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Developing Adult Nursing practice 1

The module aims to provide students the opportunity to develop nursing skills, values and
practice within simulation and the Adult nursing practice setting, in order to meet the standards of
proficiency and associated skills for Part 2 of the programme and those expected of the future
nurse (NMC 2018). Students will be given the opportunity to demonstrate reflection upon the
personal learning journey in order to describe plans for future personal and professional learning
and development. Your assignment will need a structure, you NEED TO use the reflective model
Gibbs (1988), USE GIBBS STRUCTURE MODULE see example layout at bottom of page.
Main things need including:

 Use structure GIBBS MODULE example below – headings/order.

 Include the Codes, NMC (2018)
 Can refer / take into consideration all the SWOTs information at bottom of page for LO3, when
creating a scenario to reflect on the situation. Consider the ward I’m on is a ward for patients with
heart disease or lung disease including some dementia patients.
 Include all Reflective narrative – Learning Outcome 1, 2 & 3
 Your Evidence should come from a range of Sources, for example: core text books on the reading
lists, Evidence based care for your guidelines such as specific conditions from national guidelines
(e.g., National Institutes for Health and Care Excellence [NICE]), Empirical evidence such as
research published in journal articles and Ethical evidence such as values, constructionism,
values and philosophy.

Reflective Narrative
A 1500-word reflective narrative, using THE Gibb’s reflective model (OUTLINE BELOW) relating
something you were involved in whilst on one of your clinical placements: Adult Student Nurse. This can
something positive, negative or both
Clinical Placement ward is with patients who suffer with heart disease or lung disease.

Your reflective narrative should meet all of the module learning outcomes 1, 2 & 3:
1. L01 - Demonstrate progression in achievement of Part 2 proficiencies, skills and values as
required within the programme in the adult nursing field of practice.

(Expressive reflection as a student nurse exploring proficiencies, skills and values: LO1. The
learning experience being reflected upon is relevant and meaningful to student and course
learning goals.)

2. L02 - Reflect on self in relation to self-awareness, emotional intelligence/resilience and

personal performance.
Analysis + Level of reflection
(The reflection MUST NOT GIVE description of the experience, MUST GIVE an analysis of how
the experience contributed to student understanding of self, others, resilience, and emotional

intelligence. You will be demonstrating reflective skills by utilising a model to structure your
reflection, Using Gibb’s Model, to exploring self, resilience, and emotional intelligence however,
you will need to discuss and critically analyse self-awareness and emotional intelligence/resilience
in the context of your reflection. This should then lead onto the 'what next' section and your
personal development) For example own believe different against the patient believe, the patient
may refuse treatment due to their religion/belief, how this makes you feel, but you need to obey
their wishes, respect others’ beliefs and link to the Nursing & Midwifery Council NMC 2018
values… Ensure you use the correct terminology beliefs/religion and Codes of the NMC Values
and reference all.

3. L03 - Appraise/define and explain own development needs in relation to The Code (NMC

Interconnections (The learning experience. Student explores the learning journey, and NMC: LO3)
The reflection demonstrates connections between the experience and past experiences, theory,
literature and personal development. (Here you will need to appraise and define your nursing
developmental needs, cultivating strengths, improving weakness's, looking for opportunities and
mitigating against threats in relational to the NMC code of conduct (NMC, 2018). (Look at your
SWOT Bottom of page)


Induction Wordcount: 100 words

The induction signposts the reader to what is to come. Tell the reader what you are going to do and why
and why you have chosen to use the reflection model you are using. You may want to include a statement
indicating why it is important to maintain confidentiality of patient and staff (Nursing & Midwifery Council
[NMC] 2018). (Using a Reflective Model: Gibb’s (1988), to work through your reflection will help you
through the learning process and demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes.)
Description (What happened) Wordcount: 100 words
A short description of the situation/event or issues?
A brief explanation of what your chosen situation was, who was involved (remember to maintain
confidentiality & use a pseudonym)
Your Feeling, Thoughts & Emotions
Focusing on the identified situation/events/issue, think about your personal feeling and thoughts during
and after the event. Then consider the possible feeling and thoughts of the patient and other people
involved. Including service user and families. (Support Your Thoughts: An academic reflection requires
establishing links to theory which will help you make sense of practice, as evidence-based practitioners it
is important to support or challenge values, beliefs or ideas which underpin nursing care research.)
An Evaluation of the Incident
Identify what went well and what did not go well.
An Analysis of the Incident
This is where the bulk of your work should be concentrated and where most of your underpinning
evidence will appear, this may be in the form of research or credible opinion from the supporting
materials. This section is where you take the issues you highlighted in the other parts of your work and
offer some analysis/discussion about them.
(This is where the academic learning really begins to show in your reflection, evaluate and analyse your
experience and introduce underpinning evidence to support your thoughts and [future] actions. Avoid
being too descriptive.)
A Conclusion Wordcount: 100 words
A conclusion reassesses the arguments in order to make a final statement in answer to the question. Do
not bring new information into your conclusion. However, remember to tell the reader how conducting this
reflection will enable you to develop as a you progress through your course.
Action Planning Wordcount: 100 words
This section should focus on what learning has taken place and what action(s) are needed as
consequences of your reflection.

Gibbs Reflection cycle


Different depths of reflection

Depending on the context you are doing the reflection in, you might want use different levels of details.
Here is the same scenario, which was used in the example above, however it is presented much more

Short example of Gibbs’ reflective cycle:

In a group work assignment, we divided sections according to people’s strengths. When we tried to piece the assign
styles and therefore we had to spend time rewriting it.


