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DATE: 29/03/2014

2th Experiment
Experiment Title: Friction Force
Objective of the Experiment:
The purpose of this lab is to construct a relationship between frictional forces and
the normal force on an object, to calculate the kinetic and static coefficients of
friction for various objects and surfaces and to ultimately gain a solid
understanding of static vs kinetic friction. In this lab you are given a pulley sensor
that can measure acceleration, a force sensor, string, friction carts with different
surfaces (cork, felt, and plastic), and different surfaces (carpet, construction
paper, and the table top) to drag the carts on.
Let us know the power of one body when restrained by another
Required Materials (apparatus)
1. Carboard
2. Wooden Aluminum
3. Wood
4. Wooden Sand Paper
Procedures of the Experiment
1. First we make the carboard and then we bring the wood, wooden sand paper
and wooden aluminum
2. Next we place the wood, wooden sand paper and wooden aluminum on the
3. Then we lift the cardboard, then the first slide is the aluminum aluminum and
the second slide is the wood
4. Finally, the slipper is made of wooden sand paper

We have seen that the friction force is what keeps one body from moving when it
is moving toward another.
Resuts of the Experiment
The wooden aluminum fell first, then the wood fell a little higher, and finally a
little higher, the wooden sand paper fell off.

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