Module VII - The Sales Presentation

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College of Business and Accountancy

Department of BSBA Marketing Management, BS Entrepreneurship, and BS
‘ Public Administration
Puerto Princesa City

The Sales Presentation
(Effective Strategies and Formulas Used)


1st Semester | SY: 2020-2021

Title Page of Module 1
Table of Contents 2

Overview 3
Learning Outcomes 3


Chapter 10: The Sales Presentation 3

A-I-D-A-S Formula 4

a. Catching Attention 4

b. Creating Interest 4

c. Developing Desire and producing Conviction 5

d. Securing Attention 5

e. Providing Satisfaction 5

Assignment 5
References 6

Course Code: Course Title| Module 1: Module Title 2

TOPIC 1: AIDAS Formula
This module covers the stage three (3) of the sales process, the sales presentation. At this point,
you already posed a question to your prospect. With the use of question-benefit-curiosity method of
approach, you have made the prospect interested in your product. Sure, the prospect is now ready
to listen to your presentation and dramatization. The prospect’s undivided attention to what you will
discuss and demonstrate is very important. Without the listening activity of the prospect, he will
never understand what you will explain.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

 Define Sales Presentation
 Explain the AIDAS method of sales presentation
 Demonstrate the Sales Presentation process

Hello, my dear student!

You are now on the 4 th step of the Sales Process which is Sales Presentation. The
focus of this module is to provide you, future professional salesman with effective
strategies you can use to culminate a sales effort favorably both to you and your prospect.
There are many formulas used to succeed in sales presentations but for the purpose of
applying MELO or Most Essential Learning Outcomes to this course, the discussion will
focus on A-I-D-A-S which is the most comprehensive and useful method.

The Sales Presentation

What is sales presentation?
A sales presentation is an in-depth type of sales pitch and is designed to lead your
audience to a certain action, such as saying yes to a quote. A good sales presentation is
concise and provides value to the recipient. It requires strong communication skills and a
focus on your prospect’s needs rather than on your product or service.
How is it different from a Sales Pitch?
A sales pitch is a message or script designed to lead your audience to a certain
action, such as an appointment or demo. It can be formal or informal, verbal or written
down. A sales pitch sets the tone for the entire customer relationship.
A good sales pitch is concise and provides value to the recipient. Use it to begin a
conversation, not to sell to the prospect.

Course Code: Course Title| Module 1: Module Title 3

Follow the link below to know more.

7 sales pitch examples proven to win customers

Refine your sales pitch by studying what works for other salespeople.
By Josh Bean, Director, Marketing

The A-I-D-A-S Formula

A - Catching Attention
As discussed, the attention of the
prospect is the initial concern of the
salesman. Being able to catch attention of
your prospect is vital because he lends you
his trust and confidence. To be trusted by
your prospect is a prime necessity as you
will never get into your mission without it.
Cultivate this as early as possible during the
i.e. Would you like to be financially free? Able to protect your income, be
ready for health emergencies, and retire in style while earning passive income
through proper investment? Manulife has a financial product that could help you be
covered with these benefits.
i.e Would you like to stay young and beautiful even in your senior years? Mary
Kay’s 3D Anti-Aging Products can help you achieve and maintain youthful skin with
results that you can see and feel!”

Course Code: Course Title| Module 1: Module Title 4

I – creating Interest
As soon as the attention of the prospect is
obtained, the salesman has to hold on. Attention
sustained becomes interest and unknowingly, the
prospect becomes engrossed listening to him.
i.e. Guess how much minimal amount you
need to invest to cover yourself with income
protection, health protection, and investment?
(wait for prospect’s answer) You’ll be amazed to
know that for as low as 50 pesos a day or 1,500
per month you can avail yourself and your loved ones of these benefits that give you
peace of mind.
i.e. Can you guess how old I am? (make sure you are a product of your
product) Thanks for the complement ma’am, but I’m not 22. I’m already 35. The
product is very simple and convenient to use. At night before going to bed, I apply
this facial cream on my face. I have been doing this for just three months and I’m
surprised with the changes.

D – Developing Desire
The prospect’s interest shall surely be created
with the personal message of the salesman telling her
own satisfying experience with the product.
i.e. A s we speak right now, my
grandparents are on vacation in Hawaii because
of the investment returns they got from their
insurance policy. My parents were able to provide
us a comfortable life because they don’t need to worry about my grandparents’
health and other personal needs. That’s how my grandparents prepared for our
future and that’s why I am a firm believer of life insurance and it’s my mission to pay
it forward by sharing it to other Filipino families like yours.
i.e. I’m sure you know Ms. Choo one of your colleagues. She’s been my
regular client for more than two years now and she doesn’t use any other skin care
products. She is a loyal and happy client.

A – Securing Action
After using evidence and appealing to motives, the
prospect is sure to be convinced and persuaded about
the usefulness of the product or service. At this point,
action can now be secured from the prospect.
Securing action refers to obtaining the favorable
response of the prospect. The much-awaited opportunity
to close the sales is now at hand. It takes guts and

Course Code: Course Title| Module 1: Module Title 5

creativity on the part of the salesman to do this. We will discuss more lengthily about this
subject in the next module.
i.e. How much budget can you set aside to invest for your financial freedom? I
suggest 10% of your take home pay. That can be my working budget to generate a
proposal that fits your needs and yet easy on the pocket at the same time… Here is
the proposal, I’ve considered our working budget and the financial needs that you
want to address. (go through the proposal and explain the benefits). If all is good,
kindly sign here, let’s settle your initial premium and you will be covered right away.

S – providing Satisfaction
This means being able to provide enough
information and answers to the questions of your
prospect. Providing more facts about the product,
the company, and other helpful information to help
the prospect decide can definitely provide
In order to fulfill this step, again, knowledge
about the product, the company, and the prospect
is the key.

Think of a product that is sold using personal selling approach by direct selling
companies such as life insurance, real estate, food supplement, skin care and cosmetics,
Turn in your output on Google classroom.

Principles of Marketing Student Edition 8, Lamb / Hair / McDaniel, Cengage Learning
Principles of Marketing Philippine Edition, Loui E. Boon, David L. Kurtz, Cengage Learning
Professional Salesmanship, Alipio M. Garcia, Merla G. Villanueva

Course Code: Course Title| Module 1: Module Title 6

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