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Storybook of two princesses of Hyderabad State

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
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First Published 1443/2022

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This is a storybook of two princesses of the Hyderabad State and

this is a new book which is published in the year 2022 A.D. in
the English language. Please note this historical book about the
famous and well-known personalities from the stories of
Hyderabad State.
This is a small book in which the historical achievements are
added and in this book, there are some great achievements of
this Hyderabad region, which is not yet known to the general,
persons and other persons are published in a very interesting
style so, for this reason, the readers will find great interest and
attention in this matter.
This is a small storybook in which there are added history
details, especially available from the above kingdom of
Hyderabad and for these facts and details if the readers will start
reading this book’s first chapter and will not stop its reading till
they will reach its last chapter as in this book some interesting
events and as well as other great endeavors of the princess of
Hyderabad State are added in this book who was passed away
from the world many years ago.
Not only the above information but also historical details are
added in this book which shows how these princesses have
conquered the kingdom of Hyderabad and who played their rule
main role to conquer the hearts of the royal family as hearts of
the general and special people of the Hyderabad state.
Even though this is a small book, due to its importance it is
so great due to coverage of many interesting events and positive
information in it so it is like an ocean of knowledge and
information about the great royal king of Hyderabad kingdom
and who was passed away from the world upon doing his great
endeavors and many hard tasks for the establishing their

kingdom in Hyderabad for the welfare of the people of

This book is edited and formatted as per the great book
‘Muslim saints and Mystics’ (Tadhkirtal al-Awliya by Farid al-
din Attar) which is very famous in the Western world among the
English knowing persons. So for this reason there will be some
small differences in it while compared with the Urdu books and
its literature.
The aim of this book is to present in the Western world
where there is great search and demand the books on history and

The National Anthem of the H.E.H the Nizam VII of Hyderabad


Oh: Allah keep this State till the end of the world
Oh, Allah keep Usman in the regally powerful and safe
As he was proud of all Muslim kings due to favor of Allah
To keep his period of rule as the prettiest rule in the world
To his successors, Allah gives longer life of Hazrat Kizer
With them continue his pomp and show of the grand rule
Due to his favors, the position of Hatim will be dim
Due to his court, the justice of Persian kings will defame
Due to his laughing face the flower desirous of it
On his feet, the enemy will keep the line of submission
The fortune is his cupbearer and keeping you Nizam high
So it carries the wine of jar in your pleasure and prosperity

Translated by

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.

Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid al-din Attar)
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My Guinness World Record

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An appreciation of the work of the author by Iftekhari


This note shows an appreciation of Iftekhari Silsila for the work

of the translation of the below book by the author and adding of
this book ‘Muslim saints and Mystics‘ (Tadhkirtal Aliyah by
Farid al-din Attar) which is very famous in the Western world
among the English knowing persons and on their website.
The link is as follows, which shows the author’s name in the
book as Mohammed Abdul Hafeez R.A. on their website. Its
link is as follows

This is the Official site of Iftekhari Silsila. ... Mohammed Abdul

Hafeez R.A; Sirat Faqr-ul-Arifeen Maulana Hakeem Sayyed

Sikandar Shah R.A; Swaneh-e-Maulana Room Shaikh Shibli

Nomani R.A; Sufi

Storybook of two princesses of the Hyderabad State


In the praise of Princess Niloufe of Hyderabad State

Oh, Princess, you spent a short time in Hyderabad.

But you ruled Hyderabad well during that time.
As a result, even today, all of us, big and small, recognise you.
Oh Princess God bless you as you have favoured all city people.
By building a children's hospital in Hyderabad for the service
This hospital is known not only in India, but all over the world.
Your tasks for maid Ruqsat Unisa prompted public assistance.
Afterward, it turns into a huge Nilofer hospital in the city.
Not only you, but Princess Durshawar also has a kind heart.
For this reason, both have built hospitals that are known
In India and around the world, so many hospitals are famous.

There is no such thing as world fame as the above 2 hospitals.

