Answer The Question

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1. Answer the question

Peruvian government : Organisation against / Reason : Lobbying by the greens
Pluspetrol : Organisation for / Reason : Peru's government awarded a licence to
develop the field to an "upstream" consortium.
Amazon Watch : Organisation for / Reason : benefits are huge and that any social
and environmental costs can be minimised
Inter-American Development Bank : Organisation for / Reason : Because of the
lobbying, led by Amazon Watch put off a decision on a $75m loan for the pipeline
US Import-Export Bank : Organisation for / Reason : Because of the approval by the
IDB might unlock another loan, of $200m, for the "upstream" consortium
2. Choose : 1, 2, 3, 5
3. Summary
This article provides information about a $1.5 billion project, which if it goes ahead
should turn Peru from an importer of fuel into an exporter called Camesea project.
The first main idea of the article is about this project’s benefit. After negotiations,
natural gas from the Amazon jungle looks finally set to reach Peru's capital by next
August. Camisea has huge gas reserves, more than enough to supply Lima for many
years. Besides, Camisea project is going to provide cleaner, cheaper energy for local
consumers, as well as exports. According to the IDB, the project would add 0.8
percent a year to Peru's GDP over its 30-year life. It should generate tax revenues of
up to $200m a year, and will help the poorest areas, the Peruvian economy minister
said. Seeing many advantages from this project, many organisations have the
actions in order to gain profits from it, which leads to the second idea : the actions of
organisations. The first actions came from lobbying of Amazon Watch, after that it
caused the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to put off a decision on a $75m
loan for the pipeline. Approval by the IDB also unlocked another $200m loan for the
"upstream" consortium of the United States Export-Import Bank. Unfortunately,
Camiseа itself is deep in the Peruvian jungle. Its opponents claim that the project
threatens tribes of Amazon Indians, rare species and the rainforest and endanger
marine.There are no access roads so workers and supplies are helicoptered in.
Jungle will soon cover over the scars left by construction work. Lobbying by the
greens has forced the government and the developers to take precautions. It makes
Amazon Watch mad, they claim massive soil damage is taking place along the
pipeline and they also oppose the planned location of the export terminals. These are
close to the Paracas marine but in an area already damaged by industry. Without the
loans, Camisea may still go ahead. But the project would take longer and might finish
up having less money to spend on protecting the environment. Some organisations
can help, but Peruvians think it should be for Peru to decide whether and how to
make best use of its natural resources.
4. Best detail
One of the details in the article that impress me is “Some organisations can help, but
Peruvians think it should be for Peru to decide whether and how to make best use of
its natural resources.” The reason is that it shows the right perspective on how to use
the country's natural resources. Peru has many advantages in oil, but because of
that advantage, many organizations and countries intend to use them in the name of
benefiting people, but actually want to bring personal benefits. So they gathered to
tear and use those resources, but in my opinion the best thing is to let the Peruvian
people and the Peruvian government use them for their own purposes. That property
belongs to their territory, they have the right to decide what to do and what to use for
the best life of citizens. The government and the people know what they are lacking,
what they need and will use them for the common goal of their country. If they need
help, they will proactively ask other organizations and countries for help. However,
that request for help should be from the government and people of Peru, not from the
motives of other countries with bad intentions.

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