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1 Purpose.................................................................................................................................. 2
2 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Master Data and Organizational Data.............................................................................3
2.2 Business Conditions........................................................................................................ 4
2.3 Roles............................................................................................................................... 4
3 Process Overview Table........................................................................................................ 4
4 Process Steps........................................................................................................................ 5
4.1 Reviewing Linear Asset................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Creating the Maintenance Plan.......................................................................................6
4.3 Scheduling a Maintenance Plan......................................................................................8
4.4 Reviewing the Work Order.............................................................................................. 9
4.5 Entering Partial Confirmation........................................................................................... 9
4.6 Creating Order............................................................................................................... 10
4.7 Reviewing the Work Order............................................................................................ 11
4.8 Entering Confirmation for Work Order...........................................................................12
4.9 Reviewing Linear Work Order Data...............................................................................12
Linear Asset Management for Mining

1 Purpose
Linear assets are a critical infrastructure component of all operating mine sites and require
specific management and planning to ensure operational effectiveness.
Examples of typical linear assets at mine sites include:
• Pipelines (water, slurry, co-disposal)
• Roads (Haul, access, amenity)
• Railway tracks
• Power lines / cables
• Conveyors (raw coal, finished coal, rejects)
Linear assets are created in SAP as technical objects (such as functional locations and
equipment) with extra information captured for linear properties (i.e. start, end and length). In
addition, as the condition and properties of the linear asset can vary from section to section
(dynamic segmentation) technical objects characteristics have also been extended to also
store spatial information.

Linear Assets functionality was first introduced in ERP6 Enhancement Pack 5

and was further enhanced in Enhancement Pack 6.
The standard maintenance tasks (notifications, maintenance orders, and measurement
documents) are available for linear assets and allow the mine site to:
• Monitor what condition the linear assets are in,
• Identify where there is damage or a defect (using the start point, end point, and
offset), and
• Manage all types of maintenance tasks and confirmations using linear values.

In this scenario, a monthly inspection is scheduled for a 125km long slurry pipeline. The
following is an overview of the technical object structure for the pipeline network.
The pipeline inspection is partially confirmed by the work crew on the first day up to the 56km
mark. Two damaged support block are identified. The crew creates two new notifications for
the damaged support blocks and then continue the remainder of the pipeline inspection the
following day.

In response to the damaged support blocks, the maintenance planner creates a work order
with two tasks to correct the damage. The job is allocated to a work crew, which then
performs the corrective actions and confirms the work order.

2 Prerequisites
2.1 Master Data and Organizational Data
Default Values
The organizational structure and master data of your company was created in your ERP
system during implementation. The organizational structure reflects the structure of your
company. The master data represents materials, customers, and vendors, for example,
depending on the operational focus of your company
The business process is enabled with this organization-specific master data, examples are
provided in the next section.

Operational Focus
SAP Best Practices delivers standard values for more than one operational focus area, such
as Services, Manufacturing, or Trade. This means that you may find more than one master
data table below. Use the master data that matches the operational focus of your company
(Services, Manufacturing, or Trade).

Additional Default Values

You can test the scenario with other SAP Best Practices default values that have
the same characteristics.
Check your SAP ECC system to find out which other material master data exists.

Using Your Own Master Data

You can also use customized values for any r organizational data for which you
have created master data. For more information on how to create master data,
see the Master Data Procedures documentation.
Use the following master data in the process steps described in this document:
Master / Org. Data Value Master / Org. Data Comments
Strategy YMMMON
Functional Location YMM-1000-SPLN*
Task 100057

2.2 Business Conditions

Business Condition Scenario
There are no postings in the client

2.3 Roles
The following roles must have already been installed to test this scenario in the SAP
NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC). The roles in this Business Process Documentation must
be assigned to the user or users testing this scenario. You only need these roles if you are
using the NWBC interface. You do not need these roles if you are using the standard SAP

The business roles have been assigned to the user who is testing this scenario.
Business role Technical Name Process Step
Maintenance Planner SAP_NBPR_EAMPLANNER Review Linear Work Order Data
Create the Maintenance plan
Schedule a maintenance plan
Review the work order
Enter partial Confirmation
Create Order
Review the work order
Enter Confirmation for Work Order
Review Linear Work Order Data

3 Process Overview Table

Process External Business Business role Transaction Expected
Step Process Condition code Results
Review Maintenance IL07 A graphical
Linear Work Planner view of the
Order Data linear asset
will be
Process External Business Business role Transaction Expected
Step Process Condition code Results

Create the Maintenance IP42 Monthly

Maintenance Planner Pipeline
Plan inspection
plan created

Schedule a Maintenance IP10 create

Maintenance Planner maintenance
Plan orders
according to
the chosen
Review the Maintenance IW32 Release
work order Planner Maintenance