These hospitals are a sign of the generosity of the Nizam family.
As it is prayed for the presence until the day of judgment.
In the history of Hyderabad, these Turkish brides are shining.
By their work of charity and generosity, are as tall as the moon.
Hafeez was surprised when he visited both of the historical sites.
To see how such huge buildings were built by the huge finance
By Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

A brief biography of the Princess Niloufer of Hyderabad


Long ago if there will be awarded the title of miss world, then
the following three princesses of India would be have been
deserved as they were very beautiful princesses in the world.
These were princesses of Indian states as follows.
1.Princess Gaitari of Rajahtan State.
2. Princess Dur Shahwar of Barar State.
3. Princess Nilofour of Hyderabad State.

The story of the life of princess Nilofer is very surprising and

very interesting. She was lost in the shadow of her father when
she was only two years old and when she has become 8 years,
then the royal family of the Turkish Kingdom was sent out of
the country in exile and the family was going into the South of
France in Nice city. There was no source of income for the

family of livelihood. So for the entire royal family was

dependent on the pension grant by H.E.H the Nizam of
At that time Nizam was the richest person in the world as per
the report of the time magazine of new York. After some years
there was proposed the marriage of the daughter of the last
caliph of Turk Kingdom was. During the conversation about
marriage the H.E.H the Nizam was felt that the Turkish people
were asking a huge amount of dowry and hard conditions. To
fulfill this proposal the Nizam was agreed to marry Niloufer
with his younger son. In this way, in 1931 two Turkish brides
were added to the royal family of Hyderabad and their names
are as follows. 1. Princess Nilofer 2. Princess Dur Shawwal.
At the time of marriage, Princess Nilofer was only 15 years.
After some weeks Princess Nilofer and Prince Dur Shawwar
were proceeding towards the journey to India by sea travel
and during the journey period, the brides were trained how to
wear Indian Sari and how to behave during the visit of the
Nizam of Hyderabad.
Upon reaching Bombay there they boarded a special train of
Hyderabad. When Nilofer reached Hyderabad Railway Station,
then she came out of the train and was put on her steps slowly.
All were looking for her and Nilofer went along with her
husband Hill Fort. Her husband was an Urdu poet who used to
conduct nearly a meeting of the poets every evening time. He
used to spend his life in royal style. Their life seems to be very
comfortable and in the Kingdom of Hyderabad, everything was
going smooth and well. After the end of the year, there was born
one boy to Dur Shehwar and his name is known as Prince
Mukerram Jah. But there were no children were born to Princess
Nilufer. She was consulted many doctors in the European

countries and she was planning for her medical visit to the
U.S.A. During this period her maid Ruqsat Unisa died during
the delivery time. At that time there was no hospital in
Hyderabad specialized in the care of children and women. So for
this reason she has decided to establish such a hospital in
Hyderabad. In this way, the present Princess Nilufar Hospital in
Hyderabad was constructed by Princess Nilufer. Due to no
children, her private life was becoming empty. On the other
side, her public life was becoming shining and bright. She was
used to being invited to many functions and she used to
participate in the leading role in the cause of women. During the
second world, she has undergone nursing training and she
helped in relief works. Her beauty and her active public worlds
activities were mentioned by the press. Her photos were printed
on the cover pages of magazines many times. She was declared
most beautiful among ten women in the world and she was
offered many types of roles in the films. The style of Princess
Nifofer was attractive to the public and also it was the cause of
attention of the press and media. She used to wear sarees
specially designed by the Madhwodas company from Bombay.
During 1947 India was becoming independent. There was a
special stand of Princess Nilofer on this matter. For Hyderabad
State have to decide to include in the Indian Union. There was
reluctance with Nizam whether to include in the Indian Union or
not include in the Indian Union. At last Hyderabad, State was
merged in the Indian Union.

