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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

ECCS Lecture Notes

Lecture 2
2.1 Pseudocode and Programming Languages:

-Pseudocode is a compiled number of steps that describes a command

-C++ and code describes the steps in computer language in order for the computer to
compute commands.

2.2 Parts of C++ Program

-A statement—Has a semicolon and is the individual instructions of a program.

-Ex: cuot<<y;

-Expression— An expression does a function that is evaluated and returns a value

-Ex: 2+3

-Variable Declaration—De nes a variable in the code

-Ex: int x = 2; (also a statement)

2.3 Tracing Through Programs


Int main () { Variables: Console:

Int x = 3; x = 3

Int y = x; y = 3 33

x = 3;

cout << x;

cout << y;

Return 0;

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2.4 Compile Errors

-Like a grammar error where the computer doesn’t understand what is being said

-Ex: int x = int y + 1 (can’t introduce y on this side)

-A bug is when the computer is told what to do but does the wrong thing

Lecture 3
3.1 Types

- int: Store whole numbers

- Double: Store and rational number

- Bool: Stores true or false

- String: Stores 0+ symbols—letters and numbers

- Char: Stores a single symbol

3.2 Operators

- Operators fo math with numbers and variables

- Integer division:

- Division of integers reports a integer

- Division with a double reports a double

- The modulo operator (%) does reports the variable

- 7%3 = 1

3.3 Tracing Through Programs

- Nothing to note

3.4 Implicit and Explicit Type Conversion

More Values —————————————————————————>Less Values

double int char bool

<—————————————————————— Implicit Conversion (automatic)

Explicit Conversion ————————————————————————-> (cast)

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-Implicit Conversions

-int + double = double

-int + int = int

-double + double = double

-Explicit Conversion


3.5 Rounding Functions

-Must include #include <cmath>;

-Rounding Functions:

- round ( ) - rounds to the nearest integer

- oor ( ) - rounds down to nearest integer

- ceil ( ) - rounds up to nearest integer

-Ex: d=3.7

- round (d) = 4

- oor (d) = 3

- Ceil (d) = 4

Lecture 4
4.1 Functions

- Splits code into sections, and each section has a task

- Makes big programs into many little programs

- Makes the code easier to write and reduces code duplication

Input ---------> function ----------> output

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Parts of a function:

Example: square function

_____________ nameOfFunction(_____________________){

(output type) (input parameters)

return _____________;

(output value)

Example: Filled out function

int doThatThing( int a, double z, string s){

//function goes here

Function Header: Describes the interface for the function

-what the function called (doThatThing)

-what the inputs are called (int a, double z, string s)

-what the outputs are (int)

4.2 Calling a Function

Function call: Jumps to a function from main or another function

Example: Trace through a program "square"

double square(double d) {

return d*d;

int main() {

double s; Declares a new variable s

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double z = 3.0; Declares a new variable z = 3.0

s = square (z); function call (square), z = 3.0, the value of z become d, runs

cout << s; square, and then outputs 9.0 into s.

return 0;

4.3 Common Mistakes

Input Rules:

- Can have 0 or more outputs

- Types and identi ers in function header

- Input values are passed in by function caller

Output Rules:

-Can only return one or zero things

-Return value must match return type stated in header

Function calls:

-Provide input values to functions

- Store, print , or use return value

Lecture 5
5.1 Scope

-Scope: where something can be used

Example: Example:

int main () { int x = 3;

int x = 3; y = x;

int y; int y; <=== Y introduced too late

y = x; return 0;

return 0; }

} Doesn't Run


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5.2 Pass by Value

-Pass by Value: Passing data to a function makes a copy


Void addOne(int x) {

x = x + 1

cout << x;

int main () {

int x = 3;


cout << x;

5.3 Cin Algorithms


int x;

cin >> x;

(user types in the value of x)

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5.4 Cin Fail State, getline(), other inputs

cin fail state:

input eecs

input x; <---- This is the fail state, because the letters aren't integers, so all other cins
do nothing

cin >>x;

string s;

cin >> s;

- What if we want to read a string with whitespace

use getlin()


input "Hello world"

getline(cin, s);

Lecture 6
6.1 RME Comments

-RME stands for requires, modi es and e ects

-Requires: What are the constraints on the function

-Modi es: What changes in the function

-E ects: What the function does


/* requires: count > 0

modi es: Nothing

e ects: Returns average of count and the elements that end up in sum

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double average(double sum, double count) {

return sum/count;

6.2 If/ else if

conditional: if/else,, ask a yes/no question and then act upon it


if (windChill < 0) {

cout << "brrr"

} else if (windChill < 32) {

cout << "comfy";

} else {

cout << "toasty";

6.4 Boolean Expressions

-math with true and false

-compare numbers

-combine true and false

-compare numbers

>, < > <= , >=, ==, !=

-combine true and false

|| - or- one or both are true

&& - and - both are true

! - not - not true

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6.5 Completments

complements- complements are opposites

Lecture 7
7.1 While Loops

Loop- A block of code that repeats


int i = 0 variables

while (i < 3) { 0123

cout << "hi"

i = i + 1 console

} hihihibye

cout << "bye!"

