!detail Syllabus of BPH

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(Bachar af Pate Hea «EP Come Feat of Siam {Fretmetngy Pena Ca ees ry RUCHED Rey PUL ELT H (aON mene AA ae ANMOCUS Atte hesthapgr och ermutoen to unpre te Ueurten ofthe people, Therein & inane a feeperied deaipliae of teres, Pbie frath fan heen groan agp wah dederert tment anal pplcable approaches thot ca comartaas it irsaing the edt af people, The major ste! ot honda od public fealls science is 40 promncte the lth af perpde thraghs prevertive oral Frorenive tratcpes, A practical and applicstte emcuioead rest act be tmsdvere Bacher fi public dt program of Pedctoraircveray ta igtily dened io prudace abe evel young stauiats wher can auuptandly ook forthe prevanion of he shacoae ane pronation od dhsaae conrad ariegen fh fh light, utreckiction and eeplemeriation of qty edict ia beaene 2 rio nett ta progragn tact axiom to conaniaae setae the ange router tak se drat ‘herrajer pooled the pages: sndpractislabal os proaiice publichatsprskuss of tghent accom, extrac ewrecrves ‘the ccarsecd BY is desigal inactteve the foleraingealytey tx © Mivelop the lavrateeky: ond dolla mv appiied beslih vetencea laborstony aceka ot ppl teal scars anal ther apptiat litres and enforme the knoetecige and pradicat viata ni puttic tealth, prarary heal beolfh apie development, heathy arumimiea oueaion aad comreenental heal, ‘Tram ard eves the a velop stata i de reworelaral toseouren 4 Endunce the kmelecge practical salts denne haat rewea oe deve pent suntesia nrg lasts utc Peal rosa fe evelop the rasot oh ard create ert sale ibveaph dhetrdroicaon ed oe pope suet Emre fe doll, prodical and teatng turret mauve: tinegh be womrunty saranda seal cexrgushan ave feldpe ete (6 fievelop fieemreuur eur corpeterees cag sir, stro ral exam ne jem opment pects felon an bralds syste ing. srubysing aval caluntnag applied publ belly wien CAMEEH OFFER TUNITY ‘Tare ia rain anna foriengrevermard od heclth stu tcan all daicbedrs whim Nepal or he feegn canines Povaun ie eqguelte sca eve cd teal ore ten opuity of rejaurcca fe fre cernuroge conest ef dcp tts terns tt inten oc als ardervertantm thot cont okt wil the luatyte. Bhrwever, Pipl tx fare thnee fle bande of ccna fonineunicabie, Wie aye webted ape parry a mk fo cope al tas cearplice siumaery skeelopirers of peblic heathy prackoten tee beceare inecquite. Very few mune of jab heal verkera ote werkorg witin eyed or in be ote surance, ln grr, BPH proahites cat cheamedeirenparvatn tua the concer every Eshistimiarel Marchi 2 Hledih Chyriscuion 5 Hedihcaer 4 Hapa 4 Heath Bxeanh Count AN ISTROUUCT RON TO PHP HLAME ALGENERAL L tte ‘he uate athe proganis Boch Meath (Pe 2 Objective ‘he obpactive of the BPH pogrom iat price compatert al need teaed public. belly Whee promgotn flan the erat epterm Bash caste 2 setatn rasrie of ra depending marly upon its leetune tutorial are! practical werk: fersin 3 weet: fn thacry uty ern at perenne, sre techire per work i mignon Fhe cree beatae theory tn explore fear teary orate wet tua of proctiad fy cpivaken Wo 26 fours prsctcal in one Thee BPH coarse compres totale 18) creat frars resin over ete surcatrs, There vail be eer aus! realertiad clerk sing theetoty onl ventbsacresirs 4 Come Cactoe (och course ceo ty ratio tr of he cae tile fidlowed by three dst temper rad craft far afer deciredta. bntreshicions to fate Hain CM 1 me 2 Term foyer . Norwed seal Mbexieman arsticm of Stay eeinivemtiy {The renal derctsin Gr completing the BPH come ts far yen caeqptunel cme, ferwever, the aureus lrg rare furans ius tan year in cxrrpite fhe come Ba steaks te urebletcoarplete he aairee its as yer doen the time of sabnimten, he vera retatraiom a sired 6 Aconkente inert ‘The ccsaeric wanton cet per yen Generally the (eptember - Februsryt tara in Sepaerder ral tee Spring Sereanter (Bebrry ~ Aut) eye fn Bebeuary, harwevar oh ney sb igh ia Ful Seow srrypnicula year 3. Medumat Teaching a ix ramet, ‘The reduin of ummuitioe ad exarireiion fer REY progrsreill he Bgl BL AUMEISION ANIRLAMINA TIS, Lary Mospareenee ar New Malan ‘The rary repartee foe ara shud in BPEL ‘vit be erred i Setence (A Seo Bhar Saumubry Lew (Ule2 Saenee aroma) or Pridasney Conidiade Lovet (POL setae Certdcate tr Heath Ketances on expels ot recrypazad by Pudtors Unnvaraty with ot teat Se orks Beds the toa acukerc espereronh an otenmce xemramiton all be befor alt applicants 2 Aduimion Parade Atwater vvtiog application fre acranann addiety aceon The application fore and svdoraticn Froctuges ape protec cep titer tepeoprent othe previo He Yhe cmmcenal clkge | sensinmes the spplicstorn. The digphtecanstsbirs ae ndorraat to tabthicetararce ea. The te a eral tn thee prapuctive stunkents by the college. The enllege ray abe ture or the mere the conutebies for frat tation for atmsacn the caiitac, vier are piven providorad alates uler guecial corebine reese ts vader eceanry shourrents wilina menthol the heponnneg td rior chutes teria, the sohran rs i te rate A. Siuntem Hratisetsa The aubrey saasernic portance dunn 2 semter il be evaluated ireamidly (umn werk) snl esteneity he deel searimisin, The ered wink exaurmticey will be eotucved try the teaser, Faculty aad wil be 9053 waght, The rerun MPS wail be te fiend exentraiteas combactaatey Ureraty, he practial crams HG etntered anal AS feobecxamansion, To pom a poricabae care, bea arnenesrann of EF rath #) semiernd work erasore the fir. stustae rant fioerope of tater sae exomueiiin, eperstaly A Ace ance Requirement ‘The swkets rust stra! every lect, tort emirer anf pracitccl clawa Hoeven, ta seceerereebie fer cmargaiasy tie aerabnece rapirarcis oil wetre and afer fhe = iran of SIPS. of the chases tt anny pemieudsr vudject, othersine whe shall ent bs stivat abet H aataderat i ersten fear works wifioas mete ee the firm examaration! 1 thet contirasenly shunt in fhe fhe authenites, tefher ane all be vat forte atu re 5 Come hegueraion ‘he scakeme treo if a aunt atch be otrtava stereo the crasraca fetch ate egal iss any tare seal ae graces sce hist in theme cae. Megmtntic dene a the tegenang of each emer ce egmitiom iv very ergot proceebeal post of he coec yptcr tts sb ctely nuetin thet all stunkeres pres therractve atte ates. ba cote new or ay exreptonl cireurotores durng he repiaratves pare, the stunt runt ir, he Univeraty auaberity, Regitrations sbueraia mop fhe allewedd dy in fore camer. at the sducroton of the augbnwiad peraon, Hire, the tusks rome coneee rater uel sadly ee lerned to cuenplate ee] tur sonratice emery int porteudor ined on peor wily foe cou wer be céferal for ptr ‘ubvch ane mentioned inthe pti, here har ecpecrce may teickardeaya ifnacemsry, A Mapeatog a 2eame Since putag of dl cores irabvidly in 5 deyrue rexparerrant, fic skalent rant eta the fang coe ure aha eehral ond rant ccemiidly complet the come, Miokng = crane in wach 3 auckra toa eat 2 OP pate option. Seadert con retake 2 couse