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Bullying among Primary School Students:

Selected Teacher’s Perspectives

Heymahsri Rajan1, Puvana Kumalan 2, Sharmilah Devi Selva Rajoo3

Aishah Hanim Abd Karim4
Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
*Corresponding Author:

Abstract: An abstract summarizes, usually in one paragraph of 300 words or less, the major
aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence that includes the overall purpose of the
study and the research problem, the basic design of the study, major findings as a result of
your analysis; and, a brief summary of your interpretations and conclusions.
Keywords: bullying, primary level, school students, teachers’ perspectives
1. Introduction
Malaysia is a developing country. The younger generation is the backbone of a developing
country like Malaysia. Unfortunately, currently this younger generation is experiencing
bullying problems in this 21st century. The symptoms of bullying among children are not
new but happening all over the country.

In order to deal with bullying cases, the Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation has
also released data on bullying. According to the statistics report (MCPF), a total of 3011
cases of bullying were reported in 2015 and the number of these cases has risen to 3488 in
2016 and decreased to 2795 in 2017. There has been a decline in 2017 but this data still cites
growing cases of bullying. (Facebook Awareness of The Prevention of Bullying Symptoms in
Malaysia). The Student Personality System (SSDM) data recorded student rates of bullying
misconduct of 0.07% in 2016, 0.06% in 2017, 0.09% in 2018, 0.12% in 2019 and 0.04% in
2020. In 2020 bullying cases recorded fewer cases compared to the previous year as schools
were not operating as normal and closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic (teacher's blog share).
Based on past studies, children with bullying problems will be affected if untreated by

Various studies have been done regarding bullying among students because these
students are those who will help with the development of the country. If this bullying
problem is not overcome then it will have an adverse effect on the academic and for the
country. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to identify factor of bullying among by primary
school students from teacher view.

Statement of Problem
Recently, bully has become a major problem among Malaysians. This problem is not only
experienced by adults but also children between 10-19 years old. Bullying is not a light
matter to be put aside but it is a matter for the community to look at.
Lately, news related to bullying has often been noticed by the mass media. One of
them is that a teenage girl who was bullied by her peers went viral on Facebook, Instagram.
According to ACP Mohamad Fakhrudin Abdul Hamid, Petaling Jaya District Police Chief,
the teenage girl who recorded the video will be called to testify about the bullying case. In the
video, a 12-year-old student is seriously injured in an apartment after being hit by another
teenager 12 -13 years over the head. This happened out of jealousy with the victim's adoptive
brother (Astro Awani June 29, 2021).
Furthermore, on May 4, 2021, in Bukit Beruntung a 13-year-old girl was injured
being beaten by another female peer. According to Superintendan Arsad Kamaruddin, Hulu
Selangor District Police Chief, the school teacher said the cause of the fight occurred because
the victim mocked the suspect who was later dissatisfied before being beaten (my Metro Mei,
11 2021).
Apart from the cases reported in the most frightening cases of Malaysians are the case
of 18-year-old T.Nhaveen and Zulfarhan who died of bullying. The 18-year-old T.Nhaveen
was beaten by a group of men with helmets and punched and kicked to the severe. As a result
the victim suffered serious injuries until confirmed brain death, and also suffered injuries to
the anus. After 6 days in the Intensive Care Unit Nhaveen passed away (Astro Awani June
15,2017). Meanwhile, Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain, 21, died as a result of being abused by
several university friends after being accused of stealing a laptop belonging to his friend
raising questions about security at an institution of higher learning. Zulfarhan Osman
Zulkarnain, died of bruising and burns to the chest, hands and legs believed to have been hit
with a steam iron (BH Online, December 24,2017).

After examining the T.Nhaveen and Zulfarhan cases, researchers found that these two
fatal bullying cases occurred in the same year. Although there are only 2 cases, researchers
feel this should be addressed. Researchers felt through an article that read injuries from
bullying not only mildly but caused trauma to the victims. Due to this problem the
researchers want to carry out a study on bullying in primary schools.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to identify factor of bullying among by primary school students
from teacher’s view. This study will help school administration to take further action
regarding this problem. Moreover, few studies have been conducted on the issues of bullying
among students. However, little studies only conducted regarding bullying among primary
school students from teacher’s perspective. Thus, this research will give a chance to the
teachers to voice out about bullying in primary school.

