Top 10 HR Analytics Tools For Organizations in 2022

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Top 10 HR Analytics Tools for

Organizations in 2022
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Compiled by Unmesh Lamture, HR Analytics

Using the right tools is crucial to staying competitive. More so in today’s

professional world than ever before. This article looks at the top 10 HR
analytics tools that will help keep your organization competitive.

First, let us understand what HR analytics tools are:

HR analytics is the process of collating, processing, analyzing, and managing

data related to human capital. The goal is to ensure that employee
performance is optimum and shows the maximum return on investment.

There is a lot of data in HR analytics, from employee information to

recruitment trends and data, employee engagement, payroll, policy,
performance, attrition, and many other areas.
HR analytics tools help HR departments and management make well-
informed decisions that benefit organizations to achieve their goals.

While integrating the latest tech and ensuring that your team is tech-savvy,
is essential, it is important to have the right information when acquiring
these new tools. This list isn’t organized in any particular order. The
software you choose is based on your requirements.

Let us take a look at the top 10 HR analytics tools out there:

Here are the Top 10 HR Analytics tools in 2022

1. Microsoft Excel
While this blog is about the latest and greatest tools for HR analytics, we
must mention the basics. Some of the other tools on this list use MS Excel as
a foundation as well.

MS Excel has the advantage of being well-known, easy to use, and easy to

If you intend to use excel, it is worth taking the time and effort to train your
team to use the software.

Here are a few tips that are bound to come in handy when using MS Excel:

• Using tables to arrange large files makes it easier to process the data and
makes it easier to use.

• Keep in mind that formulas inserted in your excel file are recalculated
every time a change is made. This could mean that your system hangs and
could lead to loss of data.

• Use the Analysis ToolPak if you are planning to run advanced analytics.
• Make sure that formulas and data entries are correct. It is worth taking the
time to double-check your work every few minutes. Finding what went
wrong once all is together can be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

• Using pivot tables and the VLOOKUP function can make excel very handy.

2. Python
Python is another excellent tool for HR analytics. The best thing about
Python is that it is relatively easy to learn and use.

When using Python, it is also helpful to know about Pycharm and Spyder.
These tools make Python more functional for data analytics.

Python is recommended for those who already have some exposure to it and
those who want to get the work done without having to learn much.

3. R
R is among the most used HR analytics tools. It is considered the best when
it comes to analyzing statistics and creating visual representations of those

It is perfect to analyze large sets of data. R can be especially useful in

combination with R Studio. R Studio makes R more user-friendly and is an
interactive IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

R comes with various packages that can be downloaded to make data

visualization a lot more pleasant and easy to understand.
4. Tableau
Tableau is considered by many to be the best BI tool available today. Like
Microsoft’s Power BI, Tableau is also efficient at aggregating data from
multiple sources and converting them into insightful visualized reports.

While it is considered better than many competing HR analytics tools, it is a

fair bit more expensive.

5. Power BI
As far as HR analytics tools go, Power BI by Microsoft has been among the
top choices for a while. The software makes the process of aggregating data,
analyzing it, and creating useful visualizations extremely easy.

Power BI can be spliced into multiple systems, such as SQL databases,

machine learning APIs, and social media feeds. The software can aggregate
data from various sources to create an extensive database that can then be

Once this is done, a pivot table can be created, enabling the user to have a
quick overview of the organization's undertakings.

This data can then be turned into a dashboard view, making it easier to
comprehend, interpret and communicate that information to decision-

6. CPLEX Optimizer
If you are looking for software that doesn’t merely state the issue but also
highlights potential solutions, this may just be the HR analytics tool you
CPLEX Optimizer is quite an advanced prescriptive analytics tool. Although
prescriptive analytics tools are not commonly used, they can be highly
beneficial to organizations.

Using flexible and high-performance data modeling, CPLEX helps HR

professionals select the best course of action out of innumerable business

This could be as simple as whether or not to increase the number of

distributors you have in a specified area or if the organization would
benefit by having its wholesaler in the area, to more complex decisions
such as choosing the best location and why.

7. Qlik
Qlik is an aggregating data software. After gathering data, it creates reports
and provides information based on the HR data entered. As an HR data
analytics tool, Qlik is better used as a warehousing and dashboarding tool.

8. Visier
Visier is also a data aggregating software that works towards providing
relevant information about your human capital. Various HR systems can be
integrated and connected to a single BI tool.

As an HR analytics tool, Visier shows trends in the data and can gain valuable
insights; it focuses on understanding what affects performance and

The tool has features that help predict attrition, internal job changes,
amongst other features.
Tableau, Qlik, and Power BI are great tools to collate data, even in vast
amounts. SPSS is the best HR analytics tool when it comes to analyzing that
data. The tool does not require users to be analysts by profession; it is user-
friendly and thus allows all sorts of users to understand the data it analyses.

SPSS is an excellent tool for companies that are not looking at investing
heavily in analytical tools. It provides all the essential data without the
complexity of many other tools.

10. Oracle HR Analytics

This HR analytics tool is designed to work hand in hand with HR policies.
This software also aggregates data and provides valuable insights on what
can be done to resolve potential areas of concern.

The software delves into the problem and helps the users understand each
issue in-depth. This HR analytics tool uses machine learning algorithms to
help users understand what the data reveals, such as what is causing high
attrition rates, etc.

Why Should You be Using HR Analytics Tools?

The answer is relatively straightforward, and it helps you remain

competitive. Data is the center of everything in business today,
understanding how it works and impacts your business is the key to making
the right decisions.

You are looking at more intelligent hiring practices with the correct use of
HR analytics tools. Understanding the past and what is happening now
makes it easier to make the right decisions for the future. This enables HR
professionals to hire quality candidates and focus on streamlining the hiring

Performance and productivity need to be under constant scrutiny while

evolving strategies are created to maintain and improve employee
performance and productivity. HR Analytics tools help understand what
practices work best, how they can be implemented across the organization,
and what kind of employee engagement should be carried out.

It can be difficult to get management’s backing on significant budget changes

and budget decisions, especially when the prerogative is to keep costs low.
Using HR analytics tools allows HR departments to possess the evidence they
require to show the management the results of the change in budget and

Using HR analytics tools to support HR initiatives also gives management the

confidence that their investment will see a return.

There are a host of HR analytics tools out there. It is essential to understand

what device you need and what you are looking to gain from it. The main
areas of focus of HR analytics tools are:

• Performance analytics.

• Recruiting analytics.

• People analytics.

• HR business intelligence.

• Attrition risk management.

• Candidate profiling.

• Fraud risk management.


While each of these tools is useful in its specific way, they all do need some
technical knowledge. While training existing employees can be cost-
intensive, it is also cost-intensive to hire the right talent with the right skills
for the job.

A straightforward solution is to look at existing HR suites that have already

found the best tools for the job and integrate their tools with the best in the
industry to deliver optimum results for your organisation.

The top-tier HRM companies out there have years of experience and have
found what works best for specific businesses. They won’t be looking to sell
you their solution. Instead, they would find a solution that works with their
methods and works for your organisation.

This means that you don’t need to have the specific technical know-how; you
don’t need to invest in the capital for the various HR analytics tools you will
need to remain competitive in today’s world.

Using these sorts of services allows you to scale up and down quickly
without having significant impacts on capital investment in the medium to
long term.

Take a look at the variety of HR service providers out there and choose the
one that works best for you. You want to make sure that you take the time to
go through a few demos to understand if they are the right fit for your
organisation and its culture.

Keep in mind that data has become the most critical thing in the world today.
How you use, and leverage data plays a huge role in deciding how your
business stacks up against the competition.

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