Shobuz Mia - What Are The Latest Trend in Offline Marketing in Bangladesh

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“What are the latest trends in offline marketing in Bangladesh”

Submitted To:
Saju Shaha
Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing

Prepared By:
Shobuz Mia
ID: 20182077
21th Batch
Department of Marketing

Date of Submission: 7th Oct, 2021.

Table of Contents

 Introduction
 What is Offline Marketing?
 Types of traditional or Offline marketing.
 What is the need for offline marketing?
 What are the advantages of offline marketing?
 What are the disadvantages of offline marketing?
 Conclusion


The word contains the meaning of offline Marketing itself. It includes other methods of
marketing apart from internet marketing. This industry is very popular since hundreds of
years back. Although the methods have changed according to latest technology but the
meaning is still same. It comprises of advertisement in newspaper, magazines, hoardings,
exhibition shows, and print media (like the Yellow Pages, buses, benches, and billboards),
sponsoring something, partnership and so on, there are various new and old methods that
have been helpful to reach the target audience.

With the rise in popularity of online marketing, many proven offline methods are simply
forgotten when marketing campaigns are planned. Of course, online marketing is hugely
important in today‟s Internet-connected world, but offline engagement with customers still
has unique and distinct value that shouldn‟t be forgotten.

If you want to give your business a real marketing boost this year, start looking outside the

What is Offline Marketing?

In general, offline marketing is that type of marketing in which the advertisement is done on
different types of platforms except for the online media. This type of marketing is the
traditional method of marketing and has been in use before the arrival of the internet and is
still being used widely by almost all big and small companies who are willing to maintain
their position in the market.

Now the offline kind of marketing compromises of several methods and thus the advertiser
got plenty of options to choose from. People usually see various kinds of advertisements in
the newspapers or television these are all a part of offline marketing. This advertisement can
be directly or in the form of a partnership project.

While traveling people also get to see large hoardings promoting some kind of products, this
again is a perfect example of offline marketing. Over time the methods of offline marketing
have evolved a lot and are now able to reach up to a maximum number of people.

The main objective of offline marketing is to make one‟s business popular by reaching out to
a maximum number of people. Now this kind of marketing can be for all kinds of consumers
or the targeted ones.

It totally depends upon the company that is advertising their product. With the help of the
offline marketing the companies or the business who are advertising are able to increase the
popularity of their brand, escalate the sales of the product, generate ample revenue,

maximize their profit margin and also it helps the companies to cover for the gap that is there
between the service provider and the consumer.

The offline marketing is used by all kinds of business be it a commercial one or a non-
commercial one. The products are advertised globally without the use of any internet
platform. Now since there is so much that can be done in the offline marketing, the
companies need to make a proper stagy in which they will be advertising their products so
that more and more people can get aware about it.

If one fails to make proper planning before using the offline method of marketing, it may
cause some adverse effects on the products and the brand value. Offline marketing is quite
useful because not all kinds of business can have their own online website. Many businesses
are there that still persist without online support. Now for a business like this to survive the
competitive market, the offline method becomes quite helpful.

Types of traditional or Offline marketing

1) Engage in offline guerrilla marketing

Guerrilla marketing is a generic term for the use of unconventional marketing strategies, and
because online marketing channels are so narrowly structured, offline is the best arena to flex
your small business‟s guerrilla marketing muscle. So, starting now, ignore what you know
about marketing channels, and let your inner child out to play.

Offline guerrilla marketing ideas:

 Leave sticky notes in random places (bars, coffee shops).

 Use chalk to advertise promotions on a sidewalk.
 “Accidentally” leave a branded pen at the bank.
 Donate branded bookmarks to your local library.
 Use sticky notes to create temporary images on buildings, cars etc.

This is the latest Trends in Offline marketing in Bangladesh.

2) Drop business cards

This is one offline guerrilla marketing strategy that I want to talk about specifically. It‟s more
of a necessity than an option. If you run a small business, you must have business cards and
dole them out! Don‟t just share them when you first meet someone new. Drop them

Places to drop business cards:

 Leave a business card with your tip at a restaurant.

 See a public bulletin board? Put up a business card.

 Go to the library and place business cards in books related to your business.
 When you see a contest fish bowl asking for business cards, drop yours in Always.

3. Take pictures/videos of everything

Because social media marketing takes place online, many business owners and marketers
forget that social campaigns can be boosted by offline efforts. One way to do this is by taking
photos of company events and daily activities, and then posting those online. Videos help too.
If someone from your company speaks at an event, for example, record it and upload it to

Real-life photos from the offline world show the personality of your company and increase
online user engagement. Facebook posts with photos, for example, receive 84% more clicks
and twice as many Likes than text-only posts, according to Kiss metrics. And some of the
most popular social networks (Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr) are image-based, making photos
ever more important for online marketing.

4. Donate gift certificates or products as prizes

By offering your product or service as the prize for a local contest, you can build visibility for
your business while showing your commitment to the community.