Research Objectives
The research objectives of the present study are as follows:
1.To investigate the factor of bullying among primary school students, from the teachers
2. To explore the effects of bullying among primary school students.

Research Questions
1.What are the factors that contribute students to be involved in bully, from the
teacher’s perspective?
2.What is the effect of bully face by students?
2. Literature Review
Definition of Bullying
Studies on bullying have been around for a long time. According to Olweus 1973, 1978
(Ersilia Menesini & Christina Salmivalli 2017) bullying is aggressive or intentional acts
carried out by a group or an individual repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot
easily defend him or herself’ (Ersilia Menesini & Christina Salmivalli 2017 p. 250-253).
Bullying is also the behavior of an individual or group that causes others to feel
persecuted, intimidated, frightened, and causing this individual powerless handling these
actions. The actions are inseparable from a gap of power between actors and victims so that
the victims feel disadvantaged, oppressed, or pain (Ema Waliyanti, Farhah Kamilah 2019).
In addition, Sherry Gordon 2019 mentioned bullying is not a onetime act but it
represents an ongoing. Sherry Gordon also said best way to define bullying is by look three
components such as power imbalances, repetitive actions, and intentional acts. According
article in an official website of the United States government said that bullying includes
actions such as making threats, spreading rumours, attacking someone physically or verbally,
and excluding someone from a group on purpose (stop
Finally, the fourth edition of the House dictionary bullying is an act of abuse, tricking
someone into adapting to the new atmosphere and the bias of a weak person being a victim
with the aim of bullying, hurting and intimidating.
This bullying event can be divided into several categories such as physical bullying,
verbal bullying, relational bullying, and cyberbullying. Each of these has different meanings
and is not the same as each other. Physical bullying like hitting, kicking and so on. Verbal
bullying is like calling a name that make a person angry, insulting and blackmail. Relational
bullying is used in relationships for control or to hurt other individuals and last is cyber
bullying which using technologies such as cell phones, instant messaging to bully

Bullying from Islamic Perspectives

Bullying is against Islam because it is an injustice committed against an individual to another

individual.  Bullying is prohibited in Islam. ‘‘Saaiduna Jabir Bin Abdullah Radiallahu Anhu
narrated that the Prophet Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said Beware of oppression, because
oppression is darkness on the Day of Resurrection.   (Sahih Muslim) In a Hadith qudsi, Allah
(SWA) has said: "I will take vengeance against the wrongdoers in the life of this world and
beyond.  I'm going to take revenge on someone who saw someone oppressed and able to help
him but didn't help him. (Tabraani)’’ stated in islamqa by DarulIfta Birmingham.

Factors of Bullying

The following part of literature focus on the bullying related factors among primary school
students. This segment gauge more input to this study as it is also subject to the category of
primary school students. Many studies have highlighted several factors that lead to bullying
among the primary school students.
A study by Nor Junainah Mohd Isa, Mohd Sobri Ismail, Amelia Mohd Noor (2019)
has highlighted in their study bullying occurs because students want to show their power to
their friends. To show their greatness then they look for victims. The victims were also
physically weak and unable to fight bullying.
Continually, study performed by Rukayya Malami Umar (2017) found that the
students charged with bullying were silent, weak, cautious, quick to be offended and could
quickly cry. Pupils like this have a negative response to themselves and lack self-confidence.
This kind of trait has led to bullying taking advantage of vulnerable individuals. Indirectly,
this shows that bullies want to show their self-stewardship to their peers at school.
Moreover, Dorcas Oluremi Fareoi & Hanis Kakaba Habila (2018) said in their study
that to get revenge students get involved in bullying. A study of researchers found that
individuals who had been victims committed this bullying against their partners. In
conclusion, jealousy and revenge are factors in bullying.
In addition, some researchers found that family ties were also one of the causes of
bullying. Rukayya Malami Umar (2017) said the cause could occur between these two
reasons which is environmental and psychological. In her study the findings say that the
home background or the way the pupil was raised will determine a pupil's strength.
Researchers also found poor parent relationship one of the causes of pupils engaging
in bullying. He found pupils who did not have a good relationship parents liked to bully their
friends. On the other hand, pupils who have a good relationship with their parents do not
engage in bullying. This statement support by Dorcas Oluremi Fareoi, Hanis Kakaba Habila
(2018), Philemon Wokoma Nwankwo, Gershom Udochukwu (2020) who found out family
ties caused bullying. Study conducted by Dorcas Oluremi Fareoi & Hanis Kakaba Habila was
found that 33% of respondents admitted to being broken home one of the reasons for
bullying. The study, Philemon Wokoma Nwankwo, Gershom Udochukwu (2020) discovers
that type of family plays a role in this case of bullying. In their study found that bullying
behaviour is high for pupils who are from polygamous families rather than monogamy.

