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Ua ee ae UE a F OR - READ THIS WHEN A COMBAT OCCURS vat INTRODUCTION [As the explorers roam the crypt-like halls ofthe Blackstone Fortress, they will invariably encounter violent opponents with which they must do battle- wandering bands of Chaos heretics, defensive drones seemingly indigenous to the starship, o prowling xenos abominations that fight from the shadows. The firefights aboard the Blackstone Combat in the Blackstone Fortress Fortress are tense and brutal affairs __is fought at relatively close range, in {in which the explorers temporarily which small and medium arms are set aside ther thinly veiled distrust highly effective. There is alot of cover ‘or outright animosity for one another provided by debris andthe shape 50 a8 to eliminate their shared enemy. of the chambers themselves. Fighters dive for cover behind the Rather than striding out into wreckage created by acons-past the open, fighters must rely on battles, or duck into the trench-like this cover ~ and the help of their apertures that open inthe floorsand allies ~ to outmanoeuvre and walls ofthe Blackstone Fortress. ‘outgun their enemies. Prom there they lay down hails of “The players choose actions for the covering fre while other explorers _explorers they control frst rolling ‘move to positions ofadvantage, or _actvation dice and then spending attempt to snipe ther foes themselves them to take the actions. The actions through gaps in the debris. The taken by the hostiles are determined sounds of guns, grenades and by rolling the Blackstone dice bellowed war cries thunder through _and looking up the result on the the dark chambers, and those behaviour table on the back of the combatants who flare left to be hostile’ reference card picked clean after conflicts end, or consumed by the folding architecture Scattered around the batlfild ofthe Blackstone Fortress itself are discovery markers, which an explore can move toand “This maelstrom ofbatl is resolved _perform a Search action to draw using the combat rles inthis booklet, a discovery card - though taking ‘When a combat cards revealed, the time to do so may put the itwill show you how to set up the explorer in mortal danger! chambers to make the battlefield, as well as where the explorers start the At the end ofeach turn, arollis combat and where any discoveries _-made on the event table to decideifa ‘will befound, Encounter cards are __random event takes place, such as the then drawn, which willdetermine arrival ofa maglev transport chamber the hostile that have been met by the that will allow the explorers a means ‘explorers and wherethey arelocated, of escape ‘The combat is then fought overa A new tuen then begins, and so the series of turns, during which the battle will rage on, unt either the explorers and the hostile are allowed explorers are victorious and can carry to move and attack. The order in ‘on with their expedition, or they are ‘hich this happens is decided wsing _allout of action andthe expedition the initiative cards onthe combat, track, and the results of any attacks are decided using the action dice included in the game. ud in ignominious fallure. COMBAT RULES As the explorers delve deep into the Blackstone Fortress, they will encounter groups of hosiles that will oppose them. The resulting battle is resolved using the rules in this booklet. COMBAT CARD ‘A combat is fought whenever a combat card is drawn from the exploration deck (see page 7 of the Rules booklet) ach combat card has a map showing the chambers that make up the battlefield on which the combat is fought. In addition, the card shows where to place any portals, location tiles and discovery markers, and whether the explorers start ina maglev transport arrival chamber or have been ambushed. See the rules for battlefield creation on page 6 to find out hhow to use this information to create the battlefield on which the combat will be fought. I COMBAT COMBAT Chambers ae so | | Geen “i ENCOUNTER CARDS \ Encounter card ae used to Tie Second sneer determine which hosts have been Primary encounter encountered bythe explorers <7 == || quar ‘TRATTOR GUARDSMEN NEGAVOLT CULTISTS Fach encounter card lst four types ofencouner( Ak A Ad, AA): Al ae which corespond to thedlscovery B [oem markers shown on the combat card. BD mene) Ba |e | cvgmtcecmms’ | (AMEE) A (mem feereetioers aa fe A 7 | J Beier) the following rules), ora special (Quaternary encounter rule (referred toas a twist in the following rules). Tertiary encounter } “The start ofa combat using the first combat card, and both of the encounter cards illustrated on the previous page. The explorers must defeat the Traitor Guardsmen and Negavolt Cultist, search for any archeotech and clues hidden in the chambers, and then use one of the portals in the right-hand chamber tosummon a magley transport escape chamber. BATTLEFIELD CREATION Before a combat can be fought, the batlefeld must be created and the hosiles that oppose the explorers Aeployed. To create the battlefield for a combat, carry out the following steps 1, Setup battlefield 2, Deploy hostiles 3. Setup initiative deck 1. Set Up Battlefield Pereeateteae laure yak cbr asic the ateeldon which the combat fought. Take the Papeete pie de ke Beiaeccsl es cidem pata weaier cia cad te ase lee am ate ards ie ice Location tiles: If any location tiles are shown on the ‘combat