When the Indian Army did a police action in Hyderabad then at

that time he was head of the State, but his previous status was no
more with him. Prince Nilofer was able to know in France

during her journey period about the destruction of Hyderabad

State then she had decided not to return back to Hyderabad.
After some period her marriage was also finished. She lived
with her mother in France in a flat there. As her age at that time
was only 36 years old so still she has attracted in herself. Among
her friends were included Ali Khan, son of Agha Khan, due of
Windsor, Princess Sita of Baroda, and film stars like Marice
Chaurlire, Olivia De Howland, she was offered a role in the
Hollywood film Moulin Rouge but she was refused for it. Then
Princess Nilorufer died in Paris in the year 1989. And in the area
of Biagini in Cimetiere Musulman she was buried. Her grave is
situated at the backside of her mother. In Hyderabad, every year
on 4th January fruits was distributed among the patients of
Nilufer children's hospital Hyderabad.


Hyderabad: Niloufer helped in Caliph’s burial in Madina

PublishedJan 4, 2019, 5:04 am IST
UpdatedJan 4, 2019, 5:04 am IST

 Princess Niloufer
Hyderabad: Princess Niloufer who was married to Moazzam
Jah, the second son of the last Nizam of Hyderabad, Mir Osman
Ali Khan, helped her cousin Princess Durru Shehvar to fulfil her
desire to see her father, the last Caliph of Islam, Abdul Majid II,
buried in the graveyard attached to the holy mosque in Madina,
a decade after his demise. Princess Durru Shevar was married to
Azam Jah, the eldest son of Mir Osman Ali Khan.
Princess Niloufer Khanum Farhat was born on January 4, 1916
in Istanbul. Her mother Adile Sultan was the granddaughter of
Sultan Murad V. Her father, Salahuddin, died when Niloufer
was only two years old.

Arvind Acharya, a city-based historian, who has a unique

collection of personal belongings of Princess Niloufer, said that
a significant moment in Princess Niloufer’s life occurred in
1954. She received a call from Princess Durru Shehvar
requesting help for a specific action. The action was difficult
and so Niloufer was reluctant to do it. She consulted her mother,
who told her to do the best she could.
Princess Niloufer then placed a call to one of her friends,
Ghulam Mohammed, a former official in the Nizam’s
Government, who was at that time the President of Pakistan.
Ghulam Mohammed called the then King of Saudi Arabia to
relay the request. The King finally agreed to grant the request.
Thereby hangs a tale. Ten years earlier, the Khalifa Abdul Majid
who was living in France after the Ottoman Caliphate was
abolished and the Ottoman dynasty deposed and expelled from
Turkey, died during the German occupation of France. For
several days, his body lay in his flat and was only discovered
when neighbours complained. The body was then shifted to the
Paris Mosque and lay there in a frozen condition till Niloufer’s
intervention. Princess Durru Shehvar had made several efforts to
have her father’s body buried in Istanbul, but could not obtain
the permission of the Turkish government. The Khalifa had
wanted to be buried in either Turkey or Hyderabad. It was not
feasible to fulfil the last will of Khalifa at his death or later as at
the time of his death Saudi Arabia had become independent.
Niloufer’s intervention ensured that he was finally buried in
Saudi Arabia in the Jannat-ul-Baqi. The King of Saudi Arabia
had stipulated that there would be no public ceremony nor any
marker for the grave.

Arvind Acharya said that on the recommendation of Maulana

Shaukat Ali, a freedom fighter and one of the founders of the
Khilafat Movement, the Nizam of Hyderabad decided to give
Khalifa Abdul Majid a pension of £300 a month when he was
living in exile.
Seven years later, in 1931, the Khalifa was looking for marriage
matches for his daughter, Durru Shehvar. Shaukat Ali proposed
the match between her and Azam Jah, the elder son of the
The negotiations for the terms of the marriage started, but soon
broke down as the Nizam felt that the requirement for the mehr
(dowry given by husband to his wife) was exorbitant. Following
several discussions, it was settled that the dowry to be paid
would be £40,000.
As the Nizam wanted to perform the marriage of his younger
son Moazzam Jah at the same time, and within the same dowry,
efforts were made to find a match for him within the Turkish
royal family. This resulted in his marriage to Niloufer. On their
way back from the Round Table Conference in London in 1931,
the two princes Azam Jah and Moazzam Jah visited Nice and
were married there. The Caliph himself performed the role of
Qazi at the wedding.
In 1977, Princess Niloufer was living in an apartment in Paris
and one evening, she came out of her bedroom and crossed the
hallway to go to her mother’s bedroom where she wanted to
read a Quran given to her by her one-time secretary, Fathema
Ghani. At that moment, a bomb went off inside the building.
Algerian terrorists had wanted to assassinate the chief of the
French electric utility, who was living in the flat below

