Nur Zakiyah Mukarromah - Tugas Minggu Kedua - Pengantar Ilmu Manajemen

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Evolution Theory Of Management Thought (Evolusi Teori Manajemen)

Mata Kuliah llmu Pengantar Manajemen

Oleh : Nur Zakiyah Mukarromah

Magister Manajemen

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) Veteran Yogyakarta

Tahun 2022

Resume By Nur Zakiyah Mukarromah


Pre Scientific Modern Theory

Classical Theory Neoclassical Theory
Management Method (System Approach)

Point Explanation

• Improve system to adapt with the new system, land and buildings, hired labour, and capital are made available to the entrepreneur, who strives to
combine these factors in the efficient achievement of a particular goal. (Adaptasi dan penggunaan seluruh faktor untuk tercapainya tujuan secara
Focus On
• Improve Productivity
• Worker efficienty by industrial revolution

Charles Bubbage : the methods of science and mathematics must be applied to the solution of methods in the place of guess work for the solution of
business problems. (Penggunaan metode ilmiah dalam keputusan manajemen)

James Watt Junior and Mathew Robinson Boulton :

• Production Planning
• Standardization of Components
• Maintenance
• Planned machine layout
• Provision of welfare for personnel
Theory and Tokoh • Scheme for executive development
• Marketing Research and forecasting
• Elaborate statistical records

Robert Owens : He introduced new ideas of human relations - shorter working hours, housing facilities, training of workers in hygiene, education of their
children, provision of canteen etc. (Penyediaan fasilitas yang layak bagi perusahan dan pekerja)
Henry Robinson Towne : Organized exchange of experience among managers and pleaded for an organized effort to pool the great fund of accumulated
knowledge in the art of workshop management. (Saling tukar pengalaman dan wawasan antara manajer dan pekerja)

Seebohm Rowntree : created a public opinion on the need of labour welfare scheme and improvement in industrial relations.(Relasi dan serikat)


Point Explanation

• The contributions of the pioneers of this age have had a profound impact in furthering the management know-how and enriching the store of
management principles.
• Findieng scientific management and administrative management, bureaucratic model, and micro-economics and public administration (Mulai
Focus On menggunakan model administratif)
• Finding the bases for science and art of management.
• Management thought focussed on job content division of labour, standardization, simplification and specialization and scientific approach towards
• It was closely associated with the industrial revolution and the rise of large-scale enterprise. (Hubungan antara revolusi industri dan perusahaan besar)

Theory and Tokoh Element Of Scientific Management

• Scientific Task and Rate Setting (Work Study) :

1. Method Study : Complete Stuff dan Efisiensi Operasional
2. Motion Study : Eliminate useless stuff or operations (efektifitas operasional)
3. Time Study (work measurement): Finding the best time to doing job
4. Fatigue Study : Menyediakan jam istirahat untuk pekerja
5. Rate Setting : Salary Settings from efisiensi pekerja dalam melakukan pekerjaannya
• Planning The Task : Making production planning secara sistematis
• Selection and Training : Seleksi dikuasakan pada user dan Training pekerja difokuskan ke metode kerja
• Standarization :
1. Tools and Equipment : Membuat standarisasi tools
2. Speed : Mengoptimalkan kecepatan mesin
3. Conditions of Work : Memastikan kenyamanan dan keamanan tempat kerja
4. Materials : Finding material yang berkualitas
• Specialization : Making the functional foreman who join their heads to give thought to the planning of the
performance of operations in the workshop. (Memastikan mandor mengawasi standarisasi)
Taylor Scientific
Management • Mental Revolutions : Manajer dan pekerja sama-sama fokus ke peningkatan keuntungan dan kenaikan upah

(Dia menemukan adanya

ketimpangan beban kerja dan
Benefits Of Scientific Management
pekerja). Akhirnya dia
• Replacement of traditional rule of thumb method by scientific techniques. (Mengganti metode tradisional dengan
mengusulkan adanya
metode ilmiah)
Observation, Measurement,
• Proper selection and training of workers. (Standarisasi kompetensi dengan seleksi)
Experimentation and
• Incentive wages to the workers for higher production.
• Elimination of wastes and rationalization of system of control. (Mengeliminasi sistem yang tidak bisa dikendalikan)
• Standardization of tools, equipment, materials and work methods.(Adanya pelaksanaan standarisasi)
• Detailed instructions and constant guidance of the workers. (SOP yang jelas)
• Establishment of harmonious relationship between the workers. (Hubungan yang bagus antara atasan dan bawahan)
• Better utilization of various resources.
• Satisfaction of the needs of the customers by providing higher quality products at lower prices. (Memberikan input
terbaik dengan harga terjangkau)
Critism From Workers
• Focuse Speed (Mengabaikan kesehatan pekerja)
• Loss Initiative (Hilangnya inisiastif pekerja)
• Monoton
• Menciptakan pengangguran atau kerja berat
• Top Manajemen memutuskan upah dengan tanpa berdiskusi dengan serikat pekerja
• Eksploitasi pekerja

