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What Is Autism?

Autism Is a wide spectrum disorder. No two people with autism will have the same symptoms or at
the same severity. A person with autism feels the same emotions as everyone else although they
may not express these feelings the same ways. THEY DO HAVE FEELINGS!

Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to the development of the brain which impacts how
a person perceives and socializes with other people. The disorder also includes limited and repetitive
patterns of behaviour.

Autism and Art

Art and autism usually go hand in hand. Art therapy is used by autistic persons to promote emotional
and mental growth, this is unlike art instruction, as it builds life skills such as independence and
collaboration. Art is seen as an outlet for self-expression, imagination and creativity which can
improve cognition, spatial and visual discrepancies, motor skills and coping.

Sensory Room
A sensory room is a safe space dedicated to sensory experiences designed specifi cally
to help individuals with auti sm to feel calm, supported and focused. These rooms can
be found in offi ces of therapists, clinics for auti sm and residenti al setti ngs for persons
with more symptoms of auti sm.

Sewing for Sustainability

Sustainability is something that can be maintained at a certain rate. Many people are aware of the
fashion on the environment and obtaining the skill of sewing can help persons avoid being a part of
the cycle as well as carrying out sustainable sewing practices and using sustainable materials.

ICTA sewing for sustainability

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3-month course

$200.00 per month

6 spaces available

Covid restrictions apply

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