To Build A Fire. Jack London

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Escuela de arte de Zaragoza. Jack London ’s To build a fire.

TO BUILD A FIRE, by Jack London

“To build a fire” is a short story written by Jack London . It is an oft-cited example of the
naturalist movement that portrays the conflict of man vs. nature. It also reflects London's
personal experiences in the Yukon Territory.

Listen to the short story written by Jack London and then watch the animated film based on it

Choose FOUR tasks from the following . Write the number of the tasks chosen :

1. Write a prequel to this story. Who is the man? Where did he come from? Where
is he trying to go?
2. Write an alternative ending for the story.
3. Think of words and phrases to describe this landscape.
4. Listen to the story by Jack London and compare it to the animation. Which do you
5. Write a 'flashback' sequence where the man thinks about something that has
happened to him in the past.
6. Write some narration to accompany the animation. Pause the video at different
points and write a sentence / paragraph to describe what is happening.
7. Retell the story from the man's point of view.
8. Create your own black and white winter scenes like the ones in the background
of the animation.

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