-count control loop: executes a certain number of times and made up of three parts


int i = 0 <=== 1) counter variable

while (i < 3) { <=== 2) comparison of counter variable

cout << "hi"

i = i + 1

cout << "bye!" <=== 3) update counter

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7.2 Event Controlled Loops (Cin Loops)

-Event loop also known as cin loops use cin in a while loop

- Evaluates to true when something successfully reads into x and false when it fails to
read into x


int main() { Variable

int x; 0123D

while (cin >>x) { Console

cout >> (x+1); 234done

cout << "done" << endl;

return 0;

7.3 Cin Loop with Check

- cin loop with an additional condition


int main() {

int x;

while (cin >>x && x > 3) {

cout << (x+1);

cout << "done" << endl;

return 0;

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int main() {

int x;

while (cin >>x && x <5) {

cout << "too small";

cout << "big enough" << endl;

return 0;

7.4 i++, i+=, and Friends

-Compound assignment operators

i = i + 1 i = i - 1

the same as the same as

i +=1 i -=1

i++ i--

++i --i

-Some others

+=, -=, *=, /=, %=

Lecture 8
8.2 For Loops:

- Count controlled loops: Excecute a cetain amount of times.

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int i = 0;

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

cout << i;

- Count controlled vs event controlled:

count controlled: event controlled:

-execute a certain number of times -loop until something happens

-better for for loop -better for while loop

8.3 Nested Loops

- nested loops: loops inside loops


for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

cout << "i = " << i << "begins" << endl;

for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {

cout << "j = " << j << "begins" << endl;

cout << "i = " << i << " nished" << endl;

8.4 Scope with Nested Loops and if Statements

- Scope: where a variable can be used

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- Scope with loops:

Ex: Ex:

for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { int i;

cout << i << x; for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {

} cout << i << x;

cout << i << endl; }

cout << i << endl;


- Scope with if Statements:

x y z Yields and error because of scope

int x = 7; -

int y; - -

if (x < 10) { - -

int z = x - 10; - - -

x += 2; - - -

} - - -

y = x + z; - -

Lecture 9
9.1 Expressions with Strings

-Strings: zero or more chars in a row

-string comparison:

- == means the same character to character

- != means not identical character to character

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9.2 String Indexes


string s = "Hello";

index of string s:

h e l l o

0 1 2 3 4

-index of s = 4

- The index is the distance from the beginning of a string

9.3 String Functions + Loop and String

- .length(), .size() - gets the char count of string


string.s = "hello";

cout << s.size(); -------> 5

- .at()


string.s = "hello";

cout <<; -------> "l"


string s = 'sup'; = 'c';

cout << s; -----> suc

-strings and loops


string s = 'hello';

for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {

cout <<;

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Lecture 10
10.1 Pass by Value and Pass by Reference

-pass by value: makes a copy

-original variable/value and thing in function are seperate

- helpful when variables hold a lot of information (string functions)


void f(int x) {

x = 3;

int main() {

int x = 2;


cout << x; -----> 2

-pass by reference

- uses an &

-one thing (the original)

-function gets a new name for that thing

-one variable has more than one name


void f(int &x) {

x = 3;

int main () {

int x = 2;


cout << x; ------> 3

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void multiply(int &x) {

x = x * 2;

int main () {

int a = 3;

multiply (a);

cout << a; -------> 6

return 0;

10.2 Tracing with Pass by Reference

10.3 When to use Pass by Reference


void addOne( double &x) {

x = x + 1;

int main() {


double a = 3.1;

addOne(a + 1);

int y = 3;


return 0;

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void addOne( double &x) {

x = x + 1;

int main() {

double d = 3.1;


double a = 3.1;

double d2 = a + 1;

addOne (d2);

int y = 3;


return 0;

Lecture 11
11.1 Source Code (.cpp) and header (.h) les

- Seperates codes in order to organize the functions

- .h declares functions and has RMEs

- .cpp includes .h and implements functions

11.2 Declaring Arrays and Accessing Elements

- With an array, you can store large amounts of variables instead of declaring all the
variables by assigning a number to the variable

- string students[1110] -- declares all 1110 students

- Example:

int main() {

int arr[3]; <---- type int, name arr, 3 spots (starting from 0).

