Laura Del Valle - Lesson Plan

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Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson

Laura Del Valle January 12 of 2022 A2 Pre-Intermediate 60 minutes

Lesson Type:
Grammar Lesson

Lesson Topic: What were you doing yesterday?

Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:

By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to By the end of the lesson, students will have
identify and use past continuous tense to describe what they were discussed with another classmate about 4 activities they did the
doing at a specific past time. day before.

Example sentence:
● Yesterday in the morning I was eating breakfast.
● Yesterday in the morning I was not reading.

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Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:

1. Students may be confused choosing between the was/were 1. In the “presenting meaning stage”, I will emphasise which
depending on who the subject is. verb is used depending on who the subject is by repeating
was/were 2 times in the given examples. Later in the
2. Students may need to review the present continuous (ing) “presenting form stage” I will explain when each one must
to use it to form the past continuous tense. be used.

3. Since they are young learners, and it's a grammar lesson 2. Before the class begins, I will write on the board the
students may get distracted during or feel unmotivated. structure to form the present continuous and some of the
most common verbs using that tense. Additionally, students
may use their dictionaries to look for the present
continuous of verbs and their notes.

3. I will use different kinds of activities and vivid pictures to

keep them motivated and engaged during the class, offering
them psychological rewards such as points and positive
feedback during the whole lesson,

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Target language analysis:

1. What is the use or function of this We use the past continuous tense to indicate or describe a specific action during a specific time in the
language? (include a timeline if past.

Figure 1.
2. In which context are you introducing I'm going to introduce the past continuous tense in the context of the daily routine of a person, describing
the language? short and simple activities that someone did the day before. (Yesterday at 8 am she was eating breakfast.)

3. Which concept checking questions will “I was teaching English yesterday at 11 a.m”
you ask to ensure students understand
the meaning? CCQ:

1. What was I doing yesterday in the morning at 11 o’clock? (Teaching English)

2. When I was teaching English? (At 11 a.m. / In the morning/ In the morning at 11 o’clock)
3. Was I playing with a dog yesterday at 11 a.m.? (No)
4. Did I teach English yesterday at 7 o’clock in the morning? (No)

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5. What is the form of the target ● Positive Structure:
language? (include positive, negative Subject + was/were + verb-ing form.
and question forms if appropriate)
● Negative Structure:
Subject + was/were + not + verb ing form
Subject + wasn’t / weren’t + verb ing form.

● Question Form:
Was/were + subject + verb ing form.

● Question form with WH questions:

wh question + was/were + subject + verb ing form

6. How will your students work out the I will use a guided discovery / inductive activity (a list of activities that I did the day before) to elicit from
rules for the structure? students what I was doing at a specific time in the past continuous (Procedures are specified in the stage
Presentation: Meaning )
As my main prop, I will use the board when I try to elicit the structure from students and my voice to
guide the students in the case they can't produce the correct structure.
7. What will you teach about the ● The pronunciation of the contracted negative form in past continuous
pronunciation of the structure? E.g.
“Was not” becomes “wasn’t” in spoken English.
“Were not” becomes “weren't” in spoken English.
● Emphasis on phonemes that don't exist in the Russian language, and that can be a little difficult
for the Russian students to pronounce.

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Stage Name Stage Aim Time Interacti Teacher’s procedure Students will…

Warmer To allow the students to 5 T-S ● T arranges the class in a circle. Identify the lesson topic, and begin
transition into English and minutes ● T will read the students a short to refresh their vocabulary used to
prepare them for the topic friendly story that contains the express daily routines.
of the lesson. target structure. (Fig. 4) Learners will use their pre-existed
knowledge and link it to the target

Presentation: To allow the students to 10 T-S ● T will write on the board the title Understand the grammar structure
Meaning use their analysing skills to minutes OCFB “What I did yesterday” by actively deducing how it is
deduce the meaning of ● T will put 6 simple pictures (a kid formed and used through the
the grammar. brushing his teeth, a kid eating, a examples shown by T.
kid watching Tv, a kid reading, a kid
taking shower, a kid playing with a Use the visual representation of
dog) on the board. Each picture will the target structure to consolidate
have a specific hour or time of the their understanding of the
day. (Fig. 2) grammar. They will also answer
● T will divide the class into two the CCQs demonstrating their
groups of 6 students each. comprehension of the T.
● T will assist the students by writing
next to the picture the activity it
represents using a tense that
students are already familiar with
“Past simple”

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● T will then attempt to elicit from
students the activity that each
picture can represent by asking
“what he/she was doing yesterday
at …?” T
● T will help the students by slowly
saying the words.
● T continues doing the same for the
rest of the pictures.
● T presents to the students the
timeline and chorus the
corresponding example sentence.
● T will ask students the CCQs related
to the example sentence.
Presentation: To introduce the students 10 T-S ● T will write on the board the target Be able to see the correct
Form to the correct written minutes structure in the form of: construction of the target
structure of the structure and later apply that
grammatical form. Positive Structure: knowledge in the given activity.

subject + was/were + verb in ing form.

