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Feeding Program
Feeding Program is very brilliant idea that we have done in Kanalate Elementary School. My
teacher in NSTP is really serious to do this program and that’s we have done, to be a serious to
do a job. One thing, how can you accomplish your mission if you are not serious for what are
you doing? I learned this word to my teacher, because when she say that, I felt strong and and
nobody can stop o help people. Before we started the program, first, I ask first my self, we can
do this all alone; my role in our feeding program is a seating arrangement. But for me, I didn’t
content to that, I really don’t like that I have just only a one possition or role in our activities,
when we starting the program, I saw the chair’s that they are empty, so I’m scared, I ask my
president, why the chair’s are empty? Where are the Kid’s? And he replied, I don’t know he
said. And then I go out side the campus and from the neighbor of the school, there is a lot
houses and I saw children playing outside. The teacher’s in that school have forgot to tell to the
parent’s that there is a feeding program in their school, that’s why when we are waiting there
and nobody’s are not coming. So, I decided that, I will invite children for just by my self. When I
saw children playing outside. I grab them and say, come here kids! I have something to show
both of you, do you want to eat? Then they replied to me, yes, we want” Then I say, come
follow me. When the kid’s saw the covered gym that so many lot of food’s in their, I saw their
faces a huge happiness and a cute smile, so I felt very happy and I remember when I was a kid
yesterday. I repeat again and again to grab children in our feeding program. My teacher’s is
smiling because she watching us for what we doing. From that time when I’m grabbing a
children’s. I felt hungry to, when I go to the food section I just only drink water and then when
I’m come back! I saw a lot of children who are late comer’s and I said, how could this be, when
the time we started the program no one are not coming but at this hour is a child w/
companied by their parents. Now, our problem is how to make the food divide it by to the late
comer’s? and when we distribute the food’s, some other’s have some missing dessert, that’s
why we are asking each other, how could this be, our food supply has going empty but some
people are a late comer’s and that’s our problem. Then we decided that we will talk to the
other’s parents that, we where sorry to you parent’s that our food supplies are insufficient or
not enough to the them. Thanks’ to god, they appreciates us. I also to join and cooperate to the
program to give an intermission dance and a little bit drama. At last we’ve been success our
feeding program and I just only remember, I have no money to go back home, I felt sad and
hope, when I put my hand on my pocket, I really don’t know that I have a 20 peso bill and felt
happy. I think god is always at me who always looking at me where ever I go. That was my
brilliant day that I’ve ever had. And this is my happy memories and a lot of happy moments.

Written by; Evan Noel T. Domingo CHS 1C

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