Niloufer’s. The bomb ripped open Niloufer’s bedroom, but

nothing happened on the other side of the building. Princess
Niloufer wrote in her memoirs that she was saved because of her
visit to the room of her mother to fetch the Quran. The Princess
died in 1989 and was buried near Paris.

The gifts of two princesses to the Hyderabad city

The two princesses were like fairies lived in Hyderabad State


They were done many endeavors of charitable work in the city

Their landmarks of hospitals are known in city and in the world
Both of them have found a place of status and and higher place
Till day of judgment all will not forget them so for this reason
Their works were fairy tales in city an a place in people’s hearts
Niloufer and Durru Shahvar who fair type were kind-hearted
For this reason they found a place in the history book in the city
They were known in Hyderabad in Turkey and in all the world
The lovely Turkish brides are known in the city for their works
Hafeez is admirer and desires naming two roads for both them
So the coming generation knew Niloufer and Durru Shahvar
The landmark of their great hospitals in India and in the world
For gifts of the fairy princess GHMC much act properly at soon
the fairly girls are liked by the people of Hyderabad very much
For this love, they have got a greater position in the Hyderabad



The story of the lucky maid of the Princess Nilofer of

Hyderabad State

Her name was Ruqsat and was the lucky maid of the princess
And she was died in the delivery period as per the will of Allah

The princess love and like her very much and cured her much
But as per her fate Ruqsat left this world and brought the result
For this reason the Princess turn toward generosity and charity
And she has constructed the huge hospital with huge expenses
Even though maid Ruqsat was left the world but she is known
The people of the city are getting benefits since the long time
Hafeez is grateful to the Princess and maid for the charity work
If Allah wills the sign of the hospital will be live for long time
Nowadays cure is high but public service is free in the hospital
So for each and everybody and even Hafeez visited the hospital
And appreciated charity work and find the thanks of the people
By Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

In the praise of princess Durru Shahvar of Hyderabad State

She was fairy type princess of Hyderabad with a kind heart

As fact she was a princess and did not ignore the poor person

And her help was known when she left Hyderabad State
For this matter, she built a big hospital to the city children

Which become famous in India and in Turkey and in the world

Not only she was a princess but she was a good mother to kids

Due to her training prince was also become famous in the world
And his achievement was known to the people of Hyderabad

Hafeez visited her memorial hospital and find it like a museum

This hospital is known and famous in Hyderabad and in India

The fame of hospital reached to Turkey as well as in the world

Due to care level of treatment of the small patients of the city

May Allah keep this memory of kind and generous princess

Till the time of the judgment as well as for more this place

The Ghmc is requested to give thr road name in her memory

So people and the city can preserve her name in this matter

ncess Durru Shehvar

Princess Durru Shehvar ushered modernity into Nizam’s

The name of Durru Shehvar, the elder daughter-in-law of the

Nizam of Hyderabad, Mir Osman Ali Khan, is remembered for
the social and philanthropic work she so zealously engaged in