If your business provides computer repairs, for example, you could donate a gift certificate
for a 2-hour repair to a local non-profit organization. The organization may announce your
branded prize to a room full of sponsors. Your business could also be listed in various
publications, such as the organization‟s website, newsletter, or even a press release.

5. Speak at events
Professional events offer a great way to meet new people, share your ideas, and build brand
awareness. They‟re even more effective if you speak at them. Find a local event related to
your industry, come up with an educational topic you can speak on, and volunteer. If you
don‟t yet have the level of clout required to speak at an event, attending events can be just as

Remember, you don‟t have to adopt all of these offline marketing strategies. Just try one.
Write a promotion on a couple sticky notes, and put them in your pocket for the day. Who
knows what could happen.

6) Television
Television is the most popular and most preferred platform for marketing. This is because
television has become an integral part of every household. People spend most of their leisure
time in front of T.V. Therefore, companies use television to advertise their products to

Generally, women and kids spend most of their time watching TV. Women watch Daily
soaps and movies, kids spend their maximum time watching cartoons on television, whereas
men watch sports channels on television. Therefore, companies place their products in break
in-between the Television shows on the basis of the audience of the shows.

For example, Kid‟s products are advertised on cartoon channels and products related to
house-hold and women‟s use are advertised in-between the breaks of soap operas. In addition
to this, televisions are also installed in public places like airports, railway stations and waiting
rooms of hospitals and lounges where people don‟t have much to do and they kill their time
watching TV. Therefore, television is one of the best platforms to promote products to

7 ) Radio

Another platform which is used by marketers to promote products to a wide audience is radio.
Even though radio has become the technology of the past when people had only one mode of
entertainment to entertain themselves. However, Radio platform has not lost its popularity in
the present time and there is still a large portion of the population which still listen to the
radio to entertain themselves.

For example, people play the radio in their cars while traveling to work. therefore, marketer
considers radio as an important platform to promote their products and to reach a wide range
of audience and one benefit of using radio as a traditional market is that it is an inexpensive
platform of marketing. Therefore, many companies with small marketing budget use this
platform to promote their products.

8 ) Newspapers
Newspaper advertising is also known as print media advertising. Print advertisement is a type
of traditional marketing where companies promote their products by printing advertisements
in Newspaper. Even in the era of digital media, there are several traditional media platforms
which has a wide audience and newspaper is one of them.

Like old times, there are still many households which buy a newspaper every day to learn
about happenings all around the world. Therefore, companies run a print advertisement for
their products in newspapers to make people aware of their products.

This type of traditional marketing is used by marketers to promote the sales and offers of
their products to attract more people and as a part of their marketing strategy, they print
discount coupons in the advertisements of newspaper so that more and more people can avail
their offer. Open a newspaper and you will see several advertisements for different sizes.

9 ) Magazine Marketing

Another example of print media marketing is marketing in magazines. Unlike newspapers,

magazines are printed on a monthly basis. There are several popular magazines like People,
Vogue, Time Magazine, the new Yorkers, Reader‟s Digest, US weekly, entertainment
weekly, and Men‟s health, Cosmopolitan, National Geographic, etc.

These magazines have huge reader followers all around the world. therefore, companies
spend huge money to advertise their products in magazines and usually expensive and royal
brands promote their products in magazines as usually, the readers of these magazines are
people of high status and the people who can afford such brands.

10 ) Outdoor
Outdoor advertising is another example of traditional marketing. In this type of marketing,
marketers promote their products by printing advertisements on billboards, Transit
advertising, guerrilla advertising, Point of sales display, mobile billboards, etc. the reason of
using this type of traditional marketing is to present your product to people when they least
expect it using smart marketing tactics.

For example, the best ad of outdoor print media advertising is the advertisement of Burger
king‟s “Flame Grilled Burger King Ad” where Burger King took the photographs of their
burning stores and used it as a marketing technique to attract the attention of people. This was
such a smart idea that it made it an award-winning ad.

11 ) Phone calls
Cold calling has been one of the favorite types of marketing technique from a very long time
and still, companies use this technique to sell their products to people and to make them
aware of the offers provided by them.

In this traditional marketing technique, a phone caller calls random people and tell them
about the products and offers. Companies use this method for marketing because of its
effectiveness and inexpensive cost as it does not require too much investment from the
company‟s end.

12 ) Direct Mail
Direct Mail means sending emails to customers containing brochures, offer templates,
discount coupons, or invitation to events. This type of marketing was quite popular a few
decades ago before the introduction of email technology. However, in the present time,
companies use this method of traditional technology to approach their special customers or
loyal customers.

They obtain a list of physical addresses of people and curate customized mail as per their
taste by adding samples of a few products along with the brochures of products, discount
coupons for future shopping and other stuff. For example, Companies which sells cosmetic
products send their products to celebrities with handwritten letters and request them to try
their products.

They use this marketing technique to attract those customers who follow these celebrities.
Companies make huge profits by investing little. In addition to this, companies also send
emails to their loyal customers to keep them attached to their business.

