Hybridization of Learning Management Systems in Tertiary Schools

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, 2021


https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7258-30711, https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-4986-10342
jasonsight@yahoo.com1, cceneciro@zcspc.edu.ph2
Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University Zamboanga City, Philippines


This study focuses on mapping out the various features integrated into the LMS utilized by the different
colleges of Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University (ZPPSU). The identified features –
currently, commonly used, and recommended features have become the basis for the customization of a
more tailor-fit and more responsive learning management system suited to the needs of the end-users.
This quantitative research used purposive sampling of 289 students and 42 teachers at Zamboanga
Peninsula Polytechnic State University who utilized online learning management system in their classes
during the Second Semester of the Academic Year 2020-2021. An expert-validated three-part survey
questionnaire was administered to the respondents. In analyzing the data gathered, t-Test, One-way
ANOVA, and percentage preference ranking were used. Findings revealed that the different colleges of
the university primarily utilize online LMS platforms for course administration, content dissemination, and
course requirements submission.

Keywords: online learning, Learning Management System, LMS features

INTRODUCTION features responsive to the needs of the learners

during crises are among those that need to be
COVID – 19 massively impacted education investigated.
– globally. School closures and threats to learning The study of Ifenthaler( n.d.) disclosed that
continuity were the aftermath of the global most instructors utilize LMS only for uploading of
pandemic. UNESCO recorded more than 156, documents and not of technological integrations in
692, 641 learners and 19 country-wide global their pedagogy. This was affirmed by the study
school closures caused learning disruptions as of Kember, et. al., (2010) which showed that using
June 2021(UNESCO, 2021). Online education has the internet for information sharing in a blended
become the imminent solution to closing learning environment is not effective in achieving
classrooms. Schools have taken online learning students’ learning outcomes.
platforms to mitigate the loss of learning among It has been shown further that by using
students even amidst the pandemic. features that promote constructive dialog and
In the Philippines, to lessen the adverse interactive learning, the development of
effects of learning loss, learning institutions, like communication skills and improved
the centers for higher education, have adopted comprehension of materials is fostered.
multimodalities in the delivery of learning such as Thus, the various features of the LMS must
the remote learning modes and different online be examined more closely to determine whether
learning platforms (Commission on Higher the LMS respond to the needs of both the teachers
Education, 2020). With the global adoption of and the students especially in times of crisis that
online learning platforms as learning management cause the disruption of face-to-face classes. The
system by educational institutions, issues on the study of Najmi, Jaafar, and Paiz (2016) revealed
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
CHAVEZ, J.V., CENECIRO, C.C., Hybridization of Learning Management Systems in Tertiary Schools, pp. 116 - 122
that majority of the students prefer that the LMS conducting the survey. All participants were
utilized in school has embedded features of given a copy of the approved letter that attaches
timetable, a to-do list, a media player such as: the research purpose, ethical standards, and
podcast), an online writing tool, an online voluntary statements to be signed. Upon the
dictionary, and a file storage capacity. In another agreement between the authorities and
study of Garrote, et.al. (2014) in the School of researcher, online survey forms were used to
Engineering, University of Boras, it was found out facilitate the administration and collection of
that though the LMS had tools for communication, information.
interaction, and course administration, teachers The entire study lasted from October 2020
mostly used the LMS mainly in distributing to June 2021. Questionnaires were administered
documents to students. to the respondents and retrieved Mid-April 2021
Given the varying feature a learning May 2021. The entire survey happened online, and
management system has, ZPPSU adopts several no face-to-face interaction was done to follow the
open LMS platforms to ensure students continue guidelines of Department of Health and Inter-
to receive learning opportunities. With different Agency Task Force in the Philippines.
online platforms for learning, there are LMS whose In analyzing the data gathered, t-Test,
features are not found in other platforms. Thus, the One-way Anova, and percentage preference
knowledge of certain LMS features which end- ranking were used.
users prefer to have been included in the utilized
platforms are helpful in customizing a proprietary RESULTS and DISCUSSION
1. Perceived utilities of the LMS when grouped
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY based on Types of Respondents, Computer
Literacy Level, and Academic Level
This study aimed to determine the various
features integrated into the LMS utilized by the 1.1. In terms of Computer Literacy Level
different colleges of Zamboanga Peninsula
Polytechnic State University (ZPPSU). More so, it Table 1
sought to identify students’ recommended features Perceived LMS Utility: Computer Literacy Level
of LMS for a more tailor-fit and more responsive Computer
Variable Mean Remarks
learning management system suited to the needs Literacy Level
of the end-users. beginner 3.61 H
Knowledge average to H
METHODOLOGY beginner 3.52 H
Productivity average to H
The study used purposive sampling of 289 beginner 3.63 H
students and 42 teachers of Zamboanga Collaboration average to H
Peninsula Polytechnic State University who advanced
utilized online learning management system in beginner 3.75 H
their classes during the second semester of the Recommendation average to H
academic year 2020-2021.The study, a
quantitative research, utilized a validated three-
part survey questionnaire that focused on the Table 1 reveals that shows that respondents
currently used LMS features, on preferred and in computer literacy levels have the knowledge in
recommended LMS features as basis for inclusion using the LMS receiving means from 3.41 to 4.20
in customizing the school’s LMS in the collection of or high remarks in knowledge, productivity,
data from respondents. collaboration, and recommendation variables.
Then, the researchers secured permission These digital profiles believe that that LMS’
and clearance from the academic head before utilitarian value includes productivity in their