Hyderabad. Born in Turkey, brought up in France but married to

the son of the world’s richest man, the Nizam of Hyderabad,
Princess Durru Shehvar chose to spend her last years in London.
She brought modernity to the Nizam’s household and worked
for the upliftment of women in Hyderabad.
Her marriage with prince Azam Jah Bahadur, the elder son of
the seventh Nizam, Mir Osman Ali Khan, resulted in the union
of two illustrious Muslim families, the Turkish Caliphate and the
Asaf Jahis of Hyderabad. Durru Shehvar, the only daughter of
Abdul Majjid II, the Caliph of Turkey was born in 1914 and
brought up with modern education, training in martial arts and
was intended to succeed her father.
Nizam and the exiled Caliph
In March 1924 after Turkey became a Republic, the
Caliphate was abolished and the royal family expelled. Abdul
Majjid and his family settled in Nice, a southern French
Mediterranean port city. The British Red Cresent Society,
friendly with the deposed ruler appealed to Muslim rulers
around the world to come to the aid of the impoverished Caliph.
Persuaded by Maulana Shaukath Ali and his brother, Maulana
Mohammad Ali, Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan decided to send a
life-time monthly pension of 300 pounds to the deposed Caliph,
and allowances to several individuals in the family.
When Durru Shehvar, came of age, she was sought in
marriage by several Muslim Royals including the Shah of Persia
and the King of Egypt for their heirs. Shaukat Ali prevailed on
the Nizam to send a proposal to the Caliph asking for Darru
Shever’s hand for his elder son, Prince Azam Jah. The deposed
Caliph could hardly reject the offer from his benefactor.

But it was not that easy; the Mehr (the bride money) of 50,000

pounds that the Caliph demanded for his daughter was “too big”,
the Nizam felt. But with the intervention of Shaukath Ali, the
Caliph proposed to offer for the same Mehr, the hand of his
brother’s daughterNiloufer, for the Nizam’s younger son, Prince
Mauzam Jah. The Nizam readily agreed and sent his two sons to
The marriage of Princess Durru Shehvar with Prince Azam Jah,
along with that of Prince Mauzam and Niloufer took place in
Nice, in France, on 12 November, 1931, in a simple ceremony
attended by only a simple affair with only the members of
Sultan’s family at Nice, a few Turkish nobles and friends as well
as representatives of the Nizam — Sir Akbar Hydari and Nawab
Mehdi Yar Jung, who happened to be in Europe at that time to
attend the Round Table Conference. The Khalifa himself
performed the ceremonies. All the offices and educational
institutions in the Nizam’s dominions were given a holiday on
the day. 
Meeting the Mahatma
After a month of festivities in Nice, the Princes with their
concerts set sail from Venice to India on December 12, 1931.
The ship they were travelling in also contained a star co-
passenger, Mahatma Gandhi, who was returning after attending
the Second Round Table conference in London. Shaukat Ali,
who was accompanying him, having known Gandhi’s sympathy
for the exiled Caliph for whose restoration, he pleaded during
his non-cooperation struggle, arranged a meeting of the young
Hyderabadi Royals with Gandhi on the board of the ship.

However, there was a hitch Gandhi who was traveling in III

class would not step into Ist. class where the young couples
stayed; nor would the Hyderabad Princes be willing to go to III
class where Gandhi stayed. Shoukath Ali, worked out a
compromise and the meeting of Gandhi and the newly weds
took place in a lounge in the II class.
Active in Hyderabad
In Hyderabad, Durru Shehvar soon identified herself with the
people . With a great passion for providing health care and
education for common people, she set up a general and
children’s hospital in Purani Haveli, which still runs in her
name. A Junior College for girls in Yakutpura, Bagh-e-Jahanara,
is also run on the funds she provided. She inaugurated the Ajmal
Khan Tibbiya College Hospital in Aligarh Muslim University
(AMU) . The Nizam called her his precious Jewel (Nagina) and
encouraged her to participate actively in Hyderabad’s social life.
The proud father -in -lawloved to point out how Durru Shehvar
was taller than his son. In the company of her friend Rani
Kumudini Devi, she rode horses, drove cars and played Tennis.
With her beauty and charm, etiquette and dress sense, she
transformed Hyderabad’s social circuit.
Durru Shehvar also laid the foundation stone of the Begumpet
Airport building in 1936. Until then a small strip at Hakimpet
served as the airport for Hyderabad. She ensured her sons,
Prince Mukarram Jah and Prince Muffakam Jah, received the
best possible western education in Europe and married Turkish
brides, as she desired. Mukarram studied in Eton, where India’s
first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru had earlier studied. Years
later, Mukarram, declared heir to Hyderabad throne, at the