when ca recaver OBA lave then iL the grate emai (face come precast. fhe rea vn be vndettaed the te 3. Temnder af Craiis tears A acurrann oss 2% of Us to rex aos ef cans complied inan equal gran 2 recuppizal attugon ray be trvair al! ‘vated dor ervabt ont he reconrararadtton othe heal of the faculty Fir trier af credit = stuakre ud have recetved aigadk of Ber etter i ropative arse Cours talon eater tess five yeor fn the seme of aun erry rot Be sexeptre! fir tranfer af ered Hoveeva, tusks rornderningtrrncne program to eter progemn of Polis linearity may rere = crait troewer of oll the aeryptibie course cranpietanl witht raat gra The conmemed Sudpect Committe of he Grventy wil mks on evduniion of be apydicart for ranma of crude, The wanton raderred creat appears sore in the Univerdny, tech whe tras sterabes prevent A Fined Reerdsentines (Urvveraty come e€ ech wmewer The promiure of frat pot caren at he on eeariminn cokcisn will be oper the suariretnundes of tre Uhitrty 9 Nimetetry Hess Shuckeras emp apply oe ra ether grass ua per Unneraity nde, gent payment of prcrbeaice, ech Sytem ‘The peak aria) avr dal to anki acre hosed ont fostur commit! perdorrarice 1 wate i ayy pertcadar nudged fe ant ealiccinin ad = sworn aed final exammntioen, The sduakrte ebtive: porinrroms that crue, The airs groctrg wil sa fera: ‘Suuenry ‘racranrs raja Ful a 0 (hv umuend creamretareces, the shaker mary be waded ans inceanglite grea oF. Bll the ayurarcms are ret ginpktest ‘wikanl the fairing srneer, the grate of “F wilt be aumumiicdly corvated won “FA uaalent ecetving ant 7 prec rk eee for fa autpeet an fhe ldo aera 1 connplete the rural verte, ‘The performocceed 5 auckre nt eran ll beeralunid in erm of theaaneier grace mint songs (SCIP) The sealants stra grade wl tre calcusted on cisnidative gree rand avr te rCGrAy sar, ee seectcebotal anh od wets repeteral i werwwcr, COPA = Tit tee paras comafietalrannber ofcrechts ceerpiste A Dino LY LENCE, h Pubtors Uaversay, COPA 25 or mane anal Aor enone ore avrmtclered st Several onal Bir soeaern respec. OS AUES AL rnea THE PRGA A stuakne fe runnally expected to matin = CORA vd 201 A ature Sabing to eats = muutcery akc aundind dell be daarisal from the progam. fn cane 5 sealant pe few they 2 S30 thers mange emacs fey fie Dean or the bendy cn aber the wukr Wo conne hater aude mn tie reaimmerbtion of program diredor othe suds pet coerce AWARD a mRaRIE, hn cuanple od al exparemaeta ath CCP od pe het, the uukre. ite anor degree céBacteler of PeddicHeath BA GURGRER WITHDETENCTION, en. ater ‘Wo basin a yee i rant cabeined CCP foe beter Wmraesant The Bars tit remgrises sutra perternarses ot acalmac earelience hy aitehn “apo, 2 tucked erat obtain CUA wl 27 rebar Doe The pan vsicen of thie daciamin ae nae fe regards ow os Binh com tet et te ere te sgt bn chomp ny prem or mequerunes comin in th docu at say one, widen peasaifcaeie, wie tae ‘euckoe farm of rie AAPLUCS (Croc bears 5 Asoo see pdngy ‘Chane tO jase: provide bask: compe ord tn fens oe aa ndgeom aainee anphrialags ah regwceie sacar we af difewme sytem and wypau. Ae the end afehy cone, sucents © ane parerrmmevogs © Bescroberhe 1 | Arsteenp eran arcekictat ye arodrardecd eraragsea sushea Attancr, Poatrion, Super (ignce, Prorat, Exwrmton, He Abshitinn, Dial, astak (Corvee Pater, Howe! ret Vanwali eperctas i aaron ell sna he finctiors paar aa, orp sniena sab gal (rome ales, deat st Matreursicrn 2 GENERAL PHYSIOL Oy Narenbureot sblsrera