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Inglês 9.

º ano

Personal Communication

Read the text below and answer accordingly.

Go Ask Alice by Anonymous

“This will be a good trip. Come on, relax, enjoy it.” This is how a teenage girl's harrowing
descent into the nightmarish world of drugs started and it has left an indelible mark on
generations of teen readers.

Alice, once a shy, innocent girl, is sucked into the heartless world of drugs because of her need
to be accepted. She did not plan for this to happen; she didn’t even know it was happening, but
the people who drugged her drink unknowingly began the whirlpool that would soon trap Alice.
The first culprit? A soda, laced with LSD.

Alice is a 15-year-old with long straight hair and a passion for the beauty of life. After that
fateful day, however, her mood – whether wild, funny, happy, loving, depressed, or lonely –
depends on drugs. Though drugs or lack thereof, change Alice’s way of thinking, all she really
wants is to be happy and loved; isn’t that what we all want?

After Alice is secretly drugged at a party, she awakens to the exciting adventure that life seems
to have become. She starts experimenting with other hard drugs and begins to lose her sanity
and grip on reality. Even after deciding to quit the drug scene, it seems as if the curse (which
started as a game) will always be present in her life. A journey that will rob her of her
innocence, her youth and ultimately her life.

I would recommend this book to teens and adults. I think it should be required reading in high
schools. Since this is about a teen struggling with addiction and the social pressures of the drug
world, it is a real eye-opener to anyone who is already struggling and for those who may be
confronted with the option to use.

This book is extremely intense and opens the reader’s mind to the devastating effects of drugs.
The main character describes her “trips” in such vivid and realistic detail that her story comes
alive. The story is riveting - even reluctant readers will devour it. The book is a powerful way
for teens to really experience the tragic consequences of drug addiction.

Adapted from R., Nicole. Retrieved May 23, 2015 from:

1. Decide if the following statements are True [T] or False [F].

a) Over the years, Go Ask Alice has made an impression on many teenagers.
b) She was in her twenties when she 1st tried drugs.
c) When she started to do drugs she was fully aware of it.
d) After her descent into the world of drugs she lost control over her life.

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2. Decide if the following statements are True [T] or False [F]. Correct the false ones.

a) When she was at a party, someone spiked her drink without her knowledge.
b) The effects of the drugs started to dictate the way she felt and thought.
c) After unwittingly trying ecstasy at a party she decided to try other light drugs.
d) She copped with the drug use very well and made the best of her life while on it.
e) Although interesting, the book doesn’t really give any realistic detail.

3. Choose the correct option.

The text is a...

a) lecture on the drug abuse portrayed on the book.
b) book review.
c) narrative essay on drugs sparked by the content of the book.
d) presentation that intends to alert teens about the dangers of drugs.

4. Choose the correct option.

To “be sucked into” means you...

a) used a vacuum and sucked dirt into it.
b) are a sucker and you got played.
c) became involved in something you didn’t want.
d) tried to make yourself look thinner by sucking your belly in.

5. Choose the correct option.

The book is "a real eye-opener" means its story...

a) is so good you can’t shut your eyes until you’ve read it all.
b) allows you to see a situation differently and gain a new perspective on things.
c) makes you need a drink in order to wake up.
d) is unexpectedly boring.

6. Find synonyms in the text for the following words:

a) Distressing (paragraph 1)
b) Guilty party (paragraph 1)
c) Turmoil (paragraph 2)
d) Mixed with (paragraph 2)

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7. Find antonyms in the text for the following words:

a) Indifference (paragraph 3)
b) Exultant (paragraph 3)
c) Boring (paragraph 6)
d) Willing (paragraph 6)

8. Match the words on the left with their meaning on the right.

1- Fateful a) A cause of great harm or misfortune.

2- Mood b) The state of being sane.
3- Sanity c) Producing a serious and usually bad result.
4- Curse d) A conscious state of mind or predominant emotion.

9. Fill in the blanks with the words below.

My sister got involved with the wrong crowd and fell in their a) ______.Before she knew it she
had been sucked into a b) ______ journey into the world of crime. This so called new friends of
hers were c) ______ and, even though, she managed to break free from them, they have left
an d) ______ mark in her life, one that will haunt her forever.

Options: Trap; Heartless; Indelible; Harrowing

10. Fill in the blanks with the words below.

On that a) ______ day, when she gave in to peer b) ______, and made the mistake of trying
c) ______ drugs everything in her life changed. Eventually she paid for that d) ______ mistake
with her own life.

Options: Tragic; Hard; Pressure; Fateful

11. Find the odd one out.

a) Pill; Medicine; Health; Potion; Medication.

b) Lecture; Speech; Read; Presentation; Review.
c) Crank; Skag; Hashish; Rope; Crack.

12. What do the following words refer to?

a) “it” (paragraph 1)
b) “this” (paragraph 2)
c) “Her” (paragraph 4)

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d) “it” (paragraph 6)
13. Finish the sentences according to the text.

a) Alice’s need to be accepted gets her in trouble as she is sucked...

b) Like all of us, all she ever wanted was...
c) She begins to lose her grip on reality when...
d) Her story alerts us to the...

14. Find evidence for the following statements.

a) Those who first drugged her had no idea that would lead to her downfall.
b) At first Alice believed that the drugs had brought her new ways of feeling life.
c) The writer of the text feels that Go Ask Alice should be read by teens at school.
d) The book is so interesting that it hooks even those not accustomed to reading.