suggestion of his grandfather, Mir Osman Ali Khan, served as

Honorary Aid De Camp (ADC) to Prime MinisterNehru!
Durru Shehvar was fluent in French, English, Turkish and
Urdu and even contributed articles to French magazines. She
believed that women should earn their own living and worked
hard to remove the practice of purdah. However, there was a
great gulf between the Princess and the Prince, Azam Jah and
their marriage fell apart within few years. It is an irony that
when she was born, her father, the Caliph was the head of all the
Muslims in the world; but was overthrown and sent away in
exile. After her marriage, Hyderabad state was abolished and
integrated with the Indian Union in 1948. She faced fame and
power as well as adversary, displacement and agony, all with
equanimity, and won the hearts of the people in Hyderabad,
where she spent most of her adult life.
Princess Durru Shehvar, after shifting permanently to London,
frequented the city. Her last visit to the city was in 2004, two
years before she passed away in London at the age of 92. With
her death, ended a glorious chapter of Hyderabad. (source :The

Hyderabad: Niloufer helped in Caliph’s burial in Madina

PublishedJan 4, 2019, 5:04 am IST
UpdatedJan 4, 2019, 5:04 am IST

 Princess Niloufer
Hyderabad: Princess Niloufer who was married to Moazzam
Jah, the second son of the last Nizam of Hyderabad, Mir Osman
Ali Khan, helped her cousin Princess Durru Shehvar to fulfil her
desire to see her father, the last Caliph of Islam, Abdul Majid II,
buried in the graveyard attached to the holy mosque in Madina,
a decade after his demise. Princess Durru Shevar was married to
Azam Jah, the eldest son of Mir Osman Ali Khan.
Princess Niloufer Khanum Farhat was born on January 4, 1916
in Istanbul. Her mother Adile Sultan was the granddaughter of
Sultan Murad V. Her father, Salahuddin, died when Niloufer
was only two years old.

Arvind Acharya, a city-based historian, who has a unique

collection of personal belongings of Princess Niloufer, said that
a significant moment in Princess Niloufer’s life occurred in
1954. She received a call from Princess Durru Shehvar
requesting help for a specific action. The action was difficult
and so Niloufer was reluctant to do it. She consulted her mother,
who told her to do the best she could.
Princess Niloufer then placed a call to one of her friends,
Ghulam Mohammed, a former official in the Nizam’s
Government, who was at that time the President of Pakistan.
Ghulam Mohammed called the then King of Saudi Arabia to
relay the request. The King finally agreed to grant the request.
Thereby hangs a tale. Ten years earlier, the Khalifa Abdul Majid
who was living in France after the Ottoman Caliphate was
abolished and the Ottoman dynasty deposed and expelled from
Turkey, died during the German occupation of France. For
several days, his body lay in his flat and was only discovered
when neighbours complained. The body was then shifted to the
Paris Mosque and lay there in a frozen condition till Niloufer’s
intervention. Princess Durru Shehvar had made several efforts to
have her father’s body buried in Istanbul, but could not obtain
the permission of the Turkish government. The Khalifa had
wanted to be buried in either Turkey or Hyderabad. It was not
feasible to fulfil the last will of Khalifa at his death or later as at
the time of his death Saudi Arabia had become independent.
Niloufer’s intervention ensured that he was finally buried in
Saudi Arabia in the Jannat-ul-Baqi. The King of Saudi Arabia
had stipulated that there would be no public ceremony nor any
marker for the grave.