I thought our plan would work and felt good about it. When we had to rewrite it, I felt frustrated.

The process of dividing sections went well. However, it didn’t work not having foreseen/planned rewriting the secti

Dividing work according to individual strengths is useful. Belbin’s team roles (2010) would suggest something simi
work well.
The reason piecing work together didn’t work was we had no plan for what it needed to look like. We were so focus
raise a concern. The last part can be explained by ‘groupthink’ (e.g. Jarvis, 1991), where members of a group make
are afraid of challenging the consensus.

I learned that using people’s strengths is efficient. Moreover, planning how we want the work to look, before we go
remember the dangers of groupthink, and what the theory suggests to look out for.

Action plan:
I will use Belbin’s team roles to divide group work in the future. Moreover, I will suggest writing one section togeth
mirror that in our own writing. Finally, I will speak my mind when I have concerns, by remembering it can benefit t
Adapted from
Gibbs G (1988). Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit.
Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford.

Use this page to identify your own strengths, weaknesses etc.

Use this page to identify your own strengths, weaknesses etc.

What am I good at? What do I find difficult?

Organised Short memory and Terminology:
6 C’s Pronouncing words not pronounced
before, use technology e.g., read aloud to
I see myself as a positive person for example: practice with pronouncing skills.
I don’t see negatives as ‘negatives’ I see them Reading
as positive negatives’ as I reflect back on Short term memory
every situation well ensuring I criticise well.
I explore every resource going to see what As I have a rare genetic disorder: XQ25
might benefit me or not. Duplication Syndromes this influences my
I always like to plan my studies, my family life studies such as, processing information
and work to ensure I am organised. and short-term memory. Including reading
I have courage to speak up if I don’t and writing. I need to improve on my
understand something or need a word reading of new terminology and
repeating or slowly phrasing to help pronunciation of new words. Including
pronounce it correctly. understanding terminology.

Other people see that I am a happy positive

person with confidence and that I come I would think other people will see one of
across as a friendly, polite and kind my weaknesses is pronouncing words as
approachable lady. I’m always asking people to repeat
terminology slowly.
I have accessed a range of resources within
my university: UCLan, to see which ones I Resources I need is access to a laptop
may benefit from to help me through my with a range of software on to help with my
course and placement. studies such as, ‘Read Aloud’ This helps

I have contacted student support who were me with reading terminology and
very helpful and referred me to a one-to-one pronouncing it and remembering the
coach to help guide me through my terminology. Along with mind map this
blackboard page as I am new to blackboard. helps me plan my assignments better and
The coach did help me understand blackboard helps me stop repeating the same
a lot better and showed me the main areas I information and helps me with keeping my
would need to access such as where to wordcount down so I can include relevant
access my course materials and where to information without being repeated.
access my module assignment. Including Microsoft words as this helps me
Accepting support from student finance with spell check and grammer.
England to help financially with studies and
childcare. Including a disability tutor to support
me with my studies due to learning disability:
Specific Learning Difficulties.

What resources are available to me? What constraints do I have?
e.g., time, clinical environment etc
Wiser: college support
Workshops Covid
Read Allowed Software Time
Mags sessions: discussion on course work Family
DSA support Study requirements
1-1 Coach
One-one Wiser
Academy diary/calendar
Extra time during exams
Software: Mind map; Read aloud

Personal Development Plan (Use your SWOT analysis to help develop this table).

What is the area I need to improve my verbal communication skills in order to

you want to communicate clearly with my patients in the future. In addition, I
develop and why? hope to enhance my short term memory so as to remember the
proper pronunciation of medical terminologies and the names of
my patients.
Why do you want Verbal communication is central to the role of a nurse or caregiver
to develop this in the health sector. This allows one to offer patient-centered
area? healthcare that is based on an accurate account of the patient`s
symptoms and response to treatment (NMC, 2018).

What strategies One of the strategies I hope to apply to better my verbal

will you use to communication skills is master the art of reading aloud to my peers
bring about this in order to get my pronunciation right. This will enable me to
development? respond adequately to the issues raised by my patients and to
better communicate my own views on the issue.
In addition, in order to improve my short term memory, I will make
a point of doing mentally challenging tasks (Amina & Malikb, 2019)
like word puzzles and trivia quizzes.
When will this be I aim to have achieved an improvement in my speaking abilities
achieved by? and verbal communication by the end of the summer. I intend to
take elocution classes to better my communication skills. The
improvement of short-term memory will be achieved progressively
as I plan to master all the complex medical terminologies by the
end of each course.

How will you know To know if my strategies have been successful, I will ask for
that your feedback on my peers and instructors. In addition, I will request for
development plan a review from my patients. By having my performance appraised
has been by peers, instructors and patients, I will develop an understanding
successful? of the areas where I have achieved improvement and the areas
where I need to focus my energies. I will be able to pronounce the
correct terminology, as over time I should start learning and
gaining more terminology so I will have less situations where I
need to ask peers/colleagues to re-peat terminology.

Reference list

APA Referencing 7th Edition

Amina, H. U., & Malikb, A. S. (2019). Learning and Memory Improvement: Evidence from
Current Research and Neurofeedback Applications. Asia Pacific Journal of
Neurotherapy, 1(2), 1-9.
Leigh, J., & Roberts, D. (2018). Critical exploration of the new NMC standards of
proficiency for registered nurses. British Journal of Nursing, 27(18), 1068-1072.
Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods. Oxford:
Oxford Brookes University.
NMC, (2018). The Code. professional standards of practice and behaviours for nurses,
midwifes and nursing associates. Retrieved from

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