Engineering Structures: Ehsan Nasiri, Yi Liu

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Engineering Structures 143 (2017) 603–616

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Development of a detailed 3D FE model for analysis of the in-plane

behaviour of masonry infilled concrete frames
Ehsan Nasiri, Yi Liu ⇑
Department of Civil and Resource Engineering, Dalhousie University, 5248 Morris St., Halifax, NS B3J 1B4, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper detailed the development of a numerical model for simulating the nonlinear behaviour of the
Received 17 October 2016 concrete masonry infilled RC frames subjected to in-plane lateral loading. The ABAQUS finite element
Revised 4 April 2017 software was used in the modeling. Nonlinear behaviour as well as cracking and crushing of concrete
Accepted 6 April 2017
and masonry blocks were simulated using the Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) model. The cohesive
Available online 2 May 2017
element method combined with hyperbolic Drucker-Prager and shear and tensile failure criteria were
used to capture the possible failure mechanisms in mortar joints. Concurrent with the finite element
modeling, an experimental study was also conducted and results of masonry infilled RC frame specimens
Concrete masonry infills
RC frame
incorporating infill openings and interfacial gaps were used to validate the model. The validation showed
In-plane behaviour that the model can accurately simulate the behaviour and predict the strength of masonry infilled RC
Finite element frames. A sensitivity study was subsequently conducted where the influence of mortar joint failure sur-
Failure surface face parameters, mortar dilatancy, and fracture energy on the lateral behaviour of infilled RC frames was
Mortar dilation investigated. Results showed that the in-plane behaviour of infilled RC frames was significantly affected
Fracture energy by the input parameters of mortar failure surface and dilatancy and less affected by those of mortar frac-
ture energy.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction strut method has then emerged as the most adopted method for
evaluating the capacity and stiffness of infilled frames. In this case,
Masonry walls are often used to infill reinforced concrete (RC) the infilled frame may be considered as a braced frame where the
or steel frames in modern construction to act as either interior par- infill is replaced by a diagonal strut connecting loaded corners.
titions or exterior cladding. It is understood that if an infill is built Once the strut width is known, a simple frame analysis can be per-
in tight contact with its surrounding frame, its inherent large in- formed to determine the stiffness of the system. The strength of the
plane stiffness will attract large forces to the frame region and in infill can also be related to the strut width. Based on the diagonal
turn alter the dynamic characteristics of the entire structure. Thus, strut concept, much research work was contributed to the develop-
an accurate assessment of the infill-frame interaction is crucial for ment of this method to incorporate effects of material nonlineari-
a safe design. However, the frame, commonly made of steel or rein- ties, various failure mechanisms, geometric properties of the infill
forced concrete materials, deforms in a ductile and flexural mode and frame, and boundary conditions [8,10]. The effect of infill
while the masonry infill, made of brittle materials, tends to deform openings, infill-to-frame interfacial gaps, and vertical loading on
in a shear mode. This difference in behaviour, coupled with devel- the infill behaviour was investigated in more recent research
opment of inelasticity of both materials at high load levels, makes [1,3,7,11–14].
it difficult to quantify the exact extent of the infill-frame interac- With the development of computing technology in the last two
tion for the entire loading history. For the past six decades, both decades, numerical modeling encoded in computer programs has
experimental and numerical studies [1–9] have been conducted been increasingly used to simulate the behaviour of masonry
in an effort to provide rational methods for considering the infill infilled frames. Both finite element methods (FEM) [4,6,15–17]
contribution to the system stiffness and strength. The diagonal and discrete element methods (DEM) [18,19] have been employed
in modeling with the former being the more popular one. While
the DEM is robust in simulating mortar joint effect between blocks,
⇑ Corresponding author. it is quite limited in providing different geometry and material
E-mail addresses: (E. Nasiri), (Y. Liu). models for continuums such as the block itself or frame members.
0141-0296/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
604 E. Nasiri, Y. Liu / Engineering Structures 143 (2017) 603–616