Arvind Acharya said that on the recommendation of Maulana

Shaukat Ali, a freedom fighter and one of the founders of the
Khilafat Movement, the Nizam of Hyderabad decided to give
Khalifa Abdul Majid a pension of £300 a month when he was
living in exile.
Seven years later, in 1931, the Khalifa was looking for marriage
matches for his daughter, Durru Shehvar. Shaukat Ali proposed
the match between her and Azam Jah, the elder son of the
The negotiations for the terms of the marriage started, but soon
broke down as the Nizam felt that the requirement for the mehr
(dowry given by husband to his wife) was exorbitant. Following
several discussions, it was settled that the dowry to be paid
would be £40,000.
As the Nizam wanted to perform the marriage of his younger
son Moazzam Jah at the same time, and within the same dowry,
efforts were made to find a match for him within the Turkish
royal family. This resulted in his marriage to Niloufer. On their
way back from the Round Table Conference in London in 1931,
the two princes Azam Jah and Moazzam Jah visited Nice and
were married there. The Caliph himself performed the role of
Qazi at the wedding.
In 1977, Princess Niloufer was living in an apartment in Paris
and one evening, she came out of her bedroom and crossed the
hallway to go to her mother’s bedroom where she wanted to
read a Quran given to her by her one-time secretary, Fathema
Ghani. At that moment, a bomb went off inside the building.
Algerian terrorists had wanted to assassinate the chief of the
French electric utility, who was living in the flat below

Niloufer’s. The bomb ripped open Niloufer’s bedroom, but

nothing happened on the other side of the building. Princess
Niloufer wrote in her memoirs that she was saved because of her
visit to the room of her mother to fetch the Quran. The Princess
died in 1989 and was buried near Paris.(source:Deccan
The End.
In the praise of Nawab Mir Alam BahadurHyderabad

Mir Alam Tank is a reservoir in Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

It is located to the south of the Musi river. It was the primary
source of drinking water to Hyderabad before Osman
Sagar and Himayat Sagar were built. It is connected to National
Highway7 near Palm Valley (Tadbun).

History: The tank is named after Mir Alam Bahadur, then Prime

Minister of Hyderabad State (1804 - 1808), during the reign
of Asaf Jah III, the third Nizam of Hyderabad state. Mir Alam
laid the foundation for the tank on 20 July 1804 and it was
completed in about two years on 8 June 1806.
Nehru Zoological Park lies adjacent to the tank and Telangana
Tourism operates boats on the lake, for which one has to enter
through the zoo.
Transport :Mir Alam Tank is serviced by Rajendranagar bus
depot, Falaknuma bus depot among others. Bus Route No. 7Z,
49 from Secunderabad Railway station, 94, 95 from KOTHI, 74,
73, 251 from Afzal Gunj and are available every 10 minutes.

The nearest Hyderabad Multi-Modal Transport System station is

situated at Shivrampally.
Mir Alam Park :A park is made on the nearshore Mir Alam tank,
a water body under the leadership of Harichandana Dasari IAS
Addl. Commissioner GHMC. The park is constructed using the
Deccani theme. Qutab Shahi, style painting is on the walls and
painting are in 3D. There is a science park and other amenities
too & This park is constructed upon FTL of MirAlam by

In the praise of Nawab Mir Alam Bahadur


Oh higher authority of the Hyderabad Kingdom

You are known as Mir Alam Bahadur in the city
Your tank is serving for a long period in the city
All are thankful for your sweet and good water
The water is famous for good taste in the world
Oh higher personality of Hyderabad you are great
You will be remembered in the history for the tank
It will be found by the grace of Allah for a long time

Even you are not a king but you did help all people
By providing good water to the city of Hyderabad

Oh leader of time your project is found in history

Hafeez is praying for your name to live a longer time

BY Mohammed Abdul Hafeez



In the praise of Sultan Mohammed Quli Qutub Shah Golconda


Tomb of Sultan Mohammed Quli Qutub Shah

This great king was born in 457 years ago in the Iran
Who built the kingdom of Qutub Shahi in Golconda?