Effect of Bullying

There have been many researches done to gauge the effect of bully from various perspective
of human lives. Most of the researchers explained that bully can effect mental health, worsen
academic grades, causes change in behaviour and worse case lead to suicides (Jehangir Shah,
2016; Rukayya Malami Umar, 2017; Ersilia Menesini & Christina Salmivalli, 2017;
Tharishini, Abu Yazid Abu Bakar, 2021;Iyagba Philemon Wokoma, Nwankwo,Gershom
Udochukwu,2020; Dorcas Oluremi Fareoi & Hanis Kakaba Habila, 2018;Ema Waliyanti &
Farhah Kamilah, 2019).
According, Jehangir Shah (2016) this bullying affects the victims. In the study an
investigation to the causes and effects of bullying in secondary schools of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa (school name) researcher said this bullying had caused the victims does not
remain in good mood before and after school. In his studies, he also found that most pupils
leave school due to bullying. Therefore, in this study, respondents also acknowledged that
academic achievement decreased as a result of bullying. Researchers also found victims of
bullying were always in stress and depression. A study performed by Rukayya Malami Umar
(2017) found a similar result. In her study she found bullying had a mental impact even years
after bullying. This condition will cause the victim to suffer from depression especially when
the bullying has occurred over a long period of time.

Finding from another study on Bullying in schools: the state of knowledge and
effective interventions conducted by Ersilia Menesini& Christina Salmivalli (2017) found
that these bullying victims will experience a high depression compared to friends who are
not victims. Additionally, Tharishini , Abu Yazid Abu Bakar (2021) discover in A
systematic literature review on the effects of bullying at school that if this bullying extreme
victim is likely to suffer from depression.
Furthermore, there is much researching showing that bullying has led to a decline or
decline in academics. A study performed by Ersilia Menesini & Christina Salmivalli (2017)
said that this bullied teen missed more school and showed low achievement in academies..
Finding from another study which conducted by Jehangir Shah (2016) found that extreme
bullying victims leave school because of feeling uncomfortable with schools as well as low
academic achievement. In an A systematic literature review on the effects of bullying at
school Tharishini, Abu Yazid Abu Bakar (2021) found that bullying victims were unable to
concentrate in the classroom and were unable to complete the tasks given by the teacher and
this situation caused the scores of victims of bullying to decrease and increase stress. Not
only this but research by Iyagba Philemon Wokoma, Nwankwo, Gershom Udochukwu
(2020) in their study found that victims of this bullying mostly showed a decline in
academics, severe grades and these victims were likely to skip or drop out of school.
In addition to the problems of academic achievement, this bullying has also caused
victims to be unhappy, displaced, self-isolating and absent from school. The findings were
obtained from a study of Effects of Bullying on Learning Among Secondary School Students
in Mubi Educational Zone of Adamawa State, Nigeria studied by Dorcas Oluremi Fareoi &
Hanis Kakaba Habila (2018). A study performed by Ema Waliyanti & Farhah Kamilah
(2019) found similar result. In their study they found that teenager don't want to socialize
again with a friend after being bullied. A similar result found by Jehangir Shah (2016) in his
research. Researcher found bullied individuals isolate themselves from friends. In a
systematic literature review researcher found individuals who were bullied emotionally
effected and feared and the individuals concerned were isolated from people. (Tharishini
&Abu Yazid Abu Bakar, 2021).

