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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Tagum City
San Miguel, Tagum City
Grade 12 Creative Writing

NAME: __________________________________________________ SECTION: ______________________________________ SCORE: _____________

I- Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and carefully understand each question. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided
before each number.

_____1. It is a person or an entity given the characteristics of _____10. The play or drama is organized in __________.
a person who acts, speaks, narrates, or is referred to in a a. chapter c. acts and scenes
literary work. b. episodes d. pages and numbers
a. Character c. Plot ____11. Which of the following best describes a “script”?
b. Dialogue d. Setting a. the suspense scene in the dialogue.
_____2. What is the primary and most significant b. the problem or struggle in the story.
component in a play? c. the place where the drama is performed
a. Character c. Plot d. the written words that characters speak and
b. Dialogue d. Setting direction in a play or drama.
_____3. It comes from the Greek word “dran” which means ____12. The character struggles with someone else and
________. cannot avoid the situation and must stay and face the
a. to do c. to tell threat.
b. to perform d. to portray a. climax c. external conflict
_____4. This is where a story takes place is also called its b. exposition d. internal conflict
locale. ____13. What is the difference between dialogue and
a. Tactile Imagery monologue?
b. Auditory Imagery a. Dialogue is conversation between only two
c. Olfactory Imagery characters. In monologue, one character speaks
d. Gustatory Imagery alone.
_____5. What is the dramatic element that refers to the b. Dialogue is conversation between two or more
problems caused by the opposing objectives? characters. In a monologue, one character speaks
a. Antagonist c. Conflict alone.
b. Backstory d. Plot c. Dialogue is conversation between two or more
_____6. In drama, dialogue is important because ____________. characters. Monologues appear in only novels.
a. it reveals character. d. Monologue is conversation between two
b. the drama is not a drama without a dialogue. characters. Dialogue is conversation between
c. it channels important idea towards the audience. three or more characters.
d. Both B and C _____14. “Primo and George are schoolmates who fell in
_____7. Staging is the position of the acting area in relation love and decided to build and plan their future together.
to the audience. Why do actors should know proper stage “This statement is an example of ______
blocking? a. climax c. resolution
a. to set good atmosphere in the play
b. to communicate good performance to the b. exposition d. rising action
audience ____15. The World is an Apple is a play set in a very poor
c. to facilitate the performance and every visual area in a district of Intramuros within the city of Manila,
details involve in the drama. in the Philippines. Intramuros district is an example of
d. all of the above what technical element of drama?
_____8. In responding to dramatic art, this is the process of a. Character c. Plot
examining how the elements of drama like literary, b. Dialogue d. Setting
technical, and performance used.
a. character analysis c. empathy _____16. Read the statements below. What technical
b. diction d. projection element is exemplified below?
_____9. Which of the following is a correct description of Gloria: I'm glad you're home early.
drama? Mario: How is Tita? (Without waiting for an answer,
a. trouble caused by “friends” he enters the dwelling.)
b. the characters that perform in a play Gloria: (crosses to bench) Don't wake her up, Mario.
c. the written words and directions that actors She's tired; she's been crying all day.
followed. a. Character c. Plot
d. a story that is written to be performed or acted b. Dialogue d. Setting

San Miguel, Tagum City

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For items 17-20, match the description in column A to
the picture in column B. Then fill out the missing letters
in the bricks for its correct term.


____17. This stage is the oldest. It situates the audience H T

in 3 sides of the stage; and gives closer and
-around view of the action.
____18. This stage is common in many high school
stage or theaters where the actors perform in S N
front of the audience.
____19. This stage is considered unique similar to fashion
shows where the audience face each other and A S
in between them is a stage.
____20. This stage is positioned at the center of the audience;
and the audience is situated around the whole stage. U N


____27. “all she remembered where the two rooms, the days of
A. B. work at the farm of the moneylender to whom they were
indebted,”. The italicized word means ________.
a. being selfless c. has run away
b. owing gratitude d. has paid in full

C. D. ____28. What approach considers the literary work as a

“product” in relation to the actual economic and social
conditions that exist at the time of the work’s composition?

a. Marxist c. Feminist
b. Cultural d. Historical
_____21. This theory considers every literary work as a
product of its time and its world. ____29. “and her mother-in-law making the gruel at the end of
a. Cultural c. Historical the day, for the men to eat first before the women ate what was
b. Feminism d. Marxism left over.” What critical approach is appropriate in analyzing
_____22. This approach does not limit itself to language and this line?
structure but also spends time analyzing non-literary texts a. Marxism c. Historical
from the same time in which literary works were written. b. Cultural d. Feminist
a. Cultural c. Historical
b. Feminism d. Marxism ____30. What could have been Dhowli’s experience after the
_____23. This approach breaches the traditional wedding as revealed by the following lines, “But her husband’s
understanding of the terms (like teaching, learning, text, elder brother came there and started eyeing her. Her mother-
author among others) in the process redrawing the limits in-law then turned against her and Dhowli left”?
that formerly separated them. a. Boring c. Miserable
a. Cultural c. Historical b. Happy d. Contented
b. Formalism d. Marxism
____24. This criticism attempts to redress the imbalance of ____31. What cultural practice can be inferred from the
literary study in which all important books were written following lines, “About her wedding she could not recall much
by men or the only characters of real interest are male because she must have been very small at the time. She was
protagonists. sent to live with her husband when her body blossomed”?
a. Cultural c. Historical a. Poverty c. Prostitution
b. Feminism d. Marxism b. Education d. Fixed marriage
____25. This approach is concerned with understanding the
role of politics, money, and power in literature works and ____32. What era in Philippine history is shown in the
with redefining and reforming the way society distributes following lines from Unseen War, “That very second
its resources among the classes. the first volley burst from the 80 canons of the
a. Cultural c. Historical Spanish armada…the musketeers, lancers, bowmen,
b. Feminism d. Marxism artillery men, and foot soldiers, sprang from waiting
____26. “she could remember from her childhood—going to behind Sultan Kudarat’s stronghold”?
the fair, perched on her father’s shoulders.” The italicized a. Martial Law c. American regime
word means ________. b. Japanese era d. Spanish conquest
a. rested on a spot c. being pierced
b. holding on to something d. seated on something

For items 33-38.


San Miguel, Tagum City

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Directions: Group the following pool of terms below into
the four craft categories.

- Graphics - Language - Line breaks - Word

- Repetition - Alliteration - Parallel structure

Word Craft Visual Audible Structural

Craft Craft Craft

33. Graph Assonance 34.

Vivid verbs 35. 36. Text


37. Print Onomatopoeia 38.


For items 39-40.

Directions: Write a (1) one line which has the feature of
Audible Craft.

39. Onomatopoeia



40. Alliteration



If you are not willing to learn,

no one can help you.
I you are determined to learn,
no one can stop you.
- Zig Ziglar

San Miguel, Tagum City

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Tagum City
San Miguel, Tagum City


Grade 12 Creative Writing
Second Quarterly Examination

Remembering/Unde Applying/ Evaluating/

Competency rstanding Analyzing Creating No. of Items
60% 30% 10%
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14,
1. Reading and writing one-act drama. #8,9,10,11,12,13 #15, 17 20
17, 18, 19, 20

#21, 22, 23, 24, 25,

2. The creative works in the literary socio- #33, 34, 35, 36,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, #39, 40 20
political context 37, 38

24 12 4 40
24/40(100) 12/40(100) 4/40(100) 40/40(100)
=60% =30% =10% =100%

Prepared by:

Teacher I


Teacher I

Checked by:


Master Teacher II


Master Teacher II

San Miguel, Tagum City

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