In the case of reinforced concrete frames, interaction between rein- All infilled frame specimens had the same dimension as shown
forcing bars and continuum medium of concrete cannot be ade- in Fig. 1, yielding a height-to-length aspect ratio of about 0.73. The
quately defined using DEM. In this study, the FEM was used and masonry infill was constructed using the custom-made, half-scale
thus the following literature review is focused on studies of FEM 200 mm standard concrete masonry units laying in the running
in masonry infilled frames. Mehrabi et al. [4] developed interface bond. The interfacial gaps for those four specimens were achieved
models for shear cracking of concrete and mortar joints as well by adjusting the thickness of the mortar joints. The RC frame was
as bond-slip behaviour of steel bars in concrete. Lotfi and Shing designed according to CSA A23.3 2004 [25] and reinforcement
[20] developed a smeared crack formulation to account for nonlin- detailing including size, spacing, arrangement of longitudinal bars
ear behaviour of masonry blocks and concrete in infilled RC frames. and stirrups complied with requirements to provide ductility and
Al-Chaar et al. [21] adopted smeared crack quadrilateral elements avoid brittle shear failure.
for masonry blocks and cohesive interface model for simulation of
mortar behaviour and shear failure of concrete. Stavridis and Shing 2.1. Test setup and instrumentation
[15] proposed a 2D simplified micro-model for analysis of masonry
infilled RC frames adopting the cohesive crack interface elements The experimental set-up is illustrated in Fig. 2. The specimens
developed by Lotfi and Shing [22] to consider mortar effect. were connected to the strong floor through high strength bolts
Mohyeddin et al. [16] used a 3D simplified micro-model in which and the lateral load was applied at the top beam level using a
the mortar at joints was halved and an elastic interaction model hydraulic actuator with a capacity of 250 kN. Two linear variable
was defined between the two mortar layers. Minaie et al. [23] used differential transformers (LVDTs) (LVDT 1 and 2) were mounted
Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) model in ABAQUS to investi- at the centerline of the top and bottom beam respectively to mea-
gate bi-directional loading behaviour of fully and partially grouted sure the in-plane lateral displacements. Another two LVDTs (not
masonry shear walls. Despite that previous numerical studies have shown) were positioned at the half height of the masonry infill
shown capability of FE models in simulation of masonry infills or wall and at the central point of the top beam respectively, both
masonry shear walls, some limitations of these models are noted on the back side, to monitor any possible out-of-plane movements
as follows. Although simple to use, the 2D models were not ade- of the infill wall and the concrete frame, respectively.
quate to capture many aspects of infilled frames such as non-
typical geometric properties, stress concentration, local reinforce-
2.2. Material properties
ment effects, and out-of-plane behaviour. For the existing 3D
model studies, there is commonly a lack of information provided
The mechanical properties of CMUs, mortar, and masonry
on the input material parameters, which makes it difficult for
prisms for the infill and those of concrete and reinforcement for
others to reproduce the model and associated results. Moreover,
the frame were obtained experimentally in accordance with ASTM
these models were calibrated against test results of a specific type
specifications. A summary of the material properties is presented
of masonry infill and bounding frame, their effectiveness for a wide
in Table 2.
range of material and geometric parameters was not investigated.
In view of the above, this study was then motivated to develop a
3D finite element model to study the in-plane behaviour of 3. Finite element model
masonry infilled RC frames. Encoded in ABAQUS software, the
model development, analysis procedure, and input parameters In this study, the so-called simplified micro-modeling approach
were described in detail in this paper. Concurrent with the finite [17] was adopted and the key characteristic of this approach is that
element modeling, ten masonry infilled RC frames were tested the mortar joints are not physically modeled, rather, they are
and experimental parameters included interfacial gaps and infill replaced with zero-thickness interface elements. The geometry
openings. Detailed validation of the model against experimental and the meshing of the model is shown in Fig. 3. The ABAQUS soft-
results was discussed. Once verified, the model was used in a sen- ware was used in the model development. The concrete masonry
sitivity study of several critical material input parameters on the units (CMU) as well as RC frame members were modeled using
behaviour and strength of infilled RC frames. Recommendations solid elements. The CMU dimensions were increased by the half
were provided on the efficacy of the model in simulation of infilled thickness of the mortar joint in both horizontal and vertical direc-
RC frames covering a wide range of these parameters. tions so that the discrete CMUs were connected and interact with
each other through zero-thickness interface elements. The simpli-
fied micro-model was shown to provide desired accuracy
2. Experimental program [2,4,15,17] and is considered as a more computing efficient model-
ing technique than a detailed micro-modeling approach where
The experimental program, conducted by the same research mortar joints are modeled. The following sections describe model-
team, involved the testing of ten masonry infilled RC frames sub- ing details of each component of the infilled frame. It is noted that
jected to a monotonically increased lateral load to failure. The while ABAQUS provides the general material constitutive and
objectives of the experimental program were to provide test interfacial behaviour models for different structural applications,
results to 1) investigate the behaviour of masonry infilled RC the contribution of this study lies in the determination of appropri-
frames as affected by infill openings and infill-to-frame interfacial ate models and critical material parameters, and conducting com-
gaps; and 2) validate the numerical model. Information on test putationally efficient and accurate simulation of masonry infilled
specimens, test setup, and results deemed relevant to this paper RC frames.
is provided in the following section. A detailed description of the
test program and discussion of results can be found elsewhere [24]. 3.1. Nonlinear behaviour of concrete and CMUs
Ten specimens included one bare frame (BF), one infilled frame
control specimen (IFNG), four infilled frame specimens with inter- Different from ideal brittle materials such as glass, concrete and
facial gaps between either the top frame beam and the infill (IFTG) CMUs are considered as quasi-brittle materials with high tough-
or the frame columns and the infill (IFSG), and four infilled frame ness after subcritical cracking [26]. The Concrete Damaged Plastic-
specimens with window or door openings (IFW and IFD). Table 1 ity (CDP) model for quasi-brittle materials in ABAQUS [28] was
presents a detailed description of the test specimens. used to simulate the behaviour of concrete and CMUs in this study.
E. Nasiri, Y. Liu / Engineering Structures 143 (2017) 603–616 605

Table 1
Summary of test specimens.