15. Write the correct questions for the following answers.

a) Before she started using drugs, Alice was a shy, innocent girl.
b) She was lured into the world of drugs because she wanted to be accepted.
c) She was 15 when she first tried LSD.
d) Yes, I would recommend this book to both teens and adults.

16. Answer the following questions.

a) How did Alice feel after the party?

b) What did she want above all?
c) What happened when she started experimenting with hard drugs?
d) Why should teens read this book?

17. Usually a review is an assessment of something. A good book review will not only assess
the story, but also help others decide if they want to read it themselves or not. What do you
think of the Go Ask Alice book review? Did it provide enough information on the book? Would
you add or change anything? Did it convince you to read the book?

18. Drug addiction is a controversial topic and teens are not easily moved by mere words, they
need reasons and real life examples. What would say if you had to speak against drug abuse?

19. What was the last book you read or the last movie you watched? Write a brief review on
one of them.

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Inglês 9.º ano
Personal Communication Answer Key
20. What do feel strongly about? If you could speak for or against something what would it be?
What would you say?

a) - T; b) – F; c) – F; d) – T

a) T.
b) T.
c) F - After unwittingly trying ecstasy at a party she decided to try other hard drugs.
d) F - She didn’t cop with the drug use very well and it ended up robbing her of her innocence,
her youth and ultimately her life.
e) F – Besides being interesting, the book also provides lots of realistic details.




a) Harrowing (paragraph 1)
b) Culprit (paragraph 1)
c) Whirlpool (paragraph 2)
d) Laced with (paragraph 2)

a) Passion (paragraph 3)
b) Depressed (paragraph 3)
c) Riveting (paragraph 6)
d) Reluctant (paragraph 6)

1- c); 2- d); 3- b); 4- a)

a) trap; b) harrowing; c) heartless; d) indelible

a) fateful; b) pressure; c) hard; d) tragic

a) Health.

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b) Read.
c) Rope.
a) The trip.
b) To get sucked into the world of drugs.
c) Rob Alice.
d) The story.

a) ... into the heartless world of drugs.
b) ... to be happy and loved.
c) ... she starts experimenting with hard drugs.
d) ... tragic consequences of drug addiction.

a)”the people who drugged her drink unknowingly began the whirlpool that would soon trap
b) “After Alice is secretly drugged at a party, she awakens to the exciting adventure that life
seems to have become.”
c) “I think it should be required reading in high schools.”
d) “The story is riveting - even reluctant readers will devour it.”

a) What was Alice like before she started using drugs?
b) Why was she lured into the world of drugs?
c) How old was she when she first tried LSD?
d) Would you recommend this book to teens and adults?

a) After the party Alice felt like she had awakened to the exciting adventure that life seemed to
had become.
b) Above all she wanted to be happy and loved.
c) When she started experimenting with hard drugs she began to lose her sanity and her grip
on reality.
d) Teens should read this book because it’s a powerful way for them to really experience the
tragic consequences of drug addiction. / Teens should read this book because it’s a real eye-
opener where the tragic consequences of drug addiction are concerned.

17. Students should:

- express their opinion on the matter, using grammatically correct language, including
vocabulary appropriate to the topic to enhance clarity and readability;
- present at least one reason in favour or against the Go Ask Alice book review and what they
learnt through it;
- demonstrate knowledge of the writing process related to creating an opinion essay with
attention to organization, topic and quality of ideas by:
- generating and organizing ideas for writing;

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- developing a clear purpose for writing;

- making generalizations and using supporting details;
- arranging paragraphs into a logical progression;
- revising their writing for clarity, coherence, smooth transitions and unity.

18. Students should:

- express their opinion on the matter, using grammatically correct language, including
vocabulary appropriate to the topic to enhance clarity and readability;
- present at least one valid reason as well as an example (personal or otherwise) of
consequences of drug abuse by drawing on their prior experience and their interactions with
- demonstrate knowledge of the writing process related to creating an opinion essay with
attention to organization, topic and quality of ideas by:
- generating and organizing ideas for writing;
- developing a clear purpose for writing;
- making generalizations and using supporting details;
- arranging paragraphs into a logical progression;
- revising their writing for clarity, coherence, smooth transitions and unity.

19. Students should:

- express their opinion on the matter, using grammatically correct language, including
vocabulary appropriate to the topic to enhance clarity and readability;
- present a valid review of a book or a movie, by complying with its structure and sharing
suitable details about the book/movie being reviewed;
- demonstrate knowledge of the writing process related to creating a review with attention to
organization, topic and quality of ideas by:
- generating and organizing ideas for writing;
- developing a clear purpose for writing;
- making generalizations and using supporting details;
- arranging paragraphs into a logical progression;
- revising their writing for clarity, coherence, smooth transitions and unity.

20. Students should:

- express their opinion on the matter, using grammatically correct language, including
vocabulary appropriate to the topic to enhance clarity and readability;
- present the topic they will speak for/against and be able to justify their point of view by
drawing on their prior experience and their interactions with others, establishing connections
and forming interpretations;
- demonstrate knowledge of the writing process related to creating an opinion/argumentative
essay with attention to organization, topic and quality of ideas by:
- generating and organizing ideas for writing;
- developing a clear purpose for writing;
- making generalizations and using supporting details;
- arranging paragraphs into a logical progression;
- revising their writing for clarity, coherence, smooth transitions and unity.

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