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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan


Date: March 19, 2021

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identifying hardware components of a computer.
b. Apply the use of hardware components in using computer.
c. Appreciate the value of knowing computer hardware.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Hardware Components of a Computer
Visual aids, projector, pen
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Routine Activity
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Classroom Management
d. Checking of Attendance
e. Review the past lesson by matching the kinds of computer according to
capacity to its example images.

Activity: The teacher will divided into 2 groups with 6 members.

1st group: Hold the kinds of computer.
2nd group: Hold its example images.
The partners with correct matching will be given a prize.

2. Motivation:
Picture Puzzle
Guide Questions:
• What have you notice in this picture?
• Are you familiar with this?
• Is this touchable or not?
Trivia Question:
Did you know that knowing what are computer was that you must also have to
know its components?

B. Presentation
a. Pre-Activity:
The teacher will introduce the new lesson about hardware components of a
computer. Furthermore, give instructions for the next activity.
b. Activity Proper:
The class will be divided into five panel. One will be the interviewer while the
rest of the panel will answer.
The students will be asked the following questions.
o Why do we need to study the basic hardware components of a computer
o Why do computers need hardware?
o Is computers work well if there’s a possibility of lacking hardware
o Rate your group’s performance using the performance score card below:

Performance Score Card

Performance Criteria Score

1 2 3 4 5
Importance of computers is clearly
The essence of studying hardware
components is clearly explained.
Relationship of hardware
components to a computer system is
well explained.

c. Post activity:
The scores and suggestions for each group will be given and the importance of
the activity will be discussed. The teacher will give some additional information
on the part which she thinks was not fully covered by the students.
d. Generalization:
What have you learned from the different basic hardware components of
computer system?
e. Valuing:
IV. Evaluation:
Write the letter of your answer.
1. What hardware components of computer that is considered as the most important output device
and it looks like a TV?
a) Keyboard
b) Monitor
c) Printer
d) CPU
2. Which do you listen to music and sounds?
a) Karaoke
b) Speaker
c) Modem
d) Webcam
3. If human being has brain to process our task , what doyou call the brain of the computer?
a) GPU
b) GCF
c) GNP
d) CPU
4. Explain the importance of the basic hardware components of computer system?

V. Assignment:
Give the software components of computer system?

Noted by: Prepared by:

Lilibeth F. Custodio

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