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Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner oer ore CC le ont type 20 mi of nonionic contrast Poe teil tre brain (with a single box over the ‘ircle of Willis ares #5- #40 table positon) ‘Seam delay: Usually 15-20 se Length of pial (ime: 40 se Slice ticles: mm. Table speedpitch: 1. Reconstruction Interval: 05 mm 3D technique used: Mip/wolume rendering Dit canoe row FACE AND SINUSES re na Indications: Trauma, malformations, malignancies and alt= 0 to —10° from OM for axial scanning X-ray tube voltage (QV): Standard Tube current and exposure time product (mAs) Should ‘be as low as consistent with required image quality } Reconstruction algoritim: Standard “Window width: 1500-3000 HU (bones)140-1000 HU (soft tissue) Window level: 200-400 HU (bones)30-100 HU (soft tissue), ‘contrast: 40 ml of ionic/nonionic contrast. ‘of Willis: R/O Aneurysm ‘anatomic region: Circle of Willis. R/O aneurysm. ate: 3 m/sec Scanned with CamScanner 1 contrast— 60-120 ml of ion based on the indication. Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Wintow level 30-40 HU (woft tisise), 200-4 nes), about O MU (special orbit window) Motion: Movement artifact dteriorates image quality (prevented by head fixation or sedation of non. cooperative patients), Intravenous contrast media: Usetul to identity vascular structures and enhancing lesions. Pitfalls . er contrat enhancement + Foteign bodies (bean hardening, artifacts) Artifacts | r OF dental prothesis/fillings. 05 em betow 10 0.5 em t 1008 OF a pith = 10, about 24 cw); second ; necondar Hy or evauaton of su nage criteria; Visualization, Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner : sections for demonstrating the relationship of 10 the skull base + Exposure with open mouth or with oral Valsalva to open nasopharyngeal folds + Change of gantry angulation or patient position to avoid artifact 1V contrast: 60-80 ml based on indication, ‘required to demon- the face Reduction of LARYNX. ‘valuation of subtle Indications: T/N staging of neoplasm; evaluation of — congenital or post-traumatic abnormalilies of airway. ‘Adeizable preliminary investigations: Larnygoscopy, MRL may be alternative examinations. Patent preparation: restraint ftom food, but nat f tissue/standard or if ‘intravenous contrast media are to ‘Scan projection rad cf to thoracic inlet. snced examination), Visuleatoat ». Entire larynx Paralaryngeal tissu vessels and the thy Regional mph Spine and Scanned with CamScanner anaes re hin eri helical CTisnakavaiabie “=I through glottis may be obtained during 1V contrast: 60-80 ml based on indication LUMBAR SPINE, Indications: Radiculopathy (Sciatica), back pain, failure ‘ofconservative treatment and postoperative back pain ‘especially when MRLs contraindicntes Aisabeprelininar metigtion: Radiography ol he spine. Patent preparation: Information about the procedure. restraint from food, but not fluid, is recommended. intravenous contrast media are to be given. ‘Scan projection radiograph: Lateral of the suspected pee + Spinal cord and injection of contr ADDITIONAL Patient position: Scanned with CamScanner oF a pitch = 1.0. the intervertebral tilt may be required for re time product (mAs): Should be required image quality. (tit coursron enorocors REY ‘Madifcation to technique: Intrathecal injection of contrast ‘medium (CT myelography) to delineate the spinal cord fand nerve roots (nonionic contrast 8-10 mi). CHEST, MEDIASTINAL VESSELS Indications-Suspected or known major vesselaneurysm, dissection or congenital anomaly. ‘Advisable preliminary investigations: Chest radiography, including lateral projection. Patient preparation: Information about the procedure: restraint from food, but not fluid, is recommended, if intravenous contrast media are to be given. Scanned with CamScanner mm serial or preferably rad Indications or a pitch = 10; for large lesions ‘and major vessels. ‘intravenous (mAs): Should be i ed mage quality. . ‘Scan project Emre tora wall ees Scanned with CamScanner confined toa specific aren of interest + 2 mmslices may be used for specific examination of hilar pathology and ising ‘CHEST, HRCT (HIGH RESOLUTION cT) Indications: Detection and characterization of diffuse parenchymal lung, disease in eh oe bronchiectasis. pe Advisable preliminary and respiratory function | Patient preparation: ‘Scan projection radiograph: Frontal frox abdomen. Image criterias Visualization of: * Entire field of lung pa Patient position: Supine, arms Volume of investigatic the lungs (survey) oreo defined abnormality (localized Scanned with CamScanner aduct (mAs): Should be ‘image quality Modification to technique: Prone position may be used elucidate, areas, toclucidate dependent changes, expecially smal ‘Examination in suspended expiration to detect air trapping. ‘ + Sections with smaller inter-slice distance for evaluation of very small areas of disease ‘Sections with a cranio-caudal -25 to -30" gantry Uilt for detection of bronchiectasis. ABDOMEN, GENERAL Indications: Inflammatory lesions, abscess, suspected for known structural or lesions of the abdomen and ‘of major vessels such as aneurysms and traumatic lesions, and as a guide to biopsy. Alsatle preliminary incetigtions Patient preparation: Information exclude high density contrast investigations; oral application the intestine; restraint from f90 recommended, if intravenous & Image criteria: Visualization of + Diaphragm ‘+ Entire liver and spleen ‘+ Retroperitoneal parenchymal kidneys), Scanned with CamScanner 10 mm;4-5 mm for dedicated pected small lesions), serial or |___ maa ncasmon rnoroco.s RENN FOV: Adjusted to the largest abdominal diameter Ganry tt: None, ‘ray tbe voltage AV Standard ccurent and expose time produc (mA: Should be cole os cones eae cy Reconstruction lgrtine Standard or sof tissue. Window width 180-600 HU, 2000-3000 HU (bone, if ee Window level: 30-60 HU (enhanced examination), 0-30 HU (unenhanced examination), 400-600 HU (bone, if required), Motion: Movement artifact deteriorates the image quality. This is prevented by a standard breath-hold technique; alternatively, if this is not possible scan during quiet respiration, Intravenous contrast medio: Useful for differentiating, vessels and organ tissues from adjacent structures and wile detect parenchymal lesions in solid organs, __ Problems and pitfalts * Norvcontrasted parts of the intestine may mimie tumours * The delineation of organs and structifes Imay Be Poor in cachectic patients with redueed abdominal and retroperitoneal fat Modification to technique: Helical CT which is for elimination of motion artifact can be

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