Number Specimen ID Gap Opening type (Opening/infill area)

Location Size (mm)
1 BF – –
2 IFNG None –
3 IFTG7 Top 7 –
4 IFTG12 Top 12 –
5 IFSG7 Side 3.5 (on each side) –
6 IFSG12 Side 6 (on each side) –
7 IFW8 – Window (8%)
8 IFW16 – Window (16%)
9 IFD19 – Door (19%)
10 IFW22 – Window (22%)

3.1.1. Yield surface

In a general form, the yield function, F, of the CDP model in
terms of effective stresses is defined according to Eq. (1):

F ¼ 11 a ðq ^ max  cr
 þ bðepl Þr ^ max Þ  rc ðepl
c Þ ¼ 0

a ¼ 2ððrrbobo==rrcocoÞ1
; 0 6 a 6 0:5
 c ðepl
b¼r  t ðepl
c Þ=r t Þð1  aÞ  ð1 þ aÞ c ¼ 3ð1  K c Þ=2K c  1
where p  is the hydrostatic pressure stress, q  is the Von Mises

equivalent effective stress, r is the maximum principal effective
stress, rbo =rco is the ratio of initial biaxial compressive yield stress
to initial uniaxial compressive yield stress, Kc is the ratio of the ten-
sile meridian to the compressive meridian and defines the shape of
the yield surface in the deviatory plane, r  t ðepl  pl
t Þ and rc ðec Þ are the
effective tensile and compressive cohesion stress respectively, cor-
responding to the plastic strains indicated in the bracket.
The yield surface in the plane-stress and deviatoric conditions is
shown in Fig. 4. The intercepting points of yield line at principal
stress axes specify the uniaxial tension and compression capacities
of the material. Reduced tension and increased compression capac-
ities in biaxial stress conditions are illustrated in the graph.

3.1.2. Flow rule

A non-associated potential flow was assumed in the CDP model
as follows:

e_ pl ¼ k_ 
The flow potential G chosen for this model was the Drucker-
Prager hyperbolic function defined as follows:
GðrÞ ¼ ðrt0 tan wc Þ2 þ q 2  p  tan wc ð3Þ

where  is the eccentricity that gives the rate at which the plastic
potential function approximates the asymptote, wc is the dilation
angle measured in the p  q plane at high confining pressure and
is an indicator of the direction of the plastic strain increment, and
rt0 is the uniaxial tensile stress at failure.
Determining the yield surface and flow rule parameters for con-
Fig. 1. Geometric properties of infilled frame specimens and reinforcement details
crete and CMUs requires accurate biaxial and triaxial tests on the
in the RC frame. materials. However, the available literature showed that the lateral
response of the infilled frame is not overly sensitive to these
parameters. The values used in this study were then based on
The CDP model is a continuum, plasticity-based, damage model. experimental results obtained by Kupfer et al. [29] and Jankowiak
Both isotropic damaged elasticity and tensile and compressive [30] as well as numerical values used by Lubliner et al. [27], Lee
plasticity are considered in this model and failure mechanisms and Fenves [31], Jiang and Wu [32], and Genikomsou and Polak
are defined in terms of tensile cracking and compressive crushing. [33], and they are summarized in Table 3.
606 E. Nasiri, Y. Liu / Engineering Structures 143 (2017) 603–616

Fig. 2. Schematic test set-up.

Table 2
Summary of material properties for test specimens.

Elastic modulus E (MPa) Compressive strength (MPa) Tensile strength (MPa) Yield strength (MPa) Ultimate (yield) strain
Concrete 27,800 43.8 3.5 – 0.0025
CMUs 3500 25.0 2.5 – 0.008
Mortar 2600 21.3 1.7 – –
Prisms 2980 17.1 – – –
Reinforcement 220,000 – 665 446 0.85 (0.003)

Fig. 3. Three dimensional geometric model used in the FE analysis.

3.1.3. Compressive stress-strain relationship where rc and ec are the compressive stress and strain values,
The compressive behaviour of concrete and CMUs is defined respectively; is the compressive strength of the material; ec0 is
using the stress-strain constitutive model proposed by Sima et al. the linear elastic strain limits; e0c is the strain at the peak stress
[34] as follows: and E0 is the Young’s modulus of the material.
8 Incorporating experimentally obtained mechanical properties
rc ¼ ec E0 ec 6 ec0
< "  # into Eq. (4), the compressive stress-strain curves for concrete and
ec0 ec CMUs were obtained and shown in Fig. 5.
> e0c
: rc ¼ ec0 ð1  AÞ þ Aec e E0 ec > ec0
ð4Þ 3.1.4. Tensile behaviour model
f 0c ec0 E0
A¼   ! In this study, the tensile behaviour of concrete was given special
1 consideration due to presence of reinforcement. Known as the ten-
E0 e0c e ec0
sion stiffening effect, the concrete of RC members adjacent to
cracks carries tensile forces after cracking. This tension restrains
E. Nasiri, Y. Liu / Engineering Structures 143 (2017) 603–616 607