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

CHAVEZ, J.V., CENECIRO, C.C., Hybridization of Learning Management Systems in Tertiary Schools, pp. 116 - 122
studies, useful in collaboration, and they knowledge in using the LMS receiving means
recommend this for others because of its utilities in from 3.41 to 4.20 or high remarks in knowledge,
academic engagements productivity, collaboration, and recommendation
variables. These academic profiles believe that
1.2. In terms of Types of Respondents that LMS’ utilitarian value includes productivity in
their studies, useful in collaboration, and they
Table 2 recommend this for others because of its utilities in
Perceived LMS Utility : Types of Respondents academic engagements.
These results show that students and
Type of
Mean Remarks teachers hold positive views of Learning
Respondents Management Systems in its utilization in academic
student 3.66 H
Knowledge engagements. Such LMS usages improve the
teacher 3.90 H
student 3.53 H productivity and collaboration of teachers and
students. Aside from these dimensions, it is also
teacher 4.00
necessary to consider different aspects of LMS.
student 3.62 H
Collaboration Leadership and technology both have an impact
teacher 3.88 H
on the operations of organizations in the modern
student 3.76 H world, and both have an impact on one another in
teacher 4.12 H such a way that one is affected by the other while
Table 2 shows that both students and teacher also being influenced by the other (Akram, M.,
respondents have the knowledge in using the LMS 2020; About Elearning; 2016). As shown in this
receiving means from 3.41 to 4.20 or high remarks study, the success of the LMS is not totally based
in knowledge, productivity, collaboration, and on the mechanisms itself, but also to the
recommendation variables. They believe that that institutions and their stakeholders. It is necessary
LMS’ utilitarian value includes productivity in their to reconsider resources, the attainment and the
studies, useful in collaboration, and they characteristic of stakeholders to increase the
recommend this for others because of its utilities in productivity of LMS.
academic engagements.
2. Significant difference of the perceived
1.3. In terms of Academic Level utility of LMS when grouped according to
type of respondents, academic level, and
Table 3 computer literacy level
Perceived LMS Utility: Academic Level