They send gifts to their loyal customers on special occasions like birthdays and anniversary in
order to remind that they value their association with them.

13 ) Networking
Networking is an old but quite effective method of traditional marketing. in networking,
companies directly approach their potential customers and attract them and convert them by
giving them a demonstration of the products and dictating success stories to them. companies
organize conferences where people get the chance to meet influencers, potential partners,
existing clients, etc.

This type of traditional marketing is quite effective as people trust more a product when they
see people that they know and respect promoting products. There are several companies in
the market which run their business using only networking marketing technique and are now
among the highest profit earning companies.

The examples of such companies are like Amway, Vestige, etc. Similarly, there are several
examples of several other companies which uses networking as their marketing strategy.

What is the need for offline marketing?

Now in a world where the online platforms have been ruling this era the very first question
that comes in mind is that what is the need for the offline marketing when the majority of the
people have access to the online media? The answer lies in the question itself! This is because
the „majority‟ of the demographics have access to the online media but not „everyone‟!

According to recent stats, it has been found that only 48% of the total population is actively
using the internet in some way or the other rest all are still deprived of the internet. Majority
of this section that does not use the internet belong to either the rural or backward areas or
poor sectors, etc.

Now since the companies have to target their customers in mass they simply can‟t rely on the
internet for the advertising. But with the help of offline marketing, they can reach out to
people who are far from the reach of the internet.

Even if someone has no television and does not read the newspaper, still they can come in
contact with an advertisement via the hoarding or the billboards and the radio broadcasts.
Thus the need for offline marketing can never be replaced with the online platform.

Thus even though it appears like the arrival of the internet would bring an end the advertising
through print media, it does not seem to come true in the near future whatsoever. Also
according to one recent research that was conducted by Google, it was found out that many
people get aware about the product or the brand by first knowing about it through the online
method like the newspaper, radio, and television and then go to the online sites to search for
the products.

Therefore the offline marketing is very essential for the companies and business to increase
the popularity of their brand and hence increase the sales of their products.

What are the advantages of offline marketing?

 It reaches all peoples even illiterate also and traditional type of marketing .reach both
online users and offline users.
 In this marketing we know the customer needs and wants and create ads based on
their location and based on money.
 It create direct contact to consumer.
 This way is bring out more possibility to increase customer to potential buyers.
 If some people not reading newspaper they watch television, if they don‟t watch
television they hear radio ads, every people. Peoples surely comes across one of the
many advertisements Channels.

 There is one of the many benefits of offline marketing that has been proven time and
again. With the offline marketing, it becomes easy to convert the customers into
potential buyers as they get to see that same ad in many different ways on print media
like the newspaper, television and even hear about it on the radios. This way it brings
out the maximum possibility to increase one‟s customer base.

 It makes the business more tangible as a result of which the customers actually get to
have a look at the products in persons and not just virtually on the website.

 With the help of offline marketing, not just the new generation but also the older
generation of customers can be reached out. Mostly the internet is being used by
people who belong to the new generation but there are still many old people who
belong to the older generation and they too can be potential buyers.

 There are plenty of ways to communicate with your customers so that the companies
can advertise it even more. So even if the customers don‟t read the newspaper they
still come across the ad on television. If they don‟t also watch television, there is still
radio for that. And if the consumer is devoid of all of these, he or she will surely come
across one of the many hoardings advertising that product.

What are the disadvantages of offline marketing?

 The method of offline marketing costs a lot. This is because, in the offline mode, one
simply has to advertise on one platform but many. They have to advertise on
television, radio, and print media and through billboards. All of this will require
investing a lot of money. Thus the cost of advertising in the offline marketing is a lot.
 The other disadvantage is that this process is very time-consuming. one needs to
invest a lot of time in making and then printing it in the newspaper. Also advertising
on radio or television to are a time-consuming process.
 Also it is difficult to track the outcomes of the offline marketing. Since in offline
marketing no software is used to track and monitor the behaviors of the consumers it
becomes a little difficult to understand how many customers are really interested in
the product and how many are not.
 And although with the help of the offline marketing, one gets to reach to people who
do not have access to the internet, still the reachability of the offline marketing is
limited to some extent. This is because the money factor comes in between. If there is
a big company then they will invest more money thus will advertise more but if there
is a small company which can‟t afford to invest a lot may not be able to reach out to
many people.


Thus the offline marketing still holds an important position in the advertising industry. No
matter how dominating the internet can be, one simply can‟t ignore the benefits of offline
marketing as it helps a lot in increasing sales.

Cross-channel marketing, or using several different platforms to reach customers, will

continue to be successful with the use of traditional offline media. Even though digital ad
spend has outpaced traditional means, it doesn‟t mean that these options aren‟t still
worthwhile. Marketers should continue to believe in the value of offline advertising and tie it
into their digital efforts. To measure the traction a cross-channel strategy that spans across
many different platforms may get, be sure to use unified marketing measurement. This will
allow you to have a bird‟s eye view into how campaigns, both online and offline, are
impacting conversions and the broader customer experience.

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Thank You

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