crrgetant fash anal extn bepeutctalary spyersiin = ae crea of pemtunwalfitde A MIRROR CeO sxstem 2 Meduresmot sepluitony sharpen, setecauie aad Acuvatnineg iterete serene iptemon ‘trl rato aad gsr 1 Pune of iterene lore irda fgeation ia term, fatal glare, wlieoey stores, atc torn Fasetean lever ote Permian a! respite MUSCLE SBELETAL Narre amt preseerentes ywnkcdsrand oad drut + hdr at ype of eas arate theracenitie ranvecnoy ce BMASICRIL ELE A, | Mustes cortration ant ots st Muratrate etter fess te aber, fnpinwe sits, there ert ote | Counimarn af Celi reparation, eterna! aNaToay OF MERRIE CRY svete ‘nin wut coerpurenas @ nerwan steam s tudiouien oe shilarer pata od brie ant custings = Eetasrl coverage syared cont Main tracts of pe cond = Crna nerves erat thetronea ud wappy PaYSULOGY ce NERAICRIK SYSTEM Bunce of ferent ttn of beaten ‘jared coma ant th, Furst of ut cantare Feretan of pect Fascia of treed rmrymaretc eran Came pryeoignt artaleagtn srepclain ar! set ‘Organ Spare aw 2 ale ANAINELY CF BESHSEA TORY SYSTEM rasrerate sbierone mts reuratory ‘yarn Abaaidiotien of farmed ar anne, Arye trachinnet trates Atmnidouien sere pra eng nal pleura Marnidiatins of saicrern pra troctel ree pinvmatody oF RESPSLATORY SYSTEM Puretin frame faranonal eranen, oaepterye: rachis, tronctan arstalvanitd te bani ‘Surfaces of ang anes exchenge od racemes pawn it Hest Tange valine oral stores n veduenectn erent canter COPE Eyres Daron Grtespenes Mechanar a ANATOMY OF CARINE AICULAR Svs Matifetion offs, stoanbrs arxly ven teat Euertoe! rancher wf absbereral sees, euemed cartel any fra eared diac orery taaideotien othe cetend od sulary ery, tracted. ore, rated aterm ery, ftteral sary, Pepi arery. Srienir ae proce tits anette, ‘dara Atantiodins of suqeruy an cars (EC gerne ver cara fIVCL dura rat ysouLacy OF CARERS UL ale SYSTEM TO — oargaeeras Hedman edb prnupannd eeranits tigate + Claungécursani te step a competion o rueunsetaptan = Finis othert = Pufresrmry ant siptemc crvadatan raniar eye maton same © Heimaun bbe prmare srelexpisat the eechosaam ofits 1 Coretac piyantngtest separa of hetacteinie fesrtdvaae fyprersn, snheraleriea ANAIEANY Ce Lintiataric svat = Merexns aren searage tf thunsete tt, lary reap od Tjanph rani sugarel proupdtyeegtr rami, Freanipara sane © Mimatficaien cf herent porta urinary sjata = Epler parts of keney ina aera, fs Maitictien ot * Gil Speen 5 2 Noreaelanire ct diternt ports oft irasateel Trost. fs) Prater od elivory fame oad pancres, ‘> erecaane of pon tea al ure i lever f+ Dhnaiucon of exert ath pac taiory syeran s_Bote eeneept af peritoneal il bo Musk Sestak = ‘= Nee aae deradicagen of opperahser ord sua derteens, 4+ Balrent typ of jars aa ie stereteriae © Neuve Sere ¥ aiferert compen of nerve gotsrn, Meruieatans of detirae pests othe bran seekers samt ardor aria of ped cord (Mtn acts of pam cord (Cramtal nerves aslifuar seated, Bespcur yf yaaen z = Enesnerte dda prt ol texpestony ee ee ee vests wel traci (+ ders sre pts ota and piers 4+ leretcoie o eifrer pte tron © Candevmaibr Satan 7 hkeuateounns ar, costars ara valve ear 4s) Emauardbractes ef abuberirad sens, sua crvtcl tery areliracrad ilcertery s raticaten od the exter Andlaryorery, rachel sckry, abel ariery, (2 Une aiery Ferreral srry, Bigdted tery, daverio adProtcnee titel atures, Boralepeka 2 eradication od Super emcsraiS CL, Iedencr Verna’ (fC) lu verau rat acs © Lreplouic Sytem z 2 Mian ota ofcntrege cfthorscte act, Aaxdlary