Theoretical Framework

When discussing negative behaviours Sigmund fraud psychoanalysis theory plays an

important role. He noted that there are 3 parts which are id, ego and superego that often clash
opposite each other. This id refers to basic elements such as pleasure When an individual
wants to experience pleasure then this id will work. This id also causes pupils to engage in
bullying. Pupils make bullying to get self-pleasure. Next is an ego that refers to the element
that influences the individual. In this term individual understands the principles of society but
is still infringing. This is the same for cases of bullying where students understand bullying is
a painful act but they still do it. Superego, on the other hand, is an element that understands
the value of society. The individual who achieves this superego will abide by the rules. In the
case of bullying only id and ego play their part because bullies are bullying for pleasure and
they understand bullying will invite problems in his life.
The results of the interview found that respondents were aware of bullying among school
children. Researchers found that a handful of respondents knew bullying clearly and a
handful were not clear with bullying. Based on the analysis, researchers have identified 9
themes as displayed in the following figures:

cause of Frequency of
Location of bullying bullying bullying

effect of

of Bullying in
Teacher perspectives
bullying school

Students are
Strategy to overcome
APPENDIX idividual

The descriptions of each theme are as follows:

i) Definition of bullying
The majority of respondents said that bullying is divided into verbal bullying, physical
bullying, and online bullying. Bullying is also an act that will leave a lasting impression. All
respondents agreed bullying could happen anywhere, such as in schools, workplaces and so
on. Here's a view of respondents on the definition of bullying
P2 bullying divided in two. That is physical and verbal bullying. This
bullying leaves a lasting impression on the victims. As far as I know
bullying happens in a lot of places.
P1 It can be in verbal, physical and online. Verbal bullying is like name
calling which make a person angry, threatening, and abusive
language. Physical is like kicking, hitting, breaking victims’
things and pinching. Online bullying is like harming person
reputation through phones or social media platform. As I know
it’s happened in many places such as schools, office and so on.
From this statement it is evident that a handful of respondents knew clearly what bullying is
and some were not clear with the concept of bullying. According to the respondent's
statement, the respondents found that respondents were aware of the way each bullying was

ii) Location of bullying

Through this study, researchers found that bullying occurs in school environments such as in
classrooms, canteens, block ends, in toilets and hidden places that people do not pass through.
The following are the statements of respondents who support these findings:

P2 this bullying occurred in the absence of a teacher, during the

exchange of teachers, in the canteen, in the toilet and at the
end of the block where no one passed by.

P1 bullying happen when teacher not presence in class, at canteen,

and at the hidden places like behind the canteen.

iii) Students are involved.

Through this study, the researchers found that respondents saw pupils involved from two
angles namely bullies and victims of bullying. These bullies are strong individuals who do
not expect help from friends and rely on themselves while the victims of bullying are
physically weak, quiet, crying quick and also shorter than bullies. Below is an excerpt of a
response to this issue:

P2 From what I saw at the school this bully relied on their self,
didn't expect help from a friend

P2 bullying victim were quiet, quick to cry, physically weak

P1 They feel they are stronger person.

P1 most of the victim are weak in physical and shorter than

bully person. Some of the victim very quiet

iv) Frequency of bullying

Researchers found that the number of bullying cases occurring in schools was quite high and
surprising. All respondents admitted 10 -15 cases of bullying had occurred or had been
reported within a month. Although, the reported cases are mild but it has a lasting effect on
the victim. Here are snippets of respondents to prove the findings:
P2 Usually in a month about 8-10 cases will be reported to a
disciplinary teacher.

P1 According to the report around 10 -15 cases happened in my school

regarding bullying. Even weightage of case is very low risk but it
considers high risk for the victim.

v) Group/Individual
Researchers found that bullying was done individually and there was bullying done in a
group basis. Here are snippets of this issue:
P2 Most bullying is done individually. But I've investigated
bullying cases that done in groups.

P1 From the case that I investigate, most of the cases involved

by one person that means individually. Few cases related
with a group
vi) Bullying in school
After the interview the researchers found that the participants were aware of the bullying that
occurred at school. Participants were directly involved in solving bullying cases at the school.
Bullying that occurs in schools is like asking for money, damaging stationery, hitting in the
absence of a teacher, asking to do homework given by a teacher, mocking the name, and
kicking on purpose. Here are excerpts of this related issue:

P2 I do know about this. As a teacher I need to be aware

of what's going on at school. Many students have complained
to me that my friends are ridiculed, asking for money,
beating in the absence of a teacher in class, asking to do
homework that the teacher has given and damaged stationery.

