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Translation Translation

Translation Method
Technique Strategy
The technique is what we
The strategy is a process that
observed in the result after
It is known as a translation allows to reach an objective,
the translation, analyzing by
method when the translator where the goal is to avoid
phrases, so they are
uses a specific way of deficiencies and make the
considered mechanisms to
translating the original text use of tools and mechanisms
solve problems that can be
and by means of certain for translation more
found at the time of
principles does this process. effective.
According to Francesconi And as mentioned in the blog
Similarly, it is important to
(2004), there isn’t, then, no of (2014), it is
know that there are some
single method of translation, not always possible to
translation techniques that
so all translations would have translate sentences with
are applicable according to
to be to some extent equivalent structures, so the
the context, managing to
communicative and semantic, translator must resort to
transfer the message from
social and individual. What various strategies in order to
one language to the other,
varies is the emphasis placed ensure the translation of a
and at the same time,
on one or the other of these given text. These strategies
preserving the fidelity of the
aspects. have also been called
original text. Aguilar-Laguiarce
translation procedures.
Online dictionaries, for
Modulation. For example:
Because it is a way of doing, it example, are very useful
Don’t get so excited –
responds to how and helps when translating, serving as
develop skills. For example, the a tool as they are easily
interpretive-communicative updated and distinguish the
Transposition. For example:
method or the free method. words that are coined in
I won’t be late – No tardaré
various fields of knowledge.
Benjamín, A. (2015). Translation techniques. Retrieved from

Francesconi (2004). What translation? The translation methods in contemporary analysis.

Retrieved from
%C3%A9todos%20de%20traducci%C3%B3n.pdf (2014). Translation strategies. Retrieved from

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