Tensile stress (MPa)

0 0.001 0.002 0.003

Fig. 6. Tension stress-strain curve for concrete.

described using a stress-crack displacement curve in which the

Fig. 4. Failure surface of the CDP model in plane stress [28]. area under the curve represents the Mode I fracture energy of
the material (Gf ) [36]. Thus, the tensile behaviour model for CMUs
was defined by a linear elastic behaviour in the pre-cracking phase
Table 3 and a stress-crack displacement curve in the post-cracking phase
The CDP model parameters for concrete and CMUs.
as shown in Fig. 7. The fracture energy of the CMU material was
Dilation angle wc Eccentricity  rbo =rco Kc estimated using Eq. (6) as suggested by Fib: Model Code [37].
Concrete 40 0.1 1.16 0.66 0:18
Gf ¼ 73f c ð6Þ
CMU 30 0.1 1.16 0.66
where f c is the compressive strength of the CMU. In this equation f c
is in MPa and Gf is in N=m.
the plastic elongation of the reinforcement to the cracking planes.
Since in plasticity-based smeared cracking models the cracks in 3.2. Material model for reinforcement
concrete are not simulated physically and each finite element
might include a cracked and uncracked material, this effect can Modeling of the steel reinforcement in the concrete frame
be simulated using an averaged tensile stress-strain curve between members requires consideration of the bond-slip effect. Previous
cracked and uncracked concrete. Based on the results of uniaxial FE studies on reinforced concrete [38–42] showed that for a steel
tension and pullout tests on RC members conducted by Shima bar embedded in concrete, its stress-strain curve averaged at the
and Okamura [35], the tensile stress-strain curve for concrete cracked region and that adjacent to cracks does not show a pro-
reflecting the tension stiffening effect can be expressed using Eq. nounced yield plateau and the ‘‘apparent yield stress” is lower than
(5). This model was shown to be independent of element size, the yield stress of a bare steel bar. This phenomenon, known as
crack spacing, and orientation of reinforcement [35]. bond-slip effect, is often implemented in models by reducing the
8 elastic modulus or yield stress, or both of the steel bars. Based on
< rt ¼ et E0 et 6 et0
 0:4 ð5Þ
this concept, the method proposed by Dehestani and Mousavi
: rt ¼ rt0 et0
et et > et0 [39] was adopted in this study to account for the bond-slip effect
in the modeling of the reinforcement. In this method, the modified

where rt and et are the tensile stress and strain values, respectively; elastic modulus, Es , hardening modulus, Esp , and yield stress, f y , can
rt0 and et0 are the linear elastic stress and strain limits, respectively. be calculated using Eqs. (7)(9). The experimentally obtained curve
Incorporating experimental results of concrete modulus and elastic on tensile coupons and the corresponding modified curve are both
stress and strain limit, the tensile stress-strain curve for concrete shown in Fig. 8.
was obtained as illustrated in Fig. 6. !1:5 ,

In the case of CMUs, due to the absence of steel reinforcement, fy f cr
the tensile behaviour is more dependent on localized single crack
¼ ð0:93  2BÞ; B¼ q ð7Þ
fy fy
which initiates a sharp stress drop. This type of behaviour is better

(a) 50.0 (b) 30.0

Compressive stress (MPa)
Compressive stress (MPa)

40.0 25.0
E=27 GPa E=3.5 GPa
10.0 5.0
0.0 0.0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 0.005 0.01 0.015
Strain Strain

Fig. 5. Compression stress-strain curve for: (a) Concrete; and (b) CMUs.
608 E. Nasiri, Y. Liu / Engineering Structures 143 (2017) 603–616

(a) 3.0 (b) 3.0

2.5 2.5

Tensile stress (MPa)

Tensile stress (MPa)

2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
0 0.0005 0.001 0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003
Strain Displacement (m)

Fig. 7. Tensile behaviour of CMU material: (a) stress-strain curve; and (b) stress-displacement curve.

8 9 2 38 9
< tn >
= K nn 0 0 >
< dn >
700.0 6 7
t ¼ ts ¼ 4 0 K ss 0 5 ds ¼ Kd ð10Þ
600.0 >
: > ; >
: > ;
tt 0 0 K tt dt
Stress (MPa)

This elastic behaviour is combined with a hyperbolic Drucker-

400.0 Esp*=3 Prager yield criterion that controls the tension cracking and shear
300.0 GPa sliding failure of mortar joints. The advantage of hyperbolic
Tensile test result Drucker-Prager yield criterion over the Mohr-Coulomb or regular
200.0 Es*=120 Drucker-Prager criterion is that the tension cut-off can be consid-
100.0 GPa Modified curve ered in the failure surface. The shape of this yield surface in the
0.0 p-q plane is shown in Fig. 9 and expressed as:
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 0
Strain F¼ l0 þ q2  p tan b  d ¼ 0 ð11Þ

Fig. 8. Modified stress-strain curve for the reinforcement. qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