P1 I’m aware about bullying in school. As a teacher

I have the responsible on my students. Most of the students
in my school did report to me regarding bully. They mentioned
that their peer calling their name which make them angry,
asking for money, kicking them simply, asked to
do school homework, and breaking their stationary things.

vii) Cause of bullying

From the interviews conducted with the respondents, researcher found that there are 4 factors
that cause pupils to engage in bullying in schools. Among the factors are the nature of
bullying, the nature of bullying victims, family and friends. Each of these factors is discussed
and summarized as follows:
a. Nature of bullies
Majority of respondents admitted the nature of bullies was the cause of bullying in
schools. This bully is an individual who thinks he's a great person who likes to show
self-esteem. Bullies also an individual who is jealous of his peers. They are
individuals who show superiority to friends and think other individuals should obey
them. Besides, this bullies also likes to control and rude to their members. Here is
evidence of findings relating to this issue:

P1 bully person is a person who want to show

superiority to others. They want other people to obey
them and mostly they like to control and rude
members at school.

P2 was jealous of the success of a friend in class. This kind of

students like to show their self-esteem. Because of this,
they feel themselves great and they enjoy bullying friends
and this is one of the causes of bullying at school

b. Nature of victim
The results of this interview showed the nature of the victim was also one of the
causes of her bullying at school. According to the respondents, the victims of bullying
were individuals who did not dare to speak out and were the only children or youngest
children in the house who were too pampered. Below are respondents' excerpts on this
P1 Some of the victim very quiet and won’t raise
their voice. Because of this character this bully
person take advantage and start to attack in a way
of teasing, asking money, pinching, pushing and so on

P2 Sometimes the victim's voice doesn't come out at all

and this victim is younger in family or only child.
When I looked at this quality, I felt bully target students
who had this kind of qualitie’s

c. Family
Family is an institution that helps in the formation of an individual's behavior. In this
institution parents play an important role. The study proved pupils were involved in
bullying caused by parents. This is because bullying parents are divorced parents and
parents who are unable to spend time with their children due to working until late at night
and they are also parents who do not care about their children. Moreover, the
communication between parents and children also not so good. There are also students
from troubled families. When bullies are aware of family problems, they take advantage
of bullying a friend at school without fear. Here's an excerpt of the response to this issue:
P1 students who involve in this bully case are
from broken families, incomplete families
such as single parents. Moreover, some report
to me that their communication with their parents
were closed and not an open talk. They are not
very well attached to their parents

P2 I found out that, the parents of the students were

divorced, some worked until late at night until there
was no time to observe their kids. In addition, some
parents of students do not even care about their children
even when they are at home. Once they realize
parents not bother about them they start to bullying
friends at school without any fear.

d. Peers
The results of this study prove that peers influence pupils to engage in bullying.
Pupils who engage with the influence of this friend do not think about the
consequences of engaging in bullying cases. For them a friend told them so they
followed their tune. They are also willing to do anything for their peers. Because of
following the beat of their peers they think bullying is something that should be done.
Following are snippets of this issue:
P1 When investigate this case I notice in that group
smart student also involved. When ask why join
with them that boy told my friend ask me to join.
From that I got to know peer pressure is one of the
causes of bullying happened among students.
They want behave in the same way as their peers so
they think bullying is normal think.

P2 The thing that surprised me was that one of the

student in this group was a good student who had no
disciplinary case. When I investigated this case,
I asked how you could ask for money from a little boy,
the student said that he was following a friend's beat and
they were willing to do anything for a friend.

viii) Effect of bullying

This study shows that bullying against pupils in schools has an impact. The resulting effect of
the interviews was self-isolation, and declining academic performance. Each of these effects
is discussed and summarized as follows.
a. Isolate
The victim of bullying was unable to hang out with a friend at school after suffering
bullying. The victim was also isolated and happy with this situation. This bullying has
caused victims to resent with good friends in class or rest time. In addition, this
bullying has also led to changes in the behavior of victims and more fear. Here's a
snippet of the respondents:
P1 Once bullied this victim isolate them self
from others. They do not want mix with other
students in class or during break time. They will
try lot to keep themselves hide from others.
They remain happy to restrict themselves from others

