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Adventure on a beach day

It is finally summer! A wonderful sunny day has just started. We decided to go on holiday, so we packed our things
and went to the beach. All of my friends seem to be very happy and finally relaxed after a long year of school,
exams and other responsibilities. It is Saturday morning. My friends Sara, Mary, Lisa, and Mike came to my place
to pick me up. I can’t wait to arrive at the beach, I whispered to myself.
The sea, the sand, the sun, all the happy people and children running could not make your day better. Travel is
generally a pleasurable experience. I think everyone loves exploring. When we thought things could not go wrong,
Sara came up with an idea :
-Let’s go and look for shells!
-What a great idea! Mike said. In this way, we avoid getting burnt!
-Yes! My skin starts to be itchy, let’s go!
It seemed a pretty good idea to me. families. I find traveling and visiting places very relaxing. We were looking for
shells and Sara heard the local people talking about a story.
-Shh…are you listening? Whispered Sara
-Yes, are they talking about a whale? Is it true? Asked Lisa.
-I hope not! Whales are scary!
-We were listening to the people talking about the story and we could not believe it!
-Yes, yes. it’s true! A lonely whale always haunts at night! It is attacking people! The old lady at the store said.
-We have to see it with our own eyes! I love whales!
-No, Mary, we will not go!
-I want to see the whale! Please, let’s check the story tonight! I tried to convince them and eventually, they seem to
agree with me. It was a bad idea.
The wait was over and we went out. We were waiting on the shore to see the whale.
-We’ve been waiting for almost two hours! Can we leave, please? It is getting cold!
-Five more minutes!
-Look! Look! It’s the white whale the old lady was talking about!
The story was true. A gorgeous whale showed up. It was so beautiful. We could not help but stare at it. We were
amazed by its beauty. It could see us and we all got scared.
-Look! It’s coming towards us!
-Yes, let’s run!
Lisa could not hear her friends. She was amazed and could not believe how big it was.
-I can’t believe this whale is hurting people. It seems so lonely …Could we help her?
- Lisa, stop it! Let’s go! Of course, it can hurt you! Run, Lisa!
The whale kept coming towards Lisa and she did not even move. We started screaming for help, but nobody heard
us. Then, something amazing happened:
-Wow! Look at it! It stopped right in front of Lisa! Mary said
-Lisa! Lisa! Aren’t you scared? I screamed from the top of my lungs.
-No, look at it! She wants to talk to me! It’s a female!
Lisa was amazed. She seemed to be right. People tried to hurt her. Lisa gave her a name: Blue. Lisa started to talk
to Blue and she seemed so calm and happy. It turned out Blue needed affection.
-You are just lonely and sad, right Blue? They were hurting you. I know and I am sorry! You are so beautiful and
big! I love you!
My friends were shocked. We all were shocked. It seemed to me that Blue understood all the things Lisa told her. It
was amazing.
After this experience, Lisa went to visit Blue every night. They had such a strong bond. We told everyone about
this story. Blue stopped attacking people, and people started to visit her. We thought we would make sandcastles,
play on the beach, collecting shells, but it turned out to be so much more!
We went to see the sunrise and the sunsets. It was an amazing experience and we had a breathtaking view.
Of course, we saw the sunsets with our new friend, Blue. Isn’t nature amazing?

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