2 0 0
where l0 ¼ d  pt tan b, d is the shear yield stress, pt is the hydro-

static tensile strength and b is the frictional angle of the material in
fy the p  q plane and it can be determined from the friction angle in
Es ¼ d ð8Þ
es þ l
the Mohr-Coulomb failure surface (slope of the r  s failure sur-
face), u, as follows:
Esp ¼ 0:03Es ð9Þ
6 sin u
tan b ¼ ð12Þ
where f y is the yield stress of the reinforcing bars, f cr is the cracking 3  sin u
stress of the concrete, q is the reinforcement ratio in the RC frame Experimental and numerical studies have shown that the dila-
section, es is the strain of the steel bar corresponding to the stress tion during shear failure of a mortar joint has a significant effect

f y , l is the transmission length of bond strength between the steel on the deformation and strength of the interface [9,22]. In this
bar and the surrounding concrete and d is the maximum slip of study, this effect was considered by implementing the dilation
the steel bar. More information on determination of the transmis- angle (w) in flow potential as defined in Eq. (13) and illustrated
sion length l and the maximum slip d is available elsewhere [39]. in Fig. 10. The dilation angle controls the amount of plastic volu-
metric strain developed during plastic shearing and is assumed
3.3. Behaviour model of interface elements constant during plastic yielding. To be distinguished from the dila-
tion angle wc for concrete and CMUs, this dilation angle for the
The interface elements used between CMUs need to account for interface element is labelled as wi.
plastic behaviour and possible failure modes of the mortar. For this
G ¼ q  p tan wi ð13Þ
purpose, the cohesive element in ABAQUS was used in combina-
tion with the hyperbolic Drucker-Prager plasticity criterion. The Once failure is detected by Drucker-Prager criterion, two dam-
shear and normal stress damage models were also implemented age models (normal and shear stress damage) control the degrada-
to allow for degradation and removal of elements after failure. Sub- tion and elimination of the interface elements. The normal and
sequent to the failure of mortar, interaction between the blocks is shear stress damage criteria were implemented using the fracture
controlled by Mohr-Coulomb friction behaviour. The cohesive ele- energy approach. As shown in Fig. 11, the areas under the tensile
ment is an eight-node three-dimensional element (COH3D8) with stress-displacement and shear stress-displacement curves after
a very small thickness (0.1 mm) to satisfy the zero-thickness the peak stresses were set to be equal to the Mode I and Mode II
assumption, which also ensures that the separation between fracture energy of the mortar material [17,43]. Upon the full degra-
masonry blocks can be obtained with sufficient accuracy after dation of the interface elements they were deleted from the model
removal of the element at normal or shear stress failure. In the to allow for the Coulomb frictional contact between the masonry
elastic state, the behaviour of these elements is controlled by an units or between the masonry units and the concrete frame. At this
elastic traction-separation response [28]. Traction stress vector t stage, contacting surfaces can carry shear stresses up to a certain
consists of three components, tn, ts and tt, which represent the nor- magnitude before sliding, which is known as sticking. The critical
mal and two shear tractions. The corresponding separations are shear stress at which sliding of the surfaces starts, is defined as
denoted by dn , ds and dt . The elastic behaviour for this case is scrit ¼ lN where, N is the contact pressure and l is the coefficient
expressed as: of friction.
E. Nasiri, Y. Liu / Engineering Structures 143 (2017) 603–616 609

3.4. Analysis procedure

In this study, ABAQUS/CAE and ABAQUS/EXPLICIT were chosen

for generation and analysis of the model, respectively. The ABA-
QUS/EXPLICIT uses the central difference method (CDM) to solve
the equation of motion of a nonlinear problem. The advantage of
CDM is that the time-marching update equations are EXPLICIT,
meaning that no iterations are needed to find the new displace-
ments which satisfy the equation of motion. This method is pre-
ferred for computation problems involving complicated nonlinear
constitutive laws and large deformations and is especially effective
for prediction of post-failure behaviour. The EXPLICIT procedure
Fig. 9. Hyperbolic Drucker-Prager yield surface [28]
uses a large number of small time increments to ensure the accu-
racy of analysis. The EXPLICIT central difference integration rule is
shown as [28]:

Dt ðiþ12Þ þ Dt ðiÞ
u_ ðiþ2Þ ¼ u_ ði2Þ þ
1 1
€ ðiÞ
u ð14Þ

uðiþ1Þ ¼ uðiÞ þ Dtðiþ1Þ u_ ðiþ2Þ


where u_ is velocity and u

€ is acceleration corresponding to equations
of motion. The superscript (i) refers to the increment number. In
order to have a stable solution, the time increment should be less
than the stability limit set as:

Dtmax 6 ð16Þ
where Le is the characteristic length of the smallest element and
Fig. 10. Hardening and flow rule for the hyperbolic Drucker-Prager model [28] pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Cd ¼ E=q is the wave velocity in the material.

4. Verification of the model

A mesh convergence study was first performed on the model.