The Hyderabad city is full of his memorial buildings

And his welfare projects are still find in the city

Many lakes and tanks and gardens are shining in city

Which are now become spot of the tourist attraction

In this Kingdom, seven kings have ruled the Golconda

And all of them are loved and liked by the public much

In all of them first king Quli who first Urdu poet

And in the Golconda, he built many buildings

Each buildings and palaces which become much famous


Now Golconda is not fort area but a spot of the tourist

Due to tasks of Quli, now Golconda is place of visitors

Please know golconda a place of history in the world

As it has become shining with visitors and in books

And its glory reached in India and to the world level

Hafeez is running a movement of Mushk Mahal palace

It is 300 old palace in deplorable condition and damage

Of the public and as well Ghmc for its renovation project.

Hafeez uploaded the book on Amazon and You Tube report

So media to catch the attention of the GHMC for this task

For Sultan, Hafeez says that he was build a great Kingdom

Also, many buildings which he added in the Golconda area

So all people should work hard for the heritage of Golconda

Which will turn Hyderabad into a place of tourist attraction

Quli Qutub Shah built Charminar in the city of the Hyderabad

Which is famous landmark of the in India and in the world

And it is the Indian crown and as well as history page in world

By Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

Email :

Fifth Sultan of Qutb Shahi dynasty

5th Sultan of the Qutb Shahi

Sultanate of Golconda

Reign 1580–1612[1]

Coronation Unknown

Predecesso Ibrahim Quli Qutb

r Shah

Successor Sultan Muhammad

Qutb Shah

Born 04 April 1565

Golkonda, Golconda
(now in Telangana,

Died 11 January
1612 (aged 46)
Daulat Khan-e-Ali
Palace, Hyderabad
(now in Telangana,

Spouse Bhagmati

Issue Hayat Bakshi

Begum (wife

of Sultan Muhammad
Qutb Shah)

House Qutb Shahi dynasty

Father Ibrahim Quli Qutb


Mother Bhagirathi

Religion Shia Islam

Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah (04 April 1565 – 11 January
1612) was the fifth sultan of the Qutb Shahi
dynasty of Golkonda and founded the city of Hyderabad, in
South-central India and built its architectural centerpiece,
the Charminar. He was an able administrator and his reign is
considered one of the high points of the Qutb Shahi dynasty. He
ascended to the throne in 1580 at the age of 15 and ruled for 31

Birth, early life and personal life.

Muhammad Quli Qutub Shah was the third son of Ibrahim Quli
Qutb Shah Wali and Hindu Mother Bhagirathi.[3] He was an
accomplished poet and wrote his poetry
in Persian, Telugu and Urdu. As the first author in the Urdu
language, he composed his verses in the Persian diwan style, and
his poems consisted of verses relating to a single topic, gazal-i

musalsal.[4] Muhammad Quli's Kulliyat comprised 1800 pages,

over half were gazals, qasidas on one hundred pages, while the
rest contained over 300 pages of matnawi and marsiyas.

Charminar in Hyderabad was built by Quli Qutub Shah

City of Hyderabad.
Muhammad Quli built the city of Hyderabad on the southern
bank of the Musi River in 1591. He called architects from all
around the world to lay out the city, which was built on a grid
plan. The city was named in the remembrance of 4th Caliph of
Islam or 1st Imam of Shia Muslim Ali Ibne Abi Talib. He
constructed Char Minar and Makkah Masjid. He was the one
who laid foundation stone of Makkah Masjid after checking that
there was no one in the crowd who never skipped a single prayer
except him.
Patronage of literature.
Quli Qutb Shah was a scholar of Arabic, Persian and Telugu
languages. He wrote poetry in Urdu, Persian, and Telugu. His
poetry has been compiled into a volume entitled "Kulliyat-e-
Quli Qutub Shah." He had the distinction of being the
first Saheb-e-dewan Urdu poet and is credited with introducing a

new sensibility into prevailing genres of Persian/Urdu poetry.

(Source : Wikipedia)


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