Barros a , , Cícero Diogo Lins de Oliveira b ,
Taciana Kramer Pinto c , Igor da Mata-Oliveira d , Nidia Noemi Fabré a ,
Vandick da Silva Batista b
Laboratório de Ecologia, Peixes e Pesca (LaEPP) da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Brazil
Laboratório de Conservação e Manejo de Recursos Naturais Renováveis (LACOM) da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Instituto de Ciências
Biológicas e da Saúde, Brazil
Laboratório de Ecologia Bentônica (LEB), Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Unidade Penedo, Brazil
Laboratório de Investigação e Manejo da Pesca (IMAP), Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Unidade Penedo, Brazil

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: Shrimp fisheries is one of the most profitable fishery activities in tropical regions, highlighting the
Received 28 July 2021 need of assessing the status of those resources more thoroughly. Then, this study aimed to provide
Received in revised form 15 September 2021 a comprehensible stock assessment of two highly exploited marine penaeid shrimps (Xiphopenaeus
Accepted 5 October 2021
kroyeri and Penaeus schmitti) in two important fishing grounds within the Northeastern Brazilian Ma-
Available online 12 October 2021
rine Ecoregion (NBME) in the state of Alagoas. In addition, the hypothesis of different stocks between
Keywords: areas is also tested by checking for possible between-area heterogeneity in population parameters.
Xiphopenaeus kroyeri We found remarkably similar patterns of growth and mortality between the two fishing grounds for
Penaeus schmitti both species, with homogeneous parameters indicating an absence of regional structuration. Then,
Trawling the two fishing grounds contain a single stock for both species, which will respond similarly to the
same fishing pressures and management scenarios. We also indicate that the seabob shrimp is close
to the limit of full exploitation in both regions based on Yield per Recruit analysis. Meanwhile, the
white shrimp is overexploited in one of them. Potential management tools to allow sustainable and
productive exploitation in these fisheries are effort control and spatial restrictions to conserve nursery
habitats and maintain sustainable rates of population growth.
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction have the Atlantic seabob shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri and the
white shrimp Penaeus schmittii as one of the main target species
Exploitable wild shrimps are one of the most internationally (Santos, 2010a). The seabob shrimp is distributed in the Western
important fishing resources, with roughly 3.4 million tons being Atlantic from the south-eastern USA to southern Brazil, inhabiting
caught every year and accounting for about 18 percent of the soft mud bottom substrates in shallow waters of up to 25 ∼ 30 m
total value of fisheries worldwide. This resource is also socially of depth (Brazil Rogerio Costa et al., 2007). It is one of the top ten
vital, being source of subsistence and jobs. Indeed, tropical shrimp most caught penaeid species concerning biomass worldwide and
fisheries are one of the most worldwide growing activities in the first in Brazil (MPA, 2013). The white shrimp is distributed in
tropical regions, where they are mainly performed by artisanal the Western Atlantic from Cuba to southern Brazil (Ferrari, 1999)
fleets (FAO, 2017; Gillett, 2008). Brazil is one of the greatest in soft bottoms of up to 50 m deep (Bochini et al., 2014) and
shrimp harvesters, catching an average of more than 30 thousand was recorded as the fourth most caught species in the Brazilian
tons annually since the late 90s (FAO, 2019; Lopes, 2008; Teixeira last published fisheries statistics (MPA, 2013). The remarkable
et al., 2020). densities and considerable populations presented by both species
Tropical marine shrimp fisheries are mainly targeted to catch in easily accessible waters are the main factors increasing their
penaeid shrimps (Garcia, 1988). In fact, the fisheries in the tropics catchability (de Carvalho et al., 2016; Silva et al., 2013).
The two species present remarkably different life cycles due
∗ Corresponding author. to physiological processes linked to saline regulation. The seabob
E-mail address: (M.S.F. de Barros). shrimp presents a type 3 life cycle, characterized by preferring
2352-4855/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.S.F. de Barros, C.D. Lins de Oliveira, T.K. Pinto et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 48 (2021) 102046