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-Array sizes must be known at compile time

- number

-stored in constant



-int arr[2];

-const int SIZE = 4;

int arr[SIZE];

not good

-int size;

cin >> size;

int arr[size];

-initializer lists put stu in arrays

-Ex: int arr[4] = {-1,5,0.2};

-Ex; int arr[4] = {-1}; puts 0's in the rest of the spots

- can initialize with blank spots

-Ex: arr[4];

-Arrays can be accessed with indexes

- int b[ ] = {-1, 5, 0, 2};

cout << b[2]; <--- prints 0

11.3 Looping over Arrays

- array loops allow us to access parts of the array

- array loop example

cont int SIZE = 3;

int arr[SIZE] = {1, 2, 3};

for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {

cout << arr[i];

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-Things you cannot do with arrays

- Cannot cout with arrays

- Cannot += with arrays because they have xed sizes

- Ask how size with .size() or . length()

-Have to track with constants

11.4 Passing Arrays to Functions


int lastElement(int arr[ ], int size) {

return arr[size - 1];

int main() {

int arr[3] = {6, -3, 4};

cout << lastElement(arr, 3); <----- Prints out 4

return 0;


void f(int arr[ ], int size) {

arr[0] = 4;

int main( ) {

int arr[3] = {8, 2, 1};

f(arr, 3);

cout << arr[0]; <------ Prints 4 (turns 8 into 4)

return 0;

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Lecture 12
12.1 Review Arrays

- Arrays store many values in a single variables

- int arr[3] = {4, 5, 6};

- index 0 1 2

- variable 4 5 6

- Example: What are the bugs?

- int greater10(int arr[ ]) { <----- array does not have size

int count; <------ uninitialized

for (int i = 0; i < arr.size( ); i++) { <---- cannot use .size with arrays

if (arr[i] > 10) {

count ++;

return count;

-Common Errors

- The name of an array refers to the entire data structure

-int score[5] = {30, 40, 50, 60 , 70, 14};

-score holds the memory address of the rst array element

- the variables stored are score[0] score [1] score [2] up to score[5].

-c++ does not check array indices for validity

- If there is int data[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and you print data[5], a random

value will be printed

- comparing arrays does not work, but will compile

- arr1 == arr2 will always be false

arr1[i] == arr2[i] in a loop will work

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- Arrays as function parameters

-Your cannot have an array return type

12.2: 2-D Arrays

- 2D arrays

- Regular arrays: 1D like a line of values


- 2D arrays: like a rectangle of values

- int arr[2][3];

-Initializing 2D arrays

- int arr[4][3] = {

{1, 2, 3},

{1, 2, 3},

{1, 2, 3},

{1, 2, 3}


-2D loops and 2D arrays

- Example:

-pattern: outer => rows, inner => columns

int arr[2][3];

for (int row = 0; row < 2; row++) {

for (int col = 0;, col < 3; col ++) {

arr[row][col] = row * col;

- 2D arrays as Parameters\

-arrays are always passed by reference


void processArray(int data[50][3], int numRows, int numCols);

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Lecture 13
13.1 Reading from Files: ifstreams


- Sends data into and out of a program

-Why use les

- send input and output to other people

-can be larger and also be much faster

- In order to read les you have to use a le stream

- Types of streams

- ifstream: input le stream -- reads a le in

-ofstream: output le stream -- reads a le out

- Reading from les

- The fstream library contains the datatypes

- #include <fstream>

-ofstream: writing to les

-ifstream: reads from les

-Istream syntax

-Example: include input.txt

#include <fstream>

int main( ) {

ifstream n; <----- variable of type ifstream ("input.txt"); <------ connects to le you want input.txt

int x;

n >> x;

n.close( );


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- Four steps for reading from a le

1) declare an ifstream variable. ifstream n;

2) associate the ifstream with a le"input.txt");

3) read from the le n >> x >> y;

4) close the le n.close( );

13.2 Writing to Files: streams

- ofstream syntax

- Example:

#include <fstream>

int main ( ) {

ofstream fout; <--- variable of type ofstream"output.txt"); <--- will create a new le if

output.txt does not exist

fout << "Hello";

fout.close( );

return 0;

- Four steps for reading from a le

1) declare an ofstream variable. ofstream fout;

2) associate the ofstream with a le"input.txt");

3) read from the le fout >> x >> y;

4) close the le fout.close( );

13.3 Stream States

-stream states : there are multiple di erent stream states


- .fail( ) -- checks to see if the function didnt work

- .good -- checks to see if the function is good to read more

- .eof -- checks to see if there is nothing more in the le, reached the end

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- .clear( ) -- clears a fail state

- The state gets set AFTER the failure, not before

-clearing states:

- Example: User enters "word"

int x;

cin >> x;

if ( )) {

cin.clear( );

string s;

cin >> s;

Lecture 14
14.1 De ning Classes

-What are classes?