grag oly rec fe yuaral groupe gegen, Re od Ba 4+ deraicatee of oiterer pata of urrmry sta ss Enptometons opera Kacey in eons ‘+ teratcster of clone pts od rapa ‘Seager store pra e! unry Hastie 7 Erinn Spam — Zhan z ‘= Eneerartion of iterer sraboarine | tha prods seeettogn asl thet fareticrm, = Finaiey z oer tr Nira ie marisa ‘itd wiles raion or Bvae imax ebay ite oni or Beaten ebay ase cite lads civics wel te cngenio S_Mvchoruan of resatctiny stghuitan, © Aetieaton of rere ene spate fe ne ington anh © Finetiom sdchiferen ghank irre Bal n aipeatcn te tered buccal pam, © levaryplarch, patric pare, vera, ier Pemtalas arlreper pate Eardiaicoe fot sad nd Bias so Bhanpsattarnad futon of Hcl = etriien edaeepteas ral dierckrs lbleed compereres. = Defriten fhisdgroupare merits Catling acters ana the wep of 7 punts daft = Fuxtinadthen = Padtnerpry anal ay tanec aradaten, saabac eyele anal ets tears 7 Detriten thisidpr mare amdeagain the acteurs of roadie. 2 Comebteph yang ae pects the (adanic heart deme fypestarietn, Burnten of tame, parariel sintmes spy, aches onc aad alven dae hey = Surfbetean ohare, Games exchanges aad rormpeataf ganeni bind, Langs oearacaned dagen where tere raparai ry sein tien = COPE, Brprecs, PRED a Chi opraacs, Mtecuatatmet crustar. 0 Minnie Shekel © Muetes cdrection auf excitiion, Mariano nent ants ta silo, fp. tee sake, etter, nate a (Cellar reeraion.uetrcoton xl o Neraw Space © Bunetim of ferent pets of bra ard fyarad cond audits corer. = Fuastin theatre cranial nerves | punt af qpeciaiernen Funston of qenpatintic asdpars yymhaicrervour rer = Corneke nineteen tice fre re prof bean 2 "Mich ndama lead ned wir oe income Fr Eaebdete paged pct ot fbptiond fe ease fader see Kepler SMa untioensd elererecakene sink, 3. Phapdadogpcaapect of Gene and ates iit 6, | Furntiwasdeole onl fore pasta pan, 3 Phpactegy of mersaniasin Bane cones of rmiogeneds ‘vain spray. Playacar tac of extractive, (BUA WS (recente 8) io-stehtics a Crampates Applian (REEL Fur Voor, Fire ‘Screer ‘Carew Oh jester: Ta drvoiog fe auslan's afify on basi seonkeia uted i pdt death rewrarch ant ra deat) fie snadeer tai im Hong che aRicat wyroare Oa CoM Aer te complendine! rhe comme, the vaulaner willbe ablera Linlerranl rte ber concepes ondnertte stata Abney savdiae of opyrequiate dessripetestatatced mecawres Hinde tie eatnica! fears in aerpeeee {Ain our he dan anise poocear and pope okra ener formar en pppoe Cleanyate sniieecteract waa. % feacemd dts tndornednos Survey, con, carpe Mumider depandknt and edgar 2 Scalen of mazaemerd: vient onde dared. roti 1 Didlrena bet tetintien ul Bie statisti -xomne foots emcees 6 Use of Meeattitiea pbc heal remorchs 2 Mesure in acaipi eitie 14 hs Metra ce dacrting dais Aopercy Ganka rete tepamcy dante, cueradaiivefespaney danbutios © Degree and Goptcd mpractaion: Bor doer Porter. tanga, Frequency polygon, Progumcy curve, Ogivecuree # Dypanef Hts Chodtseve snd Quenditsty card tear wees, © Mewes of Cettnd Taudncy ond Locaicr Arttmatic Mean, ‘Weighted mean, Comdanal rears Meta Porceaibes, Quavtite, Caenetnc Mean Make + Mewes of quran args, Quinte Donan Men Demat, Sosbnt Hleviiion, Verse, comand anes, Contiicera of Varicna © ClarareniMcsanc i Bealls Stuur Chur, Katie Rropeation, Percerdage Bete A Pru Mista © Concype of prufabdiry, ttre by yunedin probability, spade prudbatey, aves ‘at Profulalay, Citadel Probubelay ane Byes Theorere

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