Using specimen IFNG as an example, the FE lateral load vs. dis-
placement curves with varying element sizes used to discretize
the masonry infill are compared with the experimental curve in
Fig. 12. It can be seen that while the results in elastic range and
pre-peak region are less affected by the mesh density, the ultimate
force and the post-ultimate behaviour is somewhat sensitive to the
Fig. 11. Tensile and shear strength softening curves and corresponding fracture mesh size. While the finest mesh (5 mm) produced the ultimate
energies. load closest to the experimental value, the mesh size of 10 mm
yielded a response quite similar to that produced by mesh size
5 mm. To balance the result accuracy and computational efficiency,
Table 4 summarizes values of aforementioned input parameters the mesh size of 10 mm was used for the model in the following
used in the interface element modeling. Due to a lack of standard validation process.
The FE model was then validated using the test results. Table 5
testing procedures for determining some of these parameters, the
available literature was mainly relied on for obtaining the reason- summarizes the comparison results in terms of the initial and crack
able range of values. The final selection of values was conducted stiffness, and ultimate strength of specimens. Table 5 shows that
through an extensive calibration process against the experimental the average of P u;FE
is 1.03 with a COV of 7%, indicating that the
results obtained in this study. FE model is capable of predicting the ultimate lateral load capacity

Table 4
Summary of interface parameters.

Symbol Description Value Unit Source/Reference

E Elastic modulus 2600 MPa Experiment
m Poisson’s ratio 0.16 – Experiment
b Angle of friction in Drucker-Prager model 75 degree [9,42,43]
pt Initial tensile strength 0.2 MPa [42–44]
wi Dilation angle 20 degree [9,43]
d Initial shear strength 1.0 MPa [42–44]
Gfs Shear fracture energy 400 N/m [22,43]
Gft Tension fracture energy 40 N/m [22,43]
l Coulomb friction coefficient 0.7 – [4,22,43]
610 E. Nasiri, Y. Liu / Engineering Structures 143 (2017) 603–616

160 Fig. 14 compares the deformed geometry and cracking patterns

obtained from the FE model and tests. The red contours shown in
the FE results represent the regions where stresses were well
120 beyond the cracking stress whereas the green contours represent
the regions that just began to crack. In all specimens, corner crush-
Load (kN)

ing was observed to be the final failure mode which usually

80 occurred after formation and development of diagonal cracking.
5 mm elements For the control specimen (Fig. 14a), the FE model exhibited a
10 mm elements similar cracking pattern and failure mode as the tested specimen
15 mm elements where cracking formed and developed in the general diagonal
direction of the infill, and crushing of the infill was observed at
20 Experiment
the loaded corners. For the specimen with an opening (Fig. 14b),
0 the FE model accurately simulated the diagonal cracks formed
0 10 20 30 40
and developed around the corners of the opening. As the load
Lateral Displacement (mm) increased, the distortion of the opening (left bottom corner and
Fig. 12. Load-displacement curves for different number of elements.
right top corner) was also captured. For the specimen with a top
gap (Fig. 14c), the FE model is capable of predicting a cracking pat-
tern that was different from the control specimen where two main
of the infilled RC frames with a reasonably good accuracy. In terms cracking regions were developed due to the presence of gap. For
of the initial stiffness which is defined as the slope of initial linear the specimen with side gaps (Fig. 14d), the initiation of failure
portion of the curve, the average
is 1.44 with a COV of 28%. was shear sliding along the bed joints which also transformed into
K i;FE
the cracking of masonry blocks at some regions. As load increased,
High variations in the initial stiffness comparison was also
both the model and test showed that the infill was pushed against
reported in previous work conducted by Liu and Soon [11]. The
the lower part of the frame column at the unloaded side and crush-
imperfection in the specimen, difficulty in achieving a totally
ing of the infill was observed at the loaded corner. Fig. 15 details
‘‘tight” contact between the infill and the frame, as well as poten-
the ability of the model in prediction of the corner crushing failure
tial movements and deformations in the test setup were identified
where the crushed element contours are compared with crushed
to contribute to the high variation of initial stiffness. Therefore, the
CMUs in the test.
crack stiffness, Kcra, was also obtained and compared in the table as
The above comparisons further demonstrate that in addition to
a more reliable indicator of the system stiffness. The crack stiffness
the ultimate strength and stiffness, the FE model is also capable of
is defined as the secant stiffness connecting the origin and the
predicting the complete behaviour including both loading and
point on the response curve where the first major crack occurred.
K cra;EXP
unloading stages as well as the cracking pattern and failure mode
The average K cra;FE
, determined to be 1.24 with a C.O.V of 17%, of the specimens. Noting that the specimens had either infill open-
shows much improved estimate on the system stiffness using crack ings or varying interfacial conditions, the comparison indicates the
stiffness. robustness of the model in incorporating infill frame conditions
The experimental and FE lateral load vs. displacement curves different from a ‘‘regular” infilled frame.
are plotted in Fig. 13 for all specimens. The finite element curves,
in general, compare reasonably well with their experimental coun- 5. Investigation on the interface parameters
terparts. The figure shows that the finite element curves are cap-
able of capturing the cracking reflected by the sudden drops in The validation of the model shows that the model is effective
lateral loads during the rising portion of the curve. The immediate and accurate in simulating the in-plane behaviour and strength
load increase at a lower stiffness indicates the degradation of the of the infilled RC frames. However, as several input material
stiffness due to cracking development and the infill’s ability to find parameters were assumed based on the available literature, it is
alternative loading paths to carry additional load. It also should be important to investigate the influence of variation in these param-
pointed out that the same values of input parameters as described eters on the results. Section 4 showed that the interface parame-
in the previous section were used for all specimens and there was ters are most critical to the overall behaviour simulation and
no ‘‘tweaking” of these values to achieve a ‘‘perfect” fit for each have the most uncertainty due to the lack of available technical
specimen. Although there is some less than ‘‘perfect” fit in the information. Hence, in this section, the effect of several interface
curves, it is felt that the comparison has demonstrates the robust- parameters on the behaviour and failure prediction of infill frames
ness and efficacy of the model. is investigated. These parameters covered three aspects of the