Enter Partial Maintenance IW41 Partial

Confirmation Planner confirmation
for first 56km
of pipeline

Create order Maintenance IW31 Order created

Planner for points
24km and

Review the Maintenance IW32 Release

work order Planner Maintenance

Enter Maintenance IW41 A confirmation

Confirmation Planner has been
for Work entered for
Order both
operations to
repair the
support blocks
for the
Review Maintenance IW40 A graphical
Linear Work Planner view of all
Order Data work orders
along the
linear asset
will be

4 Process Steps
4.1 Reviewing Linear Asset
Provide a visual (graphic) view of the linear data.

1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:
Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP ECC menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Management of Technical
Objects → Functional Locations → List Editing→ Display
Transaction code IL07

Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via business role
Business role Maintenance Planner
Business role menu Maintenance Planner → Management of Technical
Objects→Function Location List (Multilevel)
2. On the Multi-level Funct.Location List: Funct.Location Selection screen, in the Functional
Location field, input YMM-1000-SPLN*; in the Unit of Measure field, input KM
3. Click Display Graphic Immediately.
4. Click Execute (F8).
5. If there is a pop up screen, choose Close Window (Shift+F12) to close it.

A graphical view of the linear asset will be displayed including characteristics.

4.2 Creating the Maintenance Plan

The purpose of this activity is to create a maintenance plan:
Create a maintenance plan, set the required parameters (call horizon, and so on), link/set up
maintenance items.
Work orders will be created from the maintenance plan.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP ECC menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Preventive Maintenance →
Maintenance Planning → Maintenance Plans → Create → Strategy
Transaction code IP42

Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via business role
Business role Maintenance Planner (SAP_NBPR_EAMPLANNER_MIN_S)
Business role menu Maintenance Planner→ Maintenance Plans→Add strategy-
controlled plan

2. On the Create Maintenance Plan: Initial screen, maintain the fields as follows:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Maint. plan cat. PM Maintenance Order
Strategy YMMMON

3. Choose Enter.

4. On the Create Maintenance Plan: Strategy plan screen, maintain the following fields and
choose Enter:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Maintenance Plan Monthly slurry pipeline
Functional loc. YMM-1000-SPLN
Order Type PM02

You can create the maintenance plan for a subset of the linear asset if required.

5. On the Create Maintenance Plan: Strategy plan screen, in the section Linear Data
maintain the following fields and choose Enter:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Start Point 0
End Point 125
Unit of Measure KM

6. Comment all the attributes that have been copied from the functional location master.
Comment that the Maintenance Item description defaults from the Maintenance Plan
description. You can change it if you want.

7. Scroll to the bottom of the maintenance plan and assign a relevant task list. Choose
Select task List, on the screen Display Task Lists: Task List Selection and choose
Execute (F8) to get screen Display Task Lists: List of Task Lists. Select the following
entry, then select Choose (Ctrl+Shit+F11).
Field name Description User action and values Comment
TL Type A
Group 100057
GrC 1
Task list description Slurry Pipeline

You can view detailed task list content, change or un-assign the task list from the
maintenance plan.

8. Choose the Maintenance plan scheduling parameters tab to maintain the scheduling
parameters as follows (Call Horizon = 100%, Scheduling period = 30). This means the
forecast of the maintenance jobs is for the next 30 days.
9. Choose Save.

10. In the Start Date dialog box, choose No to confirm the message Specify a cycle start for
the maintenance plan?

11. Choose Continue (Enter).

12. Comment the maintenance plan number:

Maintenance plan number: __________________

The maintenance plan has been created.

4.3 Scheduling a Maintenance Plan

The scheduling of maintenance plans will create maintenance orders according to the chosen

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP ECC menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Preventive Maintenance →
Maintenance Planning →Scheduling for Maintenance Plans →
Transaction code IP10

Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via business role
Business role Maintenance Planner
Business role menu Maintenance Planner→ Maintenance Plans→Schedule
Maintenance Plan

2. On the Schedule Maintenance Plan: Initial screen, the recently created plan will be shown
as default; or input the Maintenance Plan number recorded in the previous step when a
calendar/time based Maintenance Plan was created.

3. Choose Enter.

4. On the Schedule Maintenance Plan: Strategy plan XXXXXXXXXXXX screen, choose


5. In the Start Date dialog box, Start of cycle field, input the value as present date minus 1

6. Choose Continue (Enter).

In this scenario, the shortest cycle in our maintenance package is “1 Month”. By

starting the plan 1 month in the past (that is, present date minus 1 month) we will
at least have one call object (maintenance order) being generated by the system.
7. Comment the status of the first call object (maintenance order). The status New start
Save to call means that a maintenance call object will be generated as soon as the
maintenance plan is saved. Comment the status Scheduled Hold of the other
maintenance objects. This status means that the system only generates a maintenance
call object on the call date. Until this date, the call (maintenance order) has the status On
hold. Comment that the Call date and Planned date are the same because the call
horizon is 100%.

8. If the status is not New Start Save and you want to generate maintenance order. Select
the Call Number line form the Scheduling List table, choose Release Call.

9. Choose Save to generate the first maintenance order (call).

The maintenance plan has been triggered for the first time.