Negative Structure:

subject + was/were + not + verb in ing


subject + wasn’t / weren’t + verb in ing


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Question Form:

was/were + subject + verb in ing form

Question form with WH questions:

wh question + was/were + subject + verb in

ing form

● After, T gives students a worksheet

with 8 unscrambled sentences for
students to write the sentences in
the correct structure. (Fig. 3)

Presentation: to Introduce the 10 T-S ● T will chorus example sentences of Sound more fluent when
Pronunciation students to the correct minutes the target structure and the pronouncing the contracted
different ways it can be constructed. structures of the target language
pronunciation of the
● T will make emphasis on the after drilling the contracted
contractions present in pronunciation of the contracted structure during the CIC method.
the target structure. negative structure of the target
structure (e.g were not = weren’t),
repeating it several times and
requesting S to repeat after T.
● Finally, T will use the method CIC to
ensure students produce a
sentence in a more fluent way using
the target structure.

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Practice: To allow the students to 10 Ss-Ss ● T will arrange the class in a circle. Practice reproducing sentences in
Controlled practice saying the target minutes ● T explains to the students that she the target structure as well as
Practice structure, listening to it, will throw a ball to a random using their own creativity to
and finally building it for student, and will tell the student formulate an activity when it is
visual purposes. that catched the ball a sentence in their turn to participate.
present simple tense, the student
then needs to transform that same
sentence to the past continuous
tense. E.g: T= “I run today” student
need to say “was running
● The student throws the ball to
another classmate and formulate to
him the sentence in present simple,
and so it goes on the same dynamic,
until all students have passed.
Production: To allow the students to 10 Ss-Ss ● T will divide the class into groups of be able to freely write sentences
Freer Practice develop the confidence to minutes 2 using the past continuous as well
use the target structures ● T will ask each group to tell 4 as preexisting vocabulary. They will
with minimal support. activities each S did the day before develop confidence using the new
and to write down on a piece of structures which will allow them to
paper the activities of the partner execute it in real-world use.
(e.g S1 tells S2 his/ her activities and
S2 writes down the activities that S1
did the day before.
● After all the students have written
their partner’s activities on the
piece of paper, each S will write
their partner’s activity on the board.

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● T will write on the board 2
sentences that will serve as an
example to aid struggling students.
● T will closely monitor the activity
providing assistance when is
● T will monitor the students for
errors that will be addressed
● T will pay extra attention to
struggling students that require
more assistance with grammar
structure or pronunciation
difficulties, eliciting the correct
answer from them and praising
them when done correctly.
Cooler To finally consolidate the 5 T-S ● T arrange the class in two groups of Be able to see their learning
new taught structure and minutes 6. progress when they put in practice
to make students aware of ● students will play a game called their pre-existing knowledge of
the progress they have “Guess what I was doing yesterday“, two verb tenses (simple past of the
made. What they have for this T will use 4 of the activities verb to be and present
learned. from the presenting meaning stage. continuous) to build the past
(Fig. 2) continuous.
● T writes on the board the sentences
but will leave a blank space where Feel positive when they end the
the verb in the ing form goes. (Fig. class with a fun activity.
● T asks questions to elicit the answer
from students. (Fig. 6)
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● The student who guesses the
correct answer earns points for his
team. The team with more points

Lesson Rationale:

I chose to structure my lesson plan with the PPP method since I consider it the most efficient method to present a new grammatical structure to students.
The aim of the lesson is that by the end of the class, the students will be able not only to produce the new grammatical structure by pronouncing it and
writing it but also, to recognize it, either because they hear it or see it. Each stage of the PPP method allows the students to learn, practice, and produce the
new structure in a controlled environment where they can be properly corrected when required so that later, they will have the confidence to use the
structure in a real-life situation.


The warmer stage allows the students to transition from their L1s back into English without demanding too much mental activity, and effort. We do the transition
with an activity that is entraining, fun, and very easy to follow. It will engage all the students in the classroom and prepare them for the lesson. Students will get a
sneak pic of what the lesson is going to be.