Table 4
Variable Mean Remarks Perceived utility of LMS when grouped according to type
beginner 3.61 H of respondents, academic level, and computer literacy
Knowledge average to H level
3.82 Demographic Perceived LMS Sig.
beginner 3.52 H Profile Utility
Productivity average to H Types of Productivity 0.001 Significant
advanced Respondents
beginner 3.63 H Recommendation 0.001 Significant
Collaboration average to H
advanced Academic Recommendation 0.018 Significant
beginner 3.75 H Level
Recommendation average to H Computer Productivity 0.004 Significant
advanced Literacy Lev
Knowledge 0.008 Significant
Table 3 shows that respondents in Recommendation 0.000 Significant
academic levels for both undergraduate and
graduate programs responded that they have
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
CHAVEZ, J.V., CENECIRO, C.C., Hybridization of Learning Management Systems in Tertiary Schools, pp. 116 - 122
Table 4 shows significant differences on the Table 3
responses on productivity and recommendability LMS Features
Rank LMS Feature No. of Percentage
of LMS when grouped based on type of Respondents
respondents. Although both the students and 1 Submission of 268 78
teachers agree that LMS has productivity and will assignments
be recommended to others, the teachers gave 2 Taking 241 70
higher regard to these variables. Quizzes/Assessment
In terms of academic level, graduate student 3 Embedded modules 234 68
respondents gave higher regard for the 4 Reading of 202 58
recommendability variable of LMS over the Announcements
5 sending 191 55
undergraduate students, although both messages/communication
respondents gave high remarks. to professors and
Respondent groups with beginner and students
average to advanced computer literacy levels differ 6 tracking of assignments 166 48
in their feedback about the knowledge, 7 Using video conference 144 42
productivity, and recommendability of the LMS. 8 Using mobile app of the 138 40
Respondents with average to advanced computer 9 Tracking overall 114 33
literacy levels gave slightly high regard than the coursework
beginner levels for knowledge, productivity, and 10 Retrieval of syllabi and 111 32
recommendability of LMS, albeit both profiles gave documents
high remarks to the utilities of LMS. 11 Attendance monitoring 108 31
A significant difference on the perceived 12 Checking of grades 100 29
13 Participation in discussion 88 25
utility of LMS is seen in terms of knowledge of boards
LMS, productivity, and the recommendation of use 14 File Organization 82 24
of LMS in college academic settings. 15 Class Record 79 23
These results correspond to the studies 16 Creation of Embedded e- 72 21
conducted on the primary functions of utilization of portfolio
LMS in academic engagements of both students 17 Gaming features 63 18
and teachers. (Ifenthaler (N.D.), Kember, et. al., 18 Access reports 48 14
(2010), Najmi, Jaafar, and Paiz (2016), Garrote, 19 Analytics for student 45 13
et.al. (2014). 20 Calendar tool 38 11
21 e-library/access to 29 8
multiple resources
3. Features of LMS that are most commonly 22 Grading application 28 8
used by students and teachers 23 Drawing images on 11 3