card, set them up inthe appropriate hexes afterall ‘ofthe chambers have been set up. Portals: Setup the portals beside the hexes shown for them on the combat card. Portals are used to mark the exes where any hostile reinforcements can arrive during the combat (pg 13), and also where the maglev transport ‘chamber that will allow the explorers to escape the combat, willbe found (pg 15) Discovery markers: The location ofthe discovery markers are shown on the combst card Place the discovery markers inthe hexes shove. Arrival chamber: Ifa maglev transport chamber marked with ated border is shown on the combat card, place the rmaglev transport chamber occupied by the explorers in the position shown on the card, After setting up the arrival ‘chamber the explorers can change the hexes they occupy inthe chamber ifthey wish o do so. Ambush hexes: Some combat cards will have the word ‘Ambushl" in the ttle, Instead of showing a maglev transport chamber, uch a card will show one or more ambush hexes (marked with the letter A). Ifthis isthe ‘ase, place the explorers in the ambush hexes, Up to two explorers can occupy each hex. 2. Deploy Hostiles Next, the hostile payer (or the lade ifthe player) must deploy the miniatures forthe ostls the explorers have encountered. Todos, the player draws one ard from the encounter deck foreach discovery marker Shown on the combat card fs no hostile Draw each card one at ‘on it before drawing the next card, The 4M encounter on the frst card shows which hostiles must be deployed in ime, deploying the hostiles shown or adjacent tothe hex withthe 4 discovery maker; the A eacounter onthe second card shows which hostiles ‘must be deployed in or adjacent tothe hex withthe discovery marker and soon. Place the encounter cards ina row, from lef to right, above the combat tack, to act asa reminder as to which card corresponds to each hostile group. ‘The ist hostile from a group must be deployed in the hex with the corresponding discovery marker. Other hostiles from the group must be deployed inthe same hexas the discovery marker, or in a hex adjacent to the discovery marker, IFthere is choice of hexes in which a hostile can be deployed, you must deploy them in a hex that puts them in ‘cover from any explorers in preference to one that does not Once the hostiles have been deployed, the hostile player (or the leader if there is no hostile player) takes the reference card for those hosiles for use during the combat. Miniature limits: If there are nt enough miniatures to set upall ofthe hosts in a group, set up as many as possible, and ignore any remainder, Hex limits: The number of hostiles that can be placed in the same hex is determined by the size ofthe hostile (the size ofa hostile can be found on their hostile reference card). A hex ean hol three small hostile; one large hostile an two small hostile two large hosiles; oF ‘one huge hostile, This is summarised in the hex limits table below. The table also includes the hex limit for explorer miniatues HEX LIMITS +3 small hosiles +2 small & 1 large hostile + 2 large hostiles, + Lhuge hostile + Both Ratling Twins & 1 other explorer + explorers |. Hostile sizes can be found on their reference card. ‘Twists: Sometimes an encounter card will include a twist rather than a hostile group. Ithis is the case, the special rule on the card applies forthe duration of the combat, 4. Set Up Initiative Deck Finally the hostile player (or the leader ifthere is no hostile player) must set up the initiative deck. The deck ‘must include the initiative card for each explorer that is ‘not oat of action, and for each hostile group. Take these cards, shuffle them and place them face down below the combat track. Any initiative cards not included in the deck are placed to one side forthe time being, The combat can now begin FIGHT COMBAT ‘Once the battlefield has been crested, the combat can begin. A combat is fought over a series of turns, each of ‘which follows the same pattern of four phases the destiny phase, the initiative phase, the activation phase and the ‘event phase. When the event phase is over new turn ‘begins. The combat ends once all of the explorers are located in a hex in a maglev transport escape chamber or all of the explorers are out of action (pg 15). | COMBAT TURN SEQUENCE + Destiny phase + Initiative phase + Activation phase + Bvent phase DESTINY PHASE In the destiny phase, the leader must make a destiny rol To do so, they rll the five destiny dice, and then put any dice that show a unigue number in the available destiny dice space ofthe Precipice board. Any other dice (doubles, triples and so on) are put in the discarded destiny dice space of the Precipice board. For example, ifthe roll was 2, 3,3,4,6, then the two 3s would be placed in the discarded destiny dice space, andthe 2,4 and 6 placed on the available destiny dice space. Whenever an available destiny dice is used, it is moved tothe discarded destiny dice space (see Destiny Dice on page 8). Destiny dice example INITIATIVE PHASE ‘With the destiny phase complete, te initiative phase ‘begins In the initiative phase, the order in which the ‘explores and the hostiles are activated inthe subsequent. activation phase is decided, The initiative phase is carried ‘out in the following steps: 1. Activation rolls 2 Initiative 3. Covering fire 4.Gambits 1. Activation Rolls Fist, the players make an activation rll