4.4 Reviewing the Work Order

Review the maintenance order and release it for partial confirmation.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP ECC menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Maintenance Processing→
Order→ Change
Transaction code IW32

Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via business role
Business role Maintenance Planner (SAP_NBPR_EAMPLANNER_MIN_S)
Business role menu Maintenance Planner → Maintenance Order→ Change PM Order

2. On the Change Order: Initial screen, input your Maintenance Order generated in the
previous steps and choose Enter.

You can use F4 and navigate to Orders for preventive maintenance plan to
search your Order via your created Maintenance Plan.

3. On the Change Preventive order XXXXX: Central Header screen, check the data and
choose Release (Ctrl + F1) and Save (Ctrl+S) to release this order.

The maintenance order has been released.

4.5 Entering Partial Confirmation

Confirm confirmation hours to capture actual hours and linear dimensions of work performed.
In this scenario the crew has only performed an inspection of the first 56km on the first day.

1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:
Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP ECC menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Maintenance Processing→
Completion Confirmation → Entry → Individual Time Confirmation
Transaction code IW41

Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via business role
Business role Maintenance Planner (SAP_NBPR_EAMPLANNER_MIN_S)
Business role menu Maintenance Planner → Maintenance Order→ Enter PM Order
2. On the Enter PM Order Confirmation: Initial Screen, in the Order field, input the
maintenance order number.
3. Choose Enter and input the following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Actual Work 12
Start Point 0
End Point 56
4. Choose Save. If there is any warning message, please choose Enter to confirm it.

A partial confirmation has been entered for 0 – 56km of the pipeline inspection.

4.6 Creating Order

Create an order for the observed damage to the pipeline supports at the 24km and 32km

1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:
Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP ECC menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Maintenance Processing→
Order→ Create (General)
Transaction code IW31

Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via business role
Business role Maintenance Planner
Business role menu Maintenance Planner → Maintenance Order→ Create PM Order
2. On the Create Maintenance order: Initial Screen, input the following data and choose
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Order Type PM01
Func. Loc. YMM-1000-SPLN-P0-1
3. Choose Enter.
4. If there is an Object Information dialog box, choose Continue (Enter).
5. Enter Header Text of Correct Support block failure
6. On the Create Maintenance order: Central Header screen, choose Operations tab and
input the following data:
OpA Operation Work Dur. C. Key ActTyp Start End UoM
c short text Point Point
0010 Correct Pipe 8 8 1 Calculate M1000 24 24 KM
Block support duration
0020 Correct Pipe 6 6 1 Calculate M1000 32 32 KM
Block support duration
7. Choose Enter.
8. Choose Save. The system will display a message with Order XXXXX saved with
notification XXXXXX.

A repair work order has been created for the pipeline support blocks.

4.7 Reviewing the Work Order

Review the maintenance order and release it for confirmation.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP ECC menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Maintenance Processing→
Order→ Change
Transaction code IW32

Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via business role
Business role Maintenance Planner
Business role menu Maintenance Planner → Maintenance Order→ Change PM Order

2. On the Change Order: Initial screen, input your Maintenance Order generated in the step
4.6 and choose Enter.
3. On the Change Preventive order XXXXX: Central Header screen, check the data and
choose Release (Ctrl + F1) and Save (Ctrl+S) to release this order.

The maintenance order has been released.

4.8 Entering Confirmation for Work Order

Enter confirmation hours to capture actual hours of work performed to repair support blocks.
In this scenario the crew has performed repairs of both support blocks.

1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:
Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP ECC menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Maintenance Processing→
Completion Confirmation → Entry → Individual Time Confirmation
Transaction code IW41

Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via business role
Business role Maintenance Planner
Business role menu Maintenance Planner → Maintenance Order→ Enter PM Order
5. On the Enter PM Order Confirmation: Initial Screen, in the Order field, input the
maintenance order number you created in the step 4.6.
6. Choose Enter, select both operations and then click Actual Data (F8)
7. Review the confirmation information for the 1st operation.
8. Click the Next Operation (Shift + F11) button to go to the next operation.
9. Review the confirmation information for the 2nd operation.
10. Choose Save. If there is any warning message, please choose Enter to confirm it.

A confirmation has been entered for both operations to repair the support blocks for the

4.9 Reviewing Linear Work Order Data

Provide a visual (graphic) view of the work order data with linear values.

1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:
Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP ECC menu Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Maintenance Processing→ Order
→ Order List → Display (Multilevel)
Transaction code IW40

Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via business role
Business role Maintenance Planner
Business role menu Maintenance Planner →Maintenance Order →Display Orders
2. On the Order List (Multi-level): Selection of Orders, in the Functional Location field, input
the YMM-1000-SPLN*; in the Unit of Measure field, input KM; and select Completed
check box in Order status section.
3. Click Display Graphic Immediately.
4. Click Execute (F8).
5. If there is a pop up screen, please choose Close Window (Shift+F12) to close it.

A graphical view of all work orders along the linear asset will be displayed. You may need to
scroll to the right to see the relevant work orders.

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