The data highlight that the top 5 most The results indicate that LMSs are used
common features of the different LMS used by the primarily for course administration, course delivery
respondents are submission of assignments, - distribution of fact sheets - and for communication
taking quizzes/administering assessment, of information and responses among teachers and
embedded modules, reading of assignments, and students.
sending messages to professors/students. While Overall, the different LMS platforms used in
the least common features of the utilized LMS are support to the pedagogical functions fulfill, support
analytics for student engagement, calendar tool, e- and manage instructional activities.
library/access to multiple resources, grading As demonstrated by the study conducted
application and drawing images on whiteboard. by Kember et al. (2010), using the internet for
These indicate that the LMS is used primarily as knowledge sharing in a blended learning
tool for course administration, for distribution and environment is not successful in terms of meeting
for communication. students' learning objectives. However, the
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
CHAVEZ, J.V., CENECIRO, C.C., Hybridization of Learning Management Systems in Tertiary Schools, pp. 116 - 122
integrated LSM is more anchored on how to deliver Data exhibit that the top 5 most
process of education with the use of internet. In recommended features that need to be part of the
addition, it has been demonstrated that the use of LMS are checking of grades, grading application,
elements that encourage constructive inclusion of modules, taking of quizzes/tests and
conversation and interactive learning may help to grammar check, whereas the least recommended
enhance the development of communication skills features are the gender-sensitive language
as well as improved comprehension of course checker, calendar too, drawing images on
materials. In this study, the reliance to LSM is an whiteboards, access reports and participation in
applicable approach for general education. discussion boards.
The results indicate that in customizing
4. Features of LMS that students and teachers LMS, the end-users prefer to include features in
recommended to be embedded in the LMS the LMS that respond to the course delivery,
assessment, and grade-generator calculator
Table 4 needs of the teachers and students.
Recommended Features to be Embedded in LMS On the features of learning management
Rank LMS Feature No. of Percentage
system, the functions of course delivery and
1 Checking of grades 126 36 access, course productivity, course assessment,
2 Grading application 116 34 and technological migrations are features which
3 Modules 111 32 are most recommended by students and teachers.
4 Taking 101 29 In addition to recommendations from
5 Language or 100 28
students and instructors, there are numerous key
grammar check components of the Learning Management System
6 Reading of 94 27 (LMS) that are beneficial to school administration.
Assignments In general, there are three components of LSM that
7 Class record 92 27 can be found in use throughout the educational
8 File organization 88 25
9 Tracking over-all 86 24 industry: (1) grade verification, (2) grading
course application, and (3) a modular approach, all of
10 tracking of 85 24 which are discussed in further detail in this chapter.
assignments and Following the findings of the research, end-users
retrieval of
like to incorporate components in a learning
11 retrieval of 85 24 management system that react to the course
syllabi/documents delivery, assessment, and grade assessments
12 attendance 82 23 expectations of instructors and students when
monitoring creating a learning management system for their
13 analytics for 77 22
student organization.
engagement According to Akram, M., (2020), the
14 e-library/access to 73 21 messages conveyed and the learning that takes
multiple resources place between the principal, instructors, students,
15 gaming features 71 21
16 Creation of e- 69 20
and their parents have a major effect, according to
portfolio and using the moderator, which in this case is the LMS. In
mobile application this study, to accomplish the LMS intervention,
of the LMS data-driven critical authority is utilized to monitor
17 participation in 68 20 instructional arrangement usage, learning
discussion boards
18 Access reports 63 18 performance, and understudy work, as well as
19 Drawing images on 55 16 electronic connection with school instructors,
whiteboards understudies, and guardians. Furthermore,
20 Calendar tool 54 16 organizational techniques are utilized to improve
21 Gender-sensitive 44 13
language checker
the general condition of the institution. The
communication lines between all of the partners,
as well as the principals and directors, are very
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
CHAVEZ, J.V., CENECIRO, C.C., Hybridization of Learning Management Systems in Tertiary Schools, pp. 116 - 122
strong based on different perspectives and are relevant to their needs and situations
dimensions, as well as the perspectives of is measured by the method's success rate (or
stakeholders to LMS usability and applicability. failure rate). The school should conduct a
thorough review of the LSM efforts that it
CONCLUSIONS implements in order to increase the
productivity of its constituents and
The onset of the global health crisis last stakeholders.
2020 has reshaped instructional settings into smart 2. The benchmarking of future research projects
learning environments. The use of Learning should serve as a reference for the evaluation
management systems (LMS) is one panacea to of the efficacy and productivity of LSM. In
mitigate learning loss. Learners and instructors order for the curriculum to achieve one of its
use a software platform to complete, support, and primary tasks, the studies must demonstrate
manage instructional activities based on their applicability and relevance to the
established objectives. This study revealed that curriculum. Learning Management System