Table 5
Stiffness and strength comparison of the experimental and FE results.

Specimen ID K i;EXP ðKN=mmÞ K i;FE ðKN=mmÞ K i;EXP K cra;EXP ðKN=mmÞ K cra;FE ðKN=mmÞ K cra;EXP P u;EXP (kN) P u;FE (kN) Pu;EXP
K i;FE K cra;FE Pu;FE

BF 20.8 22.1 0.94 17 18.6 0.91 58.5 57.3 1.02

IFNG 52.9 39.5 1.34 12.2 9.6 1.27 133.6 130.2 1.03
IFTG7 46.6 27.6 1.69 12.2 8.3 1.47 129.3 124.7 1.04
IFTG12 40.3 32.4 1.24 21.3 17.5 1.22 102.4 90.3 1.13
IFSG7 30.7 25.6 1.20 11.7 6.9 1.70 134.1 124.6 1.08
IFSG12 31.9 24.5 1.30 5.9 5.3 1.11 114.4 104.7 1.09
IFW8 36.3 33.5 1.08 12.2 9.8 1.24 108.2 105.2 1.03
IFW16 46.8 29.6 1.58 7.5 7.1 1.06 86.4 98.6 0.88
IFD19 48.6 30.0 1.62 8.4 6.5 1.29 96.0 95.3 1.01
IFW22 63.5 27.0 2.35 9.6 8.2 1.17 86.4 86.2 1.00
Avg 1.44 1.24 1.03
C.O.V (%) 28 17 7
E. Nasiri, Y. Liu / Engineering Structures 143 (2017) 603–616 611

Fig. 13. Comparison of lateral load vs. displacement curves obtained from tests and FE analysis for all specimens.
612 E. Nasiri, Y. Liu / Engineering Structures 143 (2017) 603–616

Fig. 14. Deformed geometry and cracking pattern comparison for: (a) IFNG, (b) IFW16, (c) IFTG12 and (d) IFSG12.

interface behaviour. Group I parameters define the failure surface eters (Group I), the friction angle was reported to vary from 30
and include initial tensile strength (pt ), initial shear strength (d ), to 50 degrees in the r  s plane which corresponds to 50–80
and frictional angle of the interface (b); Group II parameters define degrees in the p  q plane. The mortar joint strength was reported
fracture energy of the interface and include tensile and shear frac- to vary from 0.05 to 0.4 MPa and 0.3–0.8 MPa for tensile and shear,
ture energies of the interface (Gft ; Gfs ); and Group III parameter respectively. As three of them are related through the hyperbolic
defines the shear behaviour of a mortar joint and is the dilation Drucker-Prager function (Eq. (11)), the two more important
angle of the interface (wi ). These parameters were commonly used parameters, shear strength (d ) and frictional angle (b), were cho-
in various FE models and deemed crucial in model performance sen first and the third parameter, tensile strength (pt ), was then
[4,6,15,17,21,22,47,48]. However, in almost all of these cited stud- calculated using the equation. The three failure surface lines
ies they were calibrated for a specific masonry infill case based on formed are illustrated in Fig. 16 where FS1 to FS3 parameter com-
limited experimental information [44,45] and no information was bination represent weak, intermediate and strong mortar.
given for the effect if different values were used. The model used in the parametric study was a 4  3 m (W  H)
Table 6 summarizes the values of the aforementioned parame- RC frame infilled with 400  200 mm concrete masonry units with
ters used in this study. The values selected were considered within Type S mortar. The design of the concrete frame was based on CSA
a reasonable range of variation as reported in the literature A23.3 2004 in a similar manner as the tested specimens. The
[4,15,44,48–51] covering the expected lower and upper bounds. mechanical properties of different components used in the study
It should be pointed out that in the case of failure surface param- are summarized in Table 7.
E. Nasiri, Y. Liu / Engineering Structures 143 (2017) 603–616 613

Fig. 15. Detailed crushing comparison (specimen IFW16).

Table 6
Summary of input parameters used in the sensitivity study.