foreach ofthe explorers they control, To make an tivation rll for an explorer, the player rolls one activation dice foreach empty space the explorer has on the activation track of their character card, Usually this willbe four dice, but wounds (see page 14 ofthe Rules booklet) may reduce the number ‘ofdice that ate rolled, After making the roll, each dice is placed in an empty space on the track, without changing the revult of the rol Activation dice can be spent to perform gambits or take actions, as described in the rules that follow. Remove spent dice from the explorers character card NULLS rent Raa Te Fay ‘am [we seca cs 2 Initiative ‘Next, the leader must shulfle the initiative card deck and then deal the cards face up from left to right in the spaces for them below the combat track ifthe combat isan ambush, see ‘Ambush’ on the page opposite). In the activation phase, the explorer or hostile group whose Initiative card isin the left-hand space ofthe track will activate frst, then the explorer or hostile group whose card isin the second space, and so on (see the Activation P ‘0n the following page for more detail on how this works) 3. Covering Fire In ths step two explores that are visible to eachother cn soap the postion oftheir native cards onthe combat track Todo vo the players controling the to explorers rst gre for itto happen This isclled covering fie, and represents one of the explores covering the actions ofthe other. An explorer can only change their position once in tochnttiee pase by using oreing fire Once all ofthe explorers taking part in covering fre have swapped positions, this step ends, 4, Gambits In this step, the explorers can attempt one or more gambit ‘To attempt a gambit, the player who controls the explorer ‘must first spend one ofthe activation dice on the explorer’ character card, and then rll the action dice corresponding tothe explorer’ Agility value and look up the result below: Failure: The explorer’ initiative card stays in the same position on the combat track. Success: Swap the explorer’ initiative card with the closest, hostile group initiative card tothe explorer’ let or right on the combat track Critical success: Swap the explorer initiative card with any hostile group initiative card on the combat track, Destiny dice cannot be used to attempt gambits, but an explorer can attempt several gambits as long as an activation dice is spent for each gambit that they attempt Remember that if several explorers want to perform a ‘gambit at the same time, the leader determines the onder in ‘hich they are attempted, Espern Locarno provides covering fire to URC025, ‘and they swap places on the combat track. Then Janus Draik attempts «gambit and sores rtcal succes ~ he swaps places with hostile group A. vay SENG ee AMBUSH ) Ifthe combat san ambush the combat rack sset up differently in the first tm ofthe combat The hostile inatve card are shuld and ot up first. Then the explorer initatve cards are shufed and set up long the remaining spaces of the rack This means that the hostile wll activate irstin the rst tar, unless any ofthe explorers perform gambits to change ther | postition on thetic ACTIVATION PHASE In the activation phase, each explorer and hostile group is activated in the order determined by the initiative cards long the combat tack. The explorer or hostile group in the first space of the track is activated first, When they have ‘completed their activation, theie initiative card is turned face down, and then the next explorer or hostile group is activated, and so on. Once all ofthe explorers and hostile groups have acted, the activation phase ends The way that players carry out activations for explorers and hostile groups is slightly different. We will first explain how tocarry out an activation for an explorer, and then how to do so fora hostile group, Note that special rules apply 0 the Ratling Twins (see page 15 ofthe Rules booklet) Explorer Activations ‘When an explore is activated, they can ake actions. Aetionsletan explorer dothings wich as nove, fight and tnake discoveries. Actions are taken by spending one of the activation dice onthe explorer’ character card. An explorer can take the same ation mutpe times, bat must nul an ation before starting anew one Each action has a cost in brackets, limiting the activation dice that can be spent to make it. For example, to take an action with a cost of (4+), an activation dice with a score of ‘4or more would need to be spent. ‘When a player does not want to take any more actions with an explorer they control (or cannot do so), the activation for that explorer ends; any remaining activation dice can be saved to make overwatch attacks, and ifthe explorer slew any hosties, ou can make an inspiration rol for the explorer (overwatc attacks and inspiration rolls are explained opposite). Then the next explorer or hostile ‘group on the combat track can be activated. Destiny Dice The destiny dice on the Precipice board ar effectively extra activation dice that are shared between the explorers. ‘Whenever an explorer takes an action that requires them to spend an activation dice, they can instead spend a destiny dice, following al of the same rules as though they were spending an activation dice, An explorer cannot spend ‘more than two destiny ice in the ame turn, Basic Explorer Actions ‘There are four basic actions that any explorer can ‘make: Move (1), Recuperate (1+), Search (4+) and Summon (44). ‘Move (1+): When an explorer takes this action, they ‘an be moved up to as many hexes as the Move value on their character card. Each hex they move into must be adjacent to their current hex. Explorers can move through hhexes occupied by other explorers and hostiles can move through heses occupied by other hostile, but miniatures cannot move through hexes occupied by enemy miniatures for obstructions or across a wall hexside. In addition, a ‘miniature cannot end a move ina hex if this means that the hex’ limits willbe exceeded (see Hex Limits on page 6), though they can move through such a hex. anus Drak uses on af his activation dice to take @ Move action. He has @ Move value of, nd moves 2hexes, finishing next othe Taitor Guardsman, Ifa miniature moves into @ hex that is adjacent to an ‘enemy, it must alt and cannot move any further. fa miniature stars a move in a hex adjacent to an enemy, it can leave the hex, but must halt fit enters another hex that isadjacent to an enemy. Recuperate (1+): Ifan explorer has been wounded, they’ ‘an take this action to make a vitality roll (see page 14 of the Rules booklet) Search (4+); An explorer can take this action ifthey are in ahex that contains a discovery mazker or if they spend 3 inspiration points (see pages 14-15 of the Rules booklet). It cannot be taken by an explorer that s adjacent toa hostile that is visible to them, When the ation is taken, remove the discovery marker from the hex (ifthereisone) and rave the top card from the discovery card deck and place it beside the explorers character card ‘Summon (44): An explorer can only take this action if they are ina hex that is adjacent to portal. When they do s0, the portal is removed and replaced with a maglev transport escape chamber that can be used to end the ‘combat (see page 15). Ths ation cannot be taken ifthe ‘maglev transport escape chamber has already been setup, Special Explorer Actions Bret tc respec octecald on Gir chareces nd Specialacionsare dvd ino WsPefoes andunigee actions Weapon Actions: Weapon actions are used to attack hosiles. An explorer can take a weapon action by spending an appropriate activation dice. They then attack as described on the following page. POSEY Hann vavcuano Janus Draikcan take Pistol & Rapier and Pury of Attack weapon actions The Ps e- Rapier weapon action hasa cost of (1+), and uses a for atack rol at ranges 1-3 and a at rares of more ‘Aiming (14): When an explorer takes a weapon action, they can spend an extra (+) activation dice to make the ‘weapon action an aimed weapon action (so you will need tospend two dice — one fr the weapon action, and a second one to make itan aimed weapon action). Aimed weapon actions ignore cover (see page 12). ‘Unique Actions: An explorer may also have one or more unique actions on their character cad, Overwateh Sometimes an explorer will end their activation with one or ‘more unspent activation dice on thet character card First, remove any dice with a score of 1. Then reduce the value ‘of any of the remaining dice by 1 (so 4 would become a 3, for example, and a6 a5). These dice ae referred to as ‘overvatch dice, and can be used later in the turn to carry ‘out weapon actions as described neat. An overwatch dice can be used to take a weapon action when a hostile that i visible tothe explorer finishes a move or attack, or is deployed, The hostile that triggered the overwatch must be the target ofthe weapon actin. ‘Take the explorers weapon action, and then carry on with the hostile activation, Note that an explorer cannot make foverwatch attacks until after they have been activated, An explorer can take a maximum of one weapon action cach time hostile triggers overwatch.Ifseveral different explorers are in a position to carry out overwatch, frst 4eclate which will do so and then take one weapon action with each of those explorers in leader order. If the hostile is slain before all ofthe explorers have attacked, the explorers that have not yet attacked must discard one ofthe dice they had saved for overwatch At the end ofthe activation phase, remove any overwatch dice remaining on the explorers character cards, Inspiration Roll ifany hosts are ain daring an explorer activation, an inspiration roll is made a the end oftheir activation ied reelected ete eteeeea TS ofthe Roles bookde) The inspiron rolls made after the explorer has cared out alof the actions they wish i pert at ele a ee sere overwatch tacts ‘To make an inspiration roll rol the Blackstone dice, Ifthe rolls less than or equal to the combined Wounds values ‘of the hostile sain by that explorer during that activation, then that explorer receives 1 inspiration point. For ‘example, an explorer that had slain a Traitor Guardsman (Wounds value 2) and a Chaos Beastman (Wounds value 3) would gain an inspiration point on a roll of 1to5. Ifthe combined Wounds value ofslain hostiles is 20 or more, the explorer automatically gains 1 inspiration point without the dice having tobe rolled. Note that inspiration points can only be gained for hostiles slain during an explorer’ activation. Hostils slain at ny other time (by overwatch, for example, as described previously) cannot be used to gain inspiration points DEPLOYMENT DURING A COMBAT Sometimes a rule will allow you to deploy a miniature

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