teachers and students primarily utilize Learning (LMS) implementations must search for
Management System for course administration, for possibilities for growth and development that
distribution of information sheets and for will have an influence on student learning
communication with co-learners and with teachers. before they can be implemented.
The perceived utility of learning management 3. The accessibility of LSM must be taken into
systems as to their productivity, knowledge, and consideration by both the management and
recommandability yielded significant differences education sectors. In the modern educational
among the undergraduate students, post graduate setting, the LSM have been determined to be
students, and the professors of Zamboanga crucial, and they have a major influence on the
Peninsula Polytechnic State University. End-users delivery of education. Administrators in
find the current utilized LMS to be beneficial in the universities and schools, as well as those in
teaching-learning process specifically in the major educational organizations, must deal
dimensions where the LMS platforms are primarily with implementation in order to maximize
utilized as tool for course administration, for instruction, application, and usage throughout
distribution and for communication. Overall, the the whole spectrum of higher education
different platforms used in support to the institutions and organizations.
pedagogical functions fulfill, support and manage
instructional activities.
Akram, M., & Khan, A. M. (2020). Exploring E-
leadership of principals: increasing school
The results of the study on the hybridization
effectiveness by learning management system,
of learning management systems are salient inputs Journal of Education & Social Sciences, 8 (1), 15-30
for the improvements of the LMS platforms
especially for institutions which would be Commission on Higher Education. (2020,
purchasing proprietary online LMS platforms for https://ched.gov.ph/: https://ched.gov.ph/
Ellis, R. A., Calvo, R.A., ( 2007)., Minimum Indicators to
1. When it comes to education, the adoption of Assure Quality of LMS-supported Blended Learning.
proper Learning Management Systems (LMS) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/22037454
is essential if educational sectors are to reach 0_Minimum_Indicators_to_Assure_Quality_of_LMS
their full potential. When it comes to properly -supported_Blended_Learning
managing the systems now in use, the school
administration must follow a set of rules and Garrote J. R., Pettersson, T, Gómez, A.R., Max, S.,
regulations. The administration's ability to (2014). Classification of the Features in Learning
interact with and apply learning systems that Management Systems.
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
CHAVEZ, J.V., CENECIRO, C.C., Hybridization of Learning Management Systems in Tertiary Schools, pp. 116 - 122
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/26927461 and Director for Flexible Learning Office in the
Collin C. Ceneciro, is currently the
Ifenthaler, D. (n.d.). Implementation of web-enhanced Director for Planning and
features for successful teaching. Development Office, Quality
https://members.aect.org/ (p. 13). Albert-Ludwigs- Management System Leader, and
University Freiburg, Germany. the Head for Learning and
Kember, D., McNaught, C., Fanny C.Y. Chong, P.,
Transition, Flexible Learning Office of Zamboanga
Lam, K.F. Cheng ( 2010) Understanding the ways in Peninsula Polytechnic State University. She is also
which design features of educational websites a fellow of the Korea International Cooperation
impact upon student learning outcomes in blended Agency (KOICA) Philippines and the Silla
learning environments, Computers & Education, University where she successfully completed the
55(3), pp.1183-1192, ISSN 0360-1315 Capacity Building for Higher Education Policy last
October 6 to 19, 2019 in Silla University, Republic
Najmi, S., Jaafar, N., Paiz, R., (2016). Students' of Korea. Currently, she is the Director for Planning
preference for tools on learning management and Development and Quality Management
system. International Young Scholars Journal of System Leader of Zamboanga City State
Language. Polytechnic College, where she also handles
https://www.iium.edu.my/media/26509/2.%20STD Professional Education subjects in the College of
ENTS%E2%80%99%20PREFERENCE%20FOR Teacher Education. She is also a researcher on
%20TOOLS%20ON%20LEARNING%20MANAG the field of Social Sciences. She completed her
EMENT%20SYSTEM.pdf doctor of Philosophy in Development Management
Educational Administration and Masters in
Rabiman, R., Nurtanto, M., & Kholifah, N. (2020). Education English in Ateneo de Zamboanga
Design and development e-learning system by University.
learning management system (LMS) in Vocational
Education. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED60531 COPYRIGHTS
Copyright of this article is retained by the
World Bank. (2020). The COVID-19 crisis response: author/s, with first publication rights granted to
supporting tertiary education for continuity, IIMRJ. This is an open-access article distributed
adaptation, and innovation. world bank, Washington, under the terms and conditions of the Creative
DC. World Bank. Commons Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0
https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986 International License (http://creative
/34571 commons.org/licenses/by/4).


Jason V. Chavez, is a MOOC

(Massive Open Online Course)
Facilitator, American English
Trainer and a Language Teacher
Specialist who undergone training
from the US Embassy in the
Philippines. He is currently a full-time language,
marketing, and research instructor of Zamboanga
Peninsula Polytechnic State University (ZPPSU).
He is the Director for Research Facilitations Office

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

CHAVEZ, J.V., CENECIRO, C.C., Hybridization of Learning Management Systems in Tertiary Schools, pp. 116 - 122

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