- Packages of data and functions that belong together

- Class syntax: declaring

- Example:

class Student {

public: <--- other people can use things in our class

string name; <-- member variables, variables that are part of a class

int umid; <--

}; <--- must end with a semicolon with classes

- Class syntax: using

-Example cont.

int main ( ) {

Student s; <--- student takes the place of the identi er = "Natalie"; <--- will out natalie inside of the name

member variable of the class

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14.2 Member Functions

- Member functions

- classes are packages of data and functions that belong together

class Student { <== class declaration


string name; <== member functions

int umid; <==

void printName( ); <== member function & declaration


void Student::printName( ) { <== current instance is s1

cout << name; <== name comes from current instance of the class
(current means variable of class type)

int main ( ) {

Student s1; = "Natalie Emcard";

s1.umid = 99999901;

s1.printName( ); <== calls member function

14.3 Constructors

- Constructors

- member function whose job it is to initialize member variables

- almost every class has a constructor

-Constructor syntax

- special member function

- no return type

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-same name as class

- Example:

class Student {


student (string name_in, int umid_in); <== no return type


string name;

int umid;


Student::Student(string name_in, int umis_in) { <== Student:: means

belongs to student class

name = name_in;

umid = umis_in;

- Non-default constuctor

-has parameters

- Example:


- Default contructor

- has no parameters

- creates a blank object- empty string or zero

- Example:

Student::Student( ) {

name = "";

umid = 0;

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-Using Constructors

- Example: Using conductor above

int main ( ) {

Student s1("Natalie Emcard", 99999901); <== Creates an instace of

Student called s1 and
calls constructor

Student s2; <== creates instance called s2 and calls default constructor

Lecture 15
15.1 Header Files

- Copying class instances


student s1 = {"Jiaying"};

student s2;

s2 = s1;

- Passing class instance to a function

- Example:

changeName(Student s_in, string newName) { = newName;

s_in.printName( );

int main ( ) {

Student s = {"Dean"};

s.printName( );

changeName(s, "niels");

s.printName( ); <== prints Dean, Niels, Dean

- Header les

- .h les tell c++ what to expect, contain functions declarations and prototypes,
. RMEs, and class de nitions

- .cpp les contain function de nitions, where code goes

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15.2 Member access controls

- Public and private access

- Public: functions outside of the class can access

- Private: Only member functions can access

- Why public or private?

- Helps prevent errors by stopping bad input from getting into a class

- private will give class control over what goes into member variables

- When do you use?

- member variables are almost always private

- member functions:

- public if useful to call them from main( ) or outside functions

- private otherwise

15.3 Getters and Setters

- Getters and Setters

- Functions that let us access member variables

- Example:


- void Student:: setUmid( int umid_in) {

umid = umid_in;


- int getUmid( ) {

return umid;

Wednesday, September 9, 2020
15.4 Constructors


- A constructor is a member functions whose job is to initialize member

. variables

-It is what creates the instance of a class

-Almost every class with a private member variable has a constructor

- Constructors are special member function

- no return type

- same name as class

- Example:

class Student {


Student(string name_in, int umid_in);


string name;

int umid;


in the .cpp le

Student::Student(string name_in, int umid_in) {

name = name_in;

umid = umid_in;

- Using constructors

- Example:

int main ( ) {

// Creates a student with name "michael Michaud and umid 63873804

Student s1( "Michael Michaud", 63873804);

//Creates a student with name "Emily Britton" and umid 45897856

Student s2( "Emily Britton", 45897856);

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Lecture 16
16.1 Overloaded Constructors

- Constructors: A member function whose job it is to initialize memebr variables

-Non default: has parameters

-Default: no parameters

- Overloaded Constructors

- Same function, di erent parameters

- Example:

classStudent {


Student( string name_in, int umid_in);

Student (string name_in);

Student( );


string name;

int umid;


int main ( ) {

Student Michael( "Michael", 63873804); <== string, int -- rst one

Student Emily("Emily"); <== string -- second one

Student Deron; <== Default constructor -- third one

- Auto default constructor rule

- every class automatically gets a default constructor that does nothing

- If you write any constructor, then it takes away this default constructor

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16.2 Memebr variables of class type

- Member variables of other class types

- Example:

Class Student {


string name;

int umid;


class DormRoom {


Student resident;

string dorm;

int room;


int main( ) {

DormRoom dr;

dr.dorm = "South Quad"; = "emily";

cout << );

Lecture 17
17.1 Read and Write e Functions

- Classes and I/O

-Design classes to look after themselves

- .read functions read in functions

- .write functions write out functions

17.3 I/O when Member Variables are Classes

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