P2 After the counselling session that student attended the

school as usual but his behavior was not as original but
changed and more fear. The students began to isolate his self and
liked to sit alone and did not want to hang out with good friends

b. Academic performance

The results of the interview have made it clear that bullying had an impact on
academic on victims of bullying rather than bullies. Through this study, researchers
found that the academic performance of bullies at the beginning was not very good
compared to the victims of bullying whose academic performance was good and
declining after the incidence of bullying. After the bullying incident, the victim did
not want to attend school. Despite being present they were unable to concentrate in
the lessons and kept thinking about the incident. A student can only focus in a calm
and peaceful environment. But this incident has left them constantly in a stressful and
fearful state. When the atmosphere does not support them automatically victims of
bullying cannot concentrate in education, and performance decreases in class as well
as in education. Here are excerpts on this issue:
P2 In an easy way the results of this bully early
on were quite bad at my school but the academic
performance of the victims worries me. Because
these students don't want go to school due
to bullying so automatically their performance
in the classroom is drop. Even if they attend classes,
they are always in a state of anxiety and fear.
This situation left them unable to concentrate
in class and performance continued to deteriorate.
P1 from my opinion this bully academically not
good since beginning. They less concentrate in
class and their grade very low. But victim academic
effect more after bullying. Once victim faced bullying
in their life they begin to refuse to go to school.
They always in fear and tension. Students can learn
well in peaceful atmosphere but tense create no room
for peace. They always think about bullying that
they faced previously. Once no room for peace
concentration level drop and their result drop badly
IX) Strategy to overcome
Through this study, researchers found that the measures to overcome bullying among pupils
not only depend on teachers, but also parents, schools and the mass media. The school can
cooperate with NGOs and have a talk’s on bullying that could make pupils aware of the
impact of bullying if the bullying continues. Parents cannot pursue wealth only but should
concentrate on their children and children peers to avoid bullying. Parents are role models on
children. Therefore, they should show a good behavior that their child can exemplified. Here
are excerpts on this issue:
P1 schools can work together with NGO and
do some talk about effect of bullying. Through
this talk can create awareness among students.
In addition, parents need to observe their kids
and their friend to avoid bullying in school
and not only looking money. Parents are role model
for kid’s so they should be a good example to
prevent this bullying. That’s all

P2 far to prevent this bullying all the group like

school, NGO, social media and parents have
to work together.
 The sample of this study included 2 teachers from primary school
 There are 3 types of bullying known by teachers which is physical bullying, verbal
bullying and online bullying.
 researchers found that bullying will have a lasting effect. This result consistent with
prior research Tharshini & Abu Yazid (2021) who said bullying is serious issue which
have long terms effect on the victim of bully.
 In terms of the location of bullying, the findings of this study are in line with the
findings of Agze Ozada Nazim, Veli Duyan (2019), who said teachers admit bullying
often occurs in classrooms, corridor which are no one pass through, toilets, and
 In relation to the pupils involved, findings show that bully is an individual who shows
self -esteem, which does not rely on friends and jealous of his peer's success.
 In term of self -factor the study found these bullies were individuals who liked to give
order to friends, individuals who liked to show superiority to friends while victims
were pampered child and individuals who were afraid to communicate.
 In terms of family background, the results of the study showed that bullies from
broken families, there are parents who do not have time to communicate due to
working until late night, and there are incomplete families due to divorce.
 Moreover, researcher found communication with parents was not so good also cause
of bullying.
 Influence of friends is also the cause of bullying. The study showed pupils followed a
friend's beat and wanted to behave in the same way as their peers.
 The study showed victims of bullying were isolate their self and their academy
performance decreased as a result of bullying at school.
 In addition, self-isolation is also one of the effects of bullying faced by pupils. The
findings show that bullying victims do not want to hang out with friends after a
bullying incident, and these victims are isolated and fearful.
 Overall, this study proves the findings of the study similar to those of other
researchers who have done research on bullying.
 The findings can be utilized by the school and parents in providing information
regarding school bullying and can provide effective counselling to the students.
 Helpful by creating awareness among teachers and community about different causes
of bullying.
 Each district should issue a questionnaire on bullying to headmasters to monitor
bullying rates in schools
 Teachers encouraged to communicate with parents or guardians if any student do not
have friends at school, as it is possible that particular students experiencing bullying
in schools
 Schools should ensure peers club are active so students who are experiencing
problem can meet up friends in that club and discuss with them or teachers.

 In conclusion, bullying can occur in both children and adults which can have long-
lasting effects.
 Therefore, these measures will help to reduce bullying rates in schools. If it fails to
overcome then bullying will affect bullying, victims of bullying and even the country.

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