Case Description Type of Initial tensile strength, Initial shear strength, Frictional angle, b Dilation angle, wi Fracture Energy
ID mortar pt (MPa) d (MPa) (degree) (degree) (N.m)
Tensile Shear
Gft Gfs
FS1 Failure surface Weak 0.3 0.4 50
FS2 parameters Intermediate 0.4 0.8 60
FS3 Strong 0.5 1.2 70
FG1 Fracture energy of Weak 20 200
FG2 interface Intermediate 40 400
FG3 Strong 60 600
DA1 Dilation angle of Weak 0
DA2 interface Intermediate 10
DA3 Strong 20

5.1. Effect of failure surface parameters

The effect of the interface failure surface parameters on the load
Deviatoric stress (q)

vs. displacement response is shown in Fig. 17. Results indicate that

4 these parameters have a significant effect on the cracking stiffness,
70 ultimate capacity and post-ultimate behaviour of the infilled frame
3 but a minimal effect on the initial stiffness. As expected, strong
60 mortar parameters (FS3) yielded the greatest ultimate load and
50 post-ultimate strength.
1 Deformed shapes as well as cracking and crushing patterns in
0 both the infill and RC frame for three failure surface parameters
-0.5 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 are presented in Fig. 18. Results indicate that the choice of failure
Hydrostatic Stress (p) surface parameters influence the failure mode and the extent of
damage in both the infill and RC frame. In the weak mortar case
Fig. 16. Yield lines in the p-q plane. the failure was initiated by shear sliding in horizontal mortar joints

Table 7
Material properties used for the sensitivity study.

Property CMUs Mortar Concrete Reinforcement

Compressive Strength (MPa) 20.0 15.0 35.0 –
Elastic Modulus (MPa) 20,000 2600 30,000 220,000
Tensile strength (MPa) 2.0 1.5 3.5 400 (600)*
Yield and (ultimate) strength.
614 E. Nasiri, Y. Liu / Engineering Structures 143 (2017) 603–616

700 700
600 600
500 500

Load (kN)
Load (kN)

400 400
300 300 FG1
200 200
FS2 100
100 FG3
FS3 0
0 0 10 20 30 40
0 10 20 30 40
Lateral Displacement (mm) Lateral Displacement (mm)

Fig. 19. Lateral load vs. displacement curves for interface fracture energy
Fig. 17. Lateral load vs. displacement curves for interface failure surface

while, as the mortar becomes stronger, the failure was predomi- 700
nated by diagonal cracking and more extensive corner crushing
of the CMUs. Fig. 18 shows increasingly more extensive develop- 600
ment of cracking and crushing in the masonry infill as well as in 500
the frame as the mortar becomes stronger. This is consistent with

Load (kN)
the observation that stronger mortar failure parameters produced 400
higher ultimate load as stronger mortar allows the system to 300
deform, crack and crush to a greater extent. DA1
5.2. Effect of fracture energy parameters
For the fracture energy parameters, values of 20, 40, 60 for ten- 0
sile fracture energy and 200, 400, 600 for shear sliding energy were 0 10 20 30 40
chosen (Table 6). According to the available literature the tensile Lateral Displacement (mm)
fracture energy is commonly correlated with the compressive
Fig. 20. Lateral load vs. displacement curves for different interface dilation angles.
strength of the material [37] and the shear fracture energy is usu-
ally assumed to be ten times the tensile fracture energy [4,15,22].
The effect of interface fracture energy parameters on the lateral of mortar has been inconsistent in previous numerical studies
load vs. displacement response of the infilled frame is illustrated where some researchers [47,48] ignored its effect totally while
in Fig. 19. It can be seen that these parameters have a negligible others [4,22,52] believed that it significantly affects the mortar
effect on the pre-ultimate portion of the response curve. A noted shear failure. In this study, dilation angles of 0, 10, and 20 degrees
difference is that while the value remained practically the same, were considered. The upper bound was chosen as 20 degrees as
the ultimate load for the high fracture energy case occurs at a values greater than that would produce unrealistic lateral capaci-
greater displacement after development of more cracking (shown ties and deformations. Lateral load vs. displacement responses
as the flat portion before the ultimate load) to correspond to a with different dilation angles are shown in Fig. 20. It indicates that
higher energy release. A minor effect was also observed on the this parameter has a considerable influence on the ultimate capac-
post-ultimate behaviour where higher fracture energy values ity prediction. It also affects the cracking load and cracking stiff-
showed more residual capacity. ness of the structure such that the initial cracking occurs roughly
at 200, 300 and 450 kN for DA1, DA2 and DA3, respectively.
5.3. Effect of dilation angle A comparison between deformed shapes and cracking patterns
for different dilation angles is shown in Fig. 21. It is seen that in the
In a mortar joint under shear, dilatancy is the occurrence of a case of small dilation angles, cracking is more concentrated in mor-
displacement perpendicular to the imposed shear displacement, tar joints and sliding shear with wide cracks in bed joints is
at and beyond the peak shear strength. Consideration of dilatancy observed; while as the dilation angle becomes larger, sliding shear


Fig. 18. Deformed shape (6 magnified) and cracking patterns for interface failure surfaces.
E. Nasiri, Y. Liu / Engineering Structures 143 (2017) 603–616 615


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