Critism From Employers

• Heavy Investment
• Penangguhan pekerja untuk reorganisasi
• Pendirian departemen atau personalia ang terlalu mahal

Administrative Concept Of Management

Management Theory
• Technical activities - Production, manufacture, adaptation.
(Henry Fayol)
• Commercial activities - buying, selling and exchange.
The pyramidal form, scalar • Financial activities - search for and optimum use of capital. (Optimalisasi sumber daya)
principle, unity of command, • Security activities - protection of property and persons. (Keamanan akat dan pekerja)
exception principle, span of • Accounting activities - stock-taking, balance sheet, cost, and statistics. (Penggunaan penghitungan akurat)
control and • Managerial activities - planning, organization, command, co- ordination and control.
departmentalisation are some
of the important concepts set

(Sistematika dan
Bureaucratic Model (Max Concept Of Management
• Hierarchy of authority. (Tingkatan otoritas)
Bureaucracy provides a rigid • Division of labour based upon functional specialization.
model of an organization. It • A system of rules.
does not account for • Impersonality of interpersonal relationships. (Hubungan pribadi dan antar karyawan)
important human elements. • A system of work procedures. (SOP)
• Placement of employees based upon technical competence. (Penyesuaian kompetensi pekerja dengan jabatan yang
(Birokrasi meneydiakan
model kaku, tanpa
mempertimbangkan elemen • Legal authority and power.


Point Explanation

Focus On The Neoclassical theory gave greater emphasis to individual and group relationship in the workplace. The neo- classical theory pointed out the role of psychology and
sociology in the understanding of individual and group behaviour in an organization. (Hubungan psikologis dan sosiologi antar individu)

Hawthrone Experiment : The Hawthorne Experiments brought out that the productivity of the employees is not the function of only physical conditions of work and
money wages paid to them. Productivity of employees depends heavily upon the satisfaction of the employees in their work situation. (Kepuasan karyawan berbanding
lurus dengan produktifitas karyawan) Part of Hawthrone Experiment :

• Illumination Experiment : there is no consistent relationship between output of workers and illumination in the factory.(Hubungan antara alat dan relationship
• Rely Assembly Test Room Experiment : socio-psychological factors such as feeling of being important, recognition, attention, participation, cohesive work-
group, and non-directive supervision held the key for higher productivity. (Faktor sosio-psikologis untuk produktivitas)
• Mass Interview Programme : The importance of social factors at work in the total work environment. (Pentingnya faktor sosial di tempat kerja)
• Bank Writing Test Room Experiment : Each individual was restricting output, The group had its own "unofficial" standards of performance, Individual output
remained fairly constant over a period of time, Informal groups play an important role in the working of an organization. (Karakteristik grup informal yang
mempengaruhi produktifitas)

Point Explanation

Focus On Modern theory considers an organization as an adaptive system which has to adjust to changes in its environment. An organization is now defined as a structured process
in which individuals interact for attaining objectives. (Setiap sistem harus makin adaptif dan memahami interaksi antar individu untuk mencapai tujuan bersama)

Theory 1. The System Approach :

• Input
• Process
• Output
• Feedback
• Environment
2. Dynamic (Proses interaksi yang dinamis)
System Approach 3. Multilevel and Multidimensional
• Production subsystem
(The following
• Finance subsystem
features of an
• Marketing subsystem
organization as an
• Personnel subsystem
open adaptive system)
4. Multimotivated (Management has to compromise these multiple objectives with several motivation) (Penggunaan motivasi
(Penggunaan sistem dari segala faktor)
yang adaptif ) 5. Multidisciplinary ( Management freely draws concepts and techniques from many fields of study such as psychology, social
psychology, sociology, ecology, economics, mathematics, etc.)
6. Multivariable (An event may be the result of so many factors which themselves are interrelated and interdependent.)
(Keterkaitan antar faktor yang mempengaruhi suatu hal)
7. Adaptive (An organization is an open system adapting itself)
8. Probablisitic (Intelligent forecasting and planning can reduce the degree of uncertainty to a considerable extent.)
(Penggunaan perencanaan untuk mengurangi ketidak jelasan)

Contingency Theory Contingency approach analysis and understands these interrelationship, that managerial actions can be adjusted to demands of

specific situations or circumstances. (Menganalisis dan memahami hubungan timbal balik yang memungkinkan individu untuk

mengembangkan jawaban praktis untuk masalah yang menuntut solusi)

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