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Our primary responsibilities at DPP I include Converting existing Vial washing area in to
Grade D area with servicing of Vial washing machine, Inspection M/c, Sealing M/c etc, by
adapting many skills from this like multi-task management etc.

The major hurdle for us is to dismantle the existing diffusers, lighting, old machineries, for
this we arranged a separate meeting with Production team & got the necessary clearance
where ever required.

According to the Project schedule & discussion had with Production team the work was
Supposed to be started on 10/09/19 but due to production load the actual work started on
14/09/19 but production team helped us by wrapping all the machineries in washing area to
avoid fall of dust particles on the machineries.

In brief I would like to take the opportunity to describe the shutdown activities carried out
for your reference.

I) Clean room partition work

o The existing partition was dismantled by Vendor Horizon team after discussion with
production team we have distributed the related drawings & instructed the team to
give project schedule.
o We have faced so many obstructions in giving clearance like washing area lightings,
less man power, clearance of ducting work etc., for installation of riser panels. In that
case our electricians had resolved the issues by disconnecting the live cables & by
providing lightings to the area.

Images showing clean room partition work with diffuser installation

II) Machineries servicing

a) Vial washing machine

o Complete servicing of Vial washing M/c like Vial pusher bend removal,
Geneva wheel Nylon sprocket alignment.
o Some of the new vial pockets provided.
o Other accessories like oil seals, bearing replacement.
o Tunnel gear box serviced.

Images showing Vial washing machine under Servicing

b) Inspection Machine
o Inspection rollers with pins replaced and serviced
o Inspection MS sprockets replaced with new

c) Sealing Machine
o Complete machine dismantled and serviced

d) Filling machine
o In present condition the filling machine was running in good conditions but
also serviced some of the part like height lever of the machine has been
serviced for smooth running of the machine.
o Also Unscrambler turntable gear box has been serviced.

III) AHU’s & Pump Servicing

o The Horizon team which is looking both AHU installation & clean room
partition work discussed the problems we are facing in AHU-1 & AHU -2
o AHU -1 motor canvas was broken due to that we are facing less air flow in to
the area so Horizon team has replaced now with new canvas,
o Also the bushes for the motor frame were replaced with new bushes and
AHU door gaskets also replaced to avoid leakages by door.
o All chilled water Pumps and new cooling tower has been serviced by our A/c
technician along with electrician.
o AHU-2 air leakage through doors has been arrested.

IV) Old ILDE machine dismantling and removal

o The major hurdle for us is dismantling of Old ILDE machine which was
located in our washing area was not in operation from many years needs to
dismantle and shifting completely from the section.
o The machine was bit heavier one and we used Gas welding to break the
machine in to several parts and then shifted the complete machine to
outside with the help of our casual labours.

Images showing Old ILDE Machine dismantling and shifting

V) Civil works
o Major civil works includes drain line modification of Autoclave machine.
o Existing drain was an hindrance for epoxy works due to that existing drain
line was cut off and new drain line was inserted along with insulation to resist
in high temperature.
o The existing epoxy floor was harder than usual so we insisted civil contractor
to use hydraulic machine to dig the floor upto 1 feet.
o Also the old ILDE room contains many improper floors and steps and it was
levelled properly for epoxy works.
o The Replacement of Aluminium partition doors to Clean room doors in all
change room is under progress.

Images showing Autoclave drain line modification and Door replacement work

VI) Water proofing work at terrace

o Water seepage through terrace was a major issue for us through which water lekage will
be happening o our technical area.
o So order has been given to M/s Sanjan for complete terrace area water proofing work to
avoid water leakages.

Images showing Water proofing work

In short, our team played a key role in coordinating the efforts of all the groups involved in
this project. We kept the group working by introducing fresh ideas as a team towards a
Common goal to bring the project in on time.

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