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Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty cz.

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1 Usłyszysz dwukrot nie czt ery wypowiedzi na t emat problemów zdrowot nych. Na Unit 11 T rack 36
podst awie inf ormacji zawart ych w nagraniu do każdej wypowiedzi (1–4) dopasuj właściwe
zdanie (A–F). Uwaga! Dwa zdanie zost ały podane dodat kowo i nie pasują do żadnej wypowiedzi.

T his speaker

A says he/she has to see a doctor regularly.

Speaker 1
B had to change his/her career plans.
Speaker 2
C waited some time before seeing a doctor.

D finds it difficult to avoid certain kinds of food. Speaker 3

E got ill just before an important event.

Speaker 4
F needed treatment immediately.

Score: /4


2 Uzupełnij minidialogi 1–4. Wpisz w każdą lukę brakujący f ragment wypowiedzi t ak, aby ot rzymać logiczne i
spójne t ekst y.

1 X: Hi Ben. Are you still in town? get me some aspirin at the chemist’s,
Y: Sure, no problem.

2 X: Good afternoon. Dr Quin’s office.

Y: Hello. to make an appointment with the doctor tomorrow morning.
X: Sure. How about 8.30 a.m.?

3 X: Sir, I’m feeling a bit unwell. Would OK if I didn’t do sports today?

Y: OK. Perhaps, you should see the school nurse.

4 X: Lizzy, dear. Go downstairs and get me my pills, please.

Y: . I’ll be right back.

Score: /4

3 Wybierz poprawną opcję.

1 improve exercise / your health / check-up

2 t ake an aspirin / a bruise / a headache

3 f ollow a diet / first aid kit / plaster cast

4 get regular check-ups / heart rate / immune system

5 f eel allergy / sweat / unwell

6 have an earache / faint / poor

7 apply a skin cream / acne / a cough syrup

8 suf f er fresh air / from hay fever / nosebleed

Score: /8

4 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami lub wyrażeniami z ramki. Uwaga! Czt ery wyrazy/wyrażenia zost ały podane
dodat kowo i nie pasują do żadnej def inicji.

bruise catch cut forehead improve lower spots prescription prevent recover throat

1 Please put on some warm clothes or you will a cold.

2 I was told to stay in bed because I had a high temperature and a sore .

3 T he doctor told my grandpa to try a breathing technique to relax and his heart rate.

4 I think I’m quite healthy – even when I fall ill, I very quickly.

5 T om was hit with a ball in the football match and now has a big under his eye.

6 T he doctor gave me a for antibiotics.

7 T he is part of the face.

8 A healthy lifestyle can help to serious diseases like cancer.

Score: /8

5 Uzupełnij zdania (1–8) wyrazami lub wyrażeniami, kt órych def inicje zost ały podane w nawiasach.

1 A lot of people (cierpi na) hay fever in spring.

2 I didn’t put on a cap yesterday when I went running and I have a(n) (ból ucha) today.

3 T he doctor told me to apply a(n) (krem do pięlegnacji skóry) for my acne.

4 Exercise is not enough to (poprawić) your health – you need to get a lot of sleep and be
positive about things.

5 If you have a headache, you should (wziąć aspirynę).

6 My father was told to (przest rzegać diet y) if he wanted his blood pressure to go down.

7 T he little girl was crying because she (skaleczyła się) with scissors.

8 Peter doesn’t like very hot weather because he always (poci się) a lot.

Score: /8
6 Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi wyrazami. Niekt óre lit ery brakujących słów zost ały podane.

1 I was told to stay in bed because I had a slight temperature and a sore o .

2 My sister was really ill – it took her three weeks to o , but she’s OK now.

3 T he o is part of the arm.

4 I’m feeling dizzy – I think I’m going to i .

5 I know a lot of people who suffer from a e .

6 Jim was hit with a ball in the football match and now has a big u under his eye.

7 T he doctor gave John a p for antibiotics.

8 My grandpa was advised to try a breathing technique to relax and lower his heart a .

Score: /8


7 Przeczyt aj t ekst o Liz Hart el. Uzupełnij luki 1–5 w not at ce, kt órą wykorzyst asz w szkolnej prezent acji. Uwaga!
Not at kę należy uzupełnić w języku polskim.

Liz Hart el: a pioneer in horse-riding t herapy

People have known about the positive effects of horse-riding on our health since ancient times, but the first
professional therapeutic centres were created in Europe in the late 1960s. From there, the idea spread to North
America. However, the person who inspired the modern idea of using horses in therapy was a Danish horse-riding
champion named Liz Hartel. She fell ill with polio at the age of 23 and, as a result, her legs below the knees were
paralysed. She was determined to continue her riding career and she took part in the Olympic Games in 1952. Her silver
medal there was the first medal for any woman in history who had competed against men. After she finished her riding
career, Liz Hartel travelled a lot to raise money for people with polio and to promote the idea of riding as a form of
therapy. T he Dutch Liz Hartel Foundation was named after her.

Prezent acja – Liz Hart el: pionierka hipot erapii

Pierwsze ośrodki wykorzystujące jazdę konną jako formę terapii powstały w Europie pod koniec
(1) .
Liz Hartel pochodziła z (2) i uprawiała jeździectwo.
Jako pierwsza kobieta konkurująca z mężczyznami zdobyła (3) na
igrzyskach olimpijskich w 1952 roku.
Po zakończeniu kariery, Liz Hartel zbierała fundusze dla (4) .
Jej imieniem nazwano fundację w (5) .

Score: /5

8 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6. Wykorzyst aj w odpowiedniej f ormie wyrazy podane w nawiasach. Nie należy zmieniać
kolejności podanych wyrazów, t rzeba nat omiast – jeśli jest t o konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy, t ak aby ot rzymać
zdania logiczne i gramat ycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ort ograf iczna wpisywanych
f ragment ów zdań. Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie czt ery wyrazy wliczając w t o wyrazy już

1 Claire (of f er / look) after my cat when I go on holiday.

2 Bill, are you (look / f orward / st art ) your new job?

3 I often (dream / go) around the world.

4 Claire was feeling nervous because she (never / look) after a person who had to
stay in bed for a long time.

5 My older sister (t hink / st udy) medicine.

6 T he doctor (t ell / I / eat ) more fruit and vegetables.

Score: /6


9 Przeczyt aj t ekst . Uzupełnij każdą lukę 1–4 brakującym wyrazem.

Hi Bill,

I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to go to the beach with you. I had a small accident during a volleyball match in my
PE class yesterday. I fell on the floor and (1) my ankle. It was horrible – it (2) so much! My
mum took me to the hospital where they put my foot in a plaster (3) . I feel better now and I’m not in pain
any more. T o tell the truth, I don’t really (4) staying at home – I can play games, watch films and get a lot
of sleep! I’m just sorry that I won’t see you at the weekend. Why don’t you come and visit me next weekend?



Score: /4

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