I use the guided discovery stage to indirectly introduce the students to the target structure and how it is used. It’s clear that since the target structure is verb tense,
students will need to learn the rules of how it is used and constructed. According to (Thornbury, 1999), students will theoretically fit better the new structure and
their rules to their existing mental structures when it is done inductively rather than by forcing the students to simply memorize these rules. This is the reason for
me to present the lesson to the students with a simple fun activity that will allow the students to be the ones who discover on their own how the new structure is

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used, instead of just forcing them to memorize the rules. Since the students are young learners that can very easily lose interest in the class, presenting the class
to them in this way will keep them motivated to learn instead of boring them by simply writing the rules on board.

At the presentation meaning stage, students simply visualize the concept of the target structure after they learned on their own the meaning of it. Then, for the
teacher's reassurance that the students fully understood the grammatical structure, the teacher applied the CCQ method.

The Presentation: Form stage is where the teacher shows the students how to correctly write the sentences in the past continuous tense, which also
includes the contractions of the negative forms (weren’t / wasn’t). Here is also highlighted the possible problems students may encounter due to the
different forms of the target structure (positive, negative, question), which is the reason to give them a worksheet that will help them to have a better
comprehension of the differences in the forms.

In the pronunciation stage, the teacher presents the students with the proper pronunciation of the target structure, where the teacher will emphasize the
pronunciation of the contracted forms of the verb tense. Later for students to develop a more fluent and natural pronunciation of the target structure,
including the contractions, the teacher applies drillings and the CIC method, and writes on the board the phonetic form of the target structure.

The students from the class are very young and as I indicated before, one problem that might arise is that students could get bored very easily. To avoid that
the teacher presents the students in the “practising stage” a game that allows them to practice the target structure creatively and entertainingly. The game
is very simple to understand, students just need to change to the past continuous tense the sentences that are said in the simple present tense. With this
game the students put on display their pre-existed knowledge of vocabulary, as well as the simple present tense while they practice several aspects of the
language such as speaking, listening and form. The students are motivated by a reward system, where the students that say the sentence is grammatically
correct in the target structure will earn a star.

At the last stage of the PPP method, the production stage, finally we can see the students achieving the aim of the lesson. To use the past continues in a
real-life scenario by writing about their routine of the previous day. Since the students are in a Pre-intermediate level I would expect that they count with
enough vocabulary to produce complete sentences, nonetheless having the freedom to use their own acquired knowledge to write sentences could be a
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challenge for struggling students, to help them to start with the activity I will write on the board 2 examples that will serve them as a guide. During this
stage, the students do the activity on their own, and I will only participate to provide examples, to monitor the class and listen carefully. I will provide
assistance only when it is required by approaching the student quietly, so as not to disturb the rest of the class.

At the cooler stage, I present the students with a simple traditional game of guessing, using the same sentences that they saw in the “presenting meaning
stage” but structured differently. The idea for this is for students to see the importance of the present continuous tense and the difference in the spelling of
the regular and irregular verbs, but doing it so while they have fun instead of overwhelming them with more information. Also, I want to end the class by
showing students how much they have learned so far, and how even during class they have put pre-existing knowledge into practice. Students should leave
the lesson feeling that they had a lot of fun and with motivation for the next class.

I would have liked to include more worksheets comparing the past simple tense and the past continuous, for the students to see better how important it is
to construct the past continuous sentences using the ing form. But, due to the short time of the class and the age of the students, instead of overwhelming
them with more information, I decided to include it as a fun game in the “cooler stage.” Students will be able to use their dictionaries when they are
required (except during the cooler stage), and during the class, they will be able to see written on the board the most commonly used verbs in their present
continuous form.

Bibliography (if needed):

- Thornbury, S. (1999). How to teach grammar. Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited. pp.34
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- Story in past continuous tense

Materials (include all physical copies of the materials you plan to use in your lesson, referenced):

“What I was doing yesterday” Figure 2.

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We were watching tv at 6 o’clock in the afternoon.

He was reading a book after breakfast.

I was taking a shower at night.

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He was brushing his teeth before sleeping.

He was playing with the dog at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

I was eating breakfast in the morning.

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Figure 3.
Figure 4.

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Examples sentences for the Production stage:

I was studying math after school.

I was eating dinner with my family at night.

figure 5.

Sentences for the Cooler stage: Figure 6.

He was _______ his teeth. Elicit question= What was he doing before sleeping?
- I was _______ breakfast. Elicit question = What was I doing in the morning?
- He was ______ with the dog. Elicit question = What was he doing at 4 o’clock in the afternoon?
- They were _______ tv. Elicit question= What were they doing at 6 o’clock in the afternoon?

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