high salinities and thus being fully marine, spawning, recruiting shrimp trawling in soft-bottom substrates, allowing harvesting
and growing at sea. Inversely, the white shrimp presents a type tens of thousands of tons annually (Costa and dos Santos, 2016).
2 life cycle: it spawns at sea, but their larvae are taken to es- Two of the most important Brazilian shrimp fishing grounds
tuaries by local currents and diel vertical migration processes, are located southward of the NBME, with distinct environmental
where they develop before coming back to the sea as subadults conditions due to coastal profile. The Pontal do Peba fishing
(Dall et al., 1990). This allows the white shrimp to be classified ground is associated with the São Francisco River estuary, the
as estuarine-dependent (Gamba and Rodríguez, 1987; Kutkuhn, second-largest river in Brazil (Knoppers et al., 2005) and the
1966). Jaraguá fishing ground is associated with the Mundaú-Manguaba
The high commercial, social and ecological significance of estuarine complex (one of the most extensive Brazil’s lagoon sys-
these species points out the necessity of adequately assessing tems). Both coastal areas are highly influenced by seasonal pre-
their stock status towards designing more effective management cipitation patterns that affect the variations in discharge
strategies that can cope with the intense harvest along the Brazil- (Da De Cunha et al., 2021; Lessa et al., 2018; Oliveira and Kjerfve,
ian coast (Lopes, 2008). In fact, studies determined that some 1993). Even though, the São Francisco River Estuary is a particular
stocks of these shrimps are above or near the full exploitation case, as a dam constructed decades ago highly affects the patterns
level (de Carvalho et al., 2021; Lopes et al., 2014; Miazaki et al., of nutrient-rich freshwater discharge and modifies the charac-
2021; Silva et al., 2019). Additionally, the white shrimp can be teristic seasonality of the estuarine plume extension, as well as
considered data-deficient in Brazil, considering that it is exploited spatial patterns in water salinity (Cavalcante et al., 2020)
virtually along all its coast, but few stock assessments report data Based on the current information regarding the study areas,
on the current level of exploitation (de Carvalho et al., 2021; Silva we intended to address the following questions: are the stocks
et al., 2019). Facing this facts, these species were placed under of the seabob and white shrimps comprised of different sub-
the insufficient data (I.D.) category in the Red Book of Brazilian populational units? How is that relevant to the local management
Crustaceans (Boos et al., 2010). strategies, and what should be changed or improved? For that, we
Short-lived species such as shrimps tend to exhibit a remark- used advanced traditional stock assessment methods to calculate
able dependence upon environmental variability in their pop- populational parameters such as growth, mortality and longevity
ulation dynamics, with many regional patterns of population and compared them between the two areas. Our hypothesis of
structure being explained by environmental heterogeneity rather the existence of different stocks for both species was based on
than biogeographical or intrinsic genetic factors (Miazaki et al., the fact that the two regions possess different environmental
2021). Numerous research established that abiotic variables such characteristics driven by their main estuaries, mainly because of
as salinity, precipitation, temperature, currents and local hydrog- the modified dynamics imposed by the dam construction and
raphy are capable of modifying populational parameters such consequently limited discharge in the São Francisco River Estu-
as recruitment/reproduction and growth or mortality patterns of ary. Here, we utilize the definition of a stock by Cadrin et al.
marine shrimps on a regional scale (Heras et al., 2019; Jónsdóttir (2013), in which a populational unit with homogeneous vital
et al., 2013; Lopes et al., 2017; Milton et al., 2016; Wieland, 2005). rates within a certain area may be considered a stock for manage-
Indeed, determining if a population of an exploited resource ment purposes, considering that between-area heterogeneity in
comprises small subunits is particularly important to fisheries populational parameters urges different management measures
management, as these metapopulations (stocks) may exhibit dif- because of potentially diverging responses to fishing pressure.
ferent parameters and therefore different levels of sustainably Also, considering the urgent need for more comprehensible stock
exploitable biomass, which may mean that local patterns of fish- assessments of marine shrimps due to the lack of data in many
ing pressure will be able to determine the species ability to thrive fishing grounds (Boos et al., 2010), we addressed the current level
even in face of harvesting (Fogarty and Botsford, 2006). For that, of exploitation and the amount of fishing mortality that may be
life history parameters such as growth, mortality and morphome- implied to maximize both sustainability and yield for both species
tric relationships have been extensively used and were proven to in the two fishing grounds, which may subsidize local policies.
be reliable, given that they are mainly subject to environmental
control within a species (Begg et al., 1999; Du Pontavice et al., 2. Material and methods
2018; McBride, 2013; Tzeng, 2004).
Additionally, using the appropriate methods to improve pa- 2.1. Sampling and fishing grounds
rameter estimation of data-poor resources is crucial towards
avoiding wrong interpretations and consequent misleading man- Sampling was executed monthly (from May/19 to April/20)
agement recommendations. Length-frequency data analysis by one-hour trawls using double rig trawling nets around 12 m
(LFDA) is mandatory to species without durable hard structures width and 14–20 mm bag mesh size, operated with a motorized
(King, 2013; Punt et al., 2013), facilitating data collection in winch in an 8–12 m long boat with MWM diesel engines from 3
developing countries, where laboratory and financial conditions to 4 cylinders. Traditional fishing grounds in the Pontal do Peba
are usually reduced and the vast majority of stocks are not being and Jaraguá were sampled (Fig. 1) in depths from 10 to 30 m.
fully monitored (Costello et al., 2012). Recently, a significant The Pontal do Peba fishing ground (10◦ 23′ 51.0′′ S 36◦ 16′ 51.4′′ W)
emergence of new algorithms based on the response surface is mainly influenced by the dynamics of the São Francisco River
analysis (RSA) allows refined estimation of parameters along with estuary, with a drainage area of roughly 64 000 km2 and sediment
estimates of variance, becoming exceptionally reliable to short- plumes extending up to 10 km from the shoreline (Knoppers
lived species such as most crustaceans (Schwamborn et al., 2019; et al., 2005, 1999). On the other hand, the Jaraguá fishing ground
Taylor and Mildenberger, 2017). (9◦ 43′ 29.6′′ S 35◦ 46′ 05.3′′ W) is heavily influenced by the Mundaú-
The Northeastern Brazil Marine Ecoregion (NBME) (Spalding Manguaba Estuarine System, which is of Northeastern Brazil’s
et al., 2007) harbors a narrow continental shelf, where warm and largest lagoon complexes and bears two lagoons with more than
nutrient-poor waters from the North Equatorial current flows. 23 000 km2 and sediment plumes that can reach up to 12 km
Even so, the coastal ecosystems in Northeast Brazil are produc- in the shallow waters of the continental shelf (Melo-Magalhães
tive systems, mainly due to the intense nutrient input from the et al., 2009). The fleet is artisanal with low to medium technolog-
estuaries and reef formations (Knoppers et al., 1999; Passos et al., ical improvements (sensu Batista et al., 2014), target mainly the
2016). Therefore, it supports various fishing activities, including seabob shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri, the white shrimp Penaeus
M.S.F. de Barros, C.D. Lins de Oliveira, T.K. Pinto et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 48 (2021) 102046

Fig. 1. Fishing areas within the study two fishing grounds.

Table 1 issues and consequent low reliability of approaches based on the

Length–weight relationships for both sexes of the seabob and white shrimps in Powel–Wetheral method to estimate the asymptotic length, we
the two fishing grounds. TL stands for total length and W for weight.
chose not to estimate it previously. After that, we executed a re-
Seabob shrimp
fined ELEFAN (Electronic Length Frequency Analysis) version that
Sex Region Equation Allometry uses a simulated annealing optimization algorithm with boot-
M Peba TL = 0.29*W (−) strapping (ELEFAN_SA_boot function of the ‘‘fishboot’’ package)
F Peba TL = 0.013*W3.3 (+) (Schwamborn et al., 2018). It searches for von Bertalanffy Growth
M Jaraguá TL = 0.29*W2.71 (−)
Function (VBGF) parameters such as K, L∞ and t_anchor and
F Jaraguá TL = 0.045*W3.16 (+)
its respective confidence intervals by finding a local maximum
White shrimp
(i.e., the growth curve that best performs with the given LFD)
M Peba TL = 0.363W2.19 (−) within a range of input parameters (Schwamborn et al., 2019;
F Peba TL = 0.146*W2.89 (−)
Taylor and Mildenberger, 2017). We used a moving average (MA)
M Jaraguá TL = 0.53*W2.62 (−)
F Jaraguá TL = 0.124*W2.9 (−) of 5 for the restructured LFD because it is more appropriate for
the low bin resolution relative to the asymptotic length, follow-
ing the general rule of thumb as recommended by Taylor and
Mildenberger (2017). Additionally, we also verified that setting
schmitti and the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus subtilis (Santos et al., MA = 5 maximizes the relative fit value in prior testing. The
2016; Santos, 2010a). input parameters were based on biologically reasonable estimates
In the laboratory, the shrimps were identified according to sex (Minte-Vera et al., 2017), always using the same search space,
by verifying the petasma and thelycum in males and females, re- regardless of sex (K = 1 to 3, t_anchor = 0 to 1, L∞ = 100 to
spectively, according to Fransozo et al. (2011) and Pérez-Farfante 140 mm for the seabob shrimp and L∞ = 180 to 230 mm for the
(1998). We measured total length (TL) in mm, defined from the white shrimp). We resampled data 500 times with 500 maximum
tip of the telson to the end of the postorbital margin of the iterations following a reliable approach for data-limited fisheries
carapace, and wet weight (WW) in grams. assessment of short-lived species and depleted populations that
exhibit changes in size structure (Wang et al., 2021).
2.2. Data analysis The length at first capture (average length at which an indi-
vidual has a 50% probability of being captured) was calculated
Monthly length-frequency data (LFD) with a bin size of 4 by determining the cumulative frequency of each size class with
and 6 for the seabob and white shrimp, respectively, using the 2 mm intervals in the total TL LFD, assuming a knife-edge se-
rule of thumb approach to reach an approximately optimal value lection model. Next, the data were fitted to a logistic model
as recommended by Wang et al. (2020), were analyzed using determined by the following formula:
the R package ‘‘TropFishR’’ (Mildenberger et al., 2017). As rec- 1
ommended by Schwamborn (2018), because of autocorrelation P =
1 + exp (− (a + b ∗ TL))
M.S.F. de Barros, C.D. Lins de Oliveira, T.K. Pinto et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 48 (2021) 102046

Table 2
Parameters of the seabob shrimp with 95% CIs for both fishing grounds.
Pontal do Peba Landing Port
Males Females Pooled sexes
Max dens Upper limit Lower limit Max dens Upper limit Lower limit Max dens Upper limit Lower limit
K 1.57 2.15 1.36 1.3 1.79 0.93 1.39 1.62 1.06
L∞ 110.59 117.54 110.06 123.24 136.19 119.18 117.45 128.21 114.75
tmax 1.91 1.39 2.20 2.34 1.67 3.22 2.13 1.82 2.79
Z 5.49 7.50 4.76 3.92 8.6 2.50 4.21 4.95 3.16
M 2.74 3.63 2.4 2.22 3.06 1.68 2.45 2.88 1.91
F 2.75 3.86 2.35 1.70 5.54 0.82 1.81 1.38 2.35
E 0.50 0.52 0.49 0.43 0.64 0.33 0.43 0.32 0.55
Lc 80.5 – – 89.78 – – – – –
Jaraguá Landing Port
Males Females Pooled sexes
Max dens Upper limit Lower limit Max dens Upper limit Lower limit Max dens Upper limit Lower limit
K 1.58 1.98 1.42 1.28 1.68 1.06 1.4 1.65 1.05
L∞ 115.28 118.07 110.89 121.41 134.8 117.82 118.12 129.3 115.38
tmax 1.90 1.51 2.11 2.34 1.78 2.83 2.12 1.8 2.82
Z 5.72 7.84 4.90 4.23 8.87 2.74 4.13 5.41 3.44
M 2.75 3.37 2.5 2.28 2.91 1.92 2.47 2.88 2.87
F 2.96 4.46 2.40 1.95 5.96 0.81 1.66 2.53 1.25
E 0.52 0.57 0.49 0.46 0.67 0.30 0.4 0.47 0.3
Lc 81.33 – – 90.14 – – – – –

Table 3
Parameters of the white shrimp with 95% CIs for both fishing grounds.
Pontal do Peba Landing Port
Males Females Pooled sexes
Max dens Upper limit Lower limit Max dens Upper limit Lower limit Max dens Upper limit Lower limit
K 1.16 2.1 0.92 1.05 1.85 0.93 1.08 1.78 0.9
L∞ 168.03 178.43 158.16 192.47 215.04 186.99 193.42 217.12 185.33
tmax 2.58 1.54 3.26 2.72 1.62 3.22 2.77 1.68 3.33
Z 6.86 14.35 3.76 4.64 15.24 5.07 5.93 14.44 5.17
M 2.08 3.31 1.69 1.99 3.17 1.71 1.92 3.04 1.63
F 4.77 11.04 2.06 2.65 12.06 3.36 4.01 12.52 3.54
E 0.70 0.77 0.55 0.57 0.79 0.66 0.68 0.87 0.69
Lc 134.3 – – 149.5 – – – – –
Jaraguá Landing Port
Males Females Pooled sexes
Max dens Upper limit Lower limit Max dens Upper limit Lower limit Max dens Upper limit Lower limit
K 1.3 1.95 0.9 1.08 1.94 0.9 1.12 1.81 0.93
L∞ 162.65 190.32 157.7 194.37 212.62 187.18 194.35 215.8 186.2
tmax 2.3 1.6 3.26 2.77 1.54 3.33 2.67 1.66 3.22
Z 5.98 17.37 3.3 4.32 17.4 3.27 4.86 13.2 3.29
M 2.31 3.2 1.69 1.95 3.31 1.66 1.99 3.09 1.68
F 3.67 14.16 1.6 2.36 14.09 1.62 2.87 10.11 1.61
E 0.61 0.82 0.49 0.55 0.81 0.49 0.59 0.77 0.49
Lc 135.7 – – 148.80 – – – – –

where P is the proportion of individuals retained by each size (tmax−0.916 ), where tmax is the longevity or maximum age es-
class and a and b are constants given by the model output. Then, timated by the inverse von Bertalanffy growth equation. Then,
we obtained the constants by fitting a linear regression to the the fishing mortality (F ) was estimated by subtracting M from Z,
logged P as explanatory variable and TL as a response variable while the exploitation rate was calculated by the ratio between F
and calculated Lc by the ratio between -a and b (King, 2007). and Z. Values of E > 0.5 were considered to denote overfishing.
Nextly, we utilized the Beverton and Holt empirical approach All procedures were repeated for each species, both sexes and
to estimate the instantaneous rate of total mortality (Z ), defined fishing grounds. Additionally, we calculated CIs for mortality and
by the following formula:
( ) longevity parameters utilizing the lower and upper bounds of
K L∞ − L′ the bootstrapped VBGF parameters to address the uncertainty
Z = commonly associated with data-poor stocks.
L′ − Lc
To compare VBGF parameters between the two fishing
In which K is the growth rate, L∞ is the previously obtained
asymptotic length, L′ is the mean of all lengths equal to or greater grounds and test the hypothesis of populational geographical
than Lc, and Lc is the length at first capture corresponding to structuring, we conducted a permutational multivariate analysis
the highest mode in the total length frequency distribution (Then of variance (PERMANOVA) because the data did not fit multi-
et al., 2015a,b). dimensional normality assumptions using the output from the
Finally, the instantaneous rate of natural mortality (M) was bootstrapping ELEFAN method, which includes measures of vari-
calculated by the adaptation of Hoenig’s empirical formula ability for K, L∞ and t_anchor. We previously verified if the
(Hoenig, 2013) by Then et al. (2015a,b), defined by M = 4.899 data meets the assumption of multivariate homogeneity of group
M.S.F. de Barros, C.D. Lins de Oliveira, T.K. Pinto et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 48 (2021) 102046

Fig. 2. Length-frequency distributions for males and females of X. kroyeri (left) and P. schmitti (right). The dashed line represents the length at which 50% of the
shrimps are retained by the net (Lc ).

dispersions utilizing the ‘‘betadisper’’ function in the ‘‘vegan’’ R asymptotic length, growth rates, natural/total mortality and ex-
package. ploitation rate in the Jaraguá fishing ground were slightly greater
Finally, we utilized the relative yield per recruit (YPR) model for the seabob shrimp, while the same parameters were slightly
from Beverton and Holt (1993) to determine fishing mortality higher in the Pontal do Peba fishing ground for the white shrimp.
at specific reference levels: the highest biomass per recruit or Values of the exploitation rate for the seabob shrimp were very
maximum exploitable biomass (Fmax), the level of exploitation close to the limit of 50% in both regions. Even though, we detected
that reduces the population at 50% of its exploitable biomass more alarming exploitation rates for the white shrimp in the
(F0.5 ) and the fishing mortality at 10% of the slope in the origin
Pontal do Peba fishing ground, while in Jaraguá they always ex-
of the YPR curve (Fmsy). In addition, we obtained parameters of
hibited smaller values, although above the limit of 50%. Values of
the length–weight relationship (slope and intercept) by the least-
growth and mortality were consistently higher in males, whereas
squares method. Parameters from pooled sexes were utilized for
running the YPR analysis. All data were analyzed in the R software the females appear to grow slower and attain higher sizes and
version 4.0.5. maximum ages (Tables 1 and 2, Figs. 3 and 4).
Cohorts with considerably similar patterns of modal class pro-
3. Results gression were detected for both species, with only males of the
seabob shrimp exhibiting three cohorts only and the remaining
Both species had similar size structure in both regions. Males exhibiting four. Females of the seabob shrimp exhibited the high-
of the seabob shrimp showed mean total lengths of 83.59 (±10.5) est modal peaks (> 115 mm TL) in December and January in
in the Jaraguá Landing Port, and 82.13 (±9.44) mm in the Pontal both regions. Similarly, females of the white shrimp exhibited
do Peba Landing Port, while females had total lengths of 89.47 the highest modes (> 195 mm TL) at the end of the year also
(±12.54) and 88.86 (±14.5) mm in the Jaraguá and Pontal do for both regions (Figs. 4 and 5). Differences were not found
Peba regions, respectively. Males of the white shrimp had mean in the growth curves between regions for both species using
TL of 130.34 (±10.19) in Pontal do Peba and 135.71 in Jaraguá, PERMANOVA, except for the white shrimp males. Nonetheless,
while females had 149.15 (±20.67) and 147.62 (±16.7) in the differences between the sexes were found for both species in both
Jaraguá and Pontal do Peba, respectively. No differences in mean regions (Table 4).
lengths were detected between regions for both species and The YPR analysis returned similar reference yield values for
sexes (t-test, p = 0.64), but females were always larger than
both species, with the current values of fishing mortality being
males (t-test, p = 0.03). The mean length at first capture (Lc)
higher than F0.5 but smaller than the maximum sustainable yield
was practically the same for both regions. Males of the seabob
(FMSY ) (Table 4). For the seabob shrimp, the data suggest that
shrimp had an Lc of 83.5 and females of 90.3, while the white
shrimp exhibited Lc values of 129.7 and 147.8, respectively for increases in the fishing effort and, therefore, fishing mortality
males and females (Fig. 2). The length–weight relationships were may only lead to minor gains in yield, regardless of the length
remarkably similar between regions (p = 0.31), but again showed at first capture, while some decrease may be necessary to reach
differences between sexes in both regions (p = 0.008) (Table 1). an optimum value. It also suggests that the white shrimp is very
The refined ELEFAN with simulated annealing routine detected close to the limit of maximum sustainable yield in Jaraguá and
remarkably similar values of VBGF parameters between the two significantly above the Peba region, allowing us to consider this
regions in both sexes and species. More specifically, the values of shrimp to be overexploited (Fig. 5) (see Table 5).
M.S.F. de Barros, C.D. Lins de Oliveira, T.K. Pinto et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 48 (2021) 102046

Fig. 3. Restructured length-frequency distributions and growth curves for males and females of the seabob shrimp on the Peba (a) and Jaraguá (b) fishing grounds.

Fig. 4. Restructured length-frequency distributions and growth curves for males and females of the white shrimp on the Peba (a) and Jaraguá (b) fishing grounds.

4. Discussion Despite the apparent environmental heterogeneity imposed

by the estuaries, it can be considered that the two fishing grounds
The results presented herein are the first in the studied regions harbor a single populational unit for both species, with highly
to present a comprehensive stock assessment of two highly ex- similar population dynamics such as the patterns of growth and
ploited shrimp species. Our study indicated that the two fishing mortality. The answer for why this happens may lie in decapod
grounds contain a single and reasonably homogeneous stock, larval ecology, genetics and the reasonably homogeneous soft
with remarkably similar parameters and significant implications bottoms between the two studied fishing grounds (Cristóvão,
for future management measures. In addition, we found that 2019; Manso et al., 1997). Firstly, larval drifting either by passive
the seabob shrimp in the two regions is close to the maximum or active processes is the main dispersal mechanism in crus-
recommended limit, with E values very close to 0.5. The white taceans and may play a vital role in the genetic interchange
shrimp appears to be similarly fully exploited in the Jaraguá between populational units (Fogarty and Botsford, 2006). In this
fishing grounds but is significantly overexploited in the Pontal do specific case, it seems that the proximity between the two fishing
Peba fishing ground. grounds allows a mutual homogenizing larvae interchange.
M.S.F. de Barros, C.D. Lins de Oliveira, T.K. Pinto et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 48 (2021) 102046

Fig. 5. Relative yield per recruit curves for the seabob (a) and white shrimp (b), with three different values of Lc.

Table 4 but are very similar to others (Table 6). More specifically, the
Probability values for the pairwise comparisons of VBGF parameters between values obtained here for the seabob shrimp are considerably close
fishing grounds and sexes for both species.
to other studies in the NBME such as Lopes et al. (2014) and Reis
Seabob shrimp
et al. (2019) and below the values obtained in southern Brazil
Pairwise M Jaraguá F Jaraguá F Peba M Peba (Grabowski et al., 2014; Heckler et al., 2013a,b). Similarly, the
M Jaraguá – <0.0001 <0.0001 >0.05 same pattern was also found for the white shrimp (de Carvalho
F Jaraguá <0.0001 – >0.05 <0.0001 et al., 2021; Miazaki et al., 2018; Silva et al., 2019). Against
F Peba <0.0001 >0.05 – <0.0001
M Peba >0.05 <0.0001 <0.0001 – the ‘‘latitudinal paradigm’’, which states that shrimps tend to
grow faster, live less and attain smaller maximum sizes in lower
White shrimp
latitudes mainly due to the warmer climates (Bauer, 1992), we
Pairwise F Jaraguá F Peba M Jaraguá M Peba
must highlight the increasing body of evidence suggesting that
F Jaraguá – >0.05 <0.001 <0.05 the influence of environmental variability in a regional scale
F Peba >0.05 – >0.05 <0.05
M Jaraguá <0.01 <0.05 – <0.05 may strongly influence population parameters in penaeid shrimps
M Peba <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 – (Heckler et al., 2014; Lopes et al., 2017; Pérez-Castañeda and
Defeo, 2005; Zink et al., 2017), which considerably distorts the
proposed relationship proposed by the paradigm and reinforces
Table 5
the increasing importance of considering environmental factors
Values for the Economic (E0.1 ), optimum (E0.5 ) and maximum (EMSY ) yields for
the two studied species. Values refer to currents Lcs and both fishing areas. The that are key to penaeid life cycle when analyzing population
reader is referred to the Materials and Methods section for the definitions of structures. In fact, Miazaki et al. (2021), which studied growth
each yield reference values. dynamics of the seabob shrimp in several regions of southeast-
Seabob shrimp White shrimp ern Brazil, instead of finding a consistent latitudinal gradient,
E0.1 0.35 0.30 observed that the population parameters are in accordance with
E0.5 0.44 0.38 the patterns of environmental variation.
EMSY 0.63 0.62
The discrepancy of VBGF parameters between sexes in both
species is a common feature of penaeid shrimps due to specific
evolutionary pressures that selected characteristics that maxi-
Moreover, movements patterns may also exert some influence. mized individual and reproductive fitness. Males usually tend to
More specifically, as the shrimps reach late life stages, they be- grow faster, achieve smaller maximum lengths/ages and there-
come substantially more mobile, which may result in individuals fore exhibit higher values of natural mortality than females. This
from relatively distant regions having higher probability of ex- is a result of larger females having a significantly higher fecun-
changing genes (Fogarty and Botsford, 2006). This is also possible dity and afterward being positively selected, while males with
because in most areas of the continental shelf between the two faster growth being more reproductively successful because they
fishing grounds, the depths where the shrimps are usually caught mature faster (Dall et al., 1990; Hartnoll, 2001). Indeed, most
are composed of suitable habitats for shrimps such as mud, fine or studies detected this same pattern of sexual dimorphism in both
coarse sand (Manso et al., 1997). Then, the apparent differences seabob (Branco, 2005; Da Silva et al., 2019; Grabowski et al.,
between the two regions in the seasonal estuarine runoff imposed 2014; Heckler et al., 2013a,b; Miazaki et al., 2021) and white
by the flow control in the São Francisco River Estuary may not be shrimp (Miazaki et al., 2018), although some also detected higher
enough to cause modifications in specific relevant parameters to growth coefficient and asymptotic lengths for females of the
management such as growth and mortality patterns. Therefore, white shrimp (de Carvalho et al., 2021; Silva et al., 2019). Never-
it is clear that the two areas appear to contain a single and theless, the different parameters and mean sizes between sexes,
homogeneous stock of both species of shrimp, to which the same and spatial segregation (Capparelli et al., 2012; Castrejón et al.,
set of rules such as effort control and closed seasons may apply. 2005; Cezar et al., 2016), imply different mean lengths at first
The VBGF parameters for both species in this study presented capture for both species. Consequently, due to the small mesh size
marked differences from those obtained in some other studies, in the fisheries studied here, males appeared to be proportionally
M.S.F. de Barros, C.D. Lins de Oliveira, T.K. Pinto et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 48 (2021) 102046

Table 6
Population parameters for both species in diverse locations. Note that SC = Santa Catarina, SP = São Paulo, PE = Pernambuco, RJ = Rio de Janeiro, SE = Sergipe.
Note that some studies utilized carapace length (CL) and others utilized total length (TL).
Species Sex Size range k (yr−1 ) L∞ (mm) Method Area Study
M 8–27 3.14 27.73 (CL) PEAKFIT + Solver (excel) SC Grabowski et al. (2014)
F 8–31 2.56 31.41 (CL) PEAKFIT + Solver (excel) SC Grabowski et al. (2014)
M 3–26 3.28 26.38 (CL) PEAKFIT + Solver (excel) SP Heckler et al. (2013a,b)
F 6–31 2.19 30.54 (CL) PEAKFIT + Solver (excel) SP Heckler et al. (2013a,b)
M 25–134 1.93 134.4 (TL) PEAKFIT + Solver (excel) RJ Jardim et al. (2011)
F 33–146 1.65 148.8 (TL) PEAKFIT + Solver (excel) RJ Jardim et al. (2011)
Seabob shrimp
M 40–110 1.25 115 (TL) ELEFAN I (FISAT II) PE Lopes et al. (2017)
F 45–135 1.5 141.8 (TL) ELEFAN I (FISAT II) PE Lopes et al. (2017)
M 7.3–25.1 1.7 31 (CL) ELEFAN in R SE Reis et al. (2019)
F 5.9–30.2 1.5 33 (CL) ELEFAN in R SE Reis et al. (2019)
M 40–110 1.52 110.5 (TL) Length-at-age (FISAT II) PE Lopes et al. (2014)
F 45–135 1.99 147.9 (TL) Length-at-age (FISAT II) PE Lopes et al. (2014)
M 4.4–53 2.19 43.23 (CL) PEAKFIT + Solver (excel) SP Miazaki et al. (2018)
F 4.1–52 1.82 53.1 (CL) PEAKFIT + Solver (excel) SP Miazaki et al. (2018)
M 11.4–37.9 1.86 46 (CL) PEAKFIT + Solver (excel) RJ de Carvalho et al. (2021)
F 9.4–53.5 1.99 54 (CL) PEAKFIT + Solver (excel) RJ de Carvalho et al. (2021)
M 15.8–33.1 2.4 32.5 (CL) PEAKFIT + Solver (excel) SE Santos et al. (2020)
White shrimp
F 11.4–39.3 2.01 38.8 (CL) PEAKFIT + Solver (excel) SE Silva et al. (2018)
M 17–42 1 43.0 (CL) ELEFAN I (FISAT II) PE Silva et al. (2018)
F 18–49 1.2 51.6 (CL) ELEFAN I (FISAT II) PE Silva et al. (2018)
M 17–42 1.02 42.5 (CL) Length-at-age (FISAT II) PE Silva et al. (2018)
F 18–49 1.26 50.0 (CL) Length-at-age (FISAT II) PE Silva et al. (2018)

more caught because they presented higher exploitation rates that result in relatively poorly structured LFDs (see Schwamborn
and fishing mortality values (Tables 1 and 2). Still, the length at et al., 2021). Veritably, length-based routines are extremely sensi-
first capture found in this study is larger than others found for tive to sample size due to the high importance of large individuals
the seabob shrimp (Lopes et al., 2014). (King, 2013; Schwamborn, 2018). Then, facing the global experi-
The fishing mortality (F ) found for the two species in both ence on vulnerable stocks, the concern on failure of the traditional
fishing grounds was found to be close to the estimated 0.5 thresh- fisheries management on those cases (Hilborn and Ovando, 2014),
old of maximum exploitation rate (Tables 2–4), except for the more precautionary and ‘‘hard-on’’ approaches are needed (Leen-
white shrimp in the Pontal do Peba fishing ground. Indeed, this hardt et al., 2013). More specifically, the authors understand that
species in that region appears to be significantly overexploited, possible management measures must consider the upper limits
of the parameters and its possible outcomes for the produc-
with reduced abundance of larger individuals (Figs. 2 and 4).
tion of shrimp biomass. Close long-term monitoring must also
Furthermore, this species seems to be more vulnerable to such
be implemented using both fishery-dependent and independent
high fishing pressure because of the slower growth rates, as
surveys to obtain a comprehensive dataset to future parameter
well as the higher time needed to reach the spawning age when
adjustments (Lunn and Dearden, 2006; Moffett et al., 2011).
comparing to the seabob shrimp (Peixoto et al., 2018). Taking into account that the fisheries of penaeid shrimps
The E values for the seabob shrimp are close to the recom- along the Brazilian coast are intensely submitted to unmoni-
mended limit of 50%, while the same parameter for white shrimp tored and acute harvest due to weak law enforcement (San-
indicates overexploitation on the Peba stock and practically full tos, 2010b), many different management tools are available to
exploitation in Jaraguá. In fact, the Peba fishing fleet, where both tackle these issues. They include closed seasons that cover re-
stocks exhibit higher values of fishing mortality, is responsible cruitment or spawning peaks, imposing limits on fleet/mesh size
for most of the shrimp yield in the state (Santos and Freitas, (effort control), and protecting essential nursery areas (Dias-Neto,
2006), mainly due to the higher fleet horsepower and increased 2011; Gillett, 2008; Lira et al., 2021; Vandeperre et al., 2011),
fishing effort (Santos and Freitas, 2006). Nonetheless, the YPR with diverse success perception (Musiello-Fernandes et al., 2017).
analysis suggests that decreases in the exploitation rate to E = For example, recent evidence from Lira et al. (2021), that used
0.44 and 0.38 for the seabob and white shrimp, respectively, ecotrophic modeling to project the outcomes of different man-
will result in optimized yields. However, YPR curves for species agement measures for similarly structured shrimp fisheries also
with high mortality and short life spans should be assessed with in the NBME , found that a reduction in effort of only 10% can
caution. Generally, the output produces curves that suggests that substantially improve landings of commercial species, including
fishing mortality should be dramatically increased to reach the the seabob and white shrimps, without adversely affecting the
maximum yield, which may be misleading because such high ecosystem.
It is critical to highlight that the seabob shrimp, which spends
exploitation rates may substantially reduce the spawning biomass
all its life within the ocean, can only be directly protected by
and cause recruitment overfishing.
effort control and closed seasons. Contrarily, for the white shrimp,
It is essential to recognize the limitations of our study, the in-
which is dependent on estuaries to develop as post-larvae, other
trinsic uncertainty related to data-limited fisheries and the inher-
options are available. For example, Baker et al. (2014) demon-
ent stochasticity due to environmental variability (Ae and Wolff, strated that the population growth rate is more proportionately
2007). More specifically, our analyzes yielded substantially high influenced by the growth and survival rates of juveniles than
CIs for the VBGF parameters of both species, which also lead to adults of the shrimp Litopenaeus setiferus, which appears to use
considerably large CIs for the other parameters such as mortality salt marshes in estuarine habitats to grow before maturity (Baker
rates and longevity (Tables 2 and 3). Indeed, values of total mor- and Minello, 2010). Then, measures towards preserving nursery
tality (Z) are strongly correlated to values of K and L∞, as well areas such as maintaining aquatic vegetation (Taylor et al., 2017)
as natural mortality (M) and maximum ages (Schwamborn et al., or reducing growth overfishing by protecting coastal shallow wa-
2021). Such high uncertainty is commonly associated with ‘‘type ters (i.e., following spawning peaks) may be a relatively neglected
3’’ LFDs, which are usually a result of substantial undersampling shrimp management strategy.
M.S.F. de Barros, C.D. Lins de Oliveira, T.K